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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. 12 hours ago, robblok said:

    What an idiot, bit strange the pharmacist does not want to report the problem or at least doest not make an effort.

    Nothing strange at all. He was obviously selling him something illegal so doesn't want him caught. He stated he doesn't remember what he sold him and then doesn't turn up at the police station. The police in turn visit him to find he's having a day off. ????

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  2. On 6/23/2020 at 2:37 PM, tifino said:

    Bought one of these 'repeller' Kits back in the late 80s. image.jpeg.7ebda975153f26b2b2f709242201055d.jpeg  - 

     It ultrasonically 'replies' to any noisy 'bitza' 


     - only 'limitation' is if the mutt is deaf 

    (noting the device does Not harm the dogs ears)




    I bought a similar device to this in the UK and although it does not stop my neighbours dogs barking completely it has reduced it by about 75% - it takes about 2 weeks to train the dogs. The nearer the device to the barking dogs then the more effective it is. As the dogs bark the device emits an ultrasonic sound only audible to dogs, although my kids say they can hear a faint sound. The sound does no harm to the dogs as it only gets their attention which stops them barking - a bit like a teacher blowing a whistle loudly in the playground when the kids are playing noisily.

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  3. On 4/10/2020 at 6:23 PM, EricTh said:

    It's amazing that Thailand was the first country outside China who was infected but the numbers are still very low.

    It all depends on how a country records deaths. In the UK everyone who is infected has this mentioned on their death certificate even if they died of something totally unrelated. The Covid 19 disease is spread by infected droplets of water expelled by an infected person. In a climate that is very humid these invisible droplets quickly hit other water droplets and fall to the ground. The virus spreads more easily in dry arid climate plus people who live in cooler climates spend more time inside and live closer together.

    You do though have to wonder why Thailand is taking such severe steps when their infection rate is supposedly low.

  4. 11 hours ago, jimmjam said:

    Lets not forget, these viruses mutate aswell. This covid virus has already mutated 8 times already i believe.

    So it will probably end up having a name change eventually as it is not in its original form.

    You are correct. All viruses mutate but it is the most dangerous mutations that don't survive because they kill their host and therefore do not infect further hosts. It is the less dangerous mutations that are more successful as they continue to infect other hosts without killing. This is the basis of herd immunity but unfortunately many hosts have to die before this is achieved.

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  5. 19 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:
    20 hours ago, saengd said:

    It seems from what I've read that the previous virus was a much milder strain and that we've now acquired the Italian version, I think this may be a whole new ball game.


    This new "Italian" strain, has been identified by who exactly ?? 

    There are indeed at least two strains but neither is worse than the other.


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  6. 9 hours ago, Peterw42 said:
    9 hours ago, colinneil said:

    So the health ministry said a second person has die from the virus.

    Anybody who believes its only 2 is deluding themselves.

    Who is the health minister..................... Anutin, he could not even lie straight in bed.

    You may be right, but what possible advantage would come from downplaying the figures, tourism is already shut down, the country is already in semi lockdown. I cant see what could be gained by not doing correct numbers.

    Sir Walter Scott Quotes - Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.

    If they now give the true figures people will panic. Even in provincial cities , Nakhon Sawan for example, shopping centers are now closed. Why?.....when the figures are so low?

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, justin case said:

    well, we will see in a few weeks, if old people in thailand are saved by the heat theory of the PM a few weeks ago...

    All Corona viruses die at temperatures above 56c and do not commute well in humid conditions but poor Thai people live cheek by jowl so the virus will spread. Intensive care facilities are just not available in rural communities so the death rate will be high for older people and others with underlying health issues. 80% of people get ill and recover, 10% will recover with basic hospital care but 10% will require intensive care and respirators so if these are not available then the death rate will be around 10% compared to the world average of 3%.. So keep washing your hands and wear a mask. The mask helps stops people spreading the virus if they don't know they're infected and it also stops you touching your mouth. This basic information was gleaned by the Chinese so ignore well meaning advice by health experts as the Chinese have hands on practical knowledge.

  8. 6 hours ago, timendres said:
    6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    there are more than two strains of the virus now. the Italian one is different.


    and many comparisons to Italy and Thailand now in terms of potential numbers. 

    I was not aware of this.



    If you read the full article The Ian Jones of Reading University said

    The differences between the two identified strains are tiny. In fact, they can’t really be considered to be separate “strains”, says Jones. And many of the genetic differences won’t affect the production of proteins, and so won’t change the way the virus works, or the symptoms it causes, he says. One is not more deadly than the other.

  9. On 3/8/2020 at 5:28 AM, Scouse123 said:

    The frequent flyer cards now are getting to the stage where they are so poorly rewarded, you might as well just look for the best flying deal as and when it comes with any respectable airline and ditch any loyalty.

    I've been doing this for a number of years. Emirates recently gave me 4000 miles to try and attract me back but 4000 won't even buy you a free coffee so waste of time.

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  10. On 3/6/2020 at 1:58 PM, PPMMUU said:

    If you have someone in your care that is suspected to have COVID-19 please contact healthcare provider nearby. DO NOT TREAT THEM AT HOME.

    I'm in the UK at the moment and the advice is to stay away from hospitals and self isolate. There is no special treatment for flu. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to keep the temperature down and drink plenty of fluids to stop it developing into Pneumonia.

  11. On 3/7/2020 at 4:41 AM, darksidedog said:

    The devil of course is in the details. Who are the 300-400 being tested every day? Those returning or arriving from overseas, or average people turning up at the local hospital sick? If the former, to be expected, if the latter, we are all in lots of trouble.

    Most viruses don't survive in hot humid conditions. The infected droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air attach to other droplets of water then become too heavy and fall to the floor. If Covid 19 behaves this way then the 300-400 being tested are returning from infected areas with colder dryer climates.

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  12. Tomatoes contain malic acid and citric acid and consuming too much of these could make your stomach too acidic and cause heart burn or acid reflux. Therefore it is recommended that those who suffer from digestive stress or have gastroesophageal reflux disease shouldn't eat too many tomatoes.

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