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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Sort of a rehash of your earlier post.

    Hope you do some better ground work next time....I mean its not like trees are installed after you have viewed the rental, or the block size gets smaller, or the neighbours closer.

    Essentially you have changed your mind and want to break lease with no penalty at the very start of the lease, not that fair on the owner who really is the innocent party in this.

    If you are that concerned why not talk with owner now and see if you can leave, or if they have suitable alternate property, or even get a partial refund of deposit.

    Perhaps look for another place at over next month and not pay rent (which again isn't that fair), or same after seeing owner, (ie live out deposit period while doing a more thorough search for a better fit next time).

    Repercussions depends on a lot of things....are you planning in staying in same area, who is owner and wider family, how well do you know them or get on with them (is relationship just for month of property),is an agent involved etc.

    Legal wise I would say minimal, you break lease you lose deposit, having said that the owner does have the right to seek to have contract enforced (but depending on sum involved, affluence, how long property has been empty or is likely to be, personality of owner/family,) is unlikely. I have seen an owner pursue a breach successfully as they themselves had made commitments based upon that income (vehicle purchase by bank loan, and bank suggested he pursue).

  2. City News

    23 Year-Old Sudent Dies from Bacteria Poisoning - Uncooked Meat at Korean BBQ thought to be to Blame

    Dec 7, 2012


    CityNews – A Masters Degree student studying at a university in Chiang Mai has died after eating at a Korean BBQ (moo kata) restaurant in Chiang Mai, reported the Chiang Mai public Health Office. The student, whose name has not yet been released, died after a two day ordeal in hospital.

    1354894968.jpgA moo kata grill

    Dr. Surasingh Witsarutrat, the deputy president of Chiang Mai Public Health Office, revealed that the girl’s relatives believed that she became sick after eating at a moo kata. The relatives said she was a strong and healthy girl.

    The hospital revealed that bacteria, called Streptococcus, was to blame for the girl’s death. The bacteria, doctors say, had started to destroy parts of her brain and it was not possible to save her life.

    Dr. Surasingh said it would be difficult to say where the bacteria that killed the girl came from, though it was likely it came from eating uncooked meat, possible at the moo kata restaurant. He warned people that they should always cook the meat well to ensure bacteria is killed. He also pointed out that many Thais use the same chopsticks to pick up the raw meat and then use those chopsticks for eating. He expressed that this should not be done as bacteria is carried this way.

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    In other words she was the cause of her own death.

    A tad unwarranted and insensitive.

    One report suggested that she may have had an underlying condition (not her fault). Another advised that there were three others who got ill at the same time and we do not know if they were all of the one party and hence all had undercooked food, or at different parties in which case they all managed to have undercooked food at the same time, or perhaps the food itself was off and others more resilient (not her fault). It is not uncommon to have one or two people cook while others sit around and graze or have food placed in their bowls (no more her fault than eating at any restaurant).

    Either way, 23 years old a uni grad and her whole life ahead of her. Tragic loss for her family at such a young age, thought you would have more sympathy Hellodolly.

  3. Is there any chance that you (with just moving in)are overloading the circuit in which case not the owners problem.

    Have been to a few friends that had single phase houses with similar problems...Issue was that they had put in a washing machine, much bigger fridge, microwave etc (that previous tenants had not had)...often having a few running at once (plus aircon), then they turn on the TV or laptop and the circuit goes.

    I have three phase simply to ensure that this does not happen.

    Look also to see if circuit is burnt in which case it takes less and less to shut down till eventually nada.

    Maybe look at that first if relevant to you.

    I'm with Loaded on the paper trail/registered mail bit, totally waste and would either breed resentment by owner or make you a laughing stock.

    I would go with get someone to fix and for the purposes of this exercise lets kid ourselves and call them an electrician.

  4. Perth boy myself. Over the years a lot of changes in skyshow, no drinking areas and people now have to set up very early in the day, and traffic is a nightmare getting home. Would not even consider going there now, let alone take my family. Much prefer CM...as can wander down quite easily but a slight wait for launching floats, but already have some no drinking areas (questionably policed) and a bit of problem with traffic (more people driving through crowds than issue of getting home). As said two big brawls with maybe 8 adolescents outside my place, police called to one, but all in all a good night/s.

  5. We are talking at cross purposes.

    The Op is seeking to live and save for retirement. It is not a discussion on living on 100k a month. Op would be living on less than that if he is (as stated) saving for retirement as well. It could be a lot less (which is why age and time to retirement are relevant), or a little less (again, marital status and finances of significant other come into play, as well as inheritances etc etc).

    Op perhaps worded post unfortunately. He is not talking about "surviving", let alone surviving on 100k. He probably should have directed post at those that are working in some format here, and then the (in my opinion) fewer number again that are putting enough (as opposed to some) money aside for investments/retirement.

    I would opine that there are a lot making reasonably good money to "survive", even survive well, but I doubt there are a lot making sufficient money to put aside substantial amounts for retirement/investments, or economic collapses, or currency devaluations etc.

    Retirees are a different argument altogether as one would imagine that most are self sufficient (given no work on visa and financial requirements) and whilst actually managing their money for "rainy days" fluctuations, illness etc are not saving for retirement per se and as such could survive, or survive well on substantially less than 100k a month.

    With the skill set advised so far would not like your chances of ensuring 100k a month in CM. Sure an opportunity may come up, but it may not, and you need certainty for savings and work rights. I would suggest that you look at Bangkok....or you could have a long wait here for perhaps nothing.

  6. Just had another "TIT" experience in Wat Ket.

    Sitting down having a yack with friends when 4 police bike riders turn into street, stop, dismount and start directing traffic.

    Shortly afterwards I have 80 plus black shirted tessabahn staff (a lot of which I have seen in another coloured shirt in the past) stopping at various households/shops and having a chin wag (for quite some time at some homes and shops). Piles outside phoning, texting, chatting. Came wifey's way asked her to sign a petition which she duly did (after all they did give her 8 large green garbage bags before she signs, wifey has integrity, when she is bought she stays bought).

    Its kinda sad on many levels.......

    Every now and again there would be frantic hand signals and an elderly lady with a camera would be called to photograph and "untidy" area or where a vacant property had junk out the front.

    Half an hour later the circus moves on further down the street to San Pakoy markets where I have no doubt they will get a rousing reception given that from my regular trips there they still hunger for the good old days of Mr T.

    Maybe I'm down for gentrification clap2.gif

    Hope I get to staysad.png

  7. My wife and several of her friends have had theirs done at

    a Hairdressers in SanSai, she does a good job and does

    follow up to recover any parts that need redoing later on.

    She charges bht 1200 to bht 2500 and will even come to

    your home to do it. tele 083-4758366 and 089-7007382

    speak Thai only,

    regards Worgeordie

    Many thanks for this as I read when cruising Kad with wifey looking at various options. They have quite a few shops there that do it but most its a tack on to hairdressing or massage. Big range in price/quality as well (up to 5000 Bht for one 2nd floor store).

    Anyhow as wifey was browsing caught up on stuff and passed on this number. Wifey rang the first number you provided and conversation went on for yonks but I understood only an occasional word. At the end asked wifey and apparently shop speaks "mountain" and so wifey regressed from her CM Thai.

    Seems very happy with how conversation went and will be out their Friday (can't do tomorrow as not a lucky day you see).

    So off to Sansai ...and once again thanks

  8. Thanks Joop50, I think I know the one you mean on the 3rd floor also does some piercing. Will have a look with wifey later this week.

    Really looking for recommendations (or places to avoid). The last thing I want to look at is a permanently raised eyebrow (as opposed to the temporary kind I get now), or a bemused/startled look (one is good for the ego one is not).

    Any tips...please...

  9. I think it will put pressure on some good (and probably all Farang) employers.

    There are still a lot of day labourers/workers, caregivers and hospitality staff that do not get the existing amount.

    Certainly a lot of hospitality workers receive less on the understanding that they share/receive tips or other commissions.

    Its a big increase percentage wise and I really cant see that a lot of costs have gone up (as far as rent/rice/utilities) by anywhere near the same percentage.

    I fear its going to make things a lot more difficult for some that will be required to pay the new award while competitors get a pass on any scrutiny/complaints.

  10. Looking for a place that does eyebrow tattoos for females in Chiang Mai.

    Wifey has had done before many years ago and is up for a refresh, personally can't see the difference or sense.

    Looked at a couple of Thai sites in CM that do this and price seems around the 1000 to 2500 baht range. Most sites (aimed at Thai females) offer a variety of other things as well (areola colouring?, lips tattooing and the like) that will make you look less rural/northern Thai.

    Some had before and after pictures that (to me) were quite scary, hence seeking some recommendations because if some operators think that their best work is posted on their internet site they are sadly mistaken. Some ended up looking bizarre, especially on close ups (one set leading to temporary penis inversion on my part though I suspect that candidate being photographed may have had a more permanent inversion)

    I've tried saying it ain't required, but I'm a Farang, and this is Thai, and her friends have had it done, and I apparently I simply don't understand, and I'm working against every image portrayed in Channel 7 soap operas (there's realism for you).

    So any poster (or significant other of posters) have any favourites with contact details in CM?

  11. Thanks for that binjalin.

    I gave an undertaking not to post some information about this to another forum member as some details were not public knowledge.

    I was, quite simply horrified at some of the posts. In particular those by Vicar, in another post he wrote :

    "I'm sure that was the motto of the dead farang who died in his motorcycle crash (taking someone with him) at the age of 56 when he was drunk/stoned out of his mind and crashed into the Canal barrier. You're a deadbeat. The trouble with deadbeats is they cause trouble (and even death) for others."

    Virtually everything about this is wrong n so many levels. What happens when the family search for details by Bud's full name and come up with this crap. Its here for every folks, please be a lot more judicious when names are being mentioned.

    Just because someone is on a Tourist visa doesn't mean that they are actually a tourist. I know quite a few guys with fly in fly out jobs that LIVE here on tourist visas.

    Anyhow there is a response to the Citynews article which I have pasted below. Some salient points is the young lady is Lemon (of Number 1 Bar), they have been in a loving relationship for some time, and the man had his family here when the crap on this post was written.

    "This report is incorrect. Jerry Dow (Bud) arrived in Chiang Mai on October 31st. The female passenger was his girlfriend and they had been together for around 2 years. If the bike they were riding was a Honda PCX it was theirs and not a rental bike. Dow's son and son's girlfriend were here visiting. I'm unsure if they are still in Chiang Mai."

    Its an absolute tragedy for all involved.

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  12. Ah, no offence intended, jkfkr.

    Hopefully you will find what you're looking for.

    But if you have never tried a Blue 3 (swivel head, ergo handle, lube strip, 3 blades) you don't know what you are missing.

    Canadian dude at my gym who never ever used disposables, dinosaur in shaving matters....tried them and is a total convert now.

    Went from looking like Richard Nixon in the presidential debates 1960 (5 o'clock shadow, lost him the election) to a face like a baby's butt.

    Try one, just one time, and you'll see what I mean.

    Funny you should mention this.

    As per my previous post my (late) one was given to me by my grandfather.

    Anyhow, cut a long story short, he spent a few days in hospital before he passed away and young (to him) nurses would shave him with a 3 blade disposable in record time. He was always fresh with the ladies and spent some time bemoaning that he had not been to hospital many years earlier to meet them and also that they would have given him several weeks of free time to familiarize himself with them in every way possible with the time he would have saved once he calculated how long it took him to shave with a safety razor verses a 3 blade blue disposable. While others convert to Catholicism on their death bed, he converted to disposables.

    He was an absolute cad...and a gem.

    His had a golden rule for women, called the 16/65 rule. Under 16 protected by law, over 65 protected by nature, anything in between was fair game.

    Still a safety razor man here though...though wifey does think I am odd with the lengthy morning ritual.

    And...Mapguy...I have a straight edge as well (for back of neck)...its a leap of faith to get wifey to do this but nothing shaves as well.

  13. Put me down as a dinosaur as well, nothing shaves like a double edge safety razor.

    The ones I found here were rather cheap metal, very light weight, almost like tin. Wifey bought a few for me when I was bemoaning the loss of my decades old safety razor, given to me by mr Grandfather and he has been dead for well over a decade..

    Was on a short trip back to Oz and went to Shaver Shop and bought a heap of them as presents (29 AUD). Came back and have passed on as presents to two brothers of wifey (as monks at Chedi Luang, and her father). A bit tacky of me but I bought them gold plated ones in presentation boxes which they love (Chinese/Thai), stainless steel for me.

  14. Happened to see a big sign today advertising a place "Country & Western Music and Cowboy Party". Heading out of town on the San Kamphaeng Road just before the Saraphi turnoff which would be on your right. I believe the sign was pointing to the first or second soi on the left before the turn off. If you get to the Borsang turn off on the left, you have gone too far.

    Not my scene at all but thought I'd pass the info on as I recalled the interest. Yee ha!

    Now at the first paragraph you had me interested....but then came the Ye ha! ......... now all I can think of is an audience full of stage extras for Deliverance.

  15. He we ago again...... I find it a little strange for one that nobody seen or heard the crash when it happened. I won't even go on with other inconsistant points until we know more.

    Would'nt read too much into this at all I'm afraid. Someone may have heard that is not to suggest they do anything. Remember last week where a young girl was killed and neighbours heard the screaming but did nothing.

    I have heard crashes (only a few) outside my place in the wee hours, and must admit I just think drunk speeding unlicensed and roll over and go back to sleep. I don't think I would be Robinson Crusoe on this.

    As for seeing, I have taken a ride around the moat a lot at night and after maybe 2.00am there are lots of patches where there is no one at all.

  16. Yes very odd I also read the another report on facebook it has now been removed! Suspicious? That report said he had a serious head injury,crushed chest and broken leg,no mention of a woman or bike.

    Yes, that is the info that I read also in the BP story (see my other post above) too. They also mentioned the body was being sent to a hospital for an autopsy which is inconsistent with a traffic accident.

    As a biker of 30+ years I'd say the guy hit something immovable, the inertia caused his passenger to "headbutt" him on the back of the head then he went over the bars and into the canal. Chest injuries from either the bars or hitting the wall on the way over. The canal has a current so no surprise that his body was not found in the immediate area of the accident.

    I knew the girl and she was always happy and smiling. RIP to both of them. Tragic.


    Can you advise the name of the girl and/or bar at all...thanks

  17. O positive (o being most common blood group) here so nearly universal donor (O negative being universal) but can only receive O positive or negative myself.

    In Oz I used to donate blood every few months then maybe ten years ago they called me to give plasma only as I have a high platelet count (so blood clots easier and do not general bleed for long unless major laceration). Could give plasma every six weeks (take out of one arm goes through machine to extract plasma and then blood back into other arm). Plasma with high clotting agent was apparently very valuable for scheduled operations (organ transfers and the like) rather than traumatic blood loss through accidents. Not sure if they have any such machine in CM.

  18. Why does the dot have to be black and the canvas white.....why can't the dot be white and the canvas black.

    Jeez...such introspective drivel first thing in the morning....

    As Larry has pointed out this topic has been done to death and at a extreme stretch CM related.

    Time for moi to have some Thai culture (yoghurt) and better intellectual stimulation by resuming extracting lint from navel.

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