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Posts posted by DogNo1

  1. I have never failed to receive a new report slip by mail after sending my report by registered mail.  Could you have forgotten to enclose a return envelope with a stamp on it?  I have sometimes waited for six weeks but always got the new slip returned.

    Since you have the EMS delivery receipt and, hopefully, copies of all that you sent in, there should be no fine.  I suggest waiting for a couple. more weeks.

  2. Dr. Gad Saad was kicked off of Facebook yesterday because he posted a bullying message that was sent to him calling him a "Dirty Jew" and added his comments.  You really must be very careful these days.  Personally, I would like to see messages labeling people as "Racists" be considered defamatory as well. Some of us have spent years trying to help minority people and being called racists is insulting.  Whatever happened to the notion that people should be judged by the content of their character?  

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  3. In preparation for renewing my retirement extension of stay next month, I requested and received a 14-month statement of account transactions from Bangkok Bank last week.  I fufil my financial requirement by transferring 65,000 + each month.  The postings in my bank book were out of order last year so I decided to submit a bank statement for the first time this year.  The statement looks complete but there are no stamps or signatures on it anywhere.  I will get a proof of account at the branch at CW on the day that I apply and that is always stamped and signed.  Will the 14-month statement of transactions be accepted with no stamps or signatures on it?  I will, of course, get a statement for the month of April to submit as well.

  4. Not buying imported vaccines between now and the start of local production seems penny wise and pound foolish.  The more quickly Thais can be vaccinated, the more quickly restrictions could be eased.  I'm curious about the reason that the AstraZeneca raw materials can't be supplied until June.  On various international news shows, it is said that the race is on between getting people vaccinated and the development of new and perhaps more dangerous strains of the virus.   It is just possible that within the next three months a strain will emerge that the present vaccines cannot effectively protect against.  I don't know the credence of the existence of new strains in Brazil that can cause second and third infections just as deadly as the present strains.  If those strains were to spread widely, it would be, as they say, a new ballgame.

    • Sad 2
  5. I feel sorry for these guys.  Helping out other Japanese who do not have sufficient funds was certainly a psychological draw as was the Japanese man of the couple.  Perhaps there was a sort of Megan and Harry aspect to the partnership.  The Thai woman may have educated a gullible Japanese man about how to make money in Thailand.

     I was scammed in an investment scam once.  It really hurt for a while: both the humiliation and the loss of money.  My money is now handled by a retirement income investment advisor in NYC and I regularly review my statements and positions.  After fees, I make a little more than 4% per year.  In Thailand, you just don't have any legal protection. Bernie Madoff's victims were able to recover a little bit of their capital due to US laws concerning fiduciary responsibility.  Although even in the US, I have many friends who were bilked out of everything by their financial advisors! Caveat Emptor!

  6. Valerian can be VERY dangerous.  See the video on YouTube by chubbyemu ( an MD.)

    There is a medicine for tobacco cessation.  It is known by several names: Zyban, Quomem or GSK Thailand's Buprenorphine XL.  Your local pharmacy can order it for you.  Be sure to start at the lowest dose (160.). It may take 2-3 days for your blood level to obtain the desired level.  If it doesn't work for you, stop it after the first few doses.  Wickipedia says that it is an opioid.  It isn't exactly.  its mechanism isn't understood.   I hope that it works for you.  It worked like a charm for me.

  7. Not to excuse Chauvin's behavior, but how many unarmed black men are killed by law enforcement each year?  Can you name them?  How many unarmed white men are killed by police each year?  Name one.

    In the past there certainly have been many killings of black people by various mobs of both law enforcement and civilians.  How is the trend going?  

    Does anyone remember the slaughter of ethnic Germans from 1917 to 1919.  I didn't think so. 

    The mass hysteria and hyper sensitity in America is not going to end well.  Things tend to even out.  Think of the French Revolution.  The instigating extremists ended up going under the guillotine themselves.   Barring the establishment of a powerful and authoritarian Leftist government, the tide will turn sometime.

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  8. UbonJoe can back me up on this but, but so far as I know there is no requirement concerning which day of the month your 65,000+ FTT transfer is made to your Bank account in Thailand but usually one transfer per calendar month is required. I usually call Fidelty to do a wire transfer to Bangkok Bank around the middle of the month, giving me adequate time to correct any errors that may arise.  It takes only one working day for the money to appear in my Bangkok Bank account.  I accumulate my pension payments from different sources in my cash management account at Fidelity so that I personally have complete control over when the funds are transferred to Thailand.  My only charge is the 200 baht that BB charges me for handling the money.  The international wire transfer cannot be automated.  I must call every month but have a standing order on file with Fidelity so I only need to mention BB and they can view the complete information on file.  It usually takes only a 5-10 minute call to Fidelity Service Direct.  Your voice is your identification so there is no need to enter passwords, etc.

  9. It sounds as though he didn't like his wife very much.  Seriously, except for the admonition to always be cool (Jai Yen,) there is not much teaching in Thai culture about how to manage anger.  In Thialand, if someone is humiliated, he truly does lose face and can be shunned.  I say "he" because I think that the hormone testerosterone plays a large role in the type of reaction.  Females can be equally vengeful, of course, but tend to exact revenge in a different way which can be even more devastating than murder, destroying the reputation and lives of their target causing long-term suffering.  The effect can be insidious since it may not be apparent to the target what has affected his social connections.

    People love to gossip and criticise others.  This can even happen at royal levels.  

  10. Does anybody know the reasoning behind the extension of stay requirements?  What is the purpose of the 90-day reporting?  In Japan, there is no such thing.  Of course, you must register with the local ward or city office where you are staying when you first arrive.  You are then given a residence card that is good for several years and must be renewed at the local office when it expires.  At the city office, you can enroll in Japanese Health Insurance for which you pay a monthly fee and 30% of the cost when you use medical or dental services.  You can use any provider public or private.

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