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Posts posted by herb59

  1. You will only be attacked by stray dogs if you show fear,if you are an alpha male the dogs will not go near you. Lots of betas and worse on this thread. Toughen up boysxcool.png.pagespeed.ic.WVYpdUy2j0.webp

    I am terrified of dogs

    Or do what the Thais do.. here we got a club of older Thais they all carry a cane to hit dogs when they go walking in this village. Thing is I have yet to see a dangerous dog in the village. But maybe it makes them feel secure and that is why no one gets bitten.

    thats all very logical. the next step is then learning taek won do, buying a knife, gun aso....

    this is the right way in civilisation to protect yourself and others. and ladies and children only go out with the strongest alpha male in town.

    we are the apemen chookookachu!!!!!!

  2. probably they have NO purpose. they were put there by a contractor, someone "behind the curtain" made a quick buck and fled the scene ;-)

    and before u say this can only happen in thailand, there's plenty of ghost bridges in the rest of the world.


    NO NO this is for the next olympic winter games after sotschi. IOC received already there tea money.

  3. after living here for a few years, i love to go back to ol' europe every year.

    would i still fit in the system,the over regulated society,the enourmous cost of living? --> yes, better than the under regulated society here.

    i like it here because of the weather.

    i can water my garden half a day and it doesn't effect my water bill too much.--> i save here also water, like in every other country i go.

    i go out for food almost daily,--> not necessary ,if you have a good cook.

    i dont need to heat my house, --> me too, as i am not there in winter.

    the electric bill is still under control,--> also in Europe.

    the ppl are not looking so miserable when going to work as in my home country,--> depends on the people.

    i dont have to worry too much if i violate some minor traffic rules,--> also in Europe ,there is not always police on the road.

    i do have here most of the products i need,--> same in europe.

    i couldnt even have my dogs with me due they are banned in my home country--> to ban dogs, is not a bad idea in comparison to here!! freedom needs (self)control.

    ...and the list could go on.

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