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Posts posted by Opl

  1. MantisMan,

    I commute everyday by train to get to my work ( not in Thailand)

    I admit I have to choose where to seat, littering is often left behind, it's disgusting.

    One day, I gave tissues to a guy sitting sniffing on the opposite seat in front of me, who quite naturally, threw them one by one by through the window after use.

    After a while, I could not help to tell him " don't litter this way" , he answered " there is no bin, what else do I do?", I replied " keep them in your pocket until you find one" - he stared at me: " that is disgusting !".

  2. Kangawallafox

    you're right. your customer's fidelity has not been rewarded and these people are just happy to make some more profit. When you support a shop tenant you want to feel satisfied when paying.

    I hope you still wave hello and smile passing by the coffee shop, on the way to have your daily coffee elsewhere - one way and return!

    • Like 2
  3. This age gap according to many psychological studies is ideal- these studies stipulate that a man should half his age and add 7 years for the optimum aged partner.

    Looks like I should be trading my wife in for something younger

    62 divide by 2 plus 7 = 38. Mine's 18 yrs too old

    So... when you are a 47 woman , according to these studies the best for you is a man in his 80's..


  4. Samuibruno, I just strongly wish your neighbour will sooner or later have to pay the bill he deserves in return.

    He could have faced the situation and tell you what his plans really were. This would'nt have changed the fact that your seaview is spoiled, but this way of ignoring conséquences on others denies him any further consideration.

    Now I hope a good architect will be able to help you find a solution to adapt your villas and why not meet new guests needs, and save your business, for your place looks very lovely.

  5. I find more and more people drive the same way they play video games (not only in Samui or in Thailand) , trying to make it the fastest, the shortest, to escape other drivers.

    In your turn you have to guess what others might do that is not in the code, and somehow manage to move smarter to avoid collisions with people who will ignore you even if you are on their way.

  6. Carmine, I was in Samui last month, and checked the exchange rates quite often for my personal needs, and confirm that the exchange currency point I mentioned previously, was usually higher - than BB, KR.. etc.. , by around 0.3 to 0.10 TB.

    I also noticed that all " Better rate" points do not give the same exchange rate - it dépends on which bank they are close to, and on the level of competition in the area : lower rate in Lamai than in Chaweng, for instance

    Now maybe is it different today..

  7. Some parts of north Chaweng beach have a nice quality of white sand beach.... only the seashore is not everywhere adequate for swimming, it's a pity.... but the hôtels have great swimming pools.

    If you choose a hotel I would suggest you to check the beach also

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