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Posts posted by TTSIssues

  1. The main thing you will need to show the uk authorities when you apply for the visa is that she needs to return to thailand, so quitting the job before applying was probably not the best idea. When friends have applied before, a letter from the employer stating that she has vacation from X to Y and that she is due back to work on Y date was really useful. The other things are to show a genuine relationship between the two of you, and that you also have a genuine need to return to thailand. The other suggestion is to do the application yourself and not use an agent, and give more documents than they ask - so if they want 3 months of bank statements give them 6 etc


    best of luck and have a great trip 

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  2. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Fair share is the same as everyone else why should farmers have more rights to a free resource ? Everyone is entitled to fair share farmers take more then their fair share.


    Life or no life its stealing from others. I guess your one of those people who think people don't have equal rights.


    Farmers can change find other jobs, other people do the same if their job does not work out. Why is it people think farmers should be different.


    Your lack of respect for normal people who just want their fair share is beneath contempt. 


    In my country farmers take less water when there is a drought as EVERYONE has a right to water and farmers are not entitled to more. Drinking water is more important then farmers.

    Seems to be the way in Thailand - rather like the taxis taking up all the “free” parking spaces to run their private businesses, meaning other business owners lose customers who cannot Park nearby to use their restaurant or shop. It’s all about “me me me me me” and <deleted> the rest of you! 

  3. 6 minutes ago, racket said:

    They can’t devalue because the currency is floating by which the value of the baht is determined by market forces. Vietnam doesn’t allow their currency to fluctuate, hence they can adjust the value anytime they want. It’s pegged to the usd.

    Of course they can! That’s what governments do all the time. Lower interest rates and manage foreign currency reserves and the baht will devalue. 

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  4. Exactly to be expected - you reap what you sow. So here are some suggestions of how to fix the problem:


    1. stop rampart over development and stop building more hotels ! Pull down and remove any and all illegal structures, so many illegal Buildings in Patong alone.

    2. get rid of the taxi mafia and introduce fair priced public transport: buses, songtheaws, proper meter taxis. Existing taxi drivers can be re-employed as bus drivers doing something meaningful instead of standing all day on the streets hassling tourists and making phuket look shabby. This would also return the streets to the public who pay for them. 

    3. stop wasting money on reports dreaming of vanity projects such as light rails & cable cars

    4. use the budget earmarked for vanity projects to upgrade infrastructure: water supply, waste water management, garbage collection, pavements (sidewalks), electric cables and supply.
    5. stop driving for high levels of cheap package tourists who only stay three days (thus boosting tourist numbers and visa fees), and instead market to higher spending people who will stay longer and spend more money in the local economy - recover lost money on visa fees with more efficient tax collection.

    6. Produce an overall integrated plan to take phuket into the future in these environmentally focussed days. Stick to it, and deliver against it. 
    7. ideally learn from the Philippines & Maya Bay and shut Phuket for 12 months to all domestic and foreign tourists to allow time for these projects to be implemented and allow phuket time to recover.

    None of this is rocket science - none of it is difficult to Implement - it’s all been done before in other parts or the world.


    or just carry on with heads in the sand and continue the decline - which is probably the likely choice sadly. 


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  5. If they are dangerous then you can spray them with a water squirter (plant sprayer for example), you can add a little chili to the water if they are very aggressive.


    or feed them as others have suggested - and make friends with them.



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  6. 3 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

    just a few more thousand to go then mandatory insurance for all over 50s on long stay extensions?


    90 day reporting is a benefit! wow who knew and i get mine for free ????

    They come and collect your passport, take it away and do the report for you. You don’t have to waste time and money going to immigration and doing it yourself. If your time is “free”, you are very unusual, my time is worth a fortune to me. 

  7. You get the transfer service in phuket as well, but I wouldn’t buy elite for that. I have had an elite visa for the past 5 years, and it’s been fabulous due to how easy it makes everything. If you can afford it then go for it. 


    With regards to the 5 v 6 year question, my elite visa expires in December 2019. I last entered in sep 2019 at bkk and I have been admitted until sep 2020 so unless I leave I have been given the extra year. No one has contacted me to say any different. 


    Hope that helps

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