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anterian last won the day on April 3 2012

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About anterian

  • Birthday 02/24/1936

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    UK Surrey....Thailand Nonthaburi province.

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  1. one blow knocks him down, two more blows makes sure he stays down.
  2. The Thai voyeur was attracted to the scene by the woman's screams, of ecstasy I presume, so this is probably why they were not using their hotel room. Screamers can get embarrassingly noisy.
  3. i have been hospitalised in two private hospitals in Bangkok, the last time 6 months ago. I think someone is confusing Bahts with Pounds, 3000 Baht was about what I paid, medication and MRA scan extra.
  4. That looks more like a Baht bus than a tuk tuk
  5. But I thought sorting out the real girls from the lodyboys was part of the fun,
  6. exactly so, in Thailand trust no one with money.
  7. Whilst an insurance scam is possible, can one assume they were actually insured, many Thai vehicles are not.
  8. Is kicking a ghost in the balls the correct way to exorcise it, what if its a female ghost.
  9. 5-HTP is converted in the body to serotonin and can be bought at Lazada, iherb etc.
  10. what about the mobile street vendors, are they outside the scope of these laws
  11. An interesting comparison here between the media of two countries, Thai media makes a point of naming nationalities, British media make a point of not revealing nationality or ethnicity.
  12. If my village is anything to go by, the most affected seem to be young males and older women.
  13. M,y experience with some sellers on Lazada is that with technical goods they often don't seem to understand what they are selling.,
  14. a 25 year old chef, i doubt it, more likely a cook.
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