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  1. Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.
  2. My concern is bringing USD into Thailand from my USA savings account because of the new taxing of foreign money coming into a Thai bank account regulation that started January, 2024, i.e., paying taxes in 2025 for money transferred into Thailand during 2024. I am a Thai tax resident, and as I work in Thailand, I do file a Thai tax return every year. The money in my USA savings account was already previously taxed in the USA because it was money I earned in the USA over a period of years. But as no one seems to know -- including myself -- what this new regulation (or new interpretation of an old regulation) from the Thai RD really means, again, I'm leery of transferring any USD into Thailand. But, perhaps, I'm missing the boat somewhere.
  3. Wow, malibukid, that was so clever how you interjected one of your political views into the discussion on a topic that has nothing to do with said political view. That must of used up a lot of your brain cells. Is your brain still smoldering from that incredible wit?
  4. Strictly screen [Chinese] entering and leaving the Kingdom. This includes the consideration of applications for extensions of stay, visa stamping, and changes in visa status. All relevant laws, regulations, and orders must be strictly follow Investigate and prosecute all crimes committed by [Chinese]. This includes violations of the Immigration Act, the Alien Employment Act, the Entertainment Places Act, illegal business operations, nominee arrangements where Thai nationals hold shares or real estate ownership on behalf of [Chinese] to avoid legal compliance. The behavior of [Chinese] should also be investigated to determine if they have any mafia-like influence. Cooperation with relevant agencies is required for integrated law enforcement. Revoke the stay permits of [Chinese] who are found to be staying in the Kingdom without a legitimate reason or who have other behaviors that warrant the revocation of their permits. This should be done in accordance with the Immigration Act.
  5. From International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children: Age of Consent: 15 years old Criminal Code of Thailand Sec. 277 Whoever, has sexual intercourse with a girl not yet over fifteen years of age and not being his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four to twenty years and fined of eight thousand to forty thousand Baht. If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is committed against a girl not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.
  6. "...criminality linked to foreigners in Thailand which was damaging the image of the kingdom and which posed a nuisance to the public." You can also simply substitute "Thai Police" in place of "foreigners."
  7. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have shipped scooters before in Thailand via the postal service, but since I need to move other stuff as well (as mentioned in my original post), I'm looking for a moving company. That said, I have found a moving company since I posted my original post. Thanks again for your reply.
  8. Does any have a recommendation for moving company from Chiang Mai to Phuket? I'm looking for someone who has used a company and found them to be a good company. I'm needing to move 2 scooters, a standing room fan, a medium sized room air filter, and maybe a few boxes. Thank you.
  9. Can anyone recommend a breast enlargement clinic in CM – that you have had actual experience with, e.g., your GF has had experience with? PLEASE, no funny comments, no anti-surgery comments, etc. This is a serious inquiry. I would appreciate a recommendation from experiential knowledge. Thanks.
  10. I just received a Click 125i from Nat Motors. I had to pre-order it. It took about 1 month to arrive. I like Nat Motors for purchasing bikes (I have purchased 3 from them over the years). Can't say I am always satisfied with their service team though. Sales has always been good for me. Be aware: the new Honda Click 125i has a slightly smaller frame this year than previous yrs. Still, I like the one I bought. It's a bit quicker than my previous Clicks (125 cc), including any I have rented before. And, I can get up to around 106 kilometers/hour on it.
  11. Good one. Made me laugh more than once ????
  12. Thanks very much for the feedback. I really appreciate it.
  13. Thanks very much for the feedback. I really appreciate it.
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