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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. I have been visiting and now living in Pattaya for the last 20 years. I have seen positive changes in the policing standards, but unfortunately they seem to have been outpaced by the sheer number of those who would dishonestly take things from others. Civility and respect for others seems to be overshadowed in an attempt to make as much money as quickly as possible regardless of the method.

    I see a time where the negatives outnumber the positive reasons to come to Pattaya/Thailand and tourists will fly to another venue across the borders to the East or West. The "Cash Cow" will ultimately seek greener pastures if it feels it may be next on the menu.

    I agree that the standards of Policing has definitely risen. I have been visiting for 25+ years.

    But there is a massive increase in anti social , opportunistic criminal behaviour.

    Also Rim , I am sorry it is hard to believe the credibility of this story .

    There is NO POINTING Pic......................Tch Tch


  2. Complete stupidity on part of the driver! Should have never happened in a million years there is no excuse or defense for this kind of accident. When pulling anything behind a boat you kill the motor at the first sigh of any trouble. Probably won't be any repercussions from city hall as the Indian consulate usually does not represent their nationals well. If this was a Chinese or Korean you would have seen the Mayor at the hospital already.

    The Indian Consulate is based in Chiang Mai, so this would be dealt with by the Embassy and not the Consulate.

    Furthermore, I disagree with your statement, as the report in the Pattaya Daily News states that the Indian Embassy has said that they will take over all the costs to take them back to India.

    I doubt that most Western Embassies would make this offer for their own citizens.

    The British Embassy for instance offer very little in the way of support for its subjects, they don’t even Issue passports or visas any more.

    More support than the Aussie & Americans as well I might add


  3. Holy Cow Rim.

    That 'Pointing' is a minus .-8

    Only because of the obvious idiocy of the whole scene

    We are on the road looking at Cold cases at the moment in the South West of USA & I gotta say that looking on Thai Visa today blew me away with all the violence.

    I am usually one of the " It happens everywhere else " brigade BUT I am starting to wonder about the number of Violent Incidents per head of population in Pattaya.

    I missed my normal stay this year but may get over in January for a few weeks.

    Very 'Pointed' the acts of Assaults ,Robberies, shootings, knifings lately.in Pattaya from what I can glean from reports.

    I wonder how the 'Tourist Friendly' theme is going ??


  4. At the end of the day , no matter where you are , to be sitting around in an inebriated state at 4.30 am on a Beach alone you are a Victim waiting for the opportunist.

    Common sense seems to get left at the Immigration counter on arrival with many .

    An observation

    Ooops. ....................Sorry Rim the 'Point' standard is getting better


  5. The cops got them didn't they. Police don't sentence only apprehend & present the case to the Judge/Court for their disposal.

    I have arrested people over the years that had far more than 40 'incidents' on their 'sleeve' .

    Don't forget we also have the "Multiple Point" pics so it is obviously bad.

    Seriously though Teenagers at 19 & 22. That statement even I cannot fathom.

    "Males armed with timber " would be more apt , "attacked & allegedly killed a defenceless senior citizen over 70 years of age."

    Arrested by Police who were concerned that reporting of the incident would harm Pattayas Tourism Image..................HELLO !...............TOO LATE for THAT


  6. OMG people trying to sell goods & services to Tourists in a Tourist area.

    This is beyond the pale . I must mention this in Las Vegas , Big Sur , Monaco , Centrum in Amsterdam , Frankfurt , Pisa , etc on our trip starting in 3 weeks , I am sure the Police in all these areas would be overjoyed at those sort of Duties.

    "Mai Kap " has always served me well in Pattaya for decades as has "Tidak" in Malaysia & Indonesia

    Oh well I needed a laugh to-day. I would hate to think that hawkers in Tourist Towns would stress me out so much that I would need Police to arrest them.

    The only time I experience true anger at street idiots is in Pattaya during Songkran , so I make a point of NOT being there. at that time. So Easy .

    OOoops ! almost forgot......Hey Rim where the heck is the 'POINT PIC' ? this is Big Time Crime Pard. !!


  7. 'Admonish" boy that's going to shake them up.

    No 'Point' Rim . What's going on ?

    "Sorry I have to refuse this Bribe as it could lead to me being Admonished & I couldn't handle that type of punishment"

    Yep ! this is going to make it all go away & combine that with the multiple "Crackdowns' & the declaration that there is 'NO MAFIA' Pattaya will become the safest Tourist Destination in all of the ASEAN Countries.

    I am Sooooooooooooo excited.


  8. I was looking for the 'Pointing' pic to rate. When Lo & Behold we have a brotherly 'Cuddle' pic. Hhhmmmmmm ??

    What the heck is that ??

    Best wishes to the Victim , by the way it was the Tourist not the Chap being hugged .

    NOT a good look , but I guess this incident & the beating to death of another must have 'slipped' through the 'CRACKDOWN' to make Pattaya Tourist Safe.

    Violence seems to be increasing dramatically & the Full Tourist Season is still to come.


  9. The last lot of people I would ask for any help is the Australian Embassy in any Country. I speak from a family members first hand experience some time ago in England.

    Also point out that it was the Australian Embassy that notified the Indonesian Police in Bali that had 9 Aussies grabbed as they left Bali with heroin knowing that it meant the execution of them as a probable sentence.

    I despise these 'Dealers in Death' BUT the Australian edict is that a Country that has execution as the penalty will not receive their offenders.

    By the way the info was that good they could have just scooped them off the Plane as it landed in Sydney. Now it is claimed 'a mistake'

    BUT , they have spent Time , Effort & Money to help Chapelle Corby in a Bali Jail a Convicted Drug Dealer ,because of the publicity she had generated. The Australian Embassies are totally Inconsistent , which makes them next to useless to Australians.

    I M O


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