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Posts posted by scratt

  1. The People's Alliance for Democracy insists it will continue its airport occupation and other protests until Somchai resigns. It also has rejected the general's proposal for elections, pushing instead for the appointment of a temporary government.

    I didn't hear anything about the PAD rejecting fresh elections....

    In any case Khun Anupong has been admirable in trying to resist calls for a coup, but now it is time for him to do so.

    He is a steadfast and trustworthy man to take over at this point, and infinitely superior to the current corrupt regime.

    Also, can people please stop saying that PAD want power. They do not. They want free and fair elections, and a government free of corruption. They have voluntarily disbanded once, and will do it again.

  2. They have many valid reasons to protest. That is their right to do without breaking any laws. It is not unreasonable for people to engage in a prolonged campaign within the law. Where I used to live in Washington, D.C. there were many protests against the government. This is their right. Not once did any of them think it was reasonable to take over government buildings and seige the airports. Taking over the government house and the airport is unreasonable and can not be tolerated by any government. If the country gives into this kind of civil disobedience it sets a bad precedence and is bad for the country.

    Except that when a government continunes to break the law with impunity itself, then extraordinary measures are called for.

  3. Hmmm OK so whats the answer, I was due to leve Thailand on a Singapore airlines flight tomorrow. I have had no contact from anyone telling me what to do? The only information is from here and the tv NEWS. How do I get back home and whos responsability is it?

    Short answer. It's your responsibility. And you won't be flying tomorrow. Spend a few more days at the beach.

    Singapore were one of the first airlines to cancel flights. Have you called them? I suspect they are one of the most organized airlines at the moment in terms of clarity of information and a plan... So talk to them. Try a Sing number if the Thai one is busy.

  4. Most of the people in this thread, and both the Government and the PAD need their heads knocking together.

    This will continue until *after* the PM returns. Then it will stop.

    The only other possible outcome is bloodshed in the airport, which will close it through the weekend.

    Other than that it will be business as usual next week, and certainly by next weekend.

    Some of you need to stop winding each other up, and perhaps spend less time in bars drinking and fantasizing.

  5. Jakrapob revealed that the visa cancellation of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife by the United Kingdom was sought by a former Thai foreign minister who promised to protect the interest of the UK in Phuket in exchange for the visa revocation in order to humiliate Thaksin.


    Yup. That's how we roll in the UK.

    And of course with our huge regional interests on that tiny island we simply could not turn up the opportunity of a single man defending our interests there...


    Jakrapob has clearly shown how blinkered and introverted his view of the world is if he truly said this.

    The UK is not like Thailand. We don't make policy based on cash backhanders....... :o

  6. While this is bad news for Thailand it is also bad news for expats, because we all know where the extra money that is required is going to start coming from.. Anyone want to guess the minimum taxation levels for next year?

    What also is quite ironic and frankly amusing is that wasn't it last week that the (places tongue in cheek) most excellent and skillful Thai Banking sector was boasting that Thailand would 'not feel the effects of the global economic slowdown', because of their 'extensive experience in this field' based on the last 15 years or so and the Asian crisis of the 90's....

    Which is yet another reason why I don't trust, or use Thai banks for anything other than getting money in and out of the country. Idiots!

  7. The true Baht to $$ value is actually 29 point something...

    The 33 rate is totally made up by the BOT to bring money into the country with an attractive exchange rate, and sting you on the way out by raking it all back, and taxing people who make money here by an extra 10% if they ever try to repatriate.

  8. I would go down the slide with the kids , just for their safety.

    *cough* That's your story and you're sticking to it! *cough* 'Erm, what exactly were you going to do if the ride collapsed!??! Turn into Superman!?!?!

    But seriously, all these people that say they saw this ride and for some time have 'known' it was an accident waiting to happen.. What did YOU do about it then?

    It's all very well blaming the kind of selfish idiot who runs or owns these places, and moaning about the government which also doesn't really give two hoots... But what have any of you done to try and solve this problem?

  9. As people have said this will be largely ignored / worked around.

    Also if you plan your weekend, and alcohol purchasing it will not affect you.

    However, I do think it is patronizing and stupid to have these bans around election time. I bet the government officials will be having alcohol over these weekends.

    And in a country where they have a system for foreigners to pay 400% more to get into national parks, why could they not have a system where foreigners can buy alcohol if they are not eligible to vote. And the 400 or so that are currently residing in Thailand and can vote would not make any difference to the outcome even if they did get pissed and cross out the wrong box on the ballot paper.

    At then end of the day if you live in any country you should respect it's laws. That does not mean you have to agree with them though. And this law is just plain arse.

  10. Has any one had an XBox 360 with the Three RRoD fixed in Thailand?

    Microsoft seem not to honour any warranties here. Go figure, what a truly sh***y company they are.

    I know how to fix the RRoD, but it is quite time consuming and involves buying quite a lot of hard to find bits and pieces.

    So I was wondering if any of our wonderful Thai friends had a stall at Pantip or anywhere where they do the job for you...

    Any help appreciated.



  11. Hi all,

    Bit of an unusual one this.... If an admin wants to delete this, that's fine... but I am hoping for some genuine help on this one off occasion.

    My web sites were taken down by my hosting company today in violation of their own ToS.

    We are a reputable company with over 10 years online serving a global community.

    They are supposed to give some kind of warning about any violation we make and give us time to respond. In this case they have taken all of our sites down because of one .gif on one page out of over 20,000.

    That .gif was on one site out of 20, but they have taken them all down, including email, FTP and www.

    They now have adverts running on all of our home pages earning them ad revenue. Ironically we actually have permission to use the gif. It also links directly to the company who's logo it is, and we recommend that company. And yet they continue to ignore international calls, ticket response and live chat pleas to get us back online so we can a: comply b: continue trading.

    We are a Pro Customer and have been with them for over 3 years! I am at my wits end...

    So far I have been able to get nowhere and am waiting for legal processes to take their course. i.e. My lawyers draft letters..

    But I am based in Thailand, and they are in the US so think that I am just going to go away.

    My problem is they have put me out of business with one unfair click of a mouse button and I need to resolve this now.

    Please Digg this story to help put pressure on them.



    And sorry for the sort of spammy post.

  12. iPhone firmware 1.1.1 has been officially hacked, free as in free beer:

    <a href="http://www.iphoneatlas.com/2007/10/10/offi...e-tiff-exploit/" target="_blank">http://www.iphoneatlas.com/2007/10/10/offi...e-tiff-exploit/</a>

    So the MBK dealers will be able to continue to sell unlocked phones :o

    Not quite.. but they can downgrade the 1.1.1 phones to 1.0.2, and then back up again.. But reports of this being hard and unreliable are surfacing.. Also you cannot rescue previously bricked phones *yet*. Give it a week and they'll be on top of all of that.

    I got my iPhone at MBK this weekend.. Well my Wife bought it for me.

    They have a massive stock still. In fact every stall has iPhone boxes on it on flour 4.

    You also get a screen protector and a case cover thrown in free, as well as loads of software and music on the phone.

    It's an amazing piece of kit..

    On the way home we used Google maps and the faux GPS software to watch our progress home in the cab. It even picked up a few Wifi networks from the cab and switched to those, but on AIS GPRS it ran the maps fine too... Fantastic fun.

  13. anyone seen the cect 168 ifone and tried it?seems like a worthwhile alternative


    The thing is, if you think it's a worthwhile alternative you are missing the point of owning an iPhone entirely.

    But you may be happy in your own little world.

    Sure, if you want people to *think* you have the real thing when looking from a distance then fine.

    And if that is the only thing you care about, go get one..

    But the whole point about the iPhone is the software. You don't get that unless you buy an iPhone.

  14. anyone recently switch from TOT adsl to TRUE? Is it worth the time and trouble? i have TRUE TV and mobile phone...but TOT phone line. anyone?

    Why would anyone want to go to True?

    I spent this last year getting rid of their mobiles from my home, and then ditching the joke that is UBC.

    Next step to change internet provider....

    I now have excellent international TV for a fraction of the price True charge, and with more channels and in better quality.

    Also now my mobile bill makes sense, I actually have coverage all over the country (and at home!!) and I am not constantly being scammed by billing problems.

    My advice to you is steer well clear of True for as much as you can.

    Unfortunately I have not found a better internet service than True in my area, and consequently accept them as the best of a bad lot.

    If True were not blocking the upgrades at our local exchange for a certain other internet provider I would be changing.

  15. Trying to avoid a trek to the center of BKK today...

    Does anyone know of a place in Nonthaburi that sells Rizzla, or other cigarette papers? Have a grumpy family member today and trying to save them a trek...

    Any help appreciated. Thanks.

  16. I have systematically removed True from my house over the last 12 months.

    It started by getting rid of their crappy mobile phone service, with no signal, and dodgy charging practices.

    Then with the debacle over ESPN and Star Sports I went to JSat for my tv viewing. Which is awesome, btw.

    True are still trying to bill me every month, and have yet to return my deposit for the set-top box, which is why I have sent their guys away every time they have tried to come round to pick up their dish and box.

    Today I got my internet bill, which I pay online each month, and just noticed they are now slapping a charge on online payments as well... My understanding of charges in shops and banks, when you pay a bill, is that it is a service charge for the time it takes them to do this for you. Whilst we all know it's simply a scam to make more money, like 'commission' on inter-region withdrawals and transfers, I can write it off as a charge for the banks time..

    These sorts of charges are from the dark ages, and in the UK have all but been stamped out.

    What I find particularly galling is that I am using an internet connection I pay for to pay a bill via a bank that I pay for internet banking with, and am now getting charged commission on that also!

    Anyone else think this is another corporate rip-off and profiteering racket in the LOS?

  17. I am curious... Do any of you seriously believe that the authorities have the know how to access your computers remotely?

    In short they can only do that by making your machine a 'zombie' just like the hackers and spammers do. Thus game keeper becomes poacher. It simply won't happen. Nor do they have the resources, manpower, or technical skill to do it. And none of you are important enough to warrant that kind of attention. Heck, true can't even keep their network running properly.. Do you really think they will manage to keep accurate logs for all of their customers and be able to turn them over to the authorities on demand!?? Not a chance.

    Simple solutions for those who are paranoid. Ditch Windoze. Go to OS X or Linux.

    Or keep your windoze machine and learn how to protect it properly. And don't do any of the things considered socially unacceptable on the web. Then you'll be as safe as you ever are in any country where you can be arrested without warning, and without evidence for any charge whether computer related or otherwise.

    If you don't like the above paragraph then perhaps you need to think about what you are doing in Thailand!! Any law is open to abuse, any system can be corrupted and applied with different standards based on your financial and racial status. Anyone who drives a car here knows that.

  18. The JSat guys are here with me this afternoon.. So I'll be asking lots of questions..

    Ironically (and I almost put my tin foil hat on when it happened) UBC called me the moment the JSat guys walked in... to... get this.... chase me for payment of my next years subscription.... which I then pointed out to them did not run out for another month because I get 13 months for paying for a full year upfront....

    After *arguing with me about it* they admitted I was right and that I don't owe them any money.

    Boy did that guy regret calling me! I passed on that I think that a lot of customers will be leaving them this weekend, and wished them good luck with their chicken and pig farms in future..

  19. I went to the Truevisions office and asked the most scenior looking guy there, and he said the primary reason for True to buy the rights was that they can then offer it as Pay-per-View to subscribers on cheaper monthly plans. Previously it was either 'pay a lot and get ESPN/Star that has most worthwhile games' or 'get nothing'. Next year people could go for a cheapo subscription and just pay per view for the games they want to see.

    I realize that is what they say, but then the first few championship boxing matches this year were available to those with platinum packages, but now it is Pay Per View (PPV) only. This seems to be their strategy and it won't be long before the important soccer matches are available only on PPV as well.

    This fits perfectly with their modus operandi so far..

    Platinum was introduced with a few new channels that would have gone to Gold. That way they could price gauge the old Gold subscribers when they renew. I have resisted that on principal, despite wanting BBC World etc. At the same time picture quality dropped as they strained their crappy bandwidth.

    Now they are systematically replacing any expensive channels with cheap 'copy' true channels. So MTV has gone, for example.

    At the same time they renumber the channels every few months to hide what they are doing almost!

    Now we will see more PPV for soccer etc. and most likely F1 go altogether. At the same time you are paying a premium for channels you should get in your package, still with advertising no doubt, and you miss anything which is not eligable / profitable enough for PPV.

    The writing is on the wall. UBC are finished as far as I am concerned.

    When will Thai companies realize that if you charge Western prices you must supply Western service. You can't just smile and divvy up rubbish. It does not work that way!

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