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  1. Or Uncle! Look for family resemblance and if they're isn't any think again. 5555
  2. What a load of rubbish. Dad is working those puppet strings flat out to ensure the country will move ahead. 5555 Thai democracy at its best.
  3. I'm sure you have in-depth interesting conversations with your Bolt mates when you venture to their hangout. I'm sure they're really great conversationalists and happy drunks like you obviously are. Tom
  4. Did a 30 extension last week up here in E-sarn last week. No TM 30 required and in 40 years of coming to Thailand I've done a TM 30.
  5. Over 40 years in this wonderful country I've read and heard about lots of money being stolen by bank staff. With the current drastic state of the economy and so many Thais in debt to banks and loan sharks don't trust the banks in this country. Thai Government has said and repeats every year they'll glamp down on loan sharks. If they were serious it would be easy. Pick up the business cards thrown out every nite by loan sharks all over town, track the mobile number and arrest them! Second thoughts sorrow realised they're mostly run by law enforcers and people in high places. Extremly dangerous people who often resort to violence to get money back.
  6. These people are shop or business owners and this kind of abuse happens frequently in this country. The poor nearly always get scamed with offers of good salaries only to get money held back for any number of fake made up reasons at the end of the month. This kind of abuse is alive and (sadly ) still going and has been since I arrived in Thailand 1975.
  7. It's not about being negative, it's about the reality of living in Thailand. All the relatives and friends will be circling like vultures. Thais find in it extremely difficult to say no when they're asked by family or friends for a loan. They know they probably won't get it back as well. Hope a brother or family member isn't building the house as that would be another story. Cheers Tom
  8. If you've been here for awhile you don't have to ask just take a look and it's obvious.
  9. Don't understand why tourists would get a visa at all if they're here visiting. Such a rigmarole to get a plain old tourist visa why bother? 30 days and extend another 30 if they're travelling for an extended holiday.
  10. Up here in E-sarn it happens a lot. Thais will just walk to the front and put their stuff on the counter in front of mine. I politely pass their stuff back to them and and tell them to get to the back of the queue in Thai. The look on their face is priceless. 5555
  11. Why get a visa? Enter visa exempt for 30 days and extend for another 30. Hop across a land border crossing get another 30 days and extend for another 30 days. Job done. Easy peasy. The Thai Government are extremly busy spouting off about how good the tourism numbers are ( as usual it's all BS ) on one hand and making the visas more difficult to get all around world. Thai logic and common sense. 5555 If you've lived here awhile ya know they've got none of that common sense and logic some Farangs have when they arrive in the land of smiles only do see it dissapear when they meet up with the love of their life.
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