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Posts posted by Just1Voice

  1. I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and grinning over the comments made by so many when Trump first announced he was running. "Trump's a joke/clown! He won't last" - "No one is going to take him seriously.", etc., etc., etc.

    Well, like him or not, he HAS lasted, and a hell of a lot of people ARE taking him seriously, as evidenced by his overwhelming lead in every poll taken. Turn on the news and check the reports on Republican candidates. Who are they talking about? Trump. The others merely get a side mention. The way it stands now, the only way any other candidate could get the nomination is if Trump has a heart attack and dies.

    However, while he may (and probably will) win the nomination, that doesn't mean he can win the highest office in the land. He still has to go against the Dems, and that's yet to be determined. So it should be interesting.

  2. Thai internal affairs is none of a British business. Why does not he mind his own business in his own country? another crazy mister in pith helmet who knows it better how other nations should live.

    lock him in prison to show other foreign activist the way back home!

    times of British Empire are long gone

    Bullshite! The internal affairs of Thailand ARE a matter of concern once they transgress the boundaries of Thailand. Slave labor to produce goods in Thailand that are then shipped to other countries DOES give the other countries rights to be concerned about what is going on in Thailand.

    When are Thai going to stop with the lie of "We've never been invaded/colonized." Yeah, right. Burma invaded 3 major times, and controlled all of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phitsanulok and most of Uttaradit for OVER 200 YEARS. Of course, you wouldn't know that, because you only learn from the Thai History books. Try reading some real history, and not the fantasy crap they teach in Thai schools. Oh, and let's not forget how the Japanese literally took over the country during World War 2. Or is that something else they don't teach in Thai schools?

    Thai feel they are superior to their neighbors in every way, when that is a total joke. They have one of the worst educational systems in Asia, let alone the rest of the world, and are falling behind Vietnam, Philippines, and even Lao. Another 10 years and they'll be behind Myanmar, and about on par with Cambodia.

    Speaking of Lao, they have had 4G internet and mobile service for over 2 years, as has Vietnam. Thailand is only JUST NOW getting it. Yeah, real superiority on display there.

    Do a Google search for Thai inventions. It will take you about 10 seconds to read the results of the "Superior Race".

    Face it, if it wasn't for the Americans coming here during the Vietnam war, Thailand probably still wouldn't have a building taller than 2 floors that wasn't made from bamboo.

    Everything that Thailand has (are you ready for this?) came from OTHER COUNTRIES!

    Even your Thai "Elites" really aren't true Thai. They are Chinese.

    Thai Pride is nothing more than Thai Stupidity. "Thainess" is just a word for blatant stupidity, and the refusal to see what is right in front of your face.

  3. This is frigging asinine, but I can identify. On one of my bike trips in the past, I had a cop at a mountain checkpoint want to arrest me and confiscate my full riding kit, claiming it was illegal body armor. It finally took calling a superior officer to come to the check point and clear things up. To say the least, I was not in the best of moods by the time they finally let me go.

  4. Funny, but where I live, 78% of the Thai I know, and talk to, are dead set against the Junta and think they should all be in jail for treason. Makes me wonder where they conducted this poll, and who they asked. And guess what, they're not all Red Shirts, either! Surprise, surprise!

  5. hahahaha, seems that some of the politicians/reds dont like the idea of being held accountable , the threat of life bans for any criminal charges action/corruption would greatly reduce their ability to pocket all that extra cash they have been doing over the years and it is scaring the crap out of them. This is all about how they increase their bank accounts when they are elected to govern and as money is what they care about more than anything else it has them very worried, the other side is it will effectively cut out several of them from ever being elected/standing again(especially the ptp/reds big boss in the desert) as many are already within the terms stated, they dont care about the people, just themselves.

    Got a news flash for you. The Democrats, and EVERY OTHER politician for the last 80 years has been corrupt to the bone. I know that doesn't fit into your "Reds are Evil" belief, but it's true. You may be a Suthep fan (your kind usually are). You do know that his corruption brought down his own Democratic Party, and has been called the most corrupt man in politics - BY HIS OWN PARTY MEMBERS!

    Sorry of that doesn't seem clear through your military green glass lenses, but sometimes you have to take those off to see the truth as it REALLY is, and not what you want it to be.

  6. Dear Thai Bash Department:

    It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

    Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

    We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

    All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

    Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

    Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

    There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

    Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

    So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

    This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

    No one has ever said "Falangworld" is perfect, because we all know it isn't. But for those of us who have lived here permanently for a number of years, we see daily examples of Thai corruption and stupidity that simply defy logic. How many important cases are NEVER solved in Thailand due to incompetent police? How many times have we heard police officials make totally asinine comments, such as "No Thai could ever do this", and a few hours later, or the next day, another "important official" comes out with something equally stupid? The police in this country are a total joke!

    The sad part is, most of the falang I know actually wish this was NOT the case, but we know it is. So our choices are limited. 1) Drown in sadness at such a backwards and ignorant police department, or 2) Make fun of them. Which is soooo easy to do with the "material" they themselves provide. Most of us on TVF who live here, actually love it here, and really wouldn't want to live anywhere else. But we also wish they had an even semi-competent police force, instead of a bunch of idiots in brown who are only good for collecting bribes, and always blaming everything that happens on someone else, namely "foreigners".

  7. When Brittan, Australia and the US offered HELP, that's what it was - HELP. But because of "Thai Pride" (ignorance and stupidity, combined with loss of face), the Junta flatly turned them all down. Instead the brilliant pumpkin now leading this country, suggested his ignorant Thai police watch American television to learn how to conduct an investigation. If that isn't the height of Ignorance and Stupidity, then I don't know what is.

  8. Kind of reminds me of a something that happened a few years ago at Christmas time. 4 Marines were outside of a Walmart, using a small bell to collect donations for needy children. Some idiot decides to pull a knife and rob a Walmart cashier. He runs out the door where the Marines were, and then stabs one of the Marines (not seriously). By the time the cops got there, this guy was screaming for the cops to arrest him and get him away from the Marines, who had broken his jaw, both his arms, one of his legs, and something like 6 ribs. The best part of the whole story was when the Chief of Police said - and with a straight face! - the guy suffered injuries when he tripped and fell off the curb.

  9. ahhh hahaha Thaksin is putting up more than the Junta, too funny. gigglem.gif

    Now we are getting in the realms of real interesting tea money. Everyone has a price here, lets hope the amount keeps rising until someone cracks.

    ...or until a patsie is found bah.gif

    This one has gone international. No way to do a Burmese stitch up now. In fact, they're going to actually have to do their job on this one. Ok, ok, I retract that. I should say they will have to APPEAR to do their job.

  10. I was....I am....I shall always be....a United States Marine.

    Thank you for your service. thumbsup.gif

    I share your Thanks with every man and woman who has had to courage to put on a uniform, regardless of which branch of the military, and by doing so, openly proclaim: "I am ready to defend my country, even if it means my own death."

    (But we Jarheads think we're special, because we are! lol)whistling.gif

  11. There is a very simple solution, but in Thailand nothing can ever be simple and so the situation continues. What happened to the demand that all owners carry insurance to cover any damage? Then the problem is solved. No insurance, no licence to operate. No excuses. How simple is that.

    They can't carry insurance on them due to the simple fact that Thai law makes jet skis ILLEGAL!

  12. Keep the jet Ski, its part of the holiday for some tourists.

    Regulate it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it can be done, city hall has the power to do this.

    BTW , I don't like them, but im not a tourist.

    All the people who are moaning about them are Expats.

    Thailand does not want Expats, cant you all see that.

    Thailand wants the 2 week tourist who goes home with empty pockets and a big smile.

    Long live the jet Ski. wai2.gif

    All the people who are moaning about them are Expats.

    Yeah, because the only people who rent the damn things are Expats and tourists.

  13. Another U-turn,they say one thing and a couple of days later

    the story is a complete opposite,not only in this case but lots

    of other policies that are put out,

    If they were foreign terrorists ,I think they would be more likely

    claim responsibility.

    regards worgeordie

    I don't think that is the implication

    I believe they are saying that some group in Thailand hired a foreign team to help carry out this attack, there does seem to be a level of expertise not seen in Thailand before, someone with a large amount of money and a motive to disrupt the Thai economy and the level of calm that existed before this incident - who has the biggest axe to grind - who will do anything to prevent reconcilliation unless he is involved, I have my own thoughts

    Nooooo, Smedley, they are not your own thoughts. Everyone with a lick of common sense on TVF is very familiar with your attempts to link the Devil in Dubai to anything and everything you possibly can.

  14. Recently my 32 year old adopted Thai son was awarded a special recognition medal from the daughter of the King. The award was for being the best teacher in Chiang Dao, Pai and Fang. He teaches Advanced Thai Language, and over the past 3 years his students have consistently won every award possible during competitions. His students love him, as do his superiors, although that wasn't the case at first. He teaches at a unique school in Arunothai, Chiang Dao which, while it has one building with a library and dining room, the class rooms are actually small rotundas set into the natural landscape of the school grounds. It's actually cool as hell. lol.

    From the very start, he encouraged his students to ask questions. He would tell them that if they didn't understand something, then ask him and he would explain it to them. It took a while for them to accept this "new concept", but once they did, they started questioning ALL the teachers. It didn't take long before it caught on. The head administrator had a talk with my son and gave him the "we don't do that" routine, to which my son told him: "I do it that way. If you don't like it, there are other schools I can go to." Now they are begging him to stay, and not move back to a position here in Chiang Mai.

    Now he, along with 7 of his fellow teachers at Arunothai, are all working on their Master's at the same university together, and they all have the same "agenda" - teach the students to THINK! I've had quite a few talks with him, and he admits that it's not going to be easy for them, but maybe the 8 of them, who will all be in Chiang Mai schools, can start something here that will eventually spread to others. When I pointed out that in going to a new school, he could meet opposition from his new bosses. He grinned and said: "Dad, I've got the daughter of the King behind me, so they aren't going to say shit!" Kid's got a point.


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