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Posts posted by YouYouYou

  1. 505044448.png

    Sez it all ...happy with that after last week it was 1.8MB down 0.22 up ping 262 MS ??

    Lol ..I've had it as low as 140 KPBS down in April and pings over 2000 MS. What a sad ISProvider. P.S. other sites such as Las Vegas and Utah ....Hmmm 'latency error' ..can't even check the speed.

    Maxdogexcrement ....stop conning the customers ... bunch of robbing wasters !!!!

  2. Haha ha haha ...OMG Maxnet ....DON'T DO IT. I'm one of those sad customers on Maxdogexcerementnet ...and basically it is a pile of pooh.

    I've been on it for 44 weeks, of which to date it has worked properly for about 9 of those weeks ..leaving 35 weeks on one problem or another. Phone calls+ E-mails to near infinity ...a total waste of time. Fob off answers and ineptitude rules the day.

    Just in the last 6 days: Internet down last Saturday night from 9.25pm untill I went to bed at 2.30am. I phoned, they said: No problem ...untill my neighbour also phoned them to say his internet was down too. Since then ...click on a WWW. anything, 1st time 'internet cannot connect' blue page ..try try again sometimes lucky. Wens: Google ...2 minutes to open front page Mmmm. Now (this evening as I write this LOL) No connection whatsoever to ANY U.S. website. Just phoned ...ans: 'yes we know we have a problem'. Waiting with bated breath to see if they can fix this before the w/end is out LOL.

    Maxnet: You are just plain excrement. 8 more weeks for me ...I've had it. You crazy kids out there .. don't put yourself through this torture AKA 'the Maxexcrement experience'.

  3. hey Mr. Hippo, just perusing over the last comments for the week ....have you still not got your passport back? If so, I hope 'they' don't cause any further problems for you.

    Also, listen to Mr. Hippo who has told you of the late 50's guy who got 3 months in the clink just the other day.

    As another poster pointed out previously ...you can work without a degree (at some places) and thus you are legal ...you therefore are breaking no laws as you are telling no lies (I presume). You may not get the better or top jobs as a result, but surely this is better than facing the possibility of all the hassle Mr. Hippo has gone through and the poor farang in clink now.

    Hope all is well Mr. Hippo, keep us all informed, cheers You You You.

  4. Yep, it's a tricky one.

    Firstly, the WP (point2, P31 in my blue book): "A permit holder shall not engage in the work other than that which is specified in the permit or change the locality or place of work from that which is specified in the permit unless prior permission is obtained from the registrar."

    I ran a summer camp (which was mandatory under my contract) when I worked at a Rajabhat and was away at a resort in Kanchanaburi for 2 nights with a bunch of Rajabhat students ... thus I was breaking the law. However, this could also work in favour for you teachers out there who wanna get out of doing it as you can show them this rule in your WP ....just a suggestion LOL.

    I 'soon piset' at various language schools, companies, proof read, and write advertisments. I have even been a paid researcher for Chulalongkorn University !! Yup ...breaking the law, but have never felt any heat. I think its all ok to do as long as you don't stick yer neck out too far !

  5. Well done Mr. Hippo and that's okay eh 2600 baht out of pocket and you have to be a real good boy for 2 years ....no getting into fights now LOL.

    Mr. Hippo you enjoy your retirement and I'm so glad for you that it's over now. Once again, yer a stand up guy for sharing this story. Nice one.

    Cheers You You You.

    P.S : I did see that you ain't got yer passport back yet ...shouldn't be any more problems yeah? Surely if there was a question of deportation, they would have told you so on Thursday. Well I hope not, you will know in 2 days time, please reassure all.

  6. Gawd blimey Hippo, lots of luck on Thursday and I hope it is the 'fine option' ...let us all know the outcome shortly after.

    P.S. GL sky blue too ..yes, yes,yes ...I've also known many a degree teacher that is useless too LOL.

  7. I have just found this picture in the Thai Rath: see for your self at http://www.thairath.co.th/today/2009/06/06 . The image is partially pixeled out and small.

    1) If this is indeed a genuine photo, well then shame on the usual sensitivity of the Thai press to publish such a photo anyway. The Thai press like the Thai Rath rag ..yes it is indeed a rag, often have no concern for family members; Thai or Farang.

    2) As pointing to the above quote: Even a bigger shame on the Thai press if it is a fake. If so, I hope some family member out there sues their ass off/ the Thai authorities suspend their licience for their business; the latter, I'm just dreaming LOL.

    RIP DC whatever happened.

    dam_n, sorry for this second post, but the Thai Rath is shameful, yes bloody shameful ! Anything for a sensationalist buck eh.

    I blew this photo up in ACD as best as I could to try and analyse it.

    1) Look closely, this man has clothes on (was he not found naked?), possibly Jeans. The Thai Rath has tried hard to pixel this out but not enough.

    2) Man appears to have brown to black slighly curly hair.

    3) Is that a bloody towel on the bed with a blood trail on the bed? (no mention of this in any reports)

    4) The closet/wardrobe is made of chipboard covered with white melamine/formica with black (presumably plastic) round finger hole slider. The bottom shelf that the man is sitting on is the type that slides into position, hence the angle it is now at with the man's weight. This is basic and cheap chipboard furniture (as we used to know it in England AKA MFI). Surely the class of hotel that it is would be fitted out with better?

    The Swissotel could easily confirm or deny that this is indeed their room 352.

    Me, I'm sending this to the Bangkok Post ...let's see if they publish it. Thai Visa, Inform Thai Rath that they are possibly breaking the law/ tell the police to bust em.

    Shame on you Thai Rath.

  8. ... Thai Rath newspaper photo that depicted a male hanging in a closet. That was NOT a $700+ per night hotel room. The photo was probably a stock photo from the newspapers archives. I have been in several expensive hotel rooms here in Bangkok and none of them had the look of a backpacker or short time room like the one in the photograph.

    I have just found this picture in the Thai Rath: see for your self at http://www.thairath.co.th/today/2009/06/06 . The image is partially pixeled out and small.

    1) If this is indeed a genuine photo, well then shame on the usual sensitivity of the Thai press to publish such a photo anyway. The Thai press like the Thai Rath rag ..yes it is indeed a rag, often have no concern for family members; Thai or Farang.

    2) As pointing to the above quote: Even a bigger shame on the Thai press if it is a fake. If so, I hope some family member out there sues their ass off/ the Thai authorities suspend their licience for their business; the latter, I'm just dreaming LOL.

    RIP DC whatever happened.

  9. Sry Sky Blue, I was under the impression that a degree (of any sorts) was a minimum requirement to teach in Thailand. I was only under this impression as the 3 places I have worked in 6 years, ALL refuse applicants without a degree; one was a government University and two private Prathom schools. Furthermore, I also have to submit a copy of my degree and transcript periodically to obtain my teachers licence and without that (at our local office) you do not get it.

    Also Sky Blue, I agree with you that a degree does not make you 'educated' per se, but it certainly offers a prospective employer a guide that you are capable academically ....afterall, teaching requires you to be academic yeah? Yes, I also felt wise enough before I got my degree but it certainly helped me doing a degree with understanding my own English language.

    Anyway, this thread has gone a bit off topic ......hows Hippo doing with his plight? Any reply yet Hippo?

  10. Lol, firstly John, you seemed quite happy with it all a couple of weeks ago on other threads. Well, maxnet and more probs ...it seems there's a new thread every 3 or 4 days on Thia Visa.

    Hey I checked the san fran speed friday night (and then internet went down as I was replying to this thread LOL) it was 1.88 down and 0.22 up ping 261.

    However, I checked this about a month ago when I was having my IP assignment issues (long damned story LOL) and with honesty: 240 KPBS down 20KBPS up and ping 1533 MS !!! (I have also had pings over 2000 for Las Vegas too) for me there has been a great improvment LOL, but other problems ensue eh!

    Go on sign up for MaxdogexcrementNet and don't get what you pay for.

  11. Welcome to the Land Of Selfishness. Where greed is a virture and a brain is a heavy burden to have to carry around.

    I didn't say it, but dont you just love this sum of TIT.

    MaxdogexcrementNet ..... This company is an effin joke .....2 and a half months of contract left then I'm offskii.

  12. Lol, this guy, what's his name ..Anuwat. Why are many posters so worried?

    The guy is a plain and simple nutbag civil servant trying to come up with a clever comment to justify his overpaid and underworked existence.

    He's havin a laugh this geezer. :)

    1) Fact: Under Taksins Gov. they changed the Law in 2003 (if I remember rightly April) that allowed a Thai wife with farang husband to legally (in her own name) purchase a house with land. Why do I know? I checked before we were about to buy a house in 2005 with me as the guarantor of the mortgage (with a doc. for me to sign, which the Land office also looked at) and even my friendly bank said we had to be legally married. "No marry, No house" was the general response", so I got married.

    So, Taksin Knew and changed the law in favour of .... The bank knows and has documnets thereto ....and the Land office also knows by perusing and copying documents. The only person that doesn't seem to understand is Lowlife nutbag idiot Annuwatty ....my advice mate ..go back and crawl under a rock for a year then make another BS comment.

    So don't worry and relax, TIT afterall.

    'Jone naay khruang beep' = Thieves in uniforms or more precisely: bandits. AKA civil servants.

  13. Mr. Hippo, firstly, yer a stand up guy to put this thread on about yourself and I do hope it works out okay in the end. It's also amazing that this has come to bite you in the ass so long after the event. (keep all posted as to your outcome eh)

    You often hear of stories of Farangs on fakes being nicked and everytime the employer gets off scot free. TIT ...there is no responsibility or accountability of these Thai employers, who most of the time are fully aware that it is fake from day one/ provided by the employer in the first place.

    But, we all know using a fake degree is fraud and those who run the gauntlet I believe know that they are taking a risk. The police/immigration in general take a dim view of essentially being lied to.

    As a bit of a wayward example:One friend, some 7 years ago reported to the police that his passport was stolen so he could apply for a new one at the UK embassy. He owed a Thai business partner money who was holding his passport as security (wrongly so as he was being cheated by his Thai partner, but that is aside the point). The Thai partner decided to take his passport to the police some weeks later and my friend was arrested and finally given 6 months in Prison. The police basically said 'you lied to us' about your passport ...that effectively was his charge considered as fraud.

    'They' say something like 30% of foreign teachers in Thailand have a fake or no degree. that's a lot of risky people.

    Be careful you crazy kids, just look at Mr. Hippos story ....it seems they're getting tough now.

  14. Hi, (I have posted on another thread about Maxnet). .. but my experience with Maxnet has been horrible. I have been with them now about 9 months and the service really does 'come and go'. The first 3 weeks was 100% and impressive ... but since then numerous problems.

    1) For 3 months: Use the internet for 2 hours and then must switch off router and switch on again as line drops. No lie 3 months of this. Why? No answer from TT&T ...but this problem did go away.

    2) 3 Sundays throughout the day where the internet was down for at least 6 hours each time.

    3) Since around April 1st (I believe upgrade D-day) untill May 17th. IP's 112, 114, 117 very poor or no international connectivity. But IP 222 fine?? Why? No answer from TT&T ...but this problem has nearly gone away.

    4) Now (as of Monday), 112, 114, 222 seem to be good ...but 117 still poor. Why? I haven't asked them yet LOL.

    I thought I was paying for a 24/7 service but this is not the case. TT&T= TIT me thinks.

    I can honestly say that out of around 40 weeks with them, only 9 weeks has the internet worked properly ... I think that is poor, don't you?

    But hey, let's all hope they have overcome most of their problems now (I live in hope) and that the internet 'comes' and doesn't 'go' anymore.

    Let's all hope one day we can just switch on our routers and the internet works everytime without having to constantly educate ourselves about probable cause and cure. I just want to use the internet ..that's all ...nothing more ....I do not want to become a computer teccy.

    P.S. I also see that some of you (I presume on Eastern seaboard) have gone up to 5MBPS but where I live west of BKK up to 3MBPS (when the IP probs started) ....wonder why that is?? (other than one posters theory of gaining experience: JohnXXX)

  15. Quote: "I had it the other way round - TOT before and now Maxnet." JohnXXX :D

    Yep, I know. I guess its just a lottery and where you may live. So, Pattaya good, but I have also read unhappy stories from your neck of the woods of farangeeee customers with Maxnet.

    I'm west of BKK ..no good here. Have a friend in same Muubaan on TOT 1MB for 490+tax (old contract) and he's happy as a pig in excrement. I've been round there and tried his internet and it's lightening compared to my Maxnet ..at ...err, a third of the DL speed ...LOL

    Mmm, it leaves you wondering in Thailand where to place your bet and I guess it's more so a case of lucky dip and hope that the infrastructure is sound in your area; that you don't know until you place your bet :D

    So sum total: TT&T + TOT = TIT. I reckon that is about it eh? :)

  16. Oh dear, Maxnet ....I am one of their unfortunate customers who has phoned them a dozen times and sent over 50 E-mails in the last six weeks to try to get them to fix problems. My international access has now this weekend come but to a crawl with high ping rates and low DL UL rates, causing numerous connectivity issues. Also internet down frequently.

    Maxnet has gone to excrement (to put it politely) and they promise to this and that and never do anything. It's a saga that I'm giving up on soon and switching to TOT(my only other alternative where I live).

    Their customer service is poor with 'fob off' answers and meaningless generic E-mails, their engineers are inept and don't seem to understand anything beyond where to put the wiring into your house.

    In a nutshell, TT&T Maxnet is a simple rip off and they do not have a clue how to run an ISP.

    I also believe that they are either oversubscribing the exsiting infrastructure or are deliberately manipulating international access to encourage customers to upgrade. But I could be wrong on both these points which would imply they are just plain stupid and don't know how to identify and resolve problems.

    I'm not saying that TOT will be better (but I hope so), but Maxnet is rubbish: My opinion: Has been and always will be. Don't be disappointed with Maxnet if you decide to put money in their pockets ... I'm not for much longer. (only 3 months of contract left LOL)

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