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Everything posted by Credo

  1. Surely those countries realize that Russia is a little pre-occupied right now!
  2. Surely, you aren't referring to the posters who think that all the migrants should stay home and make their country better? I don't envy any military age men in Russia. They are in an untenable situation if they actively disagree with the war in Ukraine. Their forays into neighboring countries could well be met with deportation and I don't think Vlad is going to be particularly happy with them when they return.
  3. Well, let's look at the actual facts of the situation. Congress passed the sanctions and Trump signed them, however, Trump dithered long enough that the sanctions on the pipeline were of no value. You can't stop a pipeline that's already built. The sanctions were on companies and ships used to build the pipeline. It never stopped the pipeline as many would like to believe. The Biden administration didn't exactly lift the sanctions on those companies, but it provided a waiver which can be revoked at any time. The reasoning behind it was to rebuild the fractured and deteriorating relationship with Germany. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davekeating/2019/12/21/trump-imposes-sanctions-to-stop-nord-stream-2--but-its-too-late/?sh=3a6df5405df1 https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-waive-sanctions-firm-ceo-behind-russias-nord-stream-2-pipeline-source-2021-05-19/
  4. That number is wrong! It's not 700,000. It's 700,002. They didn't count the two that showed up in a boat on a remote Alaskan island seeking asylum.
  5. I tend to think that Biden and his remarks are made out of an abundance of caution, but there is no doubt that the risk is exceedingly high. Should <deleted> get heavy, it's a good idea to be prepared: US buys $290 million in anti-radiation drugs amid Putin’s nuke threats The Biden administration bought $290 million of anti-radiation drugs this week as the president warned of “the prospect of Armageddon” being sparked by warmongering Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) confirmed that the major supply of Nplate was part of “ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.” The drug — which can be used on kids as well as adults — is “approved to treat blood cell injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome [ARS] in adult and pediatric patients,” the department said in Tuesday’s announcement. https://nypost.com/2022/10/07/us-buys-290m-in-anti-radiation-drugs-amid-nuke-fears/ Although the White House says it's a normal purchase, the timing is suspicious.
  6. It's nothing more than a political stunt. Border areas have resources, and yes, I have a home not far from the border. New York City is now sending many of the migrants onward to where they planned to go, which was to be with friends or family members. Many do have connections in the US, but not in New York.
  7. Or maybe not so fair. A state (and there is more than one state doing this) with 268,597 sq. miles is sending 17,000 migrants to a city with 302 sq. miles. I am not so sure whether that is fair to anyone.
  8. I pretty much lean toward renewable energy and moving away from our dependence on fossil fuels, however, we've got a ways to go. In the meantime, we are going to have to rely on less pleasant alternatives. Nuclear makes me nervous, but it is less likely to contribute to climate change. We live in very trying times, and we just can't achieve some of the environmental goals. Idealism may have to wait.
  9. I hope there isn't any confusion between the stolen election and the stolen documents.
  10. I do believe this was not the first time someone had been in her drawers.
  11. I am just really glad he didn't mention something like Revolutionary War troops taking over airports.
  12. My original shots were Pfizer and I had virtually no side effects. My booster was with Moderna and that had a bit more punch to it. I wasn't sick, but I could tell something was going on in my body. I'll get the new one because I live in an area where vaccination rates are pretty low. If you had the original shots and get a booster from the same company, I suspect you'll have the same reaction as the original. Any way, best of luck.
  13. You may be right. I don't foresee any drastic measures unless it would somehow mutate into something that is significantly more dangerous or not treatable. As it now stands, we have vaccines and boosters, including a specific one for the most common sub-variants. I know it is available in the US but I don't know if it is in Europe. There are also antiviral medications that can help people not end up hospitalized. The problem is getting people to get the jab. It's hard enough to get people to take the flu shot. I suspect a strong outreach with vaccines being given at convenient locations -- like work places and in neighborhood areas. It seems we are stuck with this for a long time.
  14. This isn't exactly on the liberation (or fall--depending on who you back) of Lyman but I am wondering what Putin's strategy actually is. He is going forward with mass conscriptions, but from all appearances, his armory appears to be deleted. He's lost a huge number of tanks, trucks and assorted military hardware. He most likely has an ammunition shortage -- unless North Korea has come through with the ammunition he wanted. Does Putin plan to simply try to overrun Eastern Ukraine with cannon fodder? Will this be some sort of invasion that goes down in history books as a 'hoard' of invading troops?
  15. Your example lacks merit. DeSantis gave a big 'NO' and Biden simply put a condition on the aid that was then given.
  16. It could be interesting. Trump is holding a rally for Lake and Liz Cheney is campaigning against her. Former President Trump holding rally in Mesa on October 9 https://www.azfamily.com/2022/09/30/former-president-trump-holding-rally-mesa-october-9/ Cheney says she'll campaign against Lake and Mastriano because of their election denials https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/cheney-shell-campaign-lake-mastriano-election-denials/story?id=90477962
  17. It's not legal to carry a firearm (without special permission) onto the Capitol Grounds. On that day, it was also illegal to be on the Capitol grounds. There were barriers outside the Capitol that were violently breached. The police officer he injured was helping stop people .
  18. Thanks for the info. You will likely have work on this eventually when they release a 'patch' for it!!
  19. The choice is go into the military or go to prison. They won't have the option of protesting.
  20. And there is a good chance the law will be changed. The people of Arizona don't like it. The people of Kansas didn't like it either. Interestingly, the Democrats have been going full throttle on the issue and the Republicans seem to have gone silent.
  21. Medical providers are not going to abort a viable fetus unless it is absolutely necessary to save the mother. Once it has reached the age of viability, the mother will have to go through labor and it will have to be delivered -- or removed via caesarean. Realistically, after carrying a child that long, it's not likely that anything but extreme circumstances would get a woman to seek an abortion.
  22. Because something is rare is not the point. People in a 'rare' situation should have the same rights as everyone else. The choice over our body is ours. The decision to have a late term abortion also involves the doctor and many if not most, would not induce an abortion unless it was deemed necessary.
  23. HIV is treatable, but in the US the cost of the medication is between $3,000 - $4,000 per month. Even with insurance -- if you have it -- the copay is enormous.
  24. Trump made a clear signal to both Putin and Kim. With Putin it was his intention to withdraw from NATO if he won a 2nd term. With Kim it was the withdrawal from the military agreement. Even during his time in office, he wanted to withdraw all troops from South Korea. Had Trump remained in power, we would be seeing a vastly different world and I don't believe it would have been a better one. https://www.stripes.com/theaters/asia_pacific/2022-05-10/defense-secretary-mark-esper-memoir-president-trump-south-korea-troops-5954121.html
  25. I fully understand and agree with much of what you say, but when you move out of the cities and into the rural areas, life has remained very much the same for a very, very long time. I spent a fair amount of time in the ME including some of the more progressive countries. How people lived and dressed in the cities was quite different from much of the rural areas. That doesn't make what the gov't is doing right -- far from it. It just means that there are large segments of the population that have no problem with the religious restrictions on dress.
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