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Posts posted by HagenvonTronje

  1. :)

    Anyway, I don't follow your logic. The ties between the two countries are irrelevant to the idea of the topic -- to compare and contrast the similarities and differences of their respective political crises.

    Ohh, I didn't know that your idea of the topic to compare would exclude to have also a look how the two objects of your study act to and view each other. and that it is not logic to add some details, collect some information, some facts that maybe should be considered, before coming to some conclusion and make some statements. And I added this information to some dispute if there is something common between the people of the same socio-economic groups of both countries.

    What it seems to be is that both countries know each other well. Intercultural and interreligious exchange without asking Uncle Sam & Uncle Tom for permission or that you even had noticed. Doesn’t fits in your concept that the internationally considered as NUTTERspost_snapback.gif of Tehran holding a "Cultural Week" in Bangkok to celebrate 30th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution’s victory and holding also some seminars at the Thammasat University. Doing business without the help of the liberator and crusader, talking about sufficiency without western values.

    Maybe you wouldn't had a problem with it if I had posted something more dated material, the Iran and Thailand under Thaksin or so, you could keep your internationally considered as NUTTERpost_snapback.gif argument, right? Didn't you came up in the past with some Obama and Mark M16 parallels?

    The logic? - a short list and collection of some stereotypes, prejudices and fatuitous conclusion from a narrow-minded viewpoint, determined by US-centric bias.

    There is not any big revolutionary situations in both countries, there are just infights (okay, in case of Iran maybe partly instigated by an outside force), that’s all. Nobody here or there really question the system, not a historic times of change or the advent of something new that never been there before.

    I also do not think that there has been any major change in power in the US of A., recently. Still the same, to claim anything else is exaggerating and hyperbole. oddly but particular in this case a trait of whiteness. do-gooder fully convinced of themselves that they do-better, delusional beliefs in superiority. What you can do only America can do, “something not really possible in Iran or Thailand.“post_snapback.gif

    Now that animal triste

    can be fight off, ever up-to-date on the twitter channels you can feel with some other change team. The media creates for them some live feed they can believe in.

    If you want, you can find some parallels between stock characters of the past and the now. Looks little bit like a repeat in history. All around to what happen in Iran of the 1950s, there is the Persian fairytale that turned to a tragic love story, Princess Soraya .most loved by the yellow press and glossy mags and their readers.

    2009 needs much more action, fast cuts, new channels, short cuts, abbreviation to keep the high pace, consumer of nowadays media are used too. This time a much more tragic story of an Iranian woman. Her last seconds brought her internet fame and a Nachleben as an icon and symbol for somewhat we will never know if she was part off.

    The idea of the topic was to provide yourself some emotional vent, you had the urge to talk something and did it without much clue or knowledge on the subject. Sometimes is that 'Just do it' a good way to choose.

    Your argumentation on this issue lacks, surprisingly, your usual choice of words when it comes to the so red shirt protest. Your typical vocabulary would include SCUM post_snapback.gif, red violent thugs post_snapback.gif, crazy RED SHIRT anarchists post_snapback.gif, revolution attempt by a wanted fugitive post_snapback.gif and so on. And your support that peoples protests get cracked down by the military. But with the new propaganda direction in favour of a ''green revolution' it's difficult to keep ranting about peoples protests in Bangkok. And claims that the Leader of that “change to new hope/where is my vote” movement is responsible for executions of ten thousands of people, get just simply ignored or qualified by our American Friend. Nothing to worry, Jingthing says, mass murderer or not, the message is important, more dangerous is in contrast the cult of personality that surrounded Obama, Abhisit rrm Thaksinpost_snapback.gif.

    Ahhh, quick checking that words with the searchengine I found one other of your US-centric rants. To smear Ortega after he gave your hate object Thaksin as much as possible you mentioned also that Nicaragua is close to Iran. After someone said that isn’t much to worried about you got in full propaganda mood "Iran is a fundamentalist Islamic state where gay people are murdered, where women are oppressed, where the president denies the holocaust and threatens the stability of the entire middle east (not only Israel) with their nuke program and is a specific threat to Israel which it intends to wipe off the map (their words) for their hoped for second holocaust. And Ortega is close with Iran. As is Chavez. Got it now? post_snapback.gif

    So I guess you must have got a heart attack after reading that these evil Mullahs of Iran holding seminars at Thammasat and Thailand gestures of friendships towards Iran as well, and that all under Abhisit.

    To make one clear thing clear, i have nothing against your Obama, I just doubt there will be any significant change in US foreign politics, and i also didn't comment much about US foreign policy. Assume that Obama is really much better than Bush, in domestic policies maybe, that would not affect any foreign country so much. Nor can the US American expect that foreign Nations follow that much this odd leadership cult , and election that awards the winner of a competition who blows up more balloon on travelling political funfairs. If you like it, enjoy it, but don't demand that i am get excited about.

    Anyway being an Obama supporter doesn’t gives you some kind of magic blessing that puts you above suspicion to be act and think in the same pattern like a right wing redneck.

  2. Disabled oppose online lottery

    By: Bangkok Post.com

    Published: 24/06/2009

    Disabled people gathered in front of the Democrat Party's headquarters on Wednesday to oppose the plan for online sales of lottery tickets, saying it could put many of them out of a job.

    The group's leader Sayont Aotngarm said the online lottery project would affect lottery sellers, many of whom were disabled people with little prospect of finding other work. The government, while forging ahead with the scheme, was not doing anything to provide them with alternative employment. Mr Sayont said the blind and the physically disabled cannot apply for other jobs, and the project meant they would become a burden on society.

    The Democrats were scheduled to discuss the online lottery scheme in the afternoon.

    Last week, Deputy Finance Minister Pradit Phataraprasit, who supervises the Government Lottery Office, approved the project to install public lottery vending machines and forwarded the plan to Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanit, a Democrat, for final approval before it goes to cabinet.

    ... continue here


    -- Bangkok Post 24/06/2009

  3. What ever happened to blind trusts?

    I'll note, of the 44, 28 were PTP weren't they?

    No wonder that petitioned to change the law.

    The suggestion to amend the law is no wonder but would be some wise solution and is nothing fishy.

    In addition, you get the numbers wrong. Not sure where you get that from but okay, there are confliction reports on the overall figure and it got also mixed up with the cases of the senators, who are sitting in a different house and are not members of any political party.

    However, was seems to be clear that it concerns 28 MP that are democrats.

    There are much higher figurers than 44 around and also PTP cases, there are also 6 members of the cabinet mentioned, but that are maybe coalition partners. That seems to be related to complaints files by notorious litigious Ruangkrai Leekitwattana. He files complaints against everybody, he was also suing the Revenue Department for NOT tax him in some inheritance matter.

    Same as for the 28 Dems, that all are at the moment only allegations so far. And the suggested constitutional amendment makes some sense.

    Just having some shares of a company that makes also business with state enterprises does not makes the holding MP to a corrupt politician. Before he becomes corrupt, a few further steps and misuse of influence and abuse of his position have to be happen to make it to a corruption scandal. To prevent such an abuse control mechanism are necessary, of course. The simple solution to forbid any possession of stakes and shares doesn't match with reality and especially if that also included spouses, children and maybe other relatives of the politician in question. If you go share shopping or build up a portfolio it isn't so easy to avoid some 'hot' stake that maybe contain nuts. In addition, that sleepy share that you bought some 15 years ago can be today a .5 share of a company that had developed to some other business model without that you as the .5 shareholder did take so much notice of it. To be save it would be the best for a MP or Senator not to have any possessions and better also no relatives. But politicians rarely come that way and if they are probably nuts or unqualified for other reasons. Exceptions possible but not a whole bunch of them that can fill the parliament.

    A hypothetical example, if the politician is sitting in a commission for issues on the education reform and also all his other work as MP is mostly related to this it doesn't make him to a corrupt MP or Senator if his daughter for some odd reasons gets hold of some small stock of a company that selling light bulbs to the state railway company. Calling him corrupt or even raise that suspicions some more evidence should be there, like his spouse is the owner of the company that is the sole contractor to print all schoolbooks.

    That 'flaw' of the constitution was noted by more than a few commentators and that it could lead to ongoing law suits that could prevent any political work and/or also give the judiciary to much power. To seek there some amendments is a sign of common sense and not that of a greedy person.

    The constitution also says that “No person holding a political position shall be the owner of, or hold shares in, newspaper, radio or television broadcasting or telecommunication business, irrespective of whether he so commits in his name, or through his proxy or nominee, or by other direct or indirect means which enable him to administer such business as if he is the owner of, or hold shares in, such business.” Chapter III, Part 7, Section 48.iconexternallink.jpg

    That leaves me with some question concerning the new party of the PAD movement, a movement that is nearly solely build around a Television channel. A constitutional amendment to allow shareholding in media business would also prevent the PAD party from some unfunny surprises in the future.

    Nevertheless, having said all that, I would also have a good laugh if they kick out all the 28 Democrat MP and the cabinet members as well. In this legislative period, until the next election, should all MP met with the same rules. Rules that send you home for cooking some food on a Television show.

  4. Lets see which ones go kicking and screaming :)

    exPM Somchai Wongsawat had to face similar accusations - 'owning shares in a company that are state concessionaires'. but as we know - met his 'fate' for other reasons. not that big crime in my opinion and maybe hard to avoid if you hold any portfolio, that there isn't maybe some company includes does make also business with state enterprises. the writer of the constitution maybe had a good idea to prevent corruption, but that looks sometimes also impractical in reality. you don't get a parliament full of wise men of the diogenes type without any worldly possessions.

    The Bangkok Post hat not much about the cases reported and also The Nation could have more details or at least some approach of explanation what that actually mean, instead of letting us alone with that must read headline. i wouldn't be surprise if the outcome here is much less dramatic and without much kickings.

    anyway, if you go to the advanced forum search and use +Somchai +Loxinfo as search terms will that brings up the old 'news' on the Somchai case and also some funny drama comments by the usual suspects, that haven't been seen so for in this new case, new thread with their insight knowledge on the overall corruption. this thread would be an example - New Thai Prime Minister Faces Investigation, but with the search engine are more to find.

  5. Finance Ministry: Rejection on oil tax decree by the Senate won’t deter its revenue collection

    BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) – The Finance Ministry has recently informed the extraordinary committee to oversee the draft of government’s 2010 fiscal expenditure budget bill that the rejection on oil tax decree by the Senate on 22 June 2009 would not affect its estimation on revenue collection this year.

    The committee met executives from the ministry today and looked into the proposed budget. The meeting also stressed the government’s problems in collecting revenue in the past months.

    The Finance Ministry informed the committee that its first phase of economic stimulus plans yielded satisfactory results, and it helped shore up the faultering economy and also stave off an aggressive recession.

    Despite being disappointed as the oil tax decree had failed to pass the Senate’s deliberation, the ministry is determined to collect revenue as projected. If it fails to collect the revenue as planned, the ministry will levy more from other state enterprises, which gain high incomes each year.

    The ministry further reported that to disburse its treasury reserves to finance the government’s various stimulus projects would be the last resort.


    -- NNT 24 June 2009

    article here

  6. Well, that's interesting, but this topic really has nothing to do with trade relations between Iran and Thailand ...

    why not? wouldn't it make sense to have a look at the bilateral relationship if you are searching for parallels between both countries?

    or gain knowledge about the fact that recently some 30 Thai Muslim and non-Muslim elites have been awarded for their cultural activities and support for the islamic revolution in Iran? and other things that worked ou without your New Jersey viewpoint and definition if both countries are "real democracies" or not. that they track back their relations to old cultural ties many centuries ago ( a concept that is maybe foreign to a new jersey socialized) cultural roots much older than the new world and based on other concepts than the european enlightenment.

  7. Suvarnabhumi Airport 3rd place on Skytrax best airport dining list

    BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) - Suvarnabhumi International Airport is placed 3rd best in the category of world's best airport dining by the annual Skytrax awards.

    Suvarnabhumi Airport Director Serirat Prasutanont announced that Thailand's largest international airport received the 3rd ranking in the category of world's best airport dining behind Hong Kong Airport in Hong Kong and Changi Airport in Singapore, according to a worldwide poll by Skytrax. The poll was concluded in May with over 8.6 million individuals casting their votes on 190 airports.

    Mr Serirat attributed the honor of world's best airport dining to cooperation with the King Power group of companies under the "Clean Food Good Taste" project which seeks to improve Suvarnabhumi's dining in all aspects including their aesthetic quality. The airport director noted that he has received sentiments of great contentment from travelers using the airport.


    -- NNT 24 June 2009

    article here

  8. Jobless people in April soars by 49.7% from last year

    BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) – Kasikorn Research Center (KResearch) reveals jobless people in April has soared by 49.7 per cent from the same period of last year.

    According to the employment survey of the National Statistic Office (NSO), the jobless rate in April had increased as expected to 2.1 per cent from 1.9 per cent in February and March, because of the impact from global economic crisis and the domestic political turmoil starting at the end of March and continued in April.

    KResearch considered that the jobless figure would still worsen further from domestic political problem and the number of new graduates flooding the market, including the risk of Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak and the global economic slowdown.

    However the global economy has reflected a positive sign since March, but the negative news from the labor market has been continuously reported, therefore the recovery may be very fragile. Meanwhile the Thai economy may recover, especially in the production sector, which is related to export such as electronic component, computer and equipment. However the recovery has not covered all sectors, which is reflected from the low production capacity at 57.7% in the first four months of the year decreasing from 67.7% last year. Therefore the excessive production capacity remained.


    -- NNT 24 June 2009

    article here

  9. Deputy PM denies asking Peau Thai Party to join Govt

    BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) – Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thuagsuban denies approaching Peau Thai Party to join coalition government, saying it is impossible.

    Deputy Prime Minister in charge of security affair Mr.Suthep Thuagsuban said he never had talk with the Peau Thai Member of Parliament (MP) Mr.Padermchai Sa-somsap to woo the Peau Thai Party to join the government in the next election. He stressed that the idea was far-fetched and would not be materialized, at least while he remained Democrat's Secretary-General.

    As for a report that the former Chart Thai Party Leader, Mr.Banharn Silpa-archa had warned coalition members to stop pressuring the Democrat party for fear of untimely dissolving the parliament, Mr Suthep said that Mr Banharn had such a long experience in Thai politics and everyone should listen to him.

    However,Mr.Suthep denied that he had discussed with the other coalition parties on constitutional amendments, saying that the issue was not in his responsibilities.


    -- NNT 24 June 2009

    article here

  10. What has photo of Chalerm sons with Thaksin and their deserved jail sentences got to do with Pongsak and Sakhon Nakhon?

    If he meant Animatic, fine, but he explicitly used MY name.

    that is a good question. what does that photo here anyway?

    to trigger some emontional BLAH comments, not more. BLAH like your "jail sentences deserved by offspring of Chalerm (and Thaksin) - ...a common knowledge" comment, that you can't substantiate.

    scooby do - in in my version. an attempt to add some sureal line as well. and if we are going kindergarten to have at least something cute.

    it isn't that A. , he is just the A. and never will be anything else.

  11. I reckon the poor farmer in Iran and Thailand have a lot in common!

    By all means, please elaborate. This has gotta be good ...

    As does the Bangkok yuppie with the Tehran yuppie.

    Yeah, that ol' TV sure has been full of Bangkok yuppies getting "wood shampoos" from the police this week.


    Social-Cultural News

    Promotion of Thai Food and Hospitality in Iran

    The Royal Thai Embassy in Tehran participated in the Iran Food and Hospitality Fair 2009, held at the Tehran International Permanent Fairground on 24-27 May 2009. Thailand was one of the few countries taking part in the Fair which had their own national pavilions.

    22 มิถุนายน 2552 11:40:22

    The Embassy showcased a variety of Thai foods for approximately 400 Iranians to sample each day, such as barbecued chicken Thai-style, Thai sticky rice, green curry with chicken, Thai spicy salad, curried fish cakes, deep fried sea bass with sweet chili sauce, pumpkin in coconut cream, mixed fruit jelly, sweet sticky rice in coconut cream, and grounded soybean in egg yolk. This event was in line with the national policy to promote Thai cuisine all over the world. At present, there is only one Thai restaurant all over Iran, and the sampling of Thai foods at the Fair will definitely help Iranians become more aware of how delicious Thai cuisine is.

    The Embassy also demonstrated fruit and vegetable carving which reflects part of Thailand’s rich and unique culture. Leaflets in English and in Farsi about tourist attractions in Thailand were disseminated, and DVDs on Thai tourism and hospitality shown.

    Around 100,000 Iranians are expected to visit Thailand this year, an increase from 86,000 last year and 60,000 in 2007.



    Iran’s Cultural Week in Thailand

    Iran’s Cultural Week will be held in Thailand as part of programs to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution’s victory.

    According to a report by Public Relations Department of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, the event will be attended by the head of the organization, Mehdi Mostafavi, which is being organized in cooperation with Iran’s Cultural Office in Thailand and Thammasat University, IRNA reported.

    Programs, including exhibitions of handicrafts, photos, books and posters and screening of Iranian films and the performance of a religious hymn by a Thai Muslim group, will be implemented during the week.

    A one-day seminar on commonalities between Islam and Buddhism as well as Iran-Thailand ties is also on the agenda.

    Articles on historical ties between Iran and Thailand will also be presented during the event.

    A seminar themed “Achievements of Islamic Revolution“ is another program to be held in Thammasat University on February 8.

    Some 30 Thai Muslim and non-Muslim elites, who played a crucial role in cultural activities and supported the Islamic Revolution, will be awarded during the week.


    Iran, Thailand Promote Tourism

    Tehran, Jan. 21, 2009: Thailand ambassador to Tehran, Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, says his country is ready to expand ties with Iran in tourism, cultural and agricultural spheres.

    Kittichaisaree made the remarks in a meeting with Tehran Times and Mehr News Agency director Parviz Esmaeili on Tuesday.

    He said Iran-Thailand ties are 400 years old. For example, he said, a person named Sheikh Ahmad Qomi had emigrated from Qom to Thailand who later became prime minister.

    Kittichaisaree added the Qomi family is well-known in Thailand. He said a statue of Sheikh Ahmad Qomi is going to be built in Qom to signify cultural affinities between the two nations.

    The ambassador said Sheikh Ahmad Qomi represents a concrete example of cultural ties between the two Asian countries.

    He also said Thailand is the second most important destination for Iranian tourists after the United Arab Emirates.

    Every year about 86, 000 Iranian tourists visit Thailand 38 percent of whom are constant visitors to the country, he noted.


    a short overview on the relationship between the both countries (business too) can be found at the webpage of the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (thai language only)


  12. combined jail sentences deserved by offspring of Chalerm (and Thaksin)

    ... a common knowledge, ...

    facts instead of emotion please. stick with facts.

    that by-election happen because Mr Pongsak was accused by the EC of breaking the election law by making defamatory remarks about the Puea Pandin Party during his campaign..iconexternallink.jpg for that he got red-carded.

  13. The offspring emerge with all the money in the world, and all the education that that money can buy, but with not an ounce of common sense between them...

    Comparing to who? Graduates from UK government schools? Are we, non-UK posters, supposed to believe that UK elite schools are inferior to their government schools?

    What about Oxford degrees? Do those have any value in the UK? 'cos they do in the rest of the world.



  14. PM blames poor rating on infighting

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Tuesday that news of the coalition's infighting and suspected irregularities could be blamed for the government's poor performance in the latest survey on its popularity.

    However, he also defended his government, saying there are some matters that require more time to be completed and some new projects that the administration has yet to start, while waiting for funds in the new fiscal year.

    A survey by Bangkok University about public satisfaction on the government's performance over the past six months found the Abhisit administration received an average score of 4.06 out of 10. The survey was conducted among 1,337 eligible voters in Bangkok from June 16 to 18.


    -- The Nation June 23, 2009

    article here

  15. Sodsri threatens to publicise MPs who refuse to testify in share cases

    Published on June 24, 2009

    Sodsri Sattayatham, a member of the Election Commission, Wednesday threatened to name MPs who refused to testify to the EC over allegations that they hold shares in firms which have received concessions from the government.

    Sodsir said a sub-committee of the EC had summoned the MPs to testify but many refused to cooperate.

    She said the panel had 15 more days to hear explanations of the MPs.

    If they refuse to testify, the EC would announce their names, she said.


    -- The Nation June 24, 2009

    article here

  16. No I am not but as far as I know is that I see at least 3 people in one picture considered to be criminals.Yet none of them have served 1 day in jail.

    Actually 4 if you consider that Mr. Happy Toilet (raising his hand to speak) held down the policeman while his older brother Duang (next to him) shot him in the head.

    for sure? please provide a link to a reliable source that proves exactly that what you have said.

    and what is the crime of the others and how many years in jail they exactly got?

  17. So a wife of a guy caught for buying votes wins an election

    I did not say she paid for the votes, I haven't seen any complains about vote buying this time, and if her husband was disqualified for something else rather than buying votes, it has nothing to do with the current case.



    you still get the difference between true and false?

    your statement that that her 'husband got caught with vote buying' is false. and you didn't said the truth. you get it wrong. same as your statement that 'you never said anything about vote buying' - it's false.

    can we hear some "little "sorry, my mistake".? some "Try to display some manners if you want to be taken seriously and not as some internet troll."post_snapback.gif

    i don't see where catmac is trolling here, it's more just you alone and scooby do.

    and yeah, another false and untrue of your statements - in that Constituency there wasn't in the last 10 years any election with a 90% yes vote for a single candidate. so your 1/3 didn't vote for the PTP candidate is actually a indicator for nothing but your bizarre and silly logic.

  18. Again, to Thaksin self-serving parasites who cynically seek opportunity in a Thailand demise- ^^ there is this 'little thing called a global economic crisis which may have 'conveniently' eluded some (on the payroll;)...

    Global Crisis Hits Expats' Spending, Savings - Survey

    LONDON - Expatriates in over 50 countries around the world have had to alter their spending and saving habits owing to the global credit crisis, a survey from HSBC Bank International showed Wednesday.

    Now in its second year, the Expat survey shows that those who now live and work in the U.S., Thailand and South Africa are the most affected by the economic difficulties while those living in the U.S. and U.K. are more likely to be considering returning to their countries of origin.

    "As the world continues to undergo a significant economic shift, we are seeing some interesting patterns amongst the expat population, particularly in the changes to their spending habits," said Paul Say, head of marketing and communications for HSBC Bank International.

    - Dow Jones Newswires / 2009-06-23


    how is the weather in Beijing today? sunshine or rain?

    and will Abhisit on his way to success anyhow be worried about some expats in Pietermaritzburg or OnNut who run out of money for next schnapps?

  19. Thai lese-majeste trial shut "for national security"


    -- Reuters 2009-06-23

    for the ones that want to read a little bit different and more detailed version of this Reuters article, where critics came to word and also Da Torpedo herself, i recommend to read the Reuters article on it's source. You will get more information than from the SJ version.


    Link to article deleted, as not all mentioned is appropriate to discuss on Thaivisa. The post by SRJ ommited indeed some information, but this was clearly done to confirm with Thaivisa's policy regarding the monarchy. The role of the monarchy will not be discussed. mario2008


    PM seeks review of ban

    By Piyanart Srivalo,

    Atthayut Butrsripoom

    The Nation

    Published on June 24, 2009

    Council of State urged to look into Article 177 of Constitution

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday assigned the Council of State to review the constitutional ban on Cabinet members voting in the House because of a possible conflict of interest, a source said.

    Concern has been mounting that many coalition MPs could face legal problems involving their shareholdings.

    During the weekly Cabinet meeting, Abhisit instructed the government's legal advisory arm to study Article 177, the source said.

    The clause prohibits Cabinet members who are MPs from voting in the House on "a matter connected with the holding of office, the performance of duties or the possession of any interest in such matter".

    The Election Commission last week resolved to ask the Constitution Court to disqualify 16 senators for owning shares in media businesses or companies with state concessions.

    More than 70 MPs are suspected of violating the asset rules in the same way as the senators. As many of them are coalition MPs, Abhisit is worried about the coalition's slim majority, the source said.

    The EC postponed for 15 days its deliberation on the cases involving 44 MPs, including six Cabinet members, secretary-general Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn said.

    It also decided to give to its committee investigating 28 MPs from the ruling Democrat Party in a separate case of violating shareholding rules more time to gather information before completing its probe, he said.

    The panel has asked for information from 306 companies with shares held by those MPs and 234 of them have responded, he said, adding that the MPs would also be allowed more time to explain their investments.

    Suthiphon dismissed allegations that the EC had an ulterior motive, saying the EC had been petitioned to probe the MPs and that it did not initiate the investigation by itself.

    Of the 44 MPs, 23 are from the Pheu Thai Party, eight from Puea Pandin, three each from Chart Thai Pattana, Pracharaj and Bhum Jai Thai, two from Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana, and one each from the Democrat and Social Action parties.

    Interior Minister Chaovarat Chanweerakul, the Bhum Jai Thai leader, said he was worried that the issue might rock the government, but expressed optimism that the coalition still has enough votes to push government legislation through the House.

    "But during the voting, coalition MPs may need to suppress the call of Nature," he quipped.

    Theptai Senapong, spokesman for the Democrat Party leader, said the party was preparing to defend its MPs in court, as it would be a grave concern if as many as 28 party MPs fell into legal trouble.

    However, Abhisit was not overly concerned about the matter, he said.

    The party would contest by-elections for any disqualified constituency MPs, and for any disqualified party-list MPs, the next persons on the list would replace them.

    The cases would not threaten the government's stability as the House was now in recess and new MPs would be in place before the beginning of the next parliamentary session in August, he said.

    The opposition Pheu Thai Party complained that the EC did not provide sufficient time for the MPs to defend themselves.

    MP Sunai Jullapongsathorn said some of them were informed in writing by the EC to testify about their stocks but some were later told they no longer were allowed to do so as the EC was about to make its ruling soon.


    -- The Nation June 24, 2009

  21. How can dear old Plus and Animatic keep on with their hoary old mantra of "They weren't elected - they bought their votes!" if you start giving the facts?

    I said no such thing.

    This is the second time you deride people for things they haven't said, without even a little "sorry, my mistake".

    Try to display some manners if you want to be taken seriously and not as some internet troll.

    mhm, for me looks that you had said it. or isn't the comment below, Post #18 in this thread, about vote buying? and also some rhetoric remark what that day could mean for 'democracy'?

    So a wife of a guy caught for buying votes wins an election, and Thaksin makes personal phone calls - what a day for democracy indeed!


  22. ... parasites ...

    ... and alcohol ban 'schemes' etc, etc, all started under Mr Thaksin's various 'regimes'. ...Parasites ...

    MOPH launches no-drinking campaign for Buddhist Lent Day

    BANGKOK, 23 June 2009 (NNT) - The Ministry of Public Health has launched a no-drinking campaign ahead of Buddhist Lent Day after a report indicated an increase in alcohol production.

    On the occasion of the upcoming Buddhist Lent Day on July 8, Deputy Public Health Minister Manit Nopamornbodi today held a press conference to officially open an anti-alcohol project in collaboration with the Naval Finance Department. The deputy minister said the project will be promoted throughout the country.

    Following a report on an increase in alcohol production to over 303 million liters from last year’s 223 million liters, Mr Manit expressed his concern over the information. He assured that the matter will be proposed to a meeting for preparation of preventive measures against alcohol-related accidents, to be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban at the Government House on June 25.


    -- NNT 23 June 2009

    article here

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