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Posts posted by Richard4849

  1. Correct: no chance of immigration black list based on a civil matter. If your lady has a warrant out for her arrest on a matter of a criminal nature -- or she is out on bail awaiting trial -- different story altogether.

    How sure are you that she is being completely open with you about her situation?

  2. ---They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.---

    You would expect most people had at least heard of Canada though, which is why was actually previously discussed, not being able to locate it on a map, and why are constantly referring to te battle of Britain? No one except for you keeps bringing that up.

    ---Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.----

    Well that's merely your opinion, but lets assume for a moment it's true. It's probably because they are so clueless about western culture that they are so 'bowled over' that we are so knowledgeable about theirs. Which really goes back to the original point about westerners being more knowedgable about world geography than Asians. In fact it would probably be fair to say that many Japanese know more about the Battle of Britain (since you keep bringing it up) than the true extent of their own involvement of WW2 since it has been omitted from their own history books :-)

    "We" are NOT so knowledgeable about theirs.

    We're talking about the AVERAGE American, Brit, or Aussie -- not the members of this forum, who by definition have a special interest in Asia, most of us having lived here for an extensive length of time or visited repeatedly.

    Go into an average bar in an average city in Peoria, Newcastle, or Alice and see how much the average customer knows about Asia. I don't think the result will be any less humorous than asking an average Thai in an average town about the West.

  3. I don't think they do, actually. If you speak to a Chinese or Japanese person knowledgeably about their history, they are more likely to be surprised and delighted by what you know, rather than expect it.

    You missed the point again. I am not talking about your knowledge of their history (its not all about you Richard) but whether they have an inflated or distorted view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world the same way you claim white westerners do.

    I got your point and you missed mine.

    They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.

    Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.

    Clearer now?

    You mention Asians but I think this thread is about Thailand. What parts of their history and geography do the majority of Thais know about?

    I think they are just as clear on the history and geography of their own country as a similarly-educated American, Brit, or Aussie is about theirs.

  4. I don't think they do, actually. If you speak to a Chinese or Japanese person knowledgeably about their history, they are more likely to be surprised and delighted by what you know, rather than expect it.

    You missed the point again. I am not talking about your knowledge of their history (its not all about you Richard) but whether they have an inflated or distorted view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world the same way you claim white westerners do.

    I got your point and you missed mine.

    They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.

    Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.

    Clearer now?

  5. Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

    Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

    Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

    Can you point out Burkina Faso on a map? Or name all the Thai or Chinese or Japanese dynasties in order?

    Or know much about what goes on in Togo, Suriname, or Bashkortastan?

    White Westerners tend to have a vastly inflated view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world.

  6. Common? I guess that depends on your definition. And your definition of "attack"...like do you discount cases where the victim was more or less asking for it? Picking drunken fights with locals, initiating road rage incidents, getting involved with illegal vice industries, picking up street walkers, hitting on someone else's wife or girlfriend, or generally making themselves a target?

  7. They did their dye diligence to stay legal? So they had a corporate entity reporting income and paying tax on it? Work permits for the farangs? Provident fund and social security for the employees? Do I have that right?

    They operate a UK company, and pay both VAT and Corporation Tax. There were no Farangs employed at the Thailand end of the operation, I don't know about provident fund and social security. What I do know is that it was contributing several million to the Thai staff and Thai service providers (electricity, telecommunications etc) annually, and thus contributing to the net income of the country.

    I think this tells us all we need to know about the great lengths your buddies went to to set up a legal business in Thailand.

  8. America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

    But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

    How do I explain this to her

    Hawaii is a Volcanic Island

    Most of the sand was shipped in from Australia and California

    For real?

  9. Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

    Yes, fair point. How much do we, as westerners know about Asian history. The Opium Wars, The Rape of Nanjing, the long and hard won independence struggle of the Indonesians against the Dutch, Portugese, French and the English?

    Probably more than the Thais.

    Depends on what kind of Thais you're hanging out with, don't you think? There are a lot of very highly educated Thais, in case you were not aware.

  10. my thai wife the mother of my two sons who have both thai and american passports was required to travel to bkk for an interview she was then given a 10yr visa, sure wish i could get that from thailand even if i had to got to 6 interviews but hey as long as i have money in the bank they allow me 12 months :whistling:

    I think you misunderstand what a 10-year visa is. It does not allow you to come in and stay for ten years. The amount of time you are allowed is determined by the officer at the port of entry. It is often six months, but could be three months, one month, or a week.

    And you can't just make a border run to Canada or Mexico and come back in and get another six months. In fact, if you tried to do that you would probably be denied entry and have your visa cancelled.

    You might get away with six months per year, but even that would be pushing it.

    So be careful what you wish for if you're thinking how great it would be for Thailand to adopt US tourist visa practices.

  11. Once again police investigation time gets wasted on non-violent crime,

    instead of focusing on all the violent crimes that are killing people ,

    all over Thailand!

    But those headlines are only exploited by the press & police,

    when they get lucky and the criminals make big mistakes , un-educated types & get caught !

    I wonder , is it corruption ? when everyone seems to be doing it ! or the norm?B)

    Nominee for dumb post of the day. Police should only follow up on violent crimes and ignore things like drug smuggling, burglary, fraud, gun-running, embezzlement, vandalism, arson, forest encroachment, contamination of the environment, pick-pocketing, etc. etc.

  12. Oz treats Thai visa applicants pretty much exactly the same way that the US does. She doesn't seem to mind living in a country that treat her countrymen and women as bargirls/boys, but gets huffy when she desires to go to the US? By this token, her entire world is going to be pretty much limited to ASEAN.

  13. Good post, it would make perfect sense to introduce a visa like this.

    Unfortunately this would be far too logical tor the Thai government to even consider. Why solve a problem with ease when you can do it the hard way. It's not the Thai way of doing things.

    The Thai's don't have a problem to solve, why should they change anything.

    That's right. The people that have a problem are those who do not qualify for a full time visa You know the ones? The ones who think they have a God given right to live in Thailand and if they can't it is because the Thais are racist and xenophobic. The ones who expect Thailand to throw open its doors in a way few other countries in the world would do. Try living as a long term tourist for a few years in USA, Europe, Australia. Even closer to home, those who would qualify for Malaysia's MM2H would qualify in Thailand - the rest tough luck.

    Sorry. Its a hard world, but if you want to live here you must respect the local people; their laws and customs. Thais do not have to bend to suit farang; it is the other way round.

    The only people I feel sorry for are those genuinely married to a Thai, perhaps with a family. They need some relief before there is talk of a new visa.

    Those people are well taken care of.

    And, despite their claims, my research to date has failed to identify and US, UK, or EU tourist visas that allow young, financially independent individuals to come and go as they please, as many times as they want, and stay for as kong as they want.

    How unfair that Thailand doesn't provide such a thing!

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