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Everything posted by Credo

  1. It's nice to see the rats on the Trumptanic scrambling to get in a life boat. It seems the only things they have is to dispute what this witness has to say, but she wasn't a. principle participant, she was an employed observer. As for the note, she said it was dictated to her and it is her handwriting. That's pretty easy to verify. What we are now getting, at least here, is the usual splitting-hairs and deflection. To quote Mick Mulvaney, a former Chief of Staff, "“I know her. I don’t think she is lying.” https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3540034-mulvaney-on-hutchinson-i-know-her-i-dont-think-shes-lying/
  2. I don't think during a sentencing hearing is the time to start naming names.
  3. Maybe prayer in school will become common. Like maybe 5 times a day is about right.
  4. One would think that when facing your own mortality, you would want to make the world a better place. Apparently, that doesn't work with psychopaths.
  5. I didn't realize they have mirrors in those Pattaya bars????
  6. I wonder how many pall bearers it will take to carry him?
  7. I can't wait until some guy decides to thank Allah after a game.
  8. It seems that no one wants this low-life. Sweden doesn't seem to want him, the Ecuadorian Embassy got tired of him in short order and now the UK is more than willing to send to the US.
  9. Gee, I wonder why all the countries that have largely removed guns from the citizenry have so few gun deaths? I am suspecting you just may have an agenda.
  10. The operative word is 'opinion'. Terminating a pregnancy is time sensitive and unfortunately, it is going to require more evidence than an 'opinion'. Most facilities like large hospitals are going to have an ethics committee to review any decisions. That's rather cumbersome. How much risk is enough to satisfy some unknown, untested legal requirement.
  11. And therein lies the problem. Medical grounds is not well-defined. Generally, it is stated that a pregnancy can be terminated if it endangers the life of the mother. That, depending on the court that might get involved, might be a very high bar to overcome. It may well not include serious damage to the mother, including her inability to have more children. I suspect many, if not most, doctors are not going to risk jail time and expensive court battles over the definition of 'endangered'. I am almost positive most of the hospitals that are run by large medical conglomerates will not allow them on their premises. They would probably pay less for refusing and having a woman die and a one-time payout than the massive cost of fighting it out in court.
  12. Just out of curiosity, how many defense witnesses have been cross examined in the cases of the Jan 6 insurrectionists tried so far? I suspect that would be pretty close to zero.
  13. I would hope that this is the start of this largely untouchable group getting touched.
  14. Even in the Bible a fetus is not considered a person until it is born and takes its first breathe. The future is very bleak for any animal that is not wanted by the mother, including people.
  15. As near as I can tell, you are simply deflecting from the actual topic. Nobody makes you work. Nobody tells you what kind of work you must do. You face almost no restrictions. As a matter of fact, you won't even go to prison for not paying child support payments. You can get jail time for Contempt of Court if you fail to show up, but you won't go to prison for the non-payment. Apparently, it's perfectly fine for a mother to bear the entire responsibility for a child while the father goes Scot-free?
  16. You might want to check and find out the actual regulations. Time off work due to Covid has been covered by special funding, so whether you get paid time off or not depends on confirmation.
  17. I know employers who expect employees to come in if they are well enough to work. They may very well be infectious. For employees it depends on whether they have sick time available or not.
  18. Nobody is required to quarantine for the flu. It's recommended, but you are free to work if you can even if you are infectious. Big difference.
  19. Sorry, but every business I know requires a confirmed test. Most have moved to allowing the at-home tests. You will still get contacted by the tracing people and told to isolate.
  20. Sounds very similar to the situation in the US. Is Europe having a lot of problems with air travel?
  21. According to the Supreme Court, life begins at conception and ends in a mass shooting. To those who see this as a State's Right issue, remember that was the same issue that kept slavery alive. The issue with Roe v. Wade is not State's Right, it's removing the fundamental right over our own bodies, not unlike the right of a person to be owned by another person.
  22. True, but we are a long way from businesses getting on with business as employees continue to get sick and are unable to work.
  23. I stay away from discussions about abortion. One of my kids and his wife had a child who was born with a rare genetic disorder that resulted in death within hours after birth. At the time, they were not aware of the disorder. They wanted children badly and it was not an easy pregnancy so it was particularly heartbreaking. Not long after the death, my daughter-in-law got pregnant again. This time, genetic tests were done and the fetus was OK. They had a beautiful baby girl who is nearly grown. What is interesting is how it galvanized their opinions on abortion. My D-I-L is firmly in favor of choice. My son, not so much. The only yelling I've ever seen between them is on the abortion issue. She is adamant that carrying a child to term only to watch it die should absolutely be a choice. I think any decision on terminating a pregnancy should be the absolute right of the woman and her medical provider to decide. It should not be in the political arena. This is a truly a sad development.
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