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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Now that you have prompted me I see that one of my licenses expired on 30 June whistling.gif (1 year) so up for 5 year renewal.

    I know you have to wait until license is expired before doing first renewal but don't think 4 months expiry is what they had in mind

    Anybody know if I have to sit the test again or just do the medical and residence cert and watch the video?


  2. German husband shot through a while ago and she has been intermitently involved with a guy from Malaysia.

    Harris isn't a German surname, did she marry again?

    Quite tragic indeed.

    How can I put this....her last husband was German I don't think she got round to changing a lot of details from prior husband/s.

    Most recently had hooked up semi long term with a guy from Malaysia.

    Still no update from her friends/family (or Thai media it seems) on any arrest.

  3. Maybe people who have a problem with mrjustice should take a look at themselves. He is new to cm and is getting the heave ho from some self appointed TV gurus.

    Thankfully for me none of you gurus were here when I arrived in cm. Lucky for me!

    Well I wasn't here when you came here or I wasn't aware that you had come here.

    But my money say's you were not arrogant.

    So now I am "Arrogant" and a "Bully". Just keep up the attacks, insults and namecalling.

    BTW -- anyone who wants to be objective, take a look at the history of this post; and pray tell how/when

    I was "arrogant", as it began with a simple helpful heads up advisement, that turned into attacks on me -- especially by you.

    True I cited my legal qualifications -- only after attacked and put on the defense -- BTW -- forgot to mention also a former

    candidate for elective Judicial Office rated "Well-Qualified" by the State Supreme Court's Blue Ribbon Comm., and also a former

    fully sworn Police Officer; and currently accredited as an international Arbitrator and Mediator by a score of ADR Orgs. around the World.

    Ya, just more arrogance -- or, maybe just giving the readers some objective info. to weigh the credibility of my advice and opinions versus

    the self-appointed TV Gurus who claim to be all-knowing, but one has to wonder, especially with comments such as your recent one:

    "That I bullied my way to the Top to get my way at Immigratiom". Really? If you believe that then YOU Know Nothing "about the way things work here" -- or anywhere else in the World. Nobody of any intelligence could believe a powerless Farang could "bully" the Head Inspector of the Thai Immig. Bureau to do anything. Respectfully, more likely I achieved the right result, thru skillful tact, diplomacy, and knowledge of the rules and applicable law.

    I think Member MESQUITE may have been on to something: What's really at the bottom of this hostility from a few of the more vocal (and ignorant) Posters, appears to be that they are threatened their dominance on the Forum may be undercut if folks who have some real knowledge and expertise begin to contribute more frequently to the Forum. So sad .... so small.

    You forgot to mention your Nobel Peace Prize. Dale Carnegie has a book for you.

    Can't we just wait till NancyL's update following her husbands immigration attendance on Thursday.

    That will actually help advance (or cease) this discussion substantively.

    Still think its worthwhile having a semi sticky where people post their RECENT experiences WITHOUT follow up commentary which would have helped this very important topic from deteriorating as it has. That way the poster could comment on time frames, officer, outcome etc without fear of reprisal or irrelevant diversions. Those that had queries could then perhaps pm the OP (subject to OP's having made that invitation.

  4. Mods, feel free to close this topic. My question was answered within the first 5 or 6 responses and it has proceeded to go way off track since then.


    Yes please do it has degenerated into a debate wit a Harvard Grad lawyer who does not even know what

    "I'm finished with this topic."


    I'm in two minds about closing the topic.....it would be good if it could stay open if for no other reason that to establish whether or not there is a pattern of change, or to establish that there is no pattern at all (simply put that immigration continue to ask for supporting documentation on an individual basis where they consider it neccessary).

    If we could maybe have half a dozen people post there epereinces (after today's date) and then let the mods look at putting it to sleep.

    This issue will be fundamental to many now and in the future. Perhaps people post there experiences only (as a sort of sticky) with no follow up commentary by others?

    • Like 1
  5. Mrjustice, sir, so glad you cleared up the origins of your nick. 30 years law and a Harvard graduate (don't worry not everyone can get into Yale or Princeton, but do try not to compensate so hard).

    For a while there I thought that Mrjustice was simply carried across from another forum where you are a 30 year old Bear wearing arseless chaps who likes to dominate (forums and people in uniforms).

    Boola Boola laugh.png

  6. It would be interesting for someone that makes their extension of stay from now on and used the income method to post their experience.


    T.M. 87 Application for visa (requires proof of income, not an affidavit, for type O for purposes of spending the rest of life in the Kingdom)

    T.M. 86 Application for change of visa (visa already approved, changing visa type, income affidavit acceptable for U.S. citizens and possibly others)

    Applying for a visa, applying for change of visa, and extension of permission to stay are all different things.

    INCORRECT. They may be 'different things', but requirements are all the SAME:

    1. Over age 50.

    2. Proof of Income "certified by your Embassy" of 65000 THB; OR 800000THB in Bank (properly seasoned for extension, but not initial Non "O"

    That's all!

    Again, all I am trying to emphasize, is what has 'changed' now at least for Chiang Mai Immig. Office, is that if you are using the Income Method, the Affidavit from Consulate alone will not be satisfactory; you will be required to have corrobating documentation, and it must be "Pension" income.

    Just because one meets the requirements does not mean that one gets a visa. There is no "right" to a visa. Its not tick all the boxes and out spits the visa.

    A visa grant is a delegated authority and each immigration officer has to be satisfied that their grant is appropriate, lawful, and within their delegated authority. An experienced officer may require less supporting documentation. Likewise may have to require more documentation for an initial visa grant.

    When Zippydedodah indicated that the officer pointed to her name tag...its right. Its her name and her delegated authority. She has to be satisfied. Someone else may require lesser or greater supporting documentation. You can get a differing outcome everyday....thats normal.

    The law provides a basic framework but there are also policies, guidelines, regulations, case law, and protocols that establush how the law is to be interpreted and applied.

    An immigration officer always has the right to ask for supporting documetation. They make a risk assessment (new visa, physical presentation, history as presented etc).

    If you fail the "attitude test" then of course they ask for more......that's not just Thailand either.

    Nothing has changed......they can ask always.

    Ah yes, "my Attitude" must have been the problem -- here we go again.

    Please read my original post again. No appearance problem; no attitude problem; original

    Immig. Officer very nice, and appeared to say all was okay and passed along our docs.

    Only later called up by Sgt. Major to advise we were denied.

    And, as I also acknowledged, I am/was fully aware of the discretionary authority of Immigration Officers,

    to grant or deny Visa for any reason; and to require additional documentation. Not my point.

    Getting discouraged, that my helpful advice/heads up, turns into the 'blame' game.

    For those who want to believe we did something wrong, fine believe what you like.

    And, with any luck, you enjoy same experience we had.

    For those who wish to accept my well-intentioned advisement and heads up, your welcome.

    I'm finished with this topic.

    Ease up....not talking about your attitude I was talking (as others have) about attitude in general. I qualified this as not being a Thai only issue (and further not even an Immigration only issue).

    Neither did I say you did anything wrong.......

    If you are getting this cut up about posts on a forum I will say (now) that perhaps you are not the best judge of your PERCEIVED behaviour at immigration.

    All I am trying to point out is that everyones exeperience will be unique depending on what they are applying for, their history, who they see, what evidence they provide (or will be asked to provide) etc.

    You had an "experience". For the most part it will be unique to you and your set of circumstances.

    Its ok to give people a heads up of your experience...its valid to you.

    If the next person who applies for a retirement visa gets a different experience (ie not asked for supporting documentation) it does not invalidate your experience.

    Your experince COULD happen again to anyone....but it equally might not based upon the previous (and no doubt future) experiences of others.

    Perhaps a future renewal (US or otherwise) could update.

  7. It would be interesting for someone that makes their extension of stay from now on and used the income method to post their experience.


    T.M. 87 Application for visa (requires proof of income, not an affidavit, for type O for purposes of spending the rest of life in the Kingdom)

    T.M. 86 Application for change of visa (visa already approved, changing visa type, income affidavit acceptable for U.S. citizens and possibly others)

    Applying for a visa, applying for change of visa, and extension of permission to stay are all different things.

    INCORRECT. They may be 'different things', but requirements are all the SAME:

    1. Over age 50.

    2. Proof of Income "certified by your Embassy" of 65000 THB; OR 800000THB in Bank (properly seasoned for extension, but not initial Non "O"

    That's all!

    Again, all I am trying to emphasize, is what has 'changed' now at least for Chiang Mai Immig. Office, is that if you are using the Income Method, the Affidavit from Consulate alone will not be satisfactory; you will be required to have corrobating documentation, and it must be "Pension" income.

    Just because one meets the requirements does not mean that one gets a visa. There is no "right" to a visa. Its not tick all the boxes and out spits the visa.

    A visa grant is a delegated authority and each immigration officer has to be satisfied that their grant is appropriate, lawful, and within their delegated authority. An experienced officer may require less supporting documentation. Likewise may have to require more documentation for an initial visa grant.

    When Zippydedodah indicated that the officer pointed to her name tag...its right. Its her name and her delegated authority. She has to be satisfied. Someone else may require lesser or greater supporting documentation. You can get a differing outcome everyday....thats normal.

    The law provides a basic framework but there are also policies, guidelines, regulations, case law, and protocols that establush how the law is to be interpreted and applied.

    An immigration officer always has the right to ask for supporting documetation. They make a risk assessment (new visa, physical presentation, history as presented etc).

    If you fail the "attitude test" then of course they ask for more......that's not just Thailand either.

    Nothing has changed......they can ask always.

  8. I love books, I love holding them, collecting them, looking at them (as a collection), even the smell of old ones. Every few years I would have a painful clean out and still not get rid of anywhere near what I should, keeping books that I have not read for years but just looking at the title would remind me of the account.

    My son dragged myself and my father reluctantly into this century when he got us ereaders. We now probably read more than ever before, and have greater access to books wherever we are. He hooked us up with some pirate Russian site operating and we have the latest bestsellers, esoteric masterpieces, classics, every genre of fiction imagineable and a impressive non fiction catalogue as well.

    One initial probelm is that like a drowning man I grabbed at everything and found myself starting and not finishing books (for the first time ever). Now that I am assured of continued availability I have become more judicious.

    Elsewheer there is a suprising amount of books about Thailand and a growing Thai language library available.

    Added bonus is they do so much more now as far as email etc.

    Great for planes, waiting for wifey at appointments, or when I reach Thai soap overload (approximately 7.30pm every night).

    Took me a while to get used to it but I am now a convert.

    Having said that.....still have'nt got rid of my physical collection yetthumbsup.gif

  9. That's what they did in Melbourne, either 1990 or 1991. I was breathalysed three times one day - once on my way to work at 5.30am and twice on my way home after 7pm. And I'll never forget the day they brought out the booze bus - a converted big truck turned into a lab and blocked the Westgate Bridge - 4 lane major arterial road out of the city (of 3-4 million people) DURING RUSH HOUR. Nobody believed they would do anything like that.

    Either drink or drive. It isn't hard.

    Ahh, the ultra-regulated australian approach to life on the roads. I fervently hope thailand manages to avoid the same fate that australia has suffered from in terms of the massive amount of regulation that suffocates life over there. And I'm afraid it's easy to believe anything that australian police do.

    And you're indulging in more theory to add to that already on this thread: if it was that easy to not drink and drive, then folk would not do it. Clearly there's a need do drink and drive because so many people do it.

    The Australian system has dramatically cut the road toll in both serious injuries and loss of life (particularly in the holiday periods something that Songkran badly needs as well).

    The toll has reduced everywhere despite more cars and more drivers being on the roads.

    You suggest that there is clearly "a need to drink and drive because so many people do it".

    Why not complete the sentence there are multiple choices to make it easier for you.

    There is clearly a need to drink and drive and......

    a.) kill or maim yourself

    b.) kill or maim an innocent party

    c.) leave behind a grieving family

    d.) end up a paraplegic or quadraplegic

    e.) demonstrate that I cannot control myself

    f.) act like a child and not accept responsibility for my actions

    g.) ignore what world wide evidence on reducing road fatalities has done

    h.) demonstrate my total embrace of Thai culture as I come back to a next life

    i.) be a sheep

    because so many people do it.

  10. Been to a few Karaoke places (Thai) and there are quite a few that have Thai artists doing covers of English songs...

    But...(there is always a but) often when they have English songs it is not the original artist or indeed anyone singing at all more a type of organ like elevator muzac and a video presentation of fjords, seascapes and the like.

    All I'm saying is that even with English titles in the books the music/muzac itself is often very unimpressive so you really need to check before booking a room.

    Having said that always been somewhat reserved myself and not a big (or even regular) drinker so get more fun out of seeing the Thais in an unrestrained environment.....tehy alwayshave fun and hence so do I.

  11. There are a handul locations where they have checkpoints often. Thapae is one of them.

    Traffic lights after the bridge near Holiday Inn is another checkpoint, as it was Wednesday night, at 9pm, not midnight.

    Just a game. Any time, any place. More money for the police, more kudos for the polis who get a decent ride in the media.

    Meanwhile the citizens have to suffer at the hands of the western ways being imported over here.

    You're more likely to die from all manner of causes than from being hit by a driver who's been drinking.

    And you're most definitely more likely to die from being hit by a speeding driver in thailand who's been nowhere near a drink.

    It's yet another western intrusion into life in thaiways...

    So let me get this right..drink driving is an issue everywhere in the world except Thailand, and the establishment/enforcement of drink driving laws is a western intrusion?

    True you can die from many causes but there is a generally a desire not to hasten it hence we have laws on guns, drink driving, health promotion on smoking and diet, have HIV prevention schemes, and try not fly off a balcony in Pattaya.

    You must be a hell of a comforter to the Thai families that will grieve enmasse at Songkran. I think the families would rather suffer this western way being inmported than the imeasurable grief of losing a loved one to drink driving at Songkran or indeed any other time.

  12. I see CM108 already have security camera footage of alleged offender up already. Looks like the BIB are serious on this one as well.

    And is it an Indian/South Asian dude for sure? First thing many girls in the area pointed out was that 'khaek' means both South-Asian as well as 'Guest', which is a common euphemism for any (Farang) john.

    We digress but wifey refers to Indians and the like as "bad skin colour" as opposed to your run of the mill Farang for all caucasians. Not politically correct for sure but thats never been a Thai strong point.

    The manageress did have a bf a while back from Malaysia which is now pretty cosmopolitan as far as Indians/Tamils and the like so perhaps was not as discerning about the skin colour as most Thais (that I know) seem to be

  13. Though photo is small and eyes are weak would swear that is owner/manageress of Midnight Bar Wifey and I saw her three days ago (she buys traditional medicine from wife) I know she is married/separated to a foreigner but I only know her by her nickname.

    Known her about three years (before she had a bar at Loi Kroh) and never ever saw her go with a customer She was not short of a few quid (gold and property)

    The place has been up for sale and I wonder if she went off to discuss prospective business deal.

    Quite suprised if she was "working". She's a bit older, not much English, rather plain, and not really a fun person unless you knew her a long time

    Can anyone confirm that it is her as will have to break news to wifey. Then again might just get her to read cm108 article and ring someone that I know works there.

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