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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 1 hour ago, watcharacters said:



    I applaud the lady for her efforts.    Too bad they weren't successful.


    I wonder, however,  if CPR is less effective without the mouth to mouth part and forcing air into the lungs?





    EDIT:  Oops!  I see this had already been answered.


    The latest CPR guidance say to concentrate on pumping the heart to move blood around since it is oxygenated, and mouth to mouth is less important than getting the blood to circulate.  
    (don't be scared of cracking a rib.  If they live they'll thank you for it).

    I would imagine that ideally it would be a 2 person job and they would  alternate as it's a demanding task to keep doing all the way to the hospital.


    Also I've read that if you feel like you're going into a heart attack then to cough violently and forcefully at a similar rate to CPR (maybe 100 times a minute?) to stimulate the diaphragm until you can get assistance.  In the situation of a fire though, that might not be appropriate. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, eezergood said:

    I am very fully aware of the DNP risks ( russian army used it to keep the troops warm, side effects of death were of little consequence) not sure I would risk it. My diet is good, just need to stay off beer - may I PM you to swap emails as I think this is well off track and probably (not to sound like an idiot) beyond the magic pill to loose weight understanding.

    Yes of course you can PM me.  I'm happy to chat about it, but was trying to avoid hijacking the thread, so probably better that way.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, eezergood said:

    I am definitely running Keto adapted and all the supplements that go with that. Very interested to hear more about the DNP (i am very aware of the side effects & dangers) clen I use sporadically, (due to adaptation) and i find yohimbine to work very well in a fasted state.  Where are you sourcing the Cryptotanshinone and what is the protocol? 

    China.  Everything useful seems to come from there.  I'll see if I can find the actual supplier, but it might be next week as my #1 computer flipped out with a 1 second power outage so am writing on an old laptop, and have ordered a new laptop and SSD drive so that I can keep the existing HDD and put it in an external USB case to retrieve stuff I would like to retrieve.  I have multiple backups of essential data of course, but things like running a full BTC node and taking 2 weeks to regenerate I'd much rather just copy over.  SSD maybe I can cut that down to a couple of hours but I've yet to test that.

    From memory I think the company is called Honson (or similar).  If you go on Alibaba looking for cryptotanshinone you might see that name or something similar to that.  They're professional, and so far as I can tell the only supplier.  Talking to other companies and comparing notes I sometimes get "yes, they're a customer of hours, we're happy to help if you want to buy off them as we still get our markup, it's just that you'll be paying more".  If you go lower purity you can double up the amounts, it depends on you budget and tolerance to gulping down stuff that isn't water soluble.  The rat studies suggest that the rate it works is time and dose dependant.  That's not what I found.  I found that the body starts to fight back after 7-10 days, so I'd run that, take a couple of weeks of, and do it again, so it's not quite as golden as the idea might first appear, but there are no sides that I can discern.  It also resists tumour growth as well for a bonus if that is important to you.

    DNP I was (in UK) paying about £200 for 100 capsules, and would titrate up, run it for a week then stop cold turkey.   You sweat like a mofo (it's main danger) and are hungry all the time, can eat all that you can see until the cupboard is bare and still see visible weight loss in the mirror every morning.  Water (lots of it) is essential because you'd be sweating 24/7 and also be out of breath to the level where you were jogging for the entire duration even if sitting still in UK winter time.  It's not pleasant, but for people that seek peak performance and will be their own guinea pig then almost anything is tolerable. *****The one critical thing is you don't feel it straight away, it takes days to kick in, and that's where people get into trouble and end up in A&E then in an ice bath for days to cool them off***** people have died by misadventure with that stuff.  Buying it yourself them it's buttons if you trust your supplier.  I got mine from a roids supplier (although I've never done roids).  I've done several cycles of it, but I won't use it again, I'd rather pay for cryptotanshinone as it's the lazy mans way out if you want a social life and your diet isn't dialed in, (and if you can afford it of course).

    The way it works is it interrupts the Krebs cycle (more popularly known as the citric acid cycle these days), so it only gets 18 steps of the enzymatic process completed rather than getting the full cycle.  What's not used as energy is given off as heat, and therein lies the rub.  It's cheap, dirty and supremely effective - If you don't die that is.


    Oh, the crypto protocol I use about a teaspoon heaped per day, just once a day.  I'm going to put some in caps and see if maybe 3x500mg is enought.  I was adding more and more but it seems there's only so much your body can do per day, and less may be enough.   It'll be a while before I can report back on that due to the above mentioned issues that take preferece over having a bit of a gut (I'm in Thailand and have an ATM card so things work a little differently here than UK :) ).

  4. I didn't add pepper (piperine) because it was a gel capsule in oil, but if taking curcumin powder then I would add it as it does help absorption greatly in percentage terms, but the end result is still in single digits.


    For fat loss I've used over the years (mainly when I was a gym monkey) ECA, DNP (powerful but dangerous - especially in this heat), T3 + Clenbuteral etc.

    What I was referring to is Cryptotanshinone.  It's a few thousand dollars for 50% purity, and about triple or more for 98%, so not commercially viable unless it's for Hollywood and Dynesty.  It took 0.5 Kg per day of me - and I mean real fat loss, not water weight, not muscle loss - it's a body builders dream product.  The reason I'm not taking it right now and why I have a belly is because I had an operation on my foot that was a simple hack and slash job to remove what looked like a cyst that got infected, and I want to heal that first and bought a Hydrogen H2 machine and put a bag over the foot and the canula into the bag and taped it up.  It's amazing how quickly it's healing now.  I'd say I'm getting in 1 week the repair rate of what was 2 months with regular methods.  I also now take Carbon C60.

    The reason I'm not taking the Cryptotanshinone right now is because the same mechanism that stops the body from accepting fat into storage has the downside of also stopping muscle from accepting growth, and I just took a guess that maybe it also slows repair.  What it does is forces fat out of the cells (both adipose and visceral - so theoretically should work on fat that is life threatening, not just vanity fat).  It doesn't require diet, doesn't generate heat, but does give you a lot of energy, and the liver converts that to ketones, which the body prefers for fast fuel, even more than carbs.  The only thing to remember is that although the liver will happily convert the fat, it cannot use it itself, so some carbs (maybe 100g per day? and some parts of  the brain where the ketones can't reach would also need low amounts of carbs, but you can get that from a clean diet).  It also curbs appetite.  I used coconut oil as an MCT which my particular body seems to like a lot.

    As for a calorie being a calorie, remember how calories are calculated by burning them in a lab and getting a number. YMMV.  One time on a 2 week mountain bike trip with a buddy I matched him salad for salad, steak for steak, beer for beer, and in 2 weeks I'd gained 9lbs and he'd lost 9lbs - identical calories, identical hard daily exercise from just after sunrise to just before sunset, 14 days.  So it's not just the available energy in your gasoline, but how you car runs.

  5. 4 hours ago, ukrules said:


    Do you think this Curcumin / Turmeric helped your liver or did you receive other treatments as well ?


    I know someone who has his stomach drained every week or two due to what he says are liver issues, I don't know the specifics. He gave up drinking long ago but it's still happening.

    Curcumin is what gives Turmeric its yellow colour (aka E100 as a dye).
    I took milk thistle as well in measures way above the bottle suggestion while I worked out how to fix the issue.  Also no alcohol, no paracetamol or anything that would burden the liver (6 weeks in my case until Doc said it wouldn't be an issue given my progress - which I think he was startled at and wanted me as a test case - he charged me for my input and his learning of course).


    I say no meds, but I did take Lasix for a month (self prescribed), and switched to Spironolactone (50mg/day, as it is potassium sparing, and added electrolyes that you can get at 7Eleven for surety), and the Ascites (the massive solid gut belly I had I guess was approximately 16 litres of fluid) - because it's not in the cells and not in the blood it just sat there inbetween organs adding pressure.  I had a one time shunt (at my request) and they took 3 litres of coffee coloured gunk out and said "that's enough for one session" and it didn't make a dent in it (that 1/2 hour took 5Kg off me so whatever it is, is more dense than water).  There was a *lot*.  Diuretics forced that to the kidneys (which fortunately were working fine) but I was running (I mean running - not walking) to the toilet and taking out what felt  like gallons of liquid, horrible rancid stuff, and you get no warning.  Within seconds you go from normal to immediacy and try not to embarrass yourself on the way.   I went from 86Kg to 67Kg in that couple of months.  I'm more than 86Kg now but I've got muscle back without trying, and also a gut which is plain old fat that I will deal with as soon as I've sorted out a foot issue that is repairing (different story, but one challenge at a time preferred).  I have a solution for fat loss without calorie restriction also (0.5 Kg a day) but that would be a different thread.

    The key product that did all the magic is "Cordyceps Sinensis" which you can get on Aliexpress (plus Spironolactone from the pharmacy).  You can get it cheaper on Alibaba, but that is the wild west and you don't have guarantees, need to establish relationships and learn if they're trustworthy - Aliexpress you have escrow an you're safe, so for life saving issues I'd suggest it's worth paying a little more for the surety (about $80/Kg which is plenty to see it working).  I took more of that than the studies (found in the 1986 edition of Materia medica), about a tablespoon a day in water - it doesn't taste great but isn't really a drama.

    If you want more info then you can PM/DM me and I'll do whatever I can to point you or your friend in the right direction.  I don't sell anything, but can give you links if you can't find then.  I have enough money now not to be on the make, but time and health are important to me, so ask you to respect that.


  6. Addendum: (after looking at some other posts):


    Turmeric contains only 2-3% curcuminoids.  If you get straightCurcumin rather than Turmeric from a bulk supplier, and an ultrasonic cleaner (like they use for jewelry), then you can mix it with your preferred oil (I like cold pressed coconut since we're in Thailand, but olive oil, avacado oil, lecithin etc will all do), and you can get straight curcumin up to the 12-13% absorbtion level.  Easy cheap and simple, and you can take a shot glass a day or whatever you choose.

    There are some good capsules on the market, but as has been said here it gets expensive to get a decent dose.  People will still buy them.  I found that showing people how to do things doesn't always convince them, and they say "I'd rather just buy it and know that it's done properly" (not trusting themselves), so I started a supplements company and made some 'handsum' money, at the same time as telling people how to do it on the cheap.  They still bought though, almost as if they felt they owed a debt to repay for how things helped them.  Curious psycholigy, like people robbing banks to buy things honestly - why not just cut out the middle man if that's your leaning?  I don't have an answer for that one.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/1/2018 at 5:03 PM, ukrules said:

    If it goes through the kidneys which it will have to end up in urine then it has been absorbed through the stomach and into the blood - job done....

    Usually it is in oil, so it will go through the liver and is absorbed a little better - not greatly, but a liposome encapsulation makes a decent difference, even for water soluble substances if you get the chemistry right.  All can be made in the kitchen though inexpensively.

    The other mention about yellow pee is much why fecal matter is darker - Bile from the gallbladder in response to things like oil.


    When I had severe liver cirrhosis I had to self educate on how it all fits together.  Curcumin was my starting point while I was trying to maintain a holding pattern to give me time to work it out.  Doctors told me I was doomed in under a year.  I have 100% liver now (without surgery or meds) and the docs were a 'little bit' wrong.  I took some Chinese wisdom and it snapped back into full working order, so I no longer look like Homer Simpson (apart for the two hairs on the head).  It's impossible to reverse cirrhosis ...they said.  You need a liver transplant ...they said. Pha!  Sadly I haven't solved the follicle challenge yet.

    • Like 2
  8. On 12/2/2017 at 12:39 PM, pumpjack said:

    stupid dumbass thai man wearing no helmut and not obeying road safety.   farang was indicating to turn in. thai idiot didnt look and was driving too fast inside.


    som nom na


    You know Apple phones are not selling well at the moment... I was wondering, if they could make a helmet hands free with visor augmentation then the sales of helmets might rocket and Apple would be the Belle of the ball in this country, saving more lives than they destroy with digital DNA damage.

    Just one of those random thoughts that are not really thought out.

    Same goes for cars too.  They should have 'smart' driving glasses so you don't spend time looking at the centre console how to connect your bluetooth device to it at >0Km/h.

    Oh how I miss the days of drum brakes, having to change gears yourself and never having to take your eyes of the road, and tetrasil in a rust hole was an upgrade.

  9. Looking at cars in Thailand seems to be a very dull affair.  I'm looking for the latest model Ford Focus RS fully loaded.  I'm in Issan but presume I'll have to go to BKK to find a specialist importer.  Does anyone have any pointers where to start looking?  Google doesn't seem to be my friend in this endeavour.


    Any hints/tips much appreciated.


  10. Public place as in an enclosed food restaurant? ...or public place such as a park, garden, beach where there are millions of litres of passing air?   I'd posit that appropriate behaviour without imposing the will of others on someones freedom, or theirs on the majority, should be distinguished.



    An example of fair governance what would naturally encourage good social practise could be something like:

    Drinking a can of beer or two on the beach - OK
    Being unruly or behaving in a socially improper manner - Not OK.  Punishable

    Smoking on a beach so long as you give due consideration to your co-participants - OK
    Blowing smoke in their general direction, not taking reasonable steps to contain your behaviour - Not OK.  Punishable

    Using an empty beer can, coca cola can, or dedicated disposable receptacle for sale nearby for use as an ashtray - OK
    Throwing used cigarettes, used cans/bottles away in the local environment and not disposing of them at the provided facilities - Not OK.  Punishable.

    Alternative delivery systems such as vaping that do not have any smoke or waste to dispose of - OK
    Governing bodies KowTowing to tobacco giants for personal or group gain, imposing their 'habit' on the public at large - Not OK.  Punishable.

    Note also that the kind of items mentioned above are all taxed heavily, on the faux grounds that society demands that.

    Next they'll be taxing vegans because they eat vegetables.  "You can't do that! vegetation is the lungs of the earth".

  11. I would like to add to what chingching said, that although there is a lot of room for growth (100's or 1000's percent is not at all unusual), the falls come fast and hard (usually 5 minutes after you take your eyes off it and decide to get some sleep, or there will be some event in your day that was unexpected, and it *knows* that you've been staring at the screen for 36 hours straight since you were sure it was imminent) because there's so much Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) and Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD).  So if you decide you want to dabble, it really would pay to have mentally written off anything you put in before hand so that you don't end up being the 'weak hands' that the scalpers and whales of the industry like to shake to get some change out of everyone's pockets.


    In my own case, because I invested relatively early, I had to sit out the Bitcoin bear that lasted 18 months back in 2014-15.  That was an 85% draw down from peak to trough.  It hit around $1163 when it was just a baby, and probably worth less than $50 at that time.  I didn't have the sense to sell, but I did have the sense to hold tight and wait.  I didn't get into it for money, but for belief in getting some independence back from Government, to not fund wars etc.  In the event it saved my financial butt and provided handsomely for me, and the market has evolved into something very different to what the popular reasons where then.


    Just this morning Bitcoin topped $14,000.  That's way over priced in my book (but not for long - there have been some very interesting developments in the last week alone), and yet it could perhaps even double or close to it in a small space of time.  Because that would be *hugely* overvalued it will almost certainly have what only the most creative could call a correction, and the rest will call it a crash.  This is the time the shoeshine man would be giving share tips and everyone has shares.  That's when the mettle gets tested, and when it finally *is* worth that, it'll stroll past it and take some more leaps higher.

    That said, if you wanted to get out now only to see it add another x thousand USD, will anyone be thinking "couldda wouldda shouldda"? or saying "It's okay, I got a decent return on my money, got my investment back and have a modest free ride from here on, and I'll forget about it for 3-5 years"?


    None of us know where it's going, and it goes without saying that this is not advice, but I am just trying to pre-empt some of the experiences that most people will be able to relate to and minimise the emotional impact it could have.


    Just one last observation about this market space:  We don't know yet if we're looking at USD 'valuation' or if that is completely irrelevant and what we're actually looking at is just adoption rate, and the USD is a side effect and is not a decision factor at all going forward.  That's a hard one to get your head around if you've lived all your life thinking bank  notes are security (which is pretty much all of us if we followed conventional indoctrination).  In Thailand however, it's not hard to find people who lived in the village in the last 1-2 generations that grew up without using money at all, and it was a very strange concept to be told it was 'real' when rice, water, frogs, leaves and gold were real....everybody knew that back then.  It was 'common' sense.


  12. If they make the designated smoking area very well ventilated, and install a restaurant, bar, sofa television etc inside it, then I don't think there'd be anything to complain about.  The proprietors would probably have a captive audience of about 15-20% of all tourist traffic.  Non smokers can have everywhere else.


    On a practical note, the reason for cigarette butts on the pavement is not entirely unrelated to the lack of suitable disposal areas.  If I throw an empty plastic water bottle in the street, how much is the fine?  I don't want to see either of those on the side...side...(mumbles) 'sidewalk' [krypton factor course].  Even the issue of pet-poop disposal has solutions, litter bins for general waste packaging, but smokers just get to pay, then get fined?


    And I strongly suggest that some posters should reconsider one or two posts here about ascribing values like fat, cheap charley to someone because they smoke.  What do you call meth users?  skinny big spenders?  See that doesn't provide useful insight either.  Does it.

  13. On 12/4/2017 at 8:36 PM, SiSePuede419 said:



    That's not real.  It's fake. ?


    If it's real, tell me where it's located.  Also, where did it come from.


    Be specific. ?


    This is real money:





    The 'real' money there would be numbers in the Fed computers.  The piece of paper would be your claim on it.


    Similarly, a private key printed on a piece of paper would be your claim to the numbers in the public network that manages the crypto system.

  14. 21 hours ago, Sapporillo said:

    Very true. However, bitcoin (and other virtual currencies) aren't backed by anything other than consumer confidence, just like fiat currencies, which means they could also became worthless in very little time. Personally, I don't think that virtual currencies are gonna disappear completely again, but some probably will, and I don't have the technical knowledge or insight to be sure that the blockchain technology won't be outdated in a few years. What if a newer, better technology comes up? ...


    To use USD as an example, the quantity has increased 4x in a decade.  If they didn't do that then it wouldn't lose value.  They do though, and they have to in order to maintain power.  We're told inflation targets are say 2%, yet we all know that the cost of consumables is not far off 100% per decade, and nobody is making a fuss.  Frustrating doesn't begin to describe it.

    If you pick a crypto, then choosing one that has a finite quantity would be a pre-requisite, otherwise the same dilution would occur.  Maybe as a currency it's good to have as much as is required for fungibility, but nobody should be storing their wealth in fiat.  A petty cash float with an ATM card is all that is required if your main store is something liquid (a rare piece of art wouldn't be something you could chip a piece off and turn into baht, though people have their reasons for wanting it, and presumably have several layers of storage and liquidity).

    As for a better tech than blockchain comes up then we can all move with the times.  Probably best not to get married to one technology.  Most people seem to have several wives during their lifetimes anyhow from what they tell me :)

  15. Blockchain isn't the only way even today.  There is a method called "Directed Acyclic Graph" (DAG for short), which has as different set of benefits and constraints.  ByteBall uses it to good effect.  I think (not sure) that IOTA uses it too.  It looks like a VHS/Betamax thing though, where blockchain will probably prevail because it got the network effect of popularity, and a lot more people have heard of it, even if only a minority have a decent understanding of what's under the hood (which isn't necessary anyhow - you don't need to understand it, you just need to understand what it *is*). 


    For those curious, in simple terms it's a way to have an accounting ledger that is public and takes care of a problem known as "double spending", where people think of digital information as easily copy-able.  In the use case of money, copying is a no no, as you could have 100 baht and keep re-spending it wherever you go, and nobody would know which is the original one and who owns it.  Blockchain is a way to ensure the integrity of transactions without a central authority having to be trusted not to print more than they say, and ownership changes are recorded not by some super high tech black box software (it's wide open for any curious minds to inspect or improve).  It does it by making it trustless - that is, all participants can check and verify all of everything if they want to (that's why there's a lot of processing power involved).  You get the game theory known as "Prisoners Dilemma", which to use a metaphor "it's only when a mosquito lands on your own junk that you realise that violence isn't always the best solution" - translates to - stealing money at the risk of making all your own money valueless makes a risk model that ensures all participants have an interest in being a 'good actor'.


    I'm as certain as anyone can be that it isn't going away.  Being software however it can evolve it's standards and behaviours, so it's highly likely that what we know of today will be barely recognisable in a decade or two.  As government fiat is soaked up by open source coins/tokens, the way we do things will change, as will the power base.  If you take the exponential rise of crypto as a chart and invert it, you could say that is the USD (or any other gov't fiat) being shown in its true colours.  The Bolivar or Zimbabwe dollar are just advanced cases, but all of them go that way eventually.


    I don't see things like Bitcoin being a good currency any time soon whatever the merits of the tech, or at least not until all the fiat that is prepared to move has already done so, and people are prepared to spend without thinking that it would be better to wait another day as it will be more value tomorrow.  At the same time that makes it an excellent asset as a store of wealth.  It can do what gold can do for the most part, except it's programmable, portable, invisible etc.  Ironically, people who like physical gold should find a friend in Bitcoin, as it has the potential to crush the paper gold manipulation and let physical gold rise to its true market value, which surely must be at least several orders of magnitude more than the markets are pretending.

    <6 months ago I knew in person only 3 people that had any crypto, despite 6.5 years of evangalising.  Now in December 2017 I don't do that, they find me, and I'm trying to get people up to speed so that they can take on some of the load of helping their friends instead of taking all of my time. The price seems to be somewhat similar in growth (if you can discount the speculation).


  16. 4 hours ago, easyridercc said:

    Do you trust putting your private keys in will that lawyer holds or in Google doc that could be accessed if your Gmail account is hacked? I personally don't.

    Another idea is hardware wallet and put the pin in your will that is kept with lawyer. At least the two can then be kept in seperate locations and both are needed to gain access.

    Sent from my E5803 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    This was my immediate reaction also.  You can give your public address to anyone to verify the contents, but it's the private key that is the critical information.  If you leave it with a lawyer, then you're trusting them with (potentially) something too big to resist when he sees an easy dream yacht and private island.


    Maybe you should give your 4 kids 1/3rd of the passphrase each, so if one should not be present or pass on unexpectedly, the other 3 could get together and put the pieces together.  By that measure you could give a lawyer part of the passphrase but not enough for them to steal it - but enough to stop a single bad actor.  If they all turn on you then you still lose.

    If you can time lock it then nobody (including yourself) could get access to it until that time had expired.  Notionally you could still use that as collateral if all parties prove to collectively have enough information to access it after a specified time.


    So yes, your idea does hold water, but there have been some monumental disasters with people not paying attention to  detail.  Maybe you could set up a wallet address and just put $10 in it and ask them to test out the access.  If that works then send a bit more and wait for it to verify, to be sure what you think you're sending is going to where you're thinking it's going.  Then you can add the rest.

    Probably best to start with a fresh computer that's never been on the internet (keyloggers/malware etc), not using copy/paste and a few other precautions you can learn about with a search engine or YouTube.  A hardware wallet can be convenient too, but your private key is *everything*.  You may wish to spread it out over different continents, and think about how you'd deal with an issue where someone has a gun to your head, or to all your kids heads.  It takes some planning to be immune, but not so much to avoid being the easiest target.  Another thing to consider is splitting up your stash into several wallets, so even a complete failure of procedure can be contained.


  17. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    1.5 baht per kilometer - isn't that the rate you get charged in a taxi after the 37 baht fee?  So your car becomes a personal taxi meter once you enter Thailand?? Wonder if it charges at 2 baht a minute when stuck in traffic like a taxi also? 


    I will be very surprised if this ever works - installing GPS on cars entering the country - I mean most of the CCTV cameras don't work and that is pretty basic tech in a stationary object a, so i cannot see something more complex and highly mobile getting very far. 


    500 baht for bring a car in job done - why make it needlessly complex and expensive to set up. A one off fee requires minimal investment in administration and paperwork and is much more efficient. 



    You do know that the government offices have to provide a subsidy for the photocopier manufacturers right? :)  Simple and efficient isn't on their agenda.

    If you could bring a car in and pay a 1.5 baht rate instead of import duty, I'd give that some serious consideration.  Could save a couple of million baht easy.


    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Seeall said:

    This is a great topic and something of interest to us all that have cash to take out.  After all the horror stories I carefully keep my stamped and signed :inwards remittance forms"  But now I found much better rates with a company I wont get that form as it will be incoming in THB, whether a receipt is good enough as proof I dont know.


    Anyway, was at BBL the other day, spoke with the manager, he said no problem, , 1.4 million, if over need show docs where its from, and Thai people dont need docs if do not often...


    Yes the Bitcoin is fantastic, I spent some time where I can buy in LOS but one UK guy said the rates were off the chart here...  anyone know where to buy Bitcoin?


    Yes,  best option when selling real estate is just get them pay to your non Thai bank ...


    Another idea are the large multi national banks, that are all over, deposit / withdraw anywhere.. (perhaps not in rocket mans country)


    good luck all, and post your thoughts.. thanks


    Not sure if we can post links here (it's not promotional), but here goes:  bx.in.th  That's a Bitcoin eXchange IN THailand.  Works a treat, good English if you need that.  Their main bank is Kasikorn if you want unlimited transfers (they have another, SCB I think (but not sure), but for other banks they limit you to 500,000 baht per 24 hours on weekdays, which is very livable for most tasks unless you're buying a big ticket item, in which case you would need prior planning to build up your stash.  As a rule I keep very little in Baht, ymmv.  There is more than one choice if you look on a search engine, but the one above I have used a couple of times -both directions- and have no complaints, and their helpdesk is fast and responsive - that's a big deal in crypto world where you can wait weeks.  It's probably by virtue of it not being a popular thing in Thailand that they can handle the volume of customers.  I'd like to say that it's because they're so efficient, but suspect it's the limited number of customers.  Stats are on their site for turnover to give you a feel for the size of their operation.


    Actually if someone wants to do some grunt work/arbitrage, then if you compare the rates on there with some international exchanges, then Thailand reacts slower to changes than elsewhere, so notionally you can buy knowing the direction, but.... If the market is choppy and it comes down again before Thailand exchanges have reacted, then you could meet yourself coming the other way.  I haven't tried this as I make my own elsewhere outside of the country, and I'm not sure if it would be considered working or not (probably, technically speaking, but ignore-able for now would be my guess - they're not going to shoot themselves in the foot if it's incoming to the nation).

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  19. I'm going to sound like a troll saying "Bitcoin" twice in the same day, but a friend wanted me to handle a transfer for him as he has UK banking and I'm Thai only banking.  He sent £4000 which arrived on Wednesday, and today (the following Monday) it's the pound equivalent is £4700 if he converts to baht now.  Fees? lol, wasn't a consideration.  It could have worked against him also of course.

    If you want to stay strictly banking where margins matter more (assuming stable exchange rate), then my leaning would be to move as much as you can as soon as you can, and distribute the £200 from bank to bank within Thailand, as the rates of other currencies don't seem to be doing well against the THB.  Maybe they'll re-peg it periodically I don't know.  That part is not my forte, and others will have better input than I.

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