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Posts posted by Just1Voice

  1. I get the impression that Chinese are quite ready to stand up and insist on justice.

    Good for them and shame on these 2 scumbags.

    Chinese stand up for justice...a complete oxymoron if I ever saw one. In addition, I am quite sure these Chinese were acting inappropriately during their stupid self-photo expose,,,boat owners do not take Chinese anywhere, your asking for trouble.

    So, their actions while taking photos of one another justifies forcible rape by the two Thai scumbags? Is that what you're saying. I hope not, because if you are, you are one sick, demented individual with zero morals.

  2. Wonder how the Politicians, Generals and high Ranking Police Officers explain their enormous wealth accumulated on a government salary to The Office of Anti-Money Laundering.

    Didn't you hear the General after the "not-a-coup"? He, and those he appointed, are NOT subject to fiscal scrutiny. There will be no investigations as to how they all became multi-millionaires on their meager military salary. Oh, other than the fact that they all married rich girls.

  3. The Chinese tourists are subject to a lot of crimes that have happened to other foreigners because they have no idea of what really goes on here. They internet available there isn't like what it is in the rest of the world, so they have no idea of the dangers that await them.

    On the other side of that coin, they are great "talkers", and you can be sure than when they go home, they will relate their stories online in China, and they will spread like wildfire. It won't take to many incidents of crime and corruption for people of China to start thinking that maybe Thailand isn't such a good deal after all, and then watch the Chinese tourist numbers drop.

  4. Selling our house in Chiang Ma. Had it appraised by 3 different Realtor companies to get good idea of what it was worth. All 3 came back with a figure of 4.2 - 4.5 million. Ok, listed it for 4.2. Six months later, and no interest I dropped it to 3.5, just to sell it so we can get something smaller. Had a man from BKK call and say he was interested, said he would be here next Saturday. He comes, looks it over, says he likes it, then offers me 2.75. I smiled and told him the price was now 4.5. He got pissed and wanted to know why I would insult him like that. I asked him why did he think he could insult me like that with his offer. But told him that if he really wanted it, I'd split the difference and he could have it for 4. He huffed and puffed and stomped away. Som nom na.

    And, yes, it's still for sale. lol

  5. I watched the interview. Ramos was loud, rude and belligerent. He wasn't trying to ask a question, he was deliberately trying to disrupt the news conference, and showing total disrespect to the real journalists there. Trump didn't respond to the man's "baiting" and spoke in his normal tone of voice. He didn't order Ramos removed, the security did that themselves, and Trump later let Ramos return.

    My opinion? (for what it's worth). Ramos is/was a rude <deleted> trying to push a cause, and had no interest in being a journalist, or respecting the rights of others. Trump is nicer than me. I wouldn't have let the jerk back in. lol

  6. Best summary of the Koh Tao cockup with alternate and "official" scenarios, etc. I have ever read: http://thailandjustice.com/introduction-to-koh-tao-investigation/

    Puts the ignorant official RTP story defenders into the corner they belong...

    I'd advice all truth seekers to copy, paste and save the text for safekeeping because I think it might be deleted sooner or later - latest after the KT mafia headman called their office...

    Thankyou for this post and link. It would seem all too often the initial Police officer dealing with a crime is replaced preventing the crime being successfully solved. I am starting to wonder why? I am the victim of a crime and the best Police officer on my case was transferred after a few days. Since then I have tried everything to have him reinstated but have been flatly refused despite him being posted within a short drive away.

    Why would the police do that? I even offered to pay for his services but it was still NO!

    One of the suspects is a known local drug dealer who seems beyond reprisal.

    I would love to know the most likely reason for this?

    I would love to know the most likely reason for this? = Money (bribes) and protection of the guilty. Well known in Thailand.

  7. UK authorities have nothing to do with this case. They should never have been "invited" in the first place. If thai nationals where murdered in UK would the Thai authorities be welcome over there to have a squiz at the evidence

    If thai nationals where murdered in UK would the Thai authorities be welcome over there to have a squiz at the evidence

    Actually, yes, they would, if they showed an interest in the case.

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