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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Yohann,

    I do not compare Japan to Thailand or Viët Nam , I do not compare Las Vegas to Bombay neither. Anyway, if you want to emigrate to Japan, you'll have to show you'll be able financially, as well as Thailand is proceeding.

    I do not quite understand why you refer to " really rich tourists" at all, they won't discuss paying unfair prices, they don't care.

    If you earn your salary in Japan and come to live some time in Thailand, then even from average level you'll become rich. That's it, that's magic. If you are from medium class in Thailand and spend some time in Japan, you'll be classified poor.

    This is a case of "enrichment without cause". ( I'm not sure this is understandable.. sorry for my English).

    You say "if Thailand wants to catch up with the advanced developed countries they have to abolish such *customs*" - this is a vast question to discuss, interesting, but quite open ...

  2. Taxexile,

    I agree, this is not the point.

    Tourists are invited to come to spend money. As long as they do, they are welcome. And Thailand's Art of living makes you feel you would like to live there.

    It's everyone's dream to find the place to settle you feel at home.

    Double pricing makes you feel you are not, and that is what is disappointing and it is unfair. This makes no matter of discussion among persons coming from the same part of the world.

    I started with " maybe they see it this way"... and guess they would see it another way if even non rich persons form LOS where able to travel and go around the world as easy as westeners, even not rich, lets'say even more students, do since decades now.

    For a concrete example .. I rent a motorbike from the same person since years, he always tell me he gives me thai price or even better because I'm a regular customer, almost what he would call a "friendship price". His motorbike are old but I would never go to another place, I feel I would betray this relation.

    He started to buy bigger motorbikes to earn more money and asked me how much , we in our country would have to pay for it and how much would be ok for him to ask for. Figure yourself in the same position and try to answer... Then of course he had to fix a price in case thai custmers would ask for...

    Discussing with him, he said: "in your country, even if you do not work, you get money.. you get paid during vacation time..." even if I explain him that house rental takes 1/3 part of salary , taxes even more , and so on ... our standard of living appears like privileged. And is. His dream is to go to Myanmar to see U-Bein bridge, he says he can not afford to realise it.

    I think things would be different if thai people could travel as easy as we do instead of seeing just tourists coming to their country and spend money, sometimes without consideration ( why bargain for 100 baht when you can afford a hotel at 1500 TB rate per night and stay for a month..) .. as I said , that is the way they perceive it. This , at individual scale.

    Government policy concerning tourism and how to take advantage from money coming from abroad is of no equivalent cynism , or politically correct : pragmatic.

    As long as you choose to live in a country that is not yours , you'll always have something to pay in return , call it discrimination. And that's anywhere, whatever the means. Dual pricing is the most evident.

  3. I do not agree with double pricing, and hope this is clear for everyone.

    My intention is to try to consider things from "their" point of view:

    - everyone is poor compared to a richer person.

    - everyone is rich compared to a poorer.

    For these countries, the only fact of being a tourist assimilates you to a wealthy person . When bargaining prices, you'll have the opportunity to appreciate how rich they think you are wether they take you for an american a swiss , a german, or "just a french". Same scale for different asian countries.

    Equal treatment regarding pricing , as well as fixed prices, are not traditional at all.

    Bargaining is traditional for them. Tourism imported "fixed prices", dual pricing is a compensation.

    Making profit as high as possible and fixing prices at psychologic purchase level are pure capitalism fundaments. Dealing with tourists is a business.

    If you talk about the equation [same level of service , same good = same price ], then I would suggest you to check how much your neighbour (even of same nationality) sitting on the same row on a plane did pay for his airfair ticket... there are so many reasons to explain this fact ... but the result remains.

    Ok, what we all dislike is "ethnical preference" as a protectionism measure ( land ownership laws i.e... ) , what THEY dislike is the idea of being easily "invaded" by foreigners just because their standards of living give them ability to pay .

    As far as I know, Japan, rich country, does not make it so easy to welcome immigrants...

    Why do so many foreigners think about retiring in LOS or elsewhere in a poorer country... maybe also because they think they have a chance keeping the same standard of living or even a better one ?

    All debates concerning fairness are biased as long as you do not consider points of view of both parts, it is a matter of balance.

  4. Maybe they see it this way ...

    If you make your living in western countries and come to Thaïland, then your income allows you 5 x more expenses than in your own country... is this fair ?

    When you are a foreigner and apply for a job , and get a higher salary just because you come from the States or UK, or Europe, is this fair ?

    On the other hand, take a look on the salaries filipinos or immigrants get in our countries compared to what a national would get, is it fair ?

  5. Maybe people who don't look forward to take profit from you and keep amical regular relations with you belong to the comfortable affect support everyone needs in everyday life. As far , I do not think it's possible to call this "friendship". Out of childhood times or teens ages friendship does not come so easy, and friendship being a reciprocity link, I'd ask you if you, personnally consider yourself as a friend for these thai persons you mentioned , and to which extend ? I'm not talking of limitations due to different backgrounds but about elective relationships based on shared human values, not just hobbies.

    Sorry if I'm not clear,

  6. Hello !

    Someone recommanded this site on a french forum.

    I spent 2 weeks reading before joining.

    I think thaivisa.com suffers no comparison at all, it is the only one like this, thanks to the very special combination of mixed personnalities and subjects you, members, achieved. I prefer not to figure out how much attention admins and moderators have to invest constantly, anyway, as far as I can notice, the job is done with heart.

  7. Addicted to what mnrmp's defined in his own words :

    "If the "Enough" concept is Thai, it is really a great gift to me. It has nothing to do with settling for less, it is acknowledging that a half-glass of water is Enough. I am even learning to accept a rice bowl filled only half-way, before it had to be brimming full."

    Topic -> mnrmp's post

  8. Do you think you have no opinion worth posting?

    Are you afraid your opinion will generate "strong" reactions (the purpose of any forum,...) and you have difficulty accepting criticism?

    You can read but you can not write?

    Anything else,...?


    I'm used to other forums where everyone feels free to post anything about any subject, common opinions you would just hear or say in any bar after working time or on a chat.

    Since I've found this forum I'm pleased reading both serious pertinent answers and questions and opinions based on experience instead of believes, thanks : I've already learnt a lot. At the moment that's what I'm looking for.

    As you can read, I'm not fluent in English and therefore cautious not to post irrelevant messages. Discovering a forum is like travelling, starting with observation, trying not to spoil the landscape, taking more than giving ..

    I don't think my opinion is worth posting by itself, but only among others If I have a different point of view due to my position: strange for me to be a newbie here ... in my real life I'm an admin/moderator :o

  9. I leave around 20 bahts in small restaurants if food is OK and staff efficient. If it is a place I go to regularly, I tip only 1 day upon 2.

    As a turist , I also tip the maid who cleans the room, not everyday, but at mid-stay and only once, especially if she is not young and does the job properly, amount depending on how long the stay. At the end I would say I tip the same way in any country, taking care the amount is not an offense ( too much or not enough) for both the donnor and the receiver, not a reflexe or an obligation in any case.

    Sorry for my English.

  10. Bonjour !

    Maybe would it be easier to find the appropriate translation on the basis of full phrases instead of isolated words ?

    Because, as said in the previous posts :

    "Cult Art" becomes in french: "Art culte". But, put it this way this would mean in french that this specific art is held by for emblematic ( i.e : "Easy driver" est un film culte).

    " L'art du culte" has a different signification and refers to the way or style of practicing a cult (or religion).

    "Culture design" becomes in french : Culture-design ( all you have to know about design ) and this kind of contraction is borrowed from English.

    "Sparkling crystal" becomes "cristal étincelant " ( with an "i" ) but has no particuliar marketing-appeal.

  11. Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum !

    I once had thai food at Will Wait ( Lamai) and did'nt liked it. Reading your posts I understand there is a logical reason : special farang receipe at farang price.

    Anyway ..since that day I never took anything else at Will Wait than tuna pizzas or chicken curry pies. Besides, having TV programs going on constantly without asking for it is not a compensation. As I understand double pricing is a way of running business - for all kinds of transactions in Samui and probably in any touristic area of S.E.A, so next time I'll ask for Thai receipe at farang price.

    In my opinion, we (farangs) , should pay more attention to quality and be a little bit less focused on prices.

    Sorry for my poor English ( I'm french) and I'll try to improve it.

    I would like to know the meaning of "LOS" - is it an abreviation ? What does it stand for exactly ? BKK ? Thailand ?

    And may I ask you if "Soon Monsoon" sounds correct to you ?

    Thank you for your help !


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