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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Depending on how you look at it, I have to fortunately/unfortunately go to Wawi for a week.

    I am looking at getting a car to go up there, and maybe do a little sight seeing around by myself whilst wife earns money voting, eating papaya salad with family, and drinks copious amounts of Leo at Karaoke. She has fun, I get bored shitless in a day hence the desire to go sighseeing, and perhaps a jaunt to border for visa.

    Anybody have any recent info on good rental deals on suitable vehicles for the trek, preferably auto. Preferably 4 seater with room for wife to bring stuff for family in the back (the stuff not the family), may have to take some othersfor the trip but don't want to have the space to take a tribe.

    Just wondered with the lack of tourists whether Pops, North were competetive, and have not heard anything about Queen Bee's for a while, I have used them a long time ago, were dirt cheap but clapped out, and there are a lot of places I would not mind breaking down but Wawi is not one of them, anyone know if they have improved.

    Any ideas/rates/vehicles?


  2. Best things for motor bikes and cycles is to go to the Night Market and pick up a cheap extendable baton. They are less than 10cm long and will extend more than enough quickly. You can clip them to a bike, or velcrove, whatever. Easy to use and deploy. Try to get one that has a smallish ball on the end and a good grip. These are not really good models but as,hopefully, you will not be beating dogs or anything/anyone else on a regular basis they will nore than do the job.

  3. Just a quick few questions if anyone is able to assist.

    I have most of the docs required, medical, passport, photo's, non immigrant O,etc.

    I live with gf and have for many years, so rental agreement is in her name. If I get a letter from her confirming my address, and a copy of her ID card and take that to Immigration would that satisfy them as to my address, or better still bring her?

    Next, I have a valid car license (for UK and Australia, both of which I have on me) , and have held a motor bike license for Indonesia/Philippines which I have not renewed or have old ones here as they are basically not reconised in a lot of countries (much like Thai licenses I guess). I have been cruising around on a Honda Click in CM and surrounds for a few years now and when stopped occasionally by the BIB have simply shown my Australian car license and been waived on. Anyone have any experience on how flexible the license office would be to basically add a bike license (without test) if I asked nicely, or if the need be paid what gratuity was required? It does not seem that clear to mehow hard the enforcement regime is given the driving skills of some Thai's and that most of my gf's friends will not drive on Friday as they do not have a license anyway and will not take the few hours off work to get one.

    And lastly is there a good (or bad) time or day to front up at Immigration/License people. I gather that lunchtime would not be a good move but any other time is good/bad or specific days?

    Thanks in anticipation peoples....

  4. Last time I went through on a boxing night there were more girls than customers by far. It would seem that not a lot of the owners bother turning up until much later (if at all). Perhaps an informal impromtu Thaivisa study/fact finding group is required one night. Could help kick start the local economy one Chang at a time.:lol:

  5. However, I do wish that the authorities would clamp down on those who do not have sufficient income or savings and use the "Tourist Visa" route and go to the border every 90 days . If you are a tourist then well and good. But I have met so many so called tourist who have lived here for numerous years, thus circumventing the true spirit of living here under official rules.

    I hope that the authorities crack down on this type of abuse of the system.

    I have met many people who do not have the required 800,000 or 65,000 per month. However, they most certainly do have more than enough income to live here (it's cheap), plus excellent health care packages to cover them if anything goes wrong. IMO the authorities have set the bar too high and there are many good people that would love a retirement visa, but just can't meet the requirements. They are as useful to the Thai economy as anyone else and I see no reason why they shouldn't reside here using whatever means necessary. I don't think I or anyone else should look down on others regarding finances or become judge and jury regarding their means of living a happy and fruitful life wherever they choose.

    Presumably then you have no problem with the migration of Mexican citizens to the USA, or Sub Saharan nationals to the EU through Italy, or Chinese triads and snakeheads smuggling people anywhere...."using whatever means neccesary" to live happy and fruitfully in farangland.

    If the bar is too high that is a Thai choice, its the law....try getting a retiree/investor visa to Australia (or many other western countries) the rules and finance requirements are much higher or are you advocating that laws in western countries are ok to break as well?

  6. All I can say is it is a shame I can't (won't) post photos of the pretty ones that I do know are available. Anybody who is even half way interested can find that out for themselves. And, not all gals in the bars I frequent on Loi Kroh are available at any price. Many have husbands or boy friends, and I know for a fact they are monogamous. Many here DO like to jump to conclusions.

    I also know of at least two higher end massage parlours where there are pretty gals on display in these semi-private clubs. Ask around and they are not hard to find. All the tuk tuk drivers know.

    I know you are well intentioned, but you also come across, to someone who has been here a lot longer than you, as very naive. To an old man they may come across as monogamous because they have a face to protect and earnings from sponsors afford them the luxury of choice. When I was younger and physically more attractive, I had lots of adventures with girls from bars old men thought were monogamous.

    The levels of economic relationship here are complex and cannot relate to any Western concept of relationship. I started to write about a few, but I deleted because I know there will be Western guys reading who have relationships with sex workers but who don't understand how they are perceived by Thai society and they may be offended by my descriptions.


    If you take a tuk tuk to an establishment such as a soapy massage parlour, the commission to the driver will be paid by you.

    Sorry...can't let this one go, even if we are straying off topic a bit.

    Firstly more than agree that absent benefactors and the risk of losing same keeps some girls publicly unavailable. But if you can keep your mouth shut and not screw up any ongoing financial supplements they are on I would say all of the Loi Kroh girls would be freindly to teh right person, not neccesarily any person. 100% agree.

    The bit I can't let go is the length of stay in Thailand makes anyone a guru. On Loi Kroh you will often see seasoned expats repeating the same mistake time after time. Meeting a bar girl, going out with a bar girl, marrying a bar girl, she or he does not change, costly divorce, back to Loi Kroh and the cycle continues wash, stir, rinse, repeat. Years of stay cannot overcome a total lack of social or intuitive skills. The same people would be awash anywhere but as a baht millionaire they do get a wilder ride.

    Length of stay does not make you smarter by any means.

    You have referred to the finances of bar girls, that is an economic reality for sure but I do not think many of them chose their career in primary school, economics is certainly at play. Treating people nicely with dignity and respect will get you taken advantage of some times for sure, but I would rather do that and be taken advantage of occasionally than become part of the wash, stir, rinse, repeat crowd or worse still the all thai females/all females are "fill in appropriate mysognist phrase" crowd.

    Likewise Ian's age may be shaping may his views and respect for ALL women, that's not a bad thing and the world of Farangs (and indeed Thais) may be better if one echoes this respect.

    Its not about how I am treated..I have little control over that, but I am totally responsible for how I treat others.

    End of sermon :jap:

    But jeez its quiet in Loi Kroh now ............

  7. Went through Loi Kroh last night and there are lots of girls, and again not many customers.

    There are some "older" ladies there for sure but quite a few in very early 20's as well, most average, some very attractive. Its a broad (excuse the pun) cross section, certainly not all boiler bars thats for sure.

    My grandfather, (bless his sole) had an ugly phrase that "all cats are grey in the dark", but there is an abundant choice available for all tastes if that is your inclination.

    Funny comment about finding girls there that Thai men have no taste for....oddly enough there are more than a few paler skinned young girls who are on prospective husband hunting expeditions and they are not interested in Thai men either :lol:

  8. I didn't think Thailand had a 3G network yet?

    Sadly no operator is operating 3G nationwide but every single operator is operating 3G of some sort in certain locations.

    AIS: 3G in Chiang Mai, Hua-Hin, Chonburi and Korat (and Siam Paragon and Central World)

    DTAC: 3G in central Bangkok (Sathorn-Silom)

    True: 3G in Chiang Mai, Phuket, Chonburi, and Bangkok and surrounding provinces.

    TOT: 3G in Bangkok.

    Many thanks for this advice in particular.

    Went to AIS, got the 7.2 3g dongle (pack came with a sim) and it works a treat ...a real plug and play in a few minutes, with one click activation and one month credit.

    Tried it in a few locations around Kawila and great speeds...a really good tip for a 3G service in CM

  9. Seeking some Chiang Mai specific iternet assistance if I may.

    I have a former work colleague who will be visiting Chinag Mai next week for some 4 months. Whilst here he will need internet access probably with a lot of downloads to keep on with his job in the US (not working but he is the final vetter of some constrcution project revisions). As I can respond to emails he as assumed that I have picked up significant skills in IT since I came to CM. He is delusatory. Children bought me a Samsung Android tablet and with that I can rule my small and insignificant world.

    Anyhow...he will need wireless internet that he can use in various places but probably mostly near the old boxing stadium/kawilla barracks area. I have tried using a phone as a hotspot near there and it is good enough for me but not for him.

    Any ideas what would be the best prepaid wireless (good speed/good download limit) in that area or CM in general. He will be staying with me in Nong Hoi but I do not have broadband or adsl or whatever...just me the tablet and a sim, and he likes to roam. Ideally prepaid rather than subscription.

    Any help or suggestions much appreciated......

  10. I'd be interested how you go.

    I have had three Non Immigrant O's from Perth to visit gf (about 4 to 5 months each year for the last 4 years). Now they are closed, and the apparent tightening up of the "visiting freinds" part not sure what to do now.

    I have a Thai bank account, but only girlfriends name is on rental place (shop house) that she runs a business from on the ground floor. Given that business operates well I have only left money with her when I leave and only occasionally transferred money (a spartan written record of support). I do pay the rent on the place though but again in her name.

    Never thought I would need a paper trail as was going to go for Retirement visa in a few years anyway. No intention of marrying until well after retirement if at all, so the apparent changes have thrown a spanner into the works.

    Worse comes to worse its a run to the border but that is a pain in the arse.

    Good luck.

  11. Those longer termers might remember Roger Petit who was arrested just less than a year ago in Chiang Mai on allegations of child sex offences. He was caight up in a trans national police operation with apparently reliable info from the UK. When he was arrested was found in possession of child porn, 42 yabba tablets, and "marital" applicances. There were a few follow up arrests and apparently a child porn ring was stopped, big articles everywhere. He was remanded in custody last I heard. Must have been a quick trial and brief conviction as I see that he died in Laos recently of a suspected drug overdose. Must have had a good lawyer I guess. Could'nt possibly be any other explanation.


  12. These deaths have now picked up some traction in Australian media.

    Today (15 March) there are articles by Angela Saurine that have been syndicated to the Courier Mail, Daily Telegraph, and the Herald Sun (and I gather quite a few web based news services).

    It seems that there are quite a few people that were very ill without resuting in deaths....

    The handling of this by the authorities leaves a lot to be desired. I appreciate they want to protect Tourism, Hotel owner, restaurant owner etc but this is cold comfort at minimum and a slap in the face at the other end for the grieving families.

  13. English is everywhere in most of the larger places, Chiang Mai has an abundance of english signs even in the most obscure places.

    Pity your married as that cuts out one avenue. A Thai wife or gf is very handy sometimes for those off the wall things that happen from time to time but day to day no problems.

    I remember the words of a (now) old philosopher of Greek origin

    Find a girl

    Settle Down

    If you want you can marry

    Look at me I am old

    But I'm happy :lol:

  14. I would say impossible in Thailand legally anyway...even through a Thai wife.

    Very restricted due to auto nature and small enough to conceal, hence only usually sold to law enforcement and military.

    Even in the US states where you can get one the FFL license costs nearly four times more than the handgun.

    I have fired one a few times through freinds of my wife at Kawila barracks but even they only have a few for show so one falling off the back of a truck would be difficult to arrange and impossible to trust the supplier not to hold it over you in the future. They are a rarity in Thailand imho.

    Price wise it can be done after all TIT...but not legally in your name I would have thought if you are Farang.

    I have seen them sold in Bangkok for between 35 and 40k.

    No real excuse for anyone Thai or Farang to have one of those (basically a machine pistol) in CM.....you would be hard pushed to justify having that anywhere unless it was a conflict zone or as stated you are law enforcement/military in a high risk area.

    What reason do you have to want to own one of these anyway..... If defensive then a much wider range of hand guns is available for your sporting shooter wife would be the go,.....even a point and click shottie is good as a deterrent (size and noise and easy to use), having said that heavens above that she would fire it..statistically for handgun shootings (predomintaely domestic) we would be one less TV contributor.

    Usually something like that has to be kept at a club....so remember when stopped by the BIB that you are taking it for a service.....

    If you are getting one (or can) make sure you get a stock and forward grip for it otherwise it gets a bit unweildly when fully auto.

  15. Bob's a nice guy, Bob's a good person ..........Bob's a drug trafficker.

    And to say drug trafficking/dealing is a a victimless crime is not thinking the issue through. Drug taking can lead to drug dependency and addiction, and that leads to robberies, assaults, domestic violence and assorted other crimes to fund a habit.

    When your granny gets aussaulted and robbed of her pension cheque, our wife bashed and purse robbed, or your gold chain gets pulled off, or a tourist gets attacked by an drugged elephant handler.....how much do you want to absolve the Bobs of this world, let alone their Thai eqivalent yabba dealers.

    There is always a cause before and effect. Bobs of this world are a cause....for very bad effects.

    Would people be so sympathetic and understanding if it was an unknown Thai.? or would this page be filled with condemnation of the Thai, praise for the BIB, bring back Thaksin, rise of drugs in the village comments.

  16. No sympathy at all from me.....

    Drug trafficking is drug trafficking, plain and simple.

    Stupid thing to do at the best of times, the oinly saving grace here is that he is not in Singapore or Malaysia where the ultimate penalty would be a lot more certain.

  17. Folks, your assistance please.

    At very short notice have had to fly out to Sydney, Australia.

    I have a Bangkok Bank account and want to deposit money at their branch in Sydney for wifey to use whilst I am away.

    Is it best to deposit Aussie dollars and get it converted to Thai Baht here, or Aussie dollars and get it converted to Aussie dollars in Thailand. Is this even an option?

    How does the passbook work if I deposit AUD but passbook shows existing Thai Baht balance?

    Any other tips/ideas?

    Wifey cannot use internet at all, Western Union costs a fortune (could feed her for a few weeks on their fee alone), so is reliant on the Befirst card linked to the passbook.

    Any and all help much appreciated otherwise she will panic and off to the pawn shop with the gold, with much tears.


  18. There have also been a few recent warnings about smoking in the boxing bars as well. A few near the soi where you park your bike have set up chairs and tables outside or are encouraging patrons to step out. The bars on the inside do not have that option. Apparently besides the fine for smoker, 2000 baht as I recall, the establishment can be fined 200 000 baht. New warning stickers abound and the ashtray have gone from my favourite watering hole.

  19. True enough on no cash discount for some BIB. Errant parking at warrot on Saturday and no matter how much I wanted to pay the full fine on the spot would not have it at all. Mind you he had already started ticket and they seemed to have a much improved reconciling process at the station so maybe if its finished you are stuffed. When I told wifey I had paid she was a tad angry and still insists bib friends could fix....but there is no way I would trust any of them not to hold over in the future. My deliberate parking so no problem paying the fine for me.

  20. So last night I am at the boxing bars and as I leave I walk past Ian Forbes deep in seated and earnest conversation with two farang males. Honest I looked twice because there were neither ladies nor pool cues in easy reach.....but it was him.

    I walk out to my moto, start her up and start to navigate around the tuk tuk in front whenllow and behold I see the advert on the tuk tuk.I am pretty sure the phone number needs updating though.


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