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Everything posted by TTSIssues

  1. Great story !
  2. The Chinese are doing their best to crush western manufacturers with cut price products built with cheap labour and government ownership / subsidies. everyone buying these products are supporting the Expansionist plans of the CCP. they look great and feel lovely inside these day, but when all these electronic components fail, there won’t be a chance in hell of them getting repaired in thailand. after a few years, the likes of Honda, Toyota etc will pull out (as Ford has largely done) and then we are stuck with Chinese manufacturers - and the prices will sky rocket. So that’s the plan, it’s what the Chinese government do. Only you can decide your next purchase.
  3. Short hair brushed forwards into a fringe, white linen hoodie, eyes too close together and an angry scowl 🤣
  4. that’s a whole different matter ! I won’t even go there, it’s his risk if he loses it.
  5. Thank you so much, gents, I will stop worrying on his behalf. thanks again
  6. Thank you, I guess he is the “owner” hence why I was asking.
  7. yes I should have said. Australia mainly but travels for work I believe. Certainly outside of thailand. he just comes in and out using the 30 day stamp on arrival, no long term visa.
  8. Hi all keen to ask your advice about one of my neighbours please. He is an Australian who has purchased a new build house from a developer by using a company with Thai nominee directors (to the best of my knowledge) just outside Krabi Town. He doesnt live in it full time but visits every couple of months for a few days or a week, we keep an eye on the house for him while he is away. was chatting to him the other day and he says he never fills in a TM30 when he stays at the house. I was surprised by this and wondered if there is any risk in doing this. He seemed unaware that he should be doing one. He asked if he stayed one night in a hotel on his arrival would this register him on the system, but would that just be for his first night? is there something he should be doing such as registering himself at the local police or immigration office on arrival, or is he ok to just carry on as he is? thanks for any words of wisdom.
  9. As you are diabetic, is your blood sugar under control with those meds? My mother is diabetic and I look after her, once we got her blood sugar under control, a lot of other issues cleared up. i am no expert but just a thought?
  10. Oh the irony of seeing all the jetski trailers and a motorbike on the beach in the video. I wonder how they got there? Teleported ? try Patong beach when all the jet skis and speedboats arrive and leave - it’s like Piccadilly Circus !
  11. She probably thought the shop owner was Ukrainian…..
  12. If she really needs to go to Bangkok she could always take the first flight up and the last flight back to phuket, she doesnt have to take a bus. amazing to hear she doesn’t have an email address - I thought everyone had one by now. 🤣
  13. For years it’s been obvious that an integrated public transport service is needed, and Covid was the perfect opportunity to implement it, but sadly this was not done. the ridiculous “taxi” system of cars parked up for miles on end claiming public land to run business from, and only ever doing one way journeys, returning empty, means traffic will never improve. A fleet of c20 seater buses, running a schedule across the island (like you have in places like Hong Kong) is clearly the answer - and all the “taxi” drivers could drive them. Oh well. Let’s build more roads instead.
  14. There certainly is a certain irony in this article ! although to be fair to South Korea my ex went on an organised tour with 30+ other Thais. When it came to go home, she was the only one who turned up for the group bus to the airport, the rest of them scarpered to go and work illegally !
  15. I thought he had a heart condition? How does a cast and neck brace help that? My medical knowledge is not great.
  16. I don’t really understand what this means in real terms - does this actually mean that for three weeks I run the gauntlet of someone chucking a bucket of water over me as I go to work? I get it for a couple of days but surely this doesn’t meant water throwing for three weeks?
  17. by that logic, if the zulus hadn’t had spears, then they wouldn’t have …..
  18. I was just wondering recently what the purpose of the checkpoint is. Now I wonder even more.
  19. As we are in Phuket this week I can confirm it is rammed with Russians, Indians and Arabs. Seen a few Chinese about but not many. Definitely busy again, even in the pouring rain.
  20. We have a three stage water filtration system under the kitchen sink, it has a UV filter as well. I bought a water testing kit in the UK and tried both tap water and the filtered water. the filtered water had much lower levels of lead and other chemicals. been drinking it for two years now without any issues - changed the filters after a year. hope that helps ?
  21. Thank you AN for this article, best laugh I have had in days ????
  22. Chi-pads. I wonder how much they will cost per unit when we all know they are a couple of thousand baht each at most ????
  23. You can download a pdf statement of your account and print that. It’s certainly not illegal in the UK to have paper statements. as for the need to have £10k to get a visa, can’t help you but sounds ridiculous
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