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Everything posted by Credo

  1. I think the point is not the age of the fetus, but the fact that Facebook was turning over data that many feel should not be done.
  2. I doubt anybody had to inform on him. I think the National Archives knew he had them and where they were. There was no one else who could do that. The Archivists saw to it that there was a secure room for secret or sensitive documents but that doesn't give Trump the right to keep those docs. And now they want them back and they have come to get them.
  3. Well, so much for the assurances given that they wouldn't be prosecuting mothers.
  4. All documents coming into the White House are logged in. The log includes a very brief description of the document as well as the time, date and from whom it was received. The National Archives has the logs. If they don't have the actual document then the search starts. We know that 15 boxes were returned, but that wasn't all of the missing documents. He would have been asked for them but did not comply. The Justice Department would have had to have probable cause as to where those documents are before getting permission to execute a search warrant. You can be assure that this was handled with all the i's dotted and all the t's crossed.
  5. Well let's take a look at just what Biden faced when he took office. He took office at a time when the US was in the middle of a pandemic and one where the US had one of the worst responses and outcomes of any country in the world: However, the data does show that the United States is below average in the world and among the worst in the developed and high-income nations. He assumed power when supply-chain issues were a massive problem, not only her but worldwide. Couple that with industries worldwide unable to fulfill orders and shortages of many basic materials, the makings for inflation were well under way. Inflation and recession are a worldwide problem, so no probably not right to blame Biden Oil prices are largely a function of the Russian war -- so put the blame where it belongs, on Russia. https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/a-call-action-triple-threat-polio-monkeypox-sars-cov-2.
  6. He is a thief, pure and simple. He took documents he wasn't suppose to take. The National Archives asked for them to be returned. He returned 15 boxes. Apparently, he kept some. All documents going into the WH are entered into a log. There is then a description of the document kept with the log. The Archives will have the logs, but the documents are missing. Nothing more than a common thief.
  7. He is a thief, pure and simple. He took documents he wasn't suppose to take. The National Archives asked for them to be returned. He returned 15 boxes. Apparently, he kept some. All documents going into the WH are entered into a log. There is then a description of the document kept with the log. The Archives will have the logs, but the documents are missing. Nothing more than a common thief.
  8. My guess is that it is the National Archives that is in search of missing documents and that they had good reason and evidence he had the documents. The docs may not be classified, but they are still the property of the government. I doubt they are looking for the missing silverware.
  9. What prediction about the future? His lies include saying that 9/11 was an inside job, that Sandy Hook was fake, the government has weather weapons, chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay, Robert Mueller is a demon and a pedophile, and Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. None of these are future events but they are all lies. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/alex-jones-5-most-disturbing-ridiculous-conspiracy-theories.html
  10. I am certainly not an economist but I think a lot of what's happening is outside traditional economic models. The pandemic has simply messed up so many things in the economy. There's things that are hard to get and thus more expensive and inflationary. There are other things that are in abundance and thus relatively cheap. A lot of the things that got stuck in transit for the past year or more has arrived at stores and are deeply discounted. Although Covid is starting to be more manageable, there are a lot of people that left the work force, retired or died. Of those working, the danger still lingers and a lot of people are having to take sick time and that stresses businesses. Then just to throw the models into further disarray, there is the interruption of energy supplies from Russia. I suspect it is going to take some time for all this stuff to sort itself out and for everyone to figure out where the economies of the world are headed or where they are going to land.
  11. From the linked article, I think this is the crux of the situation: Joshua Jaynes has been arrested and charged by the FBI for adding a false statement to his sworn affidavit As a result the 'no knock' raid on Breonna Taylor's apartment was approved, leading to her death
  12. I suspect they will be investigating them as hate crimes rather than terrorist acts.
  13. Well, that is a lot of babble in one deflection. Please tell Trump he can't do whatever he wants, the message seems to be lost on him. So let's look at what he could do: 1. He could (and did) order the National Guard troops to be on the ready (his motive was to protect his rally supporters/insurrectionists). If he can order them to be ready, he can deploy them. He was asked by his staff to do so. He didn't. 2. The National Guard is not under the control of the Chief of Police anywhere. They were under his control. 3. In virtually no organization does anyone make a decision that belongs to the boss unless the boss has deferred to the employee. Trump did not authorize anyone to act on his behalf and he refused to act. That is a direct action, not an inaction. 4. He had it well within his power to stop the insurrection. When he made the call to go home, they left. That is proof he had a level of control over the entire situation. 5. He planned a rally for a day on which a major congressional action was taking place. He planned in a location which made problematic behavior not only possible but probably. He planned to march to the Capitol and that was pre-planned, not spontaneous. He told them to go; they went. He eventually told them to go home; they did. It was, from beginning to end, under his control.
  14. Ah, but it was his job. Nobody expects to make a decision when the boss is around. As a matter of fact, it would be insubordination for others to assume that power. But overall, this is rather minor. He started the insurrection and that should be the focus.
  15. Article 2, section 3 of the Constitution specifically states that the president take Care that the Laws are faithfully executed.
  16. I think some of the Trump apologists are missing the point. Doing nothing may be an option for a casual bystander but when it is your job to do something, then you are responsible. Trump was elected and serving as President, it was his job to do something. It's not different than the police officers who did nothing to stop Chauvin from his actions toward George Floyd. They got charged and convicted for doing nothing because it was their job to do something. He was the Commander-in-Chief, he had requested 10,000 National Guard troops on duty. He did not call them in to protect the capitol. He's as guilty as the George Floyd officers if not more so. He's in the same category as the Uvalde police.
  17. False. What they were doing went far beyond demonstrating or protesting. They illegal entered the grounds, they illegally broke into the Capitol, both were restricted areas. They threatened to kill (hang) people and they were trying to prevent the legal certification of a president.
  18. So many falsehoods in one post. But I'll give it a go and give you some clarification: Civil unrest is, by definition, civil unrest or civil disturbance means acts of violence and disorder detrimental to the. public law and order. This escapade went well beyond that definition and better meets the definition of an insurrection, which is a violent uprising against an authority or government. So, it fits an insurrection and that's what it was. It was violent, they had weapons on site and more stashed nearby. Trump had already asked that National Troops be on standby. He wanted them to protect his rioters, not the capitol. Since he had them ready and since this was known, he was responsible to call them up or make the call to have them engage. He made no call to anyone. They mayor of DC is way out of her league in calling troops into a federal facility when those in charge are available nd make the call. Having a thousand violent, armed people ILLEGALLY enter a federal building for the purpose of impeding the function of those inside is an insurrection.
  19. There was a lot of screaming by some segments to get Whelan in the trade. He seems to get a pass. Pretty much all that I've heard on the news i that he is a former Marine. That's true, but he was also dishonorably discharged from the Marines. It's also worth mentioning that he is actually Canadian, with US, British and Irish citizenship. He worked in security, so he would have been nosing around and that likely ended him in hot water. It's rather interesting that Whelan is given a free pass as far as criticism goes and Griner gets the brunt of negative comments.
  20. Overturning Roe was a big mistake and it causing a lot of harm. Hopefully, Kansas will signal a positive change, but it should not be left to the states. Missouri, for example has a pending bill to punish women who go to another state for an abortion. In some states a rapist has the right to sue for custody of a child. The medical rights of a woman need to have protection across the board and not vary from state-to-state or allow for prosecution in one state what happens in another state.
  21. Well, apparently you are saddened by taking out Zawahari? I don't know what this topic has to do with the withdrawal. It seems we have pretty good intelligence in place.
  22. Wrong. The helicopter belonged to the Afghani military. It wasn't ours nor is any of the equipment given to the Afghan gov't.
  23. The US equipment left behind was all disabled and communication equipment removed or destroyed. Most Goat herders can't fly an Apache helicopter.
  24. What he is doing is running from the the law.
  25. This may sound like an odd question, but I wonder if there is any danger of people infecting local monkeys with it? It might be a real medical situation if the monkeys in places like Lopburi got infected and then started transmitting it back to people.
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