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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. There are many stories like this, and not necessarily of a deviant nature.  One friend whose son had never had his hair cut since birth (it looked good actually) was sent home, and 2nd appearance had his hair forced to be cut so all could see a message had been sent.  There are some much more obscure than that example, but it appears to me to be usually to humiliate them.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:

    Exactly!.......  Dawn was only there for the property...

    Did you ding ding the crack of dawn first?

    Actually, it wouldn't be so crazy to, instead of buying the property in the village, write her a mortgage to yourself, and payments will be due in the form of services rendered.  Breaking the mortgage will cause loss of use of the property, and it will be offered to others, along with the 30+30 land lease.


    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:

    Not just Thailand though is it?? That statement probably fits a lot of the World's female population..

    Yeah true I think.  We've all seen the stories of a "big lump who lives in his parents basement" playing computer games and never had a relationship, who wins the lottery then within days has some blonde white fluff that is perceived as hot in that country hanging from his arm like she's been in love with him from a distance since school daze.


    Today we have programmable money, but humans have had that property since the dawn of mankind.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    A twist, many Thai men, especially late teens, twenties, and more avoid the sun for the exact same reason, they want to be as white as possible.




    - It's the expectation and values of Thais - white is higher class, more attractive, etc etc.


    - Girls will find me more attractive if I have white / whiter skin.


    (And maybe more)


    I need people to compliment my missus when she's been caught in the sun and has a beautiful natural glow, and also I'll buy them a beer if they promise not to compliment her when she sometimes paints concrete on her face and harsh lipstick 'and such' (like traditional Thai war dance paint).

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

    I'll never show my emotions in public or at work. Instead I'll try to embarass and put people in awkward situations as a way to let go of the stress.

    Well it'll annoy the majority of natives, and the true wouldn't even notice. Zero sum or is there purpose there that I didn't see?

  6. Will never again:


    • Stay watching a pole dance unless there is clear and unmistakable evidence of camel toe.
    • Come home drunk on Leo and accept the offer from the student neighbours to sit with them drinking what they charmingly called "white whisky" (which for some reason was in a Lao Khao bottle), and proceed to entertain them with my 'seasoned' skill to be able to drink shorts straight (which I hadn't actually done since I was 18).
    • Presume that when a car pulls up to an intersection and waits, that they were actually looking for oncoming traffic before proceeding only when I'm 10 metres away on a scooter.
    • Freak out when the gasoline station is overrun by cows, hollering "why has nobody called the uh...whatever the department is called, uh, for when cows overrun a gasoline station?".
    • Trust an airport taxi when he sits in the cab to change my 1000 baht note while putting on his seat belt, and lets me lift my bag out of the boot/trunk and close it for him.
    • Believe my gf when she says she's going on a one week trip with the insurance company she's just joined, even when her phone stops answering immediately after, and I get a call from her best friend that she's getting married and I haven't been invited. (I'm a full timer here and that happened right under my nose).
    • Try to explain to the family of a friend when I lent them 20K to grow rice, and it became 120K, that it's impossible to only recover 20K of principal and there must be something wrong with the numbers.  I don't know how to say in Thai "you've just had yer kex put 'round yer ankles", and they were too polite to tell me.

    Too many, could do pages like this, as I'm sure most of us could.



  7. Do we have to pay for the divorce too?  (collectively I mean since I'm no longer resident).  Will it be televised to give our commoners something to gossip about?

    I left there 12 years ago and didn't care about them then, and nothing changed in that sense.  I have a handful of friends in UK that are way more important to me than this. 

    "Never mind the...".

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  8. I paid 5K/pm when they were still alive.  They used it to pay for their funeral costs.  They could have covered that with the land they had, but it made it easier this way - they didn't really have any other need for the money tbh, it was just an upgrade to what the missus could afford before I was one the scene which was a patchy 1-3K pm.

    • Like 2
  9. 18 hours ago, yougivemebaby said:

    Have you lost your GD mind ? You are smuggling by doing this. If there are even trace amounts of THC, you are facing serious consequences. 

    I meant I have ordered it in the past.  It was labelled accurately and was allowed though.  There is legislation for seeds and industrial hemp growing, but hemp oil (food cooking oil) and concentrates aren't directly addressed in anything I can find.  It's not a recreational drug, or a prescription, and has no psychoactive properties.  It's a long time ago now.  I wouldn't be writing about it on a public forum if I thought I'd flouted the law now would I.  Since it was an isolate canaboidiol and *not* from the popular plants so often vilified, it wouldn't contain *any* THC like full spectrum canabinoids might (not even the 0.x% threshold).

  10. I was initially hopeful that this eventually might make Kratom 'safe' to possess.  Since it grows here and I would prefer something social that isn't alcohol, I had a quick re-read on Erowid and it seems Kratom can give the liver a very hard time.  Just a heads up for anyone considering the same.


    Btw, I've ordered CBD for delivery here, thinking it was legal (because zero to negligible THC).  It got here without issue or mis-description on packaging, but I noticed zero effect from it, which is unlike what most comments say.  I haven't tried to order anything like it again as it looks like it's not legislated for in a water tight way.  Probably down to 'the officer on duty' as many things are.

  11. Similar things have occurred in other Asian currencies compared to Western.  It doesn't appear clean cut just by looking at charts, but it's hard to say there is no correlation.  As to the cause I don't know.  Maybe looking into relative QE could be a starting point?


    Each country/zone will be choosing its weapon (commodities, manufacture, tourism, service industry etc) which will likely distort what a 2D fiat chart can show.

    Gov't money is never a good store of value though.

  12. Come on Granddad... by Sloths derivative interpretation of Moore's Law "The Twitter" tweet is now double that size(!).

    But seriously, a great read and you put into a sentence a couple of times, some things that I'd come to feel but had not distilled,  especially the Thai approach to grief which looks cold and soulless to many, but has purpose.  Also about the observation re "...not just the mother or father but the Thai or the foreigner".  Nailed it.

    Respect, and if we should ever be on a common path/dodgy side walk/fall in same hole, then I'll buy the drinks.

    I'm stuck between a millennial and a retired place... but benefited from both.

    And lost to both...  Still have a toothless grin though.

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