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Posts posted by herb59

  1. if i cant roam free in my surrounding, i'll kill them like the thais do.

    if you love dogs and eat chicken, pigs and calves, then think it over.....

    There are much more dog and cat lovers around who eat meat than vegetarians!

    You have to explain your opinion and doctrine to a lot of people. tongue.png

    i said: think it over! not everything you dont understand is nonsense......

  2. The dogs are a problem.

    Dont get me wrong. Kids dont stand a chance unless theyve been taught to handle dogs. Im pretty sure thai kids brought up in bangkok know how to handle strays, but a kid from cambodia where strays arent prevalent will have issues. Just as a person who has never owned a dog and lived in a culture where dogs are on leads and in firm control will have no idea how to handle a stray. But dogs are simple for the most part. And i should stress the words for the most part. Just like anywhere else in the world whether stray or domesticated, dog attacks happen. And here in Thailand you also have rabies into the mix.

    There is a problem, they do need to get on top of it and euthanise these dogs if only because of the rabies epidemic. I mean seriously! Rabies? In one of the biggest cities in the world? A disease that if left untreated leads to death... and can be contracted from even being licked, let alone bitten? How many kids do you know that are liable to tell you they were licked by a soi dog while out playing? Insane. But just because there is a huge problem with over 100,000 strays doesnt mean that im not going to treat any one of those individual dogs with some degree of humanity. Its not an all or nothing.

    you have many good points of view, but in a country with no controls, you have to help yourself. this means first the humans, then the dogs. if i cant roam free in my surrounding, i'll kill them like the thais do. mostly attacked are first children and second women. i care for my beloved ones. a dog IS an unpredictable animal, therefore strict laws exist in many countries. even in those, sometimes the owners got bitten or children of them(on their private property).

    if you love dogs and eat chicken, pigs and calves, then think it over.....

  3. an 8 year old cambodian is like an 14year old westener. they are not that stupid in their estimation.


    Can you prove that nonsense somehow? Until than, its nonsense for me!

    you need a prove,okay: you have never seen local young boys working on the beach,selling sunglasses aso?? they are more adult in their poor life. they have to struggle with many daily problems,ALONE. they are used to stay alone. okay and then compare it with an guarded westener on holiday with his ipod, ipad,iphone knowing nothing of real life and waiting for mom for the next icecream.sleepy.gif

    • Like 1
  4. an 8 year old cambodian is like an 14year old westener. they are not that stupid in their estimation. he was playing in the sea, could be collecting shells, feet in the water aso.

    if he was only walking/playing on the beach, 10m away from his father, gives the dogs enough time to attack him!

    so its the fathers fault and the dogs are unfortunately a wrong rebirth.

    you sure have a great opinion.

    Please stop the utter nonsenserolleyes.gif

    as your nonsense is free here, i just wanted to put it right. saai.gif

  5. where are all the : i like soi dogs lovers now ?

    they should all be caught, all over thailand and put down or exported for meat, some people up north love them, to eat

    Sorry but where was the father? Tourist helped while father was too busy getting drunk?

    but maybe he was hard working during this time. so an innocent boy cant swim alone between other tourists?? sadly it was only a "cambodian". i "hope" next time its a farang boy/girl to keep it better in the media! it is irresponsible from public, legislator, police aso.

    8 years old swim unsupervised in the ocean? You sure make a great parent

    an 8 year old cambodian is like an 14year old westener. they are not that stupid in their estimation. he was playing in the sea, could be collecting shells, feet in the water aso.

    if he was only walking/playing on the beach, 10m away from his father, gives the dogs enough time to attack him!

    so its the fathers fault and the dogs are unfortunately a wrong rebirth.

    you sure have a great opinion.

    • Like 1
  6. where are all the : i like soi dogs lovers now ?

    they should all be caught, all over thailand and put down or exported for meat, some people up north love them, to eat

    Sorry but where was the father? Tourist helped while father was too busy getting drunk?

    but maybe he was hard working during this time. so an innocent boy cant swim alone between other tourists?? sadly it was only a "cambodian". i "hope" next time its a farang boy/girl to keep it better in the media! it is irresponsible from public, legislator, police aso.

  7. Come on folks. PM Y is low lying fruit. You dont have to invent stuff to criticize of her.

    She does fine on her own.blink.png

    Coming up with this kind of sh*t only reduces the impact of legitimate concerns, and reduces the credibility of the reporting.

    Hell i change cloths 2 - 3 times a day just because of musk and sweat. If you don't, i hope you buy antiperspirant and deodorant in bulk!

    I will say that she could have avoided all this by having multiple copies of the same outfit, and therefore she can look fresh without looking like she changed cloths. Like I believe most other politicians do in the more developed countries.

    how often do the massage ladies at work change their clothes in one day??

    and for me: i dont sweat, i am not fat.....

  8. I LOVED my first day of Songkran. My second day, I loved it a bit less. My third day, even less. Now, I HATE it with a passion.

    This year, to escape Songkran, I might spend the four days at Siam Water Park, splashing around on the slides etc.

    I will get just as soaked. The big difference is that I shall be the one who decides how and when I get wet. Not some inconsiderate prick on the street.


  9. Thai dogs don't like me and the feeling is mutual. I too have to carry a stick when I ride my bike around the village. I always enjoy watching the nasty little animals going on holiday in the dog truck. Properly cooked they make good eating so its a win win situation.

    yes. eat them up or control them! there are no other ways.

    and if you it chicken, beef aso. then you can eat dogs as well. animals are animals.

    • Like 1
  10. Wonderful. 300,000 plastic bags released into the atmosphere. Well, as long as it brings 'good luck'.

    Most are not plastic. They are paper type material.

    but still a lot of rubbish for a quick moment. recyclable? no. sense ? no.

    good luck?? like the birds in their cages?? NO THANKS!!!

    every aviation law has restricted areas for the safety of the airport/traffic. outside of the strict safety zones till 100 meter.

    not workable in thailand????

  11. Thai New Year. Water splashing festival? I don't get it.

    How many millions of cubic meters of water will be used to soak people, streets and vehicles all over Thailand while over a dozen provinces are going through a drought?

    Never mind! I just remembered the age old device to keep the masses entertained and defused: bread and circus.clap2.gif

    how true!!

  12. You are free to leave of living here is no longer enjoyable for you. Some of us are happy to join in with the fun. And don't forget that these are isolated incidents. Millions have enjoyed themselves. You get deaths and major events in almost all countries. Just look at the UK and USA. There are plenty getting shot and knifed every day, not just during festivals.

    Ahh.. the 'You May Leave Its Not Your Country"-trump card! Be assured that the other millions of Thais are not enjoying themselves! The whole Thai New Year has gotten out of hand, turned in a tyranny of the drunk. It's getting too dangerous, also for a lot of Thais who are hiding in their homes for 3/4 days and should they leave as well?


  13. from my experience it seems there are a certain traveller that holds the ques up and that is one who hasn't filled in their transit card correctly, this not only frustrates the immigration officer but also those waiting behind....there is no real solution to this but it really does make your blood boil!

    send them back to the end of the queue, as long its not a major fault.

  14. 90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days

    like others have still questioned:

    if you own a 1year-visa, why then a 90days report or leaving the country??? and they proof your income before you receive the visa! in schengen, you get a maximum of 5years stay!! looks like upkeeping a bureaucracy-act and money for thai-travel-companies.

    Thai ID card

    a small ID-card would be fine for longstayers, as well as online-extensions (if they insist in "paperwork"). WE LIVE NOW IN 2011 WITH SECURITY-PASSPORTS AND AND AND!

    well, i can choose other countries for living , if they like it complicated and want to milk us....in my opinion ,the best years for thailand are history!

  15. For 13 years I have resided 5 Km from a medium sized Thai town. If I happen to be driving home in the evening, I see between one and six abandoned dogs around the corner of the turn-off to my village. My town has about 100 roads like this. If an average of just one dog were abandoned per road each evening, that would be 100 dogs per night, or 36500 per year. In Thailand, there are approx 2,000 similar sized towns, so using the same estimates, that would come to about 73,000,000 dogs per year abandoned in Thailand. Can anyone say whether that number is too low or too high? I would venture the real number is higher than that, as many families have several dogs and many of those dogs have litters of around 6 pups, each year.

    I frequent rural properties, that one would assume would be relatively quiet. They're not. Each property (some are properties I've secured) has at least one nearby group of barking dogs. No exceptions. Thais do not know how to discipline their dogs. Even when they try to do so (which is rare indeed), the owners are ineffective. As far as I know, there are no real animal shelters in Thailand - though I did find one north of C.Mai run by a farang woman. Maybe there are others. If Thai authorities wanted to try and fix the despicable overpopulation of dogs here, they should start first with building well-run animal shelters - an average of every square mile. Neuter surgery should be available free for any dogs brought in. There's much more that needs to be done, but that would be a start. I personally know of dozens of farang who considered coming to visit Thailand, but went elsewhere because of the endemic dog problem.

    In case anyone is wondering: dogs in Burma are much less prone to barking and chasing. I've had that proven to me dozens of times, while bicycling around Burma. Thais should go and learn from the Burmese how to keep their horrible Thai dogs from being such mega nuisance. If nothing else, tourism revenues would double in Thailand if the dogs weren't so problematic.

    also, very correct.

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