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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. On 9/25/2023 at 1:57 PM, hotchilli said:

    Killed by corruption.

    How so?

    They ran out of money in 1997 as did so many other people after the "Asian Tiger" bubble burst. I was here then and the abandoned buildings littered the city. As the article said a good majority have since been finished.

    So what is your insight? How was this one killed by corruption? Intrigued to know, you must have something juicy. (Or is this just another thread that you feel you have to say something critical on like pretty much every single other topic on AN).

    All ears.

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  2. 19 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Stop embarrassing yourself. You never heard of a sauce with cream in it. Get out more. Read cooking websites. Learn something.

    Okey dokey, have a nice day. 

    You are denying what you wrote and are still trying to twist it. Don't you see that what I commented originally made sense in response to what you had written? Then later you added more info and changed the meaning completely when you realised you had made a mistake, but you still deny the original comment and try to attack for some weird reason. Very childish. Very weird. 

    Can't be bothered any more. 

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  3. 9 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Have you never been to a steak restaurant? Creamy sauces are common. You need to get out more. Pretty funny you have never heard of a creamy mushroom sauce.

    Yes, creamy sauces are common. Not my cup of tea, but a creamy mushroom sauce is fine.

    RichardSmith already pointed it out but you clearly said you cook a steak in salt, pepper, butter and cream. You are now talking about cream sauces which are totally different - you don't cook the steak in cream.


    Anyway, you changed and u-turned. Not interested anymore.

    Carry on.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Then you don't know much. 

    You said "cook with salt, butter and cream". What you posted is a herb and cream sauce, totally different, and - I must say - pretty disgusting looking. If I have a good cut of beef the last thing I want to do is drown it in some nasty cream sauce.

     But up to you. Do you also like a steak with BBQ sauce? Seems like you don't know how to cut a cook piece of steak to appreciate it for what it is.

  5. On 9/22/2023 at 5:21 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    IF your origin & destination is not right next to a BTS the public transport in BKK is rubbish. 

    And how is that any different to anywhere unless tube trains drop you at your house?

    Public transport here has developed a hell of a lot over the last 25 years. It is by no means perfect but it's not bad. Saying it is rubbish unless you live next to a station is a bit silly.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:

    Dentistry: Someone who can see sense! Thank you for living in the real world....


    Food: I lived in Japan, I'm a big fan... of the food, not so much the people! Fair enough, I was a bit harsh in my trivialization of British cuisine, and I was actually surprised to find out that according to Taste Atlas, British food is currently ranked no 29th, whilst Thai food is ranked 30th!



    Screenshot (86).png

    Sorry, any list that has Filipino food above Thai, Malaysian, British, Lebanese, Pakistani, and Belgian food has zero credibility. Any list that has Filipino food in anythign but last place has no credibility.

    But seriously, it is above Thai?? 

  7. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    All cr@p, us British do not get teeth done on the NHS, unless something that needs a hospital, we have to pay for it. 

    I think you read too much gossip.  :saai:


    Where do you come from...?

    British teeth are no better or worse than anywhere really, but we don't do cosmetic dentistry generally - we get stuff fixed when it needs to be. However Americans tend to go for super white, straight, Hollywood teeth and we don't so anything more normal gets categorised as "bad teeth".  I used to get metal fillings as a kid - not white fillings.

    Also we started putting flouride in our domestic water supply decades after the US and I think a lot of the stigma comes from those years when our teeth probably were significantly worse. But not these days.

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