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Posts posted by Bozo

  1. HenrikDK,

    You seem to have a facility for writing & expressing yourself. :D

    You have now a good idea of the budget it will cost you in a remote area in Thailand (about 5 times cheaper than in Denmark).

    It will cost you about 10 times cheaper than in DK if you go to India.

    If you lose yourself in the Himalayas above Richickesh (looks more like "remote" to me), it will cost you 20 times cheaper. Forget the laptop, the fridge, the sound system... you will have music through your own guitar, food from your own stocks, the purest natural water of the World at the river nearby, the most suffocating view you have ever looked at, the most beautiful inspiring silence you have ever contemplated - only cave silence is deeper, and you can find yourself a cave there... :D

    It will be dry enough for your books to remain in good state for the next 5,000 years, as it is about -10 to -20 (degres celcius) in Winter, while around +20 to +30 in Summer (depending on your chosen altitude), and if you like it so, you will even be able to declare your prose to your scarce visitors (Indians do speak a beautiful English, you know), who will probably beatifically drink your words, considering you like a sort of guru or illuminated hermit, and bringing you food regularly as a consequence (serious)...

    There, no problem of singing, drinking, smoking, flying, or whatever else you wish, nobody cares and whatever happens you won't be lost for anybody nor found if anything happens... real solitude ! :o

    If you need more advices abt. it, make me a pleasure to buy the first Lonely Planet guidebook on North-Est India, but don't try to make me do your homework at your place, I simply won't... :D You want to know how it looks like in this "third world", try to imagine life at the time of the old testament in the Bible, you got a good picture there...

    While I don't know all of Thailand (maybe in the North-East), I am not sure it is the best place for your purpose... as meditation here is more "deep into the subject" of humanity... :D

  2. Thai immigration is inviting you to play the game. If you have good reasons to play it, then I hope you win.

    ChiangMaiThai, for some reason it doesn't matter how many posts you read, you just don't get it. you have commented that its "illegal sort of" and now its a game.

    football is a game, not overstay.

    Depending on the distance he looks at it (even if already in the cage), isn't it ChianMaiThai freedom to consider that even life in itself can be a game as well ?!?... :o

  3. All what you say is true, one way or another: Secular societies, Religious beliefs, public schools, assimilation, Islam, races, terrorism, tolerance...etc.

    But to understand events is always easier by looking at the global picture, for which it is necessary to take distance, so to see the influence & manipulations of companies, groups, countries, regions, lobbies, societies, networks... :o

    In this specific case, let's open our eyes a little. What does look odd in this situation ? :D

    1. Why is the French government insisting on having this kind of threatening letter published (with the obvious result of lighting up anti Islamic "fires" all over the French population) ?

    2. Why is it being published in such a small local newspaper as "Le Parisien", instead of a National newspaper as "Le Monde" (which would have probably never published it, even with a push from the French government to do so) ?

    3. Why is this piece of news publicized Worldwide by CNN, i/o AFP or TV5 (as an obvious tool to fuel USA recent & current actions) ?

    4. Why is this letter mentioning Palestine (Gaza) & Russia (Chechnya) (while terrorists actions were until now rather hypotetically linked with Afghanistan & Irak, or Iran & North Korea, and with the obvious result of justifying more massacres in Chechnya & Gaza after a few bombs will have exploded in France) ?

    5. Why is this threat taking advantage of the timing of the French "scarf scandal" (in coordination with a global effort to have all Muslims in the World burst against generalized abuses against them from non Muslims) ?

    6. Why was this "scarf scandal" allowed, encouraged & publicized in France by the government in the first place (while it is such a small & minor matter - a no-problem -, only started by 1 fanatic father, forcing his daughter to go to public school with scarf, while it has been illegal in France to display Religious signs in public schools since the French revolution of 1789 - while it has been & still is totally legal in French Religious schools) ?

    7. Why has France been gradually but regularly increasing its number of police forces for the last 20 years (while there was absolutely no foreseable need at the time) ?

    8. Why has France been strongly tighting both its laws & reinforcing its police forces since the last election (under the pretext of rise of Extreme right in France), coincidentally (?) with the same timing as the provocations against Muslims Worldwide, and now ready to face any unrest in France, which might be started by this newspaper article it is encouraging to publicize ?

    9. Why has the word "terror" or "terrorist" been deliberately brainwashed through all communication means worldwide by the leader (Emperor) of the currently most powerful Nation in the World (with an obvious effect of inducing fear and make people paranoid) ?

    10. Why has the WTC drama been coinciding with the recently prior change of direction of USA assistance to the Palestine/Israel issue, from calming down to blowing fire (which has also been roughly in the same time frame as the assassination of the pro-peace prior Israel leader & Bush "elections") ?

    11. Why do the USA say that Osama Ben Laden is an ex CIA agent, while everybody knows that the only way to retire from any secret service in the World is to be dead (and as he has so surprisingly never been found, while it is a public matter in Pakistan that he was still recently there meeting with some USA officials, and as his family has very close ties with the Bush family over Armament interests through the Cargyle company) ?

    12. Why is all this coinciding with global provocations against Muslims Worldwide (Yougoslavia, Chechenia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Irak,...), while there are Muslims in every country in the World, this being used by governments as a pretext to justify stronger limitations of individual freedom Worldwide (USA, Europe, Thailand,...) ?

    13. Why... why... why...

    The list of questions has no end... but please do not misunderstand my point.

    Threats are real, bombs are real & terrorist actions are real. :D

    But do a few brain-washed, fanatic & conditionned Muslims (Israeli, Christian, or else...), so blind & very easy to manipulate they can be used by any lobby, group, organization, service or network in the World, represent any piece of population in the World, Muslims or otherwise ?

    Or do they only represent the very few ones, who do manipulate them (and probably not Muslims at all !...) ?

    Are the actual "terrorists" those we think ? :D

    What is the ultimate goal, beyond this pseudo "terrorist" scarecrow ?

    Are we sheeps, crows & superficial people or are we human beings capable of using our minds & our intuitions ?

    Let's look beneath the appearances !... :D

  4. Well its a great laugh to read all of that, better than Morcome and Wise(yes Im English) But all these Farang are quite crazy here, in the sun, in the drink, in the sex, in the shit mostly. I live far north, poor villages, The Thai driving gets worse and worse, it begins to frighten me. As a long time driver, I survive, I by learned defesive driving, watching out for the idiots who do not know, do not have the experience! I am a Buddhist, and its a burden some times, A farang who's not a buddhist???? does he care? But my view is , too many f***ing tourist, sod everything up mostly, But I do laugh when I see the old Farang on the bikes, Wind blowing thier hair all over the place! Too embariesed to go to  pick it Up!!!!!!

    Hey Pipchatel,

    Please don't forget that Farang is a specie that daily adds to the reasons for Thai people to smile !... :o

    Farang also are now included on Thailand landscape somehow, aren't they... they just need the time to "civilize" themselves to become part of it... :D

  5. A Thai "girlfriend" will never leave you just for being cheap (unless someone else comes along).  Then again, she might fornicate around on him with you, and she might moan, groan, and belly-ache, and she might do a little moonlighting; but she won't dump you till you're broke.  And, THAT's the bottom line.

    BTW:  cheap is all in the perception.  Hers is different than yours, and you'll both have to live with that or not...

    UP TO YOU!  :D

    M. Pigglet

    Are you seriously referring to all "Thai girlfriends"? Really? Seriously?

    Hey LovelyCutie,

    I suspect MinutePigglet was mentioning the "working girls" I mention in Case 1.

    He might indeed sometimes be right in this case, as "ATM Farangs" are of interest, only as long as the ATM works. After that, they just become losers, similarly to too many Thai men, who keep living off their wife or girlfriend...

    Would you keep working for a company, which is bankrupt and not paying you any salary anymore ? :o

    As for the rest of your both instructive conversation :D , does he have more proofs to demonstrate he is a XY, than you do to demonstrate you are a XX ?

    ...through the forum & without physical confrontation, of course, so we can all enjoy it... :D

    PS: By the way, being new here, I have no idea what "LBFM" means, neither of the "LOS" I so often see around ???...

  6. Dear Winle,

    I suspect "Yohan" & "Meadish Sweetball" have perfectly summarized it. :o

    Whatever both your ages, whatever she has been doing before, whatever her education and whatever your standard of living, what is now important is both:

    - your mutual intent

    - your mutual trust

    This you can discover concerning you only through your own feelings, which you can then translate as thoughts & emotions, and concerning her through your perception (observation, communication, intuition) of her. :D

    I explain myself more clearly; you have basically 2 possible intents:

    1. Business: Comes from the Mind. She is actually working, whatever she tells you. Her work is to provide you with a service: sex, company, care, emotional comfort, help to go around, whatever,... As for any job, she measures her success & performance in her work by the value added she can generate out of it: money (directly & indirectly). I encourage you to read this excellent & short book titled "Money Number One" by Neil Hutchison (in any English bookstore in Thailand) to understand the Thai ways of seduction and some signs to discern truth beneath the appearances.

    2. Love: Comes from the Heart. She really want to build a true relationship with you, with whatever degree of love that is possible at this point in time.

    Both cases are respectable & honorable (judgement is only an emotional projection of your values ; but remember you both have different values & culture), as long as they are clearly expressed and understood by both of you:

    Case 1: make a deal with her concerning her fee for services rendered, and manage her as an employe (with care & fairness). :D

    Case 2: start establishing the frame of this relationship (with love & kindness), but keep in mind that 30yo already is considered as old in Thailand for a woman, and that marriage certainly is her target. :D

    You can also try to mix Case 1 & Case 2, but it cannot work and you will only fool yourself (you can't consider that red is blue, or that what comes from the mind is coming from the heart).

    Now starts the exciting challenge to perceive the truth beneath the appearances in Case 2. You can do it through many ways, including:

    1. Intuition: not to be mixed with emotions. Don't question it, feel it, and that's it.

    2. Observation: what looks odd ? what is not logical ? why did she not wish to be independant & find a job earlier ? is this belated job found after your suggestions sincere or sole manipulation ?...etc.

    3. Communication: are there contradictions ? sincerity level ? what does the expression "cheap charlie" reveal ?...etc.

    4. Testing: why wouldn't you remove and go into a Thai environment she is not familiar with (another town), with no "influencing friends" ? why wouldn't you propose her a similar job through your own connections, with an at least similar salary, if you don't feel comfortable with this one ? why wouldn't you suddenly lose most of your money (e.g. you had to give it all to your mother, who was very sick...) and have to finally survive with THB 5,000 + the money she earns, in order to see her reaction ?...etc.

    You are most certainly currently living a very challenging experience, and you didn't chose the easiest ground for it, Asian people being Masters in manipulation, Thai probably some of the best at it (this is a compliment), and Western standing as mere students in the arena...

    Enjoy it & have fun ! :D

  7. The story stands in Bangkok:

    A Farang comes home from work one day and he says to his Thai wife: Honey, I got a new secretary from Chiang Mai. And imagine what happened! She's got a red and white bra. You know, these are the colors of my favorite football team. Anyway, it's not a big deal but it feels good. :D

    The next day when they come home his wife asks, How was your day? The man says: Fantastic! It's not only her bra that is red and white but also her panties. You know it's not a big deal but it really feels good! :D

    The third day they meet at home after work and now the man asks his wife, And what happened today in your office, Honey? She says, Oh, nothing special, Tilac. I got a new Farang boss today. His dick is two inches longer than yours. You know it's not a big deal but h*ll it feels good! :o:D:D

  8. Don't forget some other causes like.

    Plastic Bags suddenly appearing on your head an suffocating you.

    Telephone cords trying to strangle you.

    Flying lessons from High condo balconies not ending up landing like they should.

    Prostitutes sticking holes in you looking for that extra Pan Bath

    your wife's so called " Brother" clobbering you on the head. ect..

    You don't find those reasons in statistics ??? funny.

    Dear Zendesigner,

    May I encourage you to learn Thai language: :D

    -- English - cause of death - Thai version --

    - plastic bags - cause of death : cardiac arrest / drawning / sunstroke / hypothermia / flu / swallowing accident leading to suffocation

    - flying lessons - cause of death : suicide / drug or alcohol induced accident / loss of balance accident

    - strangulation - cause of death : suicide by hanging / drawning / drugs overdose

    - holes - cause of death : bronchitis / alcohol or drug induced self inflicted injuries leading to death

    - wife brother - cause of death : road accident / suicide / drug induced behavior

    They all actually are within the statistics (which probably DO show, at least, about 10% of the actual number of cases, indeed - to be checked further), just under a Thai version. :D

    Remember the successful cleaning work of the current government in its anti-drug war. The effects are potent indeed, the prices have risen (...), and only drug dealers & bad people have been killed... and most of them by unidentified people (not the Police), probably other drug dealers. We have to learn these communication skills (5th element) !... :o to understand them.

    One thing is certain, I am extremely cautious in Thailand, as everywhere else, of everything I do and everything around me at any time, as I consider it the best way to enjoy a safe & beautiful time here... :D

  9. Most interesting thread ! :D

    I would like to ask 3 general questions, closely related to the subject at hand:

    1. What are the rules defining the status of resident (in general, whatever the country concerned) ?

    2. Is the paying of tax directly related with the status of residency ?

    3. Is it possible to become a permanent resident of Thailand ?

    Thank you all in advance & welcoming all comments ! :o

  10. The story stands in Pattaya:

    A young Thai lady had just visited her doctor and he informed her that she was pregnant. :D

    The young lady had been married for ten years with her beloved Farang and had wanted a baby very badly. :D As she sat on the taxi, on her way home, she felt that she had to share the good news with someone.

    The Thai gentleman sitting next to her seemed as good as anyone to share the good news with.

    Khun, she said, I just received the best news you could ever imagine. I have to share it with someone or I'll bust. She told him the news that the doctor had told her about being pregnant. The man shared her enthusiam as he shared his experience.

    He said he was a farmer and, with all this bird flu issue, he had trouble with his hens laying eggs. He stated that he recently went out to the hen house one morning and all of his hens had layed eggs. He was so happy. :o

    He added, "but confidentially, I changed cocks." The newly pregnant woman responded, "Confidentially, me too." :D

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