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  1. It's already in operation. Called qualified majority voting. Introduced for just the reasons you state. Two conditions to carry a motion now: 55 % of Member States vote in favour (15 out of 27), the votes in favour are cast by Member States representing at least 65 % of the European Union’s population.
  2. Indeed. Obviously I didn't think that one through to the end ... 🤣
  3. "Pointing at things with your lips" ??? I've obviously not been here long enough ... there's also a rogue Heinz ketchup bottle amongst my sauces.
  4. And as the article points out Malaysia offers 90 day stays. Malaysia is also a very beautiful and interesting country with all the attractions of Thailand for tourists including the food and temples. Obviously it doesn't appeal to the incel/sex addict/hebephile crowds though.
  5. You get triggered by absolutely anything that even hints at humanity or empathy don't you?
  6. PKK always wants the T+C and Overstay Penalties chits from me at least.
  7. I see the language is really abysmal even by Thai standards. Makes me wonder. Applicants always have to provide a government backed pension statement or multiple copies of bank transactions/deposits which is all kept on file by Immigration anyway. So nothing new really even if legit. Just an extra piece of paper. No new tax relevant info on it. How does one "collede money"?
  8. True, but a few use facts to bolster their position. Others have 'alternative facts' and mendacious diatribes. The difference is quite apparent on AN as well.
  9. Fortunately I scrolled to the end to look after a couple of lines of that mental diarrhoea and so saved myself the rest ...
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