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Posts posted by DogNo1

  1. It turns out that the government is not rushing to buy Moderna, Pfizer and BioNtech.  They lied.  The OAG has received no purchase orders for these vaccines.  The government is not inept.  It deliberately did not order the vaccines.  A purchase order for the Moderna Vaccine may be placed in August but not immediately.  It has all been a conspiracy to restrict the purchase of vaccines to AstraZeneca and the Chinese vaccines for financial reasons.  Many other Asian countries are either presently receiving or soon will receive shipments of the effective vaccines.   As more medical personnel who have received two injections of the Chinese vaccines become sick in many Asian countries, the outrage is growing.  If the government continues to lie about the unavailability of the effective vaccines and submits no orders for them, I wonder what the Thai people will do.

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  2. It now appears that Thonburi Hospital applied to buy 50 million doses of Moderna last October but the government slow-walked their application while approving the purchase of AstraZeneca and the Chinese vaccines almost immediately.  Of course it's nobody's fault and besides the government is taking adequate measures to deal with the increasing number of cases according to a government spokesman.   This incredible news appeared in the local post.  At the same time, it reported people dying due to a lack of hospital beds and a father commiting suicide in despair over his daughter's death from lack of medical treatment.  What a country! The foreign vaccines have been available for over a year but there was no will to buy them.  Whose responsibility is it for these developments?

    • Like 2
  3. 33 minutes ago, deadbeat said:

    Just get some ivermectin and you'll be fine.

    I have ordered a bottle of Ivermectin 6 mg tablets through Lazada.  They are formulated for the treating of parasites in sheep, dogs, etc.

     I don't know whether their formulation is suitable for humans.   It Germany, there are expensive 3,6 and 9 mg tablets available for human prescriptions.  I wonder whether the tablets for animals may be safe for human use.  Does anyone know? I don't have the ability to buy the German tablets right now.

    • Haha 2
  4. In an article in the local post today, two Thai doctors said that they think that the Indian Variant will be dominant here in a few months.  That will be sooner than October when Moderna vaccinations will be available locally.    I will observe to see if vaccinations become available for Americans over 60 before the end of July.  If not, I'll be on a flight out to California never to return.    Not that anybody will care except me.

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  5. The die was cast last summer when it was decided to procure Thailand's supply of vaccine only from the local company Siam Bioscience.   With various governments buying huge amounts of vaccine from the foreign makers, it is now hard to get.  The only hope is that more vaccines from new producers will be approved and world-wide supply will increase dramatically.

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  6. An article published today on Bloomberg Prognosis states that mixing vaccines produces a more robust immune response than multiple shots of the same vaccine.  Knowing this, I would not hesitate to get an injection of Sinopharm and follow up with a shot of the AstraZeneca or Moderna Vaccine.  A local newspaper reports that one million doses of Sinopharm will be imported today and be ready for use on Friday.  I don't know if any doses will be available for foreigners, but if there are, I will get a dose of Sinopharm and hope to get an injection of the Moderna from Bumrungrad in October.

    'If anyone would like to read this article, send me a PM of your email address and I will forward it to you.

    BTW, where is the AstraZeneca?





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  7. I take 20 mg of Pravastatin and eztimbe every evening.   Dr. Duane Graveline (Space Doc), the author of "Lipitor: Thief of Memory" recommended a low-dose statin to reduce blood vessel irritation.  I think that his web site Spacedoc.com is still up.  It has a wealth of information.

  8. The discussion about tourism seems to ignore the growing environmental green movement towards CO2 reduction.  At some point, this will have an impact on the number of airplane flights permitted.  It would be interesting to know how much pollution one tourist's trip to Thailand produces.  If the Democrats and greenies remain in power, the polluting effect of tourism will eventually come under scrutiny.  .  It would be wise for Thailand to plan on much les income from tourism in the future.


    So far as opening up the country, the solution is obvious. Vaccinate everyone.

    • Sad 1
  9. I logged in to the website around 3:30 but could find no available days for either of the vaccines at any of the hospitals through Feb. 2022.  Around the same time, someone reported successfully booking a vaccination.  I wonder if there is something wrong with my qualifications. I am over 60 and have checked "No Insurance". I wonder if having insurance is necessary to qualify.  Does anyone know?

  10. Today I went to a 7-11 near Ploenchit Station to attempt to register for a vaccination.  They laughed and apparently knew nothing about registration but suggested that I go to the the mass-vaccination site at the Tesco-Lotus at Phraram 4 tomorrow.  I may be turned away as many people who went to other mass vaccination sites have reported.  I have tried to register on the thailandintervac site with no success.   If the crowd is large tomorrow, I will leave to stay safe.

    'Has anyone had success and been vaccinated at one of the mass vaccination sites?  I don't remember reading any success stories.  Most of the people who report success on Sheryl's thread registered through 

    Mor Prom.  Comments will be appreciated.

    • Confused 1
  11. As TallJohn did, I was unable to log in to any account so registered with a different email.  The result was the same.  When I got to to the page to select a hospital, date and time, the option to do so wasn't open.  I tried contacting the MOPH phone 1422 but just got continued muzak.  Phya Thai 2 says that they have no way to give me an appointment. They say that the system is malfunctioning.  Apparently the appointment must come from the MOPH.  Stymied!  

  12. Getting a page with a 1970 appointment year means that you have no valid appointment date for any email reply to confirm.  In other words, your registration for a jab wasn't completed.  I don't know what to do in this case.  If there is no answer tomorrow, I will go to the hospital on Wednesday to try to register.


    Since Thailand is a racist country, it's not surprising that Thai people are not particularly disturbed about the discrimination regarding vaccinations.  It's no skin off their back.  It is interesting that no media source mentions this discrimination.  I guess that it's not newsworthy.  I think that there will be a backlash from prospective tourists.

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  13. Getting a page with a 1970 appointment year means that you have no valid appointment date for any email reply to confirm.  In other words, your registration for a jab wasn't completed.  I don't know what to do in this case.  If there is no answer tomorrow, I will go to the hospital on Wednesday to try to register.


    Since Thailand is a racist country, it's not surprising that Thai people are not particularly disturbed about the discrimination regarding vaccinations.  It's no skin off their back.  It is interesting that no media source mentions this discrimination.  I guess that it's not newsworthy.  I think that there will be a backlash from prospective tourists.

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