And you are the expert who has been to the area where the accident happened?
Or are you another drunk bar stool expert about everything?
The latter more than likely.
What a exceedingly stupid remark.
Very sad about the man being killed by the elephant.
This is what can happen when a human encounters a wild animal.
Are you going to kill every wild animal in the world.
All money that expats bring into Thailand cost Thailand nothing.
We all pay tax on what we buy.
Expats do contribute a lot of money to the Thai coffers
And not get much in return.
Speculation and conjecture about the tax.
The more everyone talks about the more everyone becomes confused.
Close the subject down until some one really knows.
Forums can be very helpful .
But only if it comes from those who do know.
Not those who think they know.
Most but not all would put Sherlock Holmes to shame in you detective knowledge.
Holmes would advise that most you to go back and do what you are best at.
Bending your elbows, getting drunk and talking a lot of rubbish as you usually do.
And what gave you the right to tap office girls on the bottom 45 years ago. It was still sexual harasment.
Even if you did bed some.
There would have been some who did no like it.
These days you would be classed as a sexual predator.
And that is what you were then.
I do agree the Phizer and other drug companies are to expensive.
But I commend Phizer for there involvement in bring this drug ring down.
I doubt what you say is true.
It has got nothing to do with Pfizer losing money.
It is to do with stopping criminals manufacturing counterfeit to make money for themselves.
You have no idea how millions of lives are destroyed through illegal drugs.
Please put your brain into gear and think before make anymore stupid comments like that.
The other thing Sheryl is that most have never seen the results of these illegal drugs and what it does to those who use them.
It takes a lot of long hard pain staking investigation work by policer teams etc to make sure they have the evidence on these crimms.
That it puts them away for a very long time.