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Posts posted by thaimee

  1. sorry, I smell troll. Looks like a Farang trying to write in Tinglish. Plus, if papa did own two pattaya hotels, he would be throwing money around, especially for daughter.

    Too Bloody True. Troll Alert.

    For the record, I will be paying a small family contribution once wedded to my GF and I expect to gain some credit for my actions. To sound not nieve, I will not pay more than say a thousand sterling and perhaps buy Gold (Baht or So).

    This has to be the way to go. I prefer all to get along and perhaps not lose face.


  2. I would feel a lot more comfortable if public funds were not being used and that the PM was using his own bank account as I would need some convincing that all proceeds from the commercial activities would find their way back into the state coffers.

    Too Bloody True. Hope so!


  3. Kan Win,Wed 2004-05-12, 18:26:

    To get benefit from coffee enema, Dr.Banchob, urged patients to use standardized kits, and to avoid reusing a disposable enema bag, as it could be contaminated with fungi which may cause a fungal disease.

    To help the excretory system function more effectively, Dr.Banchob suggested that people eat fresh fruits, water, or herbal drinks everyday, and drink water mixed with lemonade every morning. (TNA) -- E001, E004

    Using an enema kit may result in some form of fungus or other, but then the whole idea of using the bag and nozzle is off putting to some. So I will assume this must apply to the die hards who like the sensation of moving parts in their rectum!

    Should the topic be put to a Poll? :D

    The second part of the Quote perhaps contradicts (as per usual) what exactly is the best Diet. Note over consumption of fresh fruits can bring on a peculiar stench or rotting in the bowels which over time can be just as damaging as cleansing the bowels with the special Coffee.

    I never know where the ''standard'' on Diet Intake lies as they change the parameters regularly. Sorta like Thailand...

    Thaimee. :o

  4. As with so many things the doctors tend to prescribe rather more than less medication.

    prescribed meds, prescribed meds and then told to go home?

    But Doc, One was only asking for the way to the toilet!


  5. British ex-pats are, on the whole, opposed to the prospect, as they see this as a political ploy by the PM to change the focus from his recent mis-judgements to something more positive. (He must follow Tony B liar's career very closely).

    Too Bloody True! :o

  6. With its reputation for seedy nightlife and rampant crime in central Pattaya do you admit to living in Pattaya or do you say 'i live in Jomtien' or 'i live in Bang Saray' when asked or do you just not give a hoot.

    I try not to go overboard admitting i'm a Pattaya ex-pat, but i'm relieved whenever I get back from vacating outside Pattaya as it's never dull living in the City of Sin.

    It always cracks me up when I see the sticker's (randomly stuck on light pillars) put up on second road which read's:

    ''The Wages of Sin is Death''

    Could explain in some fashion why there is an alarming increase in violent deaths around the City, well just possibly...

    Thaimee. :o

  7. Coming back by Coach from Det Udom (Ubon Ratchatahni) to Pattaya I was not amused to find myself in a most typical of scenario's.

    I was the victim of Thai mentality and Supersilious driving habits. Where to start...

    We found ourselves lost only thirty minutes into the Journey of some twelve hours length and on top of that further into the journey we were the witnesses to a coach ditched/ vacated halfway in the jungle and another vehicle burning in the middle of the road.

    Perhaps these are the usual viewing pleasures on longer type coach journey's?

    Being lucky not to have collided with oncoming traffic as we overtook for the 1000th time for the evening at herculean break neck speed's always leaves me exhausted and thankful for being in one piece.

    It seems every time one makes a journey it is the case of putting your neck on the line getting from A to B!

    Aparently the road's coming back from Ubon to Pattaya are reputed for being very dangerous!

    Thaimee. :o

  8. Many Thai drivers, imho, should not be allowed anywhere near a public road. Those that do have a license, and assuming they have actually passed the test, were tested on little more than how to start, drive, turn, squeeze through a gate with a foot spare on either side, a bit of reverse, brief practical and it's all over, now go kill someone.

    Well I just bought my Thai girlfriend a driving license. So what to say...Sorry!

    The GF did however have to put in some effort. I believe the standard input is Ten hours and a nice bribe. We paid a thousand baht.

    So there you go, funny old world...

    Thaimee. :o

  9. I would also like to know if there is a penalty for forgetfullness,

    A sorta similar story to share...

    About one year ago, Thailand started it's mission on eradicating hard drugs in the Kingdom...

    Arriving at Pattaya Bus Station some 12 month's previous, I was greeted by an entourage of Film crew member's, Thai Drug Enforcement officers and an Arab-foreign looking Translator.

    I was asked to produce my bag. I showed them a bottle of mineral water and half an eaten bannana. They seemed peeved and taken a back. Probably as much as I was, but I had a copy of my passport and they didn't take if further such as as a fine/ penalty or even imprisonment...

    The ''Nazi'' foreign translator I mentioned was sizing my state and well being on that afternoon. I thought they over played the debacle considering I was polite and smartly dressed. Anywyas I did show a laminated copy of my passport and thankfully a copy of an up-to-date entry stamp. No action was taken...

    Technically in the clear...but it didn't stop there as I was questioned for a further two minutes with the film crew lurking in the background, no doubt egging me on, being asked how I was able to sustain a pleasurable existence in Thailand.

    That was a wake up call. I try not to forget at least a photocopy of my passport.

    Perhaps the best thing to do is carry a colour laminated copy of your Passport.

    Thaimee. :o

  10. owner estimates 2 million bht and he vowes to replace the customers bikes

    what get's my back up is, the owner takes this as an opportunity to make financial gain.

    This estimate of two million baht for the frontage of Hollywodd seems a tad bogus!

    I guess the lettering of Hollywood was in Gold Hand Scripted Lettering with Pattaya Gems adorned.

    Bloody owner is a fair corruptor, give him his due if he get's the two million baht.


  11. George, couldn't e-mail you, so i've posted here as per your request. Could you please give us readers a break down of a post you remember which created a stir of great magnitude, perhaps...the most shocking, hair raising or just plain funny topic that has been? The recent 'plastic bag' suicides seems to be dubious and upsetting to some newcomer's.


  12. If you want to tell the backpackers (dross) what they are about and their total worth, i'm sure you will find them all cowering on the Khmer440 forum.

    Wait, I will provide you with a link: www.khmer440.com


  13. Well, some speak less and some speak more english. Some none at all. As for the bedroom, again depends if the girl is into you or not, same as anywhere else in the world. Remember, if you can't speak the language, use your hand and feet and if that doesn't work, try smoke signals.

    :D:o:D LOL

  14. Anyway, if anybody could help me where to find more information on the subject or with any tips at all, it would be very appreciated.

    Sawadee krap,

    Is this a wind up, Master's degree in communications but can't spell and write coherently? mmmm...

    If analysis scrutinised Pattaya bar practices I would very much like to see the finalised Thesis!

    Thaimee. :o

  15. Well I hadn't known settrade and set.co.th dot com is a little shaky on it's database. You learn something everyday! How about the other set.or.th?

    As for company results, I agree whole heartedly that most information is pumped to fit the purpose of bringing capital into the country. Don't doubt it investors!

    As for truths and half truths, one can actually do the opposite of what your broker has recommended. This is infact the current thinking amongst savy intraday traders. Add ITV channel to that list of perpetrators and other Thai BIZ programmes.

    As of Today, the bottom is falling out of the property sector, look at Stecon and MK, oh lordy no support levels for Spali or Quality House either ?


  16. Hey, I want Free computer facilities at the one library we have in Pattaya City!

    Any suggestions who should be contacted so they can duly process my request?

    Yeah, I want one of those shiny brand new Pentium IIII's and need a shiny new chair to suit, so I don't have to stand up most day's. Wish the perpetrators would stop giving money to their wives and give us nice guests some usable facilties!

    Anyone know of free Internet facilities other than the 'free opportunity' 10 minute a shot stations at Carrefour Supermarket Central Rd?

    Cheers. Thaimee.

  17. Anyone from Pattaya bought a house at bank auction or have viewed the property auction which takes place time to time, if so what are your thoughts on the following questions;

    Q: Is the opportunity to purchase a condominium or house/ building at reported below market value genuine?

    Q: It's rumoured when you've bid at an auction and come to pay the full monies they forget to mention hidden debt of the previous owner which you are liable to pay if purchasing, is the practice common place?

    Q: What would be the current thinking on purchasing a property in the current market which has seen this year alone property prices soar fifty percent, would this be the window of opportunity for buying?

    any thought's on purchasing at auction or other are most welcome, Thaimee.

  18. punting on the roulette wheel (The Thai Bourse) is a risky affair if you buy any stock at a 52 week high! now is not the time to buy into the market and should you want to invest, any of the online accounts are credible.

    coming in at another angle, if interested you must first physically visit a brokerage firm and see what package they can offer you. if you are pleased with what you see then you may want to get a second opinion to justify your sense of what you think is credible!

    i'll put a list of what some consider to be the best online brokers:



    seamico securities

    ast.co.th (abn amro asia)

    yes, the shinawatra mafia clubs like shin, sattel, itv and other will see highs in the coming months but the downside to these stocks is they have no care for their shareholdes and have been seen to sell 20 percent on some trading day's.

    the money is in the logic, if you buy at the bottom and the market's going up to the speculated one thousand points from say six hundred i would guesstimate that the Thai bourse should be a good punt. get your punting cash out and blow your lifes savings away...........


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