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Posts posted by YouYouYou

  1. Very sad incident for the French family and let's hope they actually do the guy for his actions eh. :)

    Sry for not reading all the posts but I noticed a figure of 7% GDP banded about for tourism. For one, it is a substaintial amount and part of the economy and this 'mere' 7% would affect many persons' income and employment. The figure does not include all those 'indirect' additions ...one of them being all those ladies out there that benefit from a farang visting them for special services. I read some time ago that at any given point, some 80,000 ladies rely on this foreign input. Furthermore, all those shops selling non-specific tourist items/ non-specific services are not included etc. It is surely not a concrete figure, just a ballpark, but as the Tuk Tuk picture sign on P2/3 ? 'No farang, I die' would apply to many and without this important part of the GDP which as I also know in reality exceeeds 10% up to 12.6% (King, V.T., Rigg , J. 2002' ish)...hundreds of thousands would be affected by it's demise. (wiki is great but not perfect, sry)

    Incidents like this appear to be on the increase (or is it just that Thai Visa forward many of them/I'm noticing), and just put many farangs off visiting Thailand while they are in their decision making process as to where to spend their money for a vacation. The holiday maker has many choices of destination and in their choice a general consideration is to go somewhere that is 'safe' as a family; Phuket has just lost some 'decision makers' for sure and probably quite a few French people as I'm sure it's hit the press there.

    As a couple of posters pointed out: the links between police and crime plus corruption; until this is addressed, not much will change for Thailand, but maybe in about 200 years or so ...it's still a developing country far behind the 'west'.

  2. TTT or TRIPLE T = TOTAL EXCREMENT. Lol ..change service to any other ISP and you'll be better off. I used TTT for 50 weeks ..50 weeks of total inconsistent garbage, no accesss, no connection, etc..

    I'm now with TOT same money same alleged speeds ...sometimes its on the slow side, sometimes its fast, but it always always works for the last 5 months ... Now I'm happy and relaxed ..as one poster said already ...TTT 3T never again!!!! :)

  3. I went thro suwannaabummii about a month ago. Before I've never had any probs with the taxi dudes there ..until the last time.

    Went to the desk and asked how much to my town west of BKK a litten bit ....1000 baht ..ok ...ask the driver not 15 metres away same Q ...errr 1400 baht ! Mmm ...I'm speaking fluent Thai all the time LOL.

    Okay I walk away laughing (no confrontation required eh) and have a ciggy ...back 10 mins later ...same Q's to desk and driver (different people) Ans: Desk 1000 baht, Driver 900 Baht !!! lol (not bad for a 110KM journey and same price as a year ago)

    It's getting random ....suggestion if not happy, chill for a few mins then come back LOL. Must admit thou, its a poor impression for the tourist/first visitor eh.... 'Yim dii toon rap muang Thai' :D

    I know its off the topic here but met a guy on Khao San road 10 years ago who got out of a Tuk Tuk in front of me from Hua lam pong train station who paid 600 baht for his journey ...now there's a bit of inflation eh :)

  4. I wont name my school as they are pretty good employers ...but check out the pool motorcycle for getting things around town. I've been there 5 years and yes it gets used several times a day ...apparantly the motorcycle 15 yrs plus lol.

    No lights/horn/keys (not that it would get nicked)/tax/rear brake that works/speedo etc. Buy hey its got character eh!



    Any more wonderful vehicles out there? Post em up. :)

  5. What a shame for the victims and their families. I'll still use the trains thou ..safer than the buses for sure.

    A lot of banter so far on this thread on how dangerous travel is in Thailand. Yes, statistics will tell you a lot about accident rates etc., but when a train derails anywhere in the world, it generally makes the news ....the UK for one country has had several nasty ones; the arguments of developed/developing countries seems to be a weak one IMHO.

    Nice to see the PM is going there (as we speak) to console the families etc. Good for Abhisit in doing this.

  6. Thai Visa folks ...(sry aint read all the posts here, so may be repeating). Hey never mind as the BK Post has steadily become toilet and their news is biased and serves an elite in Thailand ...have you noticed how they dont genuinely upset anyone lately? (except those fallen from power already). This is indeed a rag and surely not newsworthy ...if anything TV, they've done you a favour ...there's much more newsworthy news on this website than can be found in the BK Post.

    Forget em and forget the RSS, even if you do do this ...forget em still ...bunch of elistist wasters, the BK post that is!

    YYY. :)

  7. Just as a small help for people needing a re-entry permit. Firstly, I was told at Samut Sakhon Immigration on Friday that Suwaannnaboomie no longer has this service ....that's what I was told, so lucky for me I didn't take the chance at the Airport next week.

    I think for this service, you can go to any immigration and for some of you Bangkokonians on the west side, it may be quite convienient and better than dragging up to Mor Chit and Laksi.

    The new Samut Sakhon offices (as of July 2009) are located on Ekkachai road about 200 metres before 'Wat Pho Chae' (วัดโพธิ์แจ้) if coming from Bangkok. They are on the left and have a big black granite sign (the wat is further on the right). Also it is about 2 kilometres past the 'Bang Bon' border into 'Muang Samut Sakhon'.

    If you have a PN Map book: P57, Map A42, H2. (well my 6 year old edition anyhow LOL)

    Single 1000 Baht, Multiple 3800 Baht ...dont forget yer 4x6 cm photo! :)

  8. Ive read most of the posts here but not all (lazyness) but in about a dozen or so in and outs of Thailand in 10 years ...whether it is a border crossing or at don muang/suvie airports ....Immigration has been great, no problems and 90% of the time they are very cheerful too ..yes you get the odd one who ain't happy but then eh,... aren't we all some days? :)

    My problems with immigration start with my own country England at Heathrow ..where they can really be a bunch of W******/C**** . Gawd going back to that airport in 2 weeks time ...dreading it and not Suvannnniibooomie at all :D

    P.S. As for thr Taxi drivers: Mmm I 'phoot passaa Thai geng geng' so I've never had a problem and yes I do take a taxi home about 120 KM's and actually pay less than I do from my home town to Suvie ....no complaint from me on this LOL. (But thats just me)

  9. Last time for me ...35 mins ....at Suvvie and Don Muang before ..never more than 45 mins ever in 10 or so entries. (least about 30 mins)

    I rate Thailand way way way above my other port Heathrow that once took me 2 hours to exit ...why??? 9/11 or something !

  10. sawsdee, i have recently bought my first laptop. it has a kaspesky anti virus installed in it. i checked the report and it informs me i have 47 trojans and 1 virus after only 10 days.

    Hey Jerry, I paid for a Kaspersky pack IT sec. a few weeks ago. They installed it at the shop and had 6 trojans ...but the program had cleaned them. The day before was running Bitdefender.

    It may have been that Bitdef didn't pick these up and Kaspersky did? I'm no teccy but would that make sense?? or was it viruses in the shop where they insalled it?? Anyway, all was fine by the time I took it home :)

    P.S. Are they listed under 'detected threats' and have 'deleted' by them? If so no worries now (that's where mine are from install date)

  11. ^Sry ..dont know about 3PC package, but just paid 590 Baht for 1PC 31st July.

    Buy three of these 1770 Baht LOL. Going by that though, you'd reckon it should be cheaper than 1700 eh? (buy in bulk phil.)

    Was that 'Kaspersky Internet Security' or 'Kaspersky Antivirus' that you bought? I can remember seeing 'Internet Security' a while back for about 850 baht but can't remember if it was the 1 P.C. or 3 P.C. edition.

    It was Internet Security 2009 edition for 590 baht from a local shop west of BKK a litten bit. Dunno if they have other branches in BKK, the shop is called 'IT Life' ...cheers :)

  12. Oh and here we go again ...GL to all in BKK and let's hope it doesn't escalate today/tomorrow.

    This political soup is just plain hurting Thailand and your average Thai is sick to death of it. Every Thai I personally know is just totally fed up of the yellows and the reds as it ultimately knocks on to everyone financially etc.. Some Thai's do read TV too .... be nice to hear their words on this. However, maybe just the political stirrers would reply, though I hope not.

  13. Not Thailand is the Answer :) ..but not Indy Maxnet, maybe Premier ..some are ok with it but its a lottery on where you live/end up. Probably not TOT (all seems basic but better basic than TTT indy) ...some say CAT is good (if you can get it) but have to then go for 2K baht plus packages to get the reliability ...P.S. : dont be fooled by the 10MB 3BB promo ...unless you want 10MB for Thai sites ..It ain't intuuuur Jing Jing. (see others on this)

  14. Good luck to em ..but TIT (and as pointed out already), this aint a credit card online society yet ....maybe in the future but not right now. In my local town (west of BKK a littne bit) I have two shops I deal with and thet get me what I want at a cost that you lot pay at panthip ...saves me the travel and yes they are reliable and straight with pricing ...why would I ...a man with two credit cards go for this?? I do have a good source already ..Jing Jing!

    Like I say ..good luck Danes, but ,....... :) ..... ok, good luck, nice to see someone being innovative nonetheless.

  15. Hello, I switched to Kapersky 2009 and today recieved a warning that my C drive was nearly full (about 150MB to go!).

    A little shocked, I finally found the culprit. Kapersky automatically saves logs under the name 'AVP 8' but they are hidden files. If you are having the same problems, you can remove them without problem (or so it seems, please post if anyone knows otherwise ty). As far as I know they are just logs of information and are basically history/archive? Also there are some other blogs out there on this that seem to think it's ok to do this too (saw these after the fact, but i was desperate anyway ...no mem left, just do it lol)

    Find the address below but you also first need to choose under 'Folder options' - 'view' and click button 'show hidden files and folders' then apply+ok.

    You can get to the below by going to C:drive - 'documents and settings' - 'application data' - 'kapersky lab'. Open that and you probably have a bunch of files starting AVP 8 ...delete all (except the initial briefcase).

    Once done, reset the folder options back to 'do not show hidden files and folders'

    I cleared about 16 gigabites after 7 weeks of use ...quite a bit of memory eh lol. (and why the hel_l is this? LOL)

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab

    Hope its of use to others if you have a problem, cheers You You You ....now I have a small memory/brain again :)

  16. This is very strange. I am with TOT, use their DNS, and have never seen references to mict in the status bar or redirects to their warning page. I do not try porn or gambling sites so maybe once you do try, your account at the isp is flagged, and you get redirects/ checked by mict. That is just a thought - nothing more.

    Me too on TOT, never seen this ...is it a Maxnet thing or is it all ISP companies??

    I tried some porn sites to test (lol) and just got up a '404' page on some saying you can't access it... that as far as I know has been around a long time.

    But for general surfing, no problem and no royal police thing seen yet.

    P.S: Webfact, see yer a mod now, nice and yer the man: But do you have an opinion to this? I skimmed this thread throughout and seem to only find Maxnet users complaining and I think some reference to True (but vague) ....is it just a/or some specific ISP's? Thx Webfact for your input.

  17. As one poster already pointed out ..watch out at the airports in about 4 weeks. :)

    This yellow dude smoggie and yer manToxin, in my opinion, will never do a day behind bars ..its all smokescreen BS and yes they would let this guy walk out the country too .... far from worry as far as everyone is concerned.

  18. YouYouYou, to TT&T's defence, they do clearly publicize the fact that the Indy package is designed for and best used for browsing Thai websites.

    It also clearly states that they will manipulate/limit traffic such as P2P and VOIP. They do state that on this package limited international bandwidth is available.

    The high ping times you see is basically a result of a very high contention ratio (i.e. your requests are being "queued" until there is capacity available to service your request).

    Yes, and thank you for pointing that out. Yes, you are quite right and yes they do say this on thier website (or words to that effect) for the Indy package. However, it worked untill June 20th and then no more ..yes it could very well be too high a contention ratio ..oversubscribed basically.

    But the issue is (and please have a look at some of that data in the July thread) ...the drop was to say the least incredible. I mean come on ..I had a test result to a U.S. site as low as 30kbps down and 10kbps up with a ping of 2000+. Also further issues where you just couldn't even open an international webpage PERIOD ...as in nothing ..the usual 'cannot find website' blue page (not just me!)

    Some of the data from me and other users is just hilarious (esp: speedtest.net figs). Please note again that this wasn't the only complaint, just the main one.

    But really to the crux of it ...you pay an ISP 590+vat and it works for 8 or 9 months so so ..then it stops working ...you complain ...they look at it ...nothing gets resolved. You change ISP: same price 590+vat ...same DL UL .... no mention either of limitations and there are none (that I can so far find on TOT), and the WWW works everyday, somtimes slowly, sometimes quickly ...but it works 24/7 ...Maxnet clearly did not! That is what you pay your monthly fee for: 24/7, not 8/7 (non peak 1.30 to 9.30 AM)

    Agree or disagree ...their 'limiting' came to the point of, and sorry I must swear a little: 'taking the piss' out of the cheaper users. Limiting a service to a degree may be an option for TTT, 3BB, Maxnet (dunno what to call them anymore) but when you grind a users service to a halt ...<deleted> do they expect you to do? . Their attitude is poor and their excuses are weak. Their knowledge of problem resolution only goes as far as 'reboot your router' and things like that. Yes, they manipulate traffic and yes they went too far with it along with all their other problems that lay unresolved too.

    Come on 'committed gents' improve it LOL. Read this thread too over a cup of tea or 10! :

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Maxnet-Lates...836.html&hl (Maxnet latest Problems: Maxnet Answer, July 2009)

  19. Interesting Raro and please pass on this link to those 'committed gentlemen' ..also you may suggest they read through the 400 odd posts of a thread in July called 'Maxnet latest problems: Maxnet answer' (I'm sure you can find it on TV). Also numerous others in the last 4 months or so ...pretty much every week :D

    Firstly, I have no problem with TT&T now as I quit on July 27th and moved to TOT. Many problems (as outlined before in July) but, my main contention as an Indy user was the huge connectivity drop that occured for me from June 20th to international sites esp. U.S. The biggest problem was pathetic UL and DL and pings in the range of 2000's other than between the hours of 1.30 to 9.30 AM (or thereabouts). Now on TOT, I have never had a ping to the U.S. above 500 ..ever, for now some 6 weeks on TOT. Yes, sometimes the DL drops off but UL is consistently high ...but the ping is never ever as high as it was on Maxnet.

    I asked a good friend of mine who is a web designer and a qualified computer person with an M.A. . I asked him about this and his opinion was that Maxnet was deliberately manipulating traffic for Indy users (although if you read July post you will see some premier users unhappy too) ...I also thought of the same idea before but i'm no teccy.

    Conspiracy theory one may say, but no. It's simple, and according to my friend: too much traffic = limit the cheaper users in peak times. Yes Maxnet was manipulating 'latency' in order to keep their system barely running .... TOT does not but suffers overuse and thus has slowdowns but not via deliberate manipulation ...just the traffic squeezing through the gate.

    You can all agree or disagree with this, but I put faith in my qualified friend that this is the case.

    To your committed friends: If you want to run this business successfully, stop applying bad business pratices as outlined above. Also take a look at some of the data in the 'Maxnet Latest problems: Maxnet answer' thread of July 2009 ...there you will see some evidence of this ..but I'm sure you know this already. Also improve the competence of your staff ... no more be said! :D

    I'll stick with my so so TOT ..at least it works everyday now and I don't have to keep switching my router off and on in the hope I can get a connection that works. I'm happy with TOT and it's so nice now to come home, switch on my router, leave it on, and use it whenever I want, without problems ...nice to have cut out the lottery of 'do I have a connection today?'. Sry 'committed friends' but I don't think I will ever return to take the chance with you again LOL. :)

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