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Posts posted by Bozo

  1. 1. Cigarette : A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end & a fool at the other.

    2. Love affairs : Something like cricket where one-day internationals are more popular than a five day test.

    3. Marriage : It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her master

    4. Divorce : Future tense of marriage

    5. Lecture : An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through "the minds of either".

    6. Conference : The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.

    7. Compromise : The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.

    8. Tears : The hydraulic force by which masculine will-power is defeated by feminine water-power ..

    9. Dictionary : A place where divorce comes before marriage.

    10. Conference Room : A place where everybody talks, nobody listens & everybody disagrees later on.

    11. Ecstasy : A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.

    12. Classic : A book which people praise, but do not read.

    13. Smile : A curve that can set a lot of things straight.

    14. Office : A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life.

    15. Yawn : The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth.

    16. Etc. : A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.

    17. Committee: Individuals who can do nothing individually and sitto decide that nothing can be done together.

    18. Experience : The name men give to their mistakes.

    19. Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.

    20. Philosopher : A fool who torments himself during life, to be spoken of when dead.

    21. Diplomat : A person who tells you to go to heIl in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.

    22. Opportunist : A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river.

    23. Optimist : A person who while falling from Eiffel Tower says in midway "See I am not injured yet."

    24. Pessimist :- A person who says that 'O' is the last letter in ZERO, Instead of the first letter in word OPPORTUNITY.

    25. Miser : A person who lives poor so that he can die rich.

    26. Father : A banker provided by nature.

    27. Criminal : A guy no different from the rest... except that he got caught.

    28. Boss : Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.

    29. Politician : One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after.

    30. Doctor : A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you with his bills.

    31. Computer Engineer : One who gets paid for reading such mails..... and might be actually enjoying it, when slightly sado-masochist. :o

  2. LOUD SEX:

    A wife went in to see a therapist and said, "I've got a big problem, doctor. Every time we're in bed and my husband climaxes, he lets out this ear splitting yell." "My dear," the shrink said, "that's completely natural. I don't see what the problem is." "The problem is," she complained, "It wakes me up!"


    Tired of a listless sex life, the man came right out and asked his wife during a recent lovemaking session, "How come you never tell me when you have an orgasm?" She glanced at him casually and replied, "You're never home!"


  3. The sex :D

    The bars

    The food

    The raves

    The afters

    The discos

    The techno

    The pool bars

    The gogo bars

    The show bars

    The blo*job bars :D

    The foot massages

    The afternoon bars

    The massage parlours

    The low prices & affordability

    The real massages as well (oil & Thai)

    The availability for "all you can dream of"

    The flexibility on "everything that is forbidden"

    ...and all this with... :o

    The non confrontational way

    The website of Thaivisa

    The sense of happiness

    The strengh & courage

    The relax atmosphere

    The extreme violence

    The sense of humour

    The happy-go-luck

    The perseverance

    The Mystery (!) :D

    The tolerance

    The Culture

    The odours

    The people

    The reality

    The smiles

    The help

    The love :D

  4. Going to the market and buying 3 bags full of fruit and veg, for 120 baht - :o

    I love sailing my boat around Koh Yao Islands, the prettiest views of Thailand!

    I love filling my truck up for half the cost of most countries.

    I love that things arent the same as my country - like the roads, the language, the simplistic ways of life, the genuine smiles, the bewilderment of the kids when you speak to them in Thai, haggling prices with a smile and the high morals of the average Thai - lovely.

    I also love that I am about to build a resort on an Island, where I will see out my days in a hammock on a beautiful beach with my wife, my kids and a smile.

    When built, let us know the address !... :D

  5. Let me add a welcome as well, and Zen, did you know that for every new member you bring to the forum, you get a prize? Free membership for yourself and another friend as well.

    Thaivisa is all about Thailand, not all about expats. There was another post somewhere yesterday from a newbie asking if it was just for expats. It isn't. It's for information. For anyone, from anywhere, about Thailand, though occasionally we get info on Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and once, India, as well because of our reach.


    Ever thought of expanding towards the rest of SEA, Indian continent & Chinese sphere ?... :o

  6. QUOTE (Doc Adams @ Sat 2004-03-20, 10:12:40)

    Hey guys,

    It's a great site if you're living in Thailand!

    What's the mystery?

    The mystery ? What mystery ?

    First rule of Thaivisa; Don't talk about the mystery.

    Shhhhht, please don't talk about the Mystery !.... :D

    As we all probably know, the Mystery shall not be revealed. Ever !... :D

    As otherwise, it would not be a Mystery anymore... :o:D:D

  7. Is it possible that "the newly-formed Phuket Land Transport Security Center (PLTSC) under instructions from the Phuket Provincial Administration Organization (OrBorJor)" be controlled by some "transfuges" of Khmer Rouge from neighbouring Cambodia ? :D

    I thought "Communism" was not welcome in Thailand !?!... :o

    But shouldn't we remember that "denunciation" is one of the main tools of any police in the World, especially encouraged when under dictatorship ruling ?!?... :D:D:D

  8. People not moving on the esculators, and the general obliviousness of the indivudual Thai, to someone who wants to move faster than them.

    The Thai perspective, worst thing about Bangkok:

    Fat farang trying to push their way past us on the escalators and footpaths, and the way they stink because

    a.) They don't even understand how to catch a proper, new cab with functioning aircon (what's up with the tuk-tuks and beaten up taxis who are infallably driven by Roi Et newcomers without a clue of city geography)

    b.) They're too kee niaow to even catch a taxi

    c.) Haven't figured out that the Thai climate requires a pace change, and a mood change in order to be bearable

    d.) Don't understand they should shower more than once per day


    How true !... :D

  9. Maybe not the worst, but a story from Bangkok! :D

    I sit in a Taxi 5.00pm last week. Somewhere beetween World trade center

    and Khaosan road, a policemean who was placed for handle the trafficjam see a farang without seatbelts and he jumped into the street and stopped the taxi and wanted 1000 bath from me because I not used seatbelt. I look over my shoulder and there was no belt in the taxi. He dont care about this and still want 1000 bath.

    I refuse to pay and he asked me how much I will pay him now or go to policestation and pay 1000. I still refuse to pay and he go down to 500 now or 1000 in the policestation. The price fall and the trafficjam get bigger and bigger. After nearly 30 minutes with arguing and price fall to 50 bath I take my camera (without film) and make flash and tell him to jump in the Taxi and I pay 1000 in policestation and report him for corruption. Then he get really mad and want the film. I said I want 1000 bath for the film. He get more and more angry and so do the thousends of car behind us.

    After nearly 45 minutes I told him that I will give him the film if he forget about the "fine". Ok my friend! I told he was not my friend and show him that the camera not have film. He get more angry because I joked him, but at same time six more police came for handle the traficjam he made. I pay the taxidriver and leave the place with a tuktuk and I will never forget How much problem a single stupid greedy corrupt policeman can make.

    Lovely story ! :o

  10. Tell me why you and "Habib Al Thaiquila" always post day after day of anti-American and anti-Supreme Court and anti-Bush, etc., etc., etc., rhetoric??  Misinformation, propaganda, distortions and lies.  Plain and simple.

    I will post and reply any way I see fit.  I will continue to point out your lack of logic, your insane and ridiculous one-sided view of the U.S. and world events because I know you are on an agenda and so is "Habib Al Thaiquila".

    One more point: Neither you nor anyone else will instruct me on how I will post.

    You are right Membrane, you are the sole judge of how you post, but shouldn't it be equally the same for everyone ? :D

    " I know you are on an agenda and so is "Habib Al Thaiquila". "

    Should we understand that you possibly suspect both of them to be potential "terrorists" ? :o:D:D

  11. How to link a thread to a poll ?

    Is there something to do with the "post space" for replies attached ?

    I actually want to create a poll on the base of an already existing thread...

    Easy! You have an option to "Attach a poll to this thread". If you having trouble finding me, please PM me the thread ID and I will help create the poll for you.

    Thanks all for your kind help. :D

    George, this is clear.

    Nevertheless, I am unable to find how to access this option at this time...

    Any further suggestions ? :o

  12. Maybe the medication belongs to the sick buffalo.


    I think it was very nice of you not to stir up a lot of trouble. Maybe she got it from tending the sick buffalo.

    I have both a doubt & a comfort:

    Doubt: she was effectively f**ing with the buffalo, then :D

    Comfort: she was not getting f**ed in the arse, then :o

  13. I don't think it is a sin if someone wants to have a better life and can only achieve it by being a prostitute.


    Not only is it not a sin, but one can consider it a very respectable job, as any other work. Let's overcome the old Western Judeo-Christian based laws, we are in Thailand, dear... :D

    In the traditionnal Chinese & Japanese culture, and withing other things, it can usually allow a woman to make herself a dowry, access a higher social layer, and find a very respectable husband, in order to create a beautifully harmonious family later on. Real Geishas in Japan (no sex) still are better considered than most of housewives ; rather like both a "businesswoman+a talented entertainer+an unaccessible dream of how one's wife could be" (and trust me, it is for you to pay the "bar-fine-dowry" to the Geisha house, if marriage is allowed - very rare actually - never to Gaijins - and you have to count it in millions of... USD). :o

    I am not sure for the Thai traditionnal culture, but it is obviously in Thailand a way to escalate the social scale (that is currently unfortunately being put in jeopardy...), and therefore allows a sane, safe & regular level of change & intermingling in this society... :D

    It is obviously more accessible to less fortunate Thai & Westerners, and is otherwise a matter of personnal discernment to chose a BG, who is not a BG in the heart (difficult !), and there are many indeed !...

    As for the fact that poor people can help themselves by entering prostitution, it is an obvious say. But it is certainly not the only way or solution, is it ?... :D

  14. I think you're a pig trapped in a bar-girl's body.

    ... counting 1 to 1000 ... a pig is a pig ... a pig is a pig ...

    Dear LovelyCuttie,

    There are several possible ways to handle this kind of lovely provocations, indeed:

    1. Emotional way: :o

    # Action: you tell him to <deleted> off, get lost, and eat shit & drink pee while he get bloodily sodomised in public by his father, without KY, with his mother watching while masturbating, sucking his (her?) little brother, and being vaginally seeded by a leprous & syphilitic tramp on a manure heap, on which he lays as a pig, whatever...

    # Analysis: you are not acting, but only re-acting ; therefore being manipulated

    # Energetic Reality: by reacting, you have allowed an energetic link to be created between you and him, and your energy is being litterally sucked out by him (actual vampirism) through every word you tell him on this emotional communication's mode

    # His Appreciation: he made you react! yes! you are sooo easy! he is having great fun & is loving it, enjoying it sooo much he can't help and has to provoque you again whenever he can, but please understand him, your energy is sweet & better than both "beer+xtasie+multiple orgasm" together. He might not really know about the "Energetic Reality", as it might also happen on an emotional level for him as well, but this is what happens.

    2. Mind way: :D

    # Analysis: why would you waste your time & energy to talk with pigs recently reincarnated in human beings, to educate them ? good luck, you probably already know that pigs have been on this planet for around 45 millions years, while humans only 1 million years, look at the difference of speed of evolution (...)

    # Action: ignore him

    # Energetic Reality: you didn't allow any energetic link to be created, and on which he can feed

    # His Appreciation: he can't make you re-act, therefore has no fun (= can't feed on you). He will stop probably sooner rather than later and try to find another prey

    3. Heart way: :D

    # Energetic Reality: he is dearly spending his energy, trying to create an energetic link with you, in order to suck your energy

    # Analysis: he is one of your multiple life teachers, spending his energy in order to make you understand a truth of life, and therefore helping you to go forward

    # Action: thank him for his efforts, and recognize in him somebody who is helping you. Try to thank him with a good & warm sense of humour (and doing so giving him back the energy he gave you, but without allowing any further energetic link)

    # His Appreciation: If he is not aware of what he is actually doing, he will be so surprised of your unexpected action (not re-action) that he will not only stop bugging you, but will also start using his mind to understand what has happened. If he is aware, he will immediately stop and look elsewhere for food.

    Anyway at the end of the day, your are always free to chose the way you desire at this point in your time, and the choice is yours only ! :D

    May I take the liberty to recommend you to leave the "Emotional way" for your sexual interactions, and so to get the best of it !...:D

  15. Death is the problem, you see. It's sort of final.

    Does it all end when the lights go out? No more fun and games? No more toys to play with? Nothing left to buy?

    Am I foolish to worry about such a thing? Should I eat, drink and be merry, cause tomorrow we die?

    Should I abandon my wife and kid, like the Buddha, and go off into the jungle?

    Should I go back to the Catholic Church and try to make a confession of the past twenty years of living the low life? Do I really have to try to estimate the number of people I've slept with over the past 40 years? Should I include the priests who abused me when I was a lowly altar boy?

    Should I shave my head and become a Hare Krishna?

    Does heroin help? Massive amounts of beer?

    Is there a 12-step program for the existentially angst-ed?


    Now please, don't hold back. Let me have it. Tell me like it is. Make a man out of me. I've always felt there was a man lurking in me somewhere. Maybe two, considering my waistline. So don't be shy. I want to know: What is the Meaning Of Life? Surely there must a wise sage among you who can explain this dilemma to me.


    1. "Death is the problem": what is the opposite of death (one usually understands it wrong) ? :D

    2. "Meaning Of Life": what is YOUR meaning you give yourself of YOUR life (which equals to the experience you sought to acquire in your life) ? :D

    3. "12-step program": isn't Life, with its infinite variety of occasions & experiences, and with the freedom you have to embrace it to the degree of your choice, the best infinite-step program one can dream of ? :o

    It's the last thing you'll ever do Bozo.

    Probably in this life.

    Nevertheless, it does not answer my questions !?!... :D

  16. Maybe we should start a poll as to the merits of your idea and where he should go?

    Good idea !

    Shall we make a poll related to HenrikDK thread. :D

    I actually DO like HenrikDK writing, and also can recognize good will when shown (even when looking naive).

    My input is through helping people "look beneath the appearances, with a solid sense of humour", and I do respect other people input, however different it might be from my own ways... also I celebrate people using their gifts & skills to this effect.

    Let's help HenrikDK start being famous through our humoristic & constructive assistance...

    The idea is for him to be famous & for us to have as much fun as possible !... :o

    The poll could be introduced by something like:

    " Oh you to whom Sacred Siam

    Has whispered her ancient wisdom!

    I am a 20 years old poet-to-be from Denmark. I should like to live a year in utter isolation from any man or woman that I know to complete an opulent opus of poetry, which will surely amaze every human being who still has a good heart and a sense of beauty. Therefore, I require some answers from you who [know about life]...

    ...lately I've had visions of certain altitudes and... I am confident about music as an eternal means to divine inspiration... I wish not to be totally isolated from people, but I long to depart from all those I know... just a simple apartment, a bungalow, a little hut, anything... for the main problem, that poetry should deal with these days, is the greed of the masses...

    ...we are facing catastrophy on a global level - believe me,... you cannot stop world hunger, war and killing, but you certainly will not be able to break the slightest bone in the arm of Injustice... 30.000 dead little bodies, every day, injustice has accumulated and it is our duty to help the poor... and the poor are my brothers and my sisters and some day, when I have been able to announce my poetic manifest to the ears the world, I shall go live with them, light and simple and driven only by faith. But I know what I need to work on now and before I can ascent to a more natural way of life I have some ghosts of marble to fight and some plastic bananas to peel...

    ...my strange tongue has been seriously infected by thousands of different styles of writing, in Danish, in English, in French, in Spanish, in German, so it’s quite hard for me to stay out of linguistic enigmas and poetic contradictions... discipline is required in these bestial times... as for my poetry you might feel that I ought to prove that I'm worth my boasting, but I don't feel no need to show you my glittering gold...

    ...I have already created major parts of the work I am going to finish, and I am convinced that I have already reached the goal, i.e. to create a collection of poetry which will amaze the people of this world (if there are any children left)... my muse is singing sweet songs of yore to me every night as I go almost sober to lie on my bed... it’s hard for anyone these days to imagine that some man... would refuse to make any dirty compromises, but there are still a few, and one day, getting closer, there shall be millions... "

    Then the possible choices of the poll (20 possible) could be: :D

    1. the last one shall be an open question leading people to give their suggestion in the replies attached.

    2. in Thailand

    3. smoking ganja in India

    4. meditating in the Himalayas

    5. do poetry with the Poors

    6. in the deserts of sand & snow

    7. in a opium house in China

    8. ...??? (open to suggestions)

    Also, what could be the appropriate Poll question, Topic title & Topic description in order to attract as many voters as possible ???

    I would suggest: "Where should HenrikDK go ?", but am open to all suggestions...

    HenrikDK, all your suggestions are most welcome, of course... but won't prevent the poll tide... :D

    Also may I suggest you to enhance slightly more strongly your beautiful sense of humour, which will attenuate your touch of arrogance probably due to your energetic youth, as it looks like you have absolutely no idea (only guesses, glimpses from stories, books & TV) what to expect concretely of the World outside of Europe, but obviously have a strong will to discover it... :D

  17. Death is the problem, you see. It's sort of final.

    Does it all end when the lights go out? No more fun and games? No more toys to play with? Nothing left to buy?

    Am I foolish to worry about such a thing? Should I eat, drink and be merry, cause tomorrow we die?

    Should I abandon my wife and kid, like the Buddha, and go off into the jungle?

    Should I go back to the Catholic Church and try to make a confession of the past twenty years of living the low life? Do I really have to try to estimate the number of people I've slept with over the past 40 years? Should I include the priests who abused me when I was a lowly altar boy?

    Should I shave my head and become a Hare Krishna?

    Does heroin help? Massive amounts of beer?

    Is there a 12-step program for the existentially angst-ed?


    Now please, don't hold back. Let me have it. Tell me like it is. Make a man out of me. I've always felt there was a man lurking in me somewhere. Maybe two, considering my waistline. So don't be shy. I want to know: What is the Meaning Of Life? Surely there must a wise sage among you who can explain this dilemma to me.


    1. "Death is the problem": what is the opposite of death (one usually understands it wrong) ? :D

    2. "Meaning Of Life": what is YOUR meaning you give yourself of YOUR life (which equals to the experience you sought to acquire in your life) ? :D

    3. "12-step program": isn't Life, with its infinite variety of occasions & experiences, and with the freedom you have to embrace it to the degree of your choice, the best infinite-step program one can dream of ? :o

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