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Posts posted by thaimee

  1. Will ditch, will turn sour. The credibility and dignity issue will be upheld in the UK, before any ill thoughts of signing with a crook on a speculative Thai deal! Ouch...

    I wonder if the UK are familiar with the backward, crook like deals Thaksin spins?

    Thaimee. :o

  2. Thank you in advance for any replies...

    Is there an internet company which pays money for members or other to click on sponsor links?

    I'm always using the computer and would like to save on internet usage costs!

    Any help appreciated! This is not a promotion in any way. Thanx for time.


  3. If I remember correctly, such an interview was aired on local cable TV with this naughty nut.

    His general argument was local celebrities and popular film stars frequent Hard Rock Pattaya. In what capacity do they do that, would it be either a quick shake of the hands or genuinely staying overnight, not sure, and of course if it's true?

    The mentioning of local stars, seriously? Any ideas who these celebs could be?

    Well I could be wrong here, as perhaps i'm overly cynical, but what stars have we seen roaming around the City of Sin, for the sake of mary, please less horse!

    My point of view, is this is an another attempt to raise the prices of rooms in the resort hotel, but then patronising me by saying stars come and visit regularly, horse, pure horse!

    Thaimee. :o

  4. Is this the opportunistic time to get emotional? Scratches his head... :D

    When you've dealt with Thai's in business and tasted the sour outcome as is the practice, how can one not feel a boiling of anger or simmering of animosity toward's Thai's making a farce of a situation that need's only simple logic applied.

    We all know in the bottom of our herats this deal is going to turn sour, if you've lived here long enough you may or may not agree with my basic prediction?

    Thaimee. :o

  5. Ketamine is very much available in Thailand. We can see an over abundance of Ketamine in pharmacies nearer the areas where backpacker's and ravers congregate. :o

    Backpackers, raver's with worms in their hair, equals Ketamine abuse.

    Unfortunately many innocents tasting the rave scene for the first time have died from being over exposed to freely available 'Over the Counter Drugs'.

    Thaimee. :D

  6. 'Is that logical?'

    Yes it is, but Thailand isn't...

    By the same token, I wonder which commutable disease I will eventually catch, when our Isaan friends all dip their spoons or fingers into the same bowl in the middle of the table-no,sorry-floor. Same with the 2 glasses they share between 3 families, usually all eyes on me waiting for me to drink up and pass the glass (I am notoriously slow at drowning a glass full of pure LaoKao).

    Catching disease's...hopefully nothing worse than a stomach upset, fingers crossed!

    Visited Udom with my GF to see her family last week. So I can understand where you are going with this post.

    I was offered alot of food stuffs that i'm familiar with as being tasty. Really tasty!

    However the white baby ants in a dish I passed on, yeah lot's of laughs, thanx not for cursing me mamma Thai. :o

    Another thing I picked up on, not sure if it's widespread, but the mamma would repeatedly eat this red chewy baccy leaf substance. When finished she would spit in her homemade spitoon and move on to conversation freely, umm, while we eating for the record.

    So there I was eating away at my favourite cusine and mamma was gobbing in her spitoon. For reference the spitoon was placed amongst the many food dishes. This I could not understand. Not a thing a foreigner would do , is it?

    Thaimee. Well when in Romee... :D

  7. Fine. Thailand is making steady progress, having learnt a few lessons from previous debacle's. Banks have reasonable non performing loans [:D] so we will wait to see if the 'Thaksin' bring's the set to more than 1100 points.

    Anymore and we are heading for a serious farce. Negative equity for those Thai's who can afford to do so and foreigner's throwing in the towel due to poor feedback from the government for compensation. Conservation for Tourists...? :o

    Nothing overly 'over the top' like Zimbabwe though!!

    Thaimee. :D

  8. i do the dishes on running water, its an asian thing.

    back in the state the weather is cold so the greese stuck to the plate or bowl, so people soak them before wash or using hot water to get the greese out, in asia they don't have the greese problem, so no need soaking.

    What you say about Asian practices cleaning plates, cutlery and alike seems logical. Like you say, they don't have a grease problem, so no need soaking or being overly serious about scouring with pads. :D

    Although one quirk that get's my back up...

    I'm not sure if anyone has picked up on it, which is, you'll see some Thai people give the left over's of a meal to the dog but from the plate they just ate out of! So if the dog has just eaten out of it and has a microbe stomach upset these bugs can be passed on to humans. What i'm saying is it's not sanitary to do so!!

    Is that logical?

    Thaimee. :o

  9. In the riskier portfolio, with large upside, I fail to mention that perhaps RAIMON-W need's special attention. If we are familiar with the current butchering of the property sector then one should have a high maintenance rating on Raimon!!

    I also failed to mention TFI which has a thirty percent stake in a you know what copper smelting facility. Underlying that TFI is grossly undervalued as all stocks are presently, so this stock can be picked up for a song with a large upside. TFI!!

    Thaimee. :o

  10. foreigners are selling their shares on the SET en masse this year, the SET product the lowest figure in seven months.. This bring the question, what is Thailand doing wrong...?


    Are we saying because rich foreigner's are taking profit that there is no genuine landscape for opportunity? :D

    The quote makes no mention of our founding father's in America, and when will the foreigner's pile back in as we expect them too or will the GDP for the 2004 fiscal year be more than six or seven percent or more?

    If you say what are they [Thai Cronies] doing wrong, the answer is nothing other than an improving economy since the 97' episode where the infrastructure has genuinely matured to this moment in time. The set is re-correcting to an appropraite level for investor's, believe me nothing else...

    Look around Bangkok and sense your own conclusion when you can have more of everything than what you would have back home. If we only had more loot!!

    Yes, many are selling their stocks to realise their gains, and why not, human instinct?

    Thaimee. :o

  11. have not heard much about his war on guns recently doc.... though you just have to glance at the soapies on tv ( eg. itv ) to see the education process in action.. probably nicely govt funded also... :D

    Emotional? Fine, I accept that criticism? :D

    For numerous years, i've seen PM attribute his failing's to being a businessman, part and parcel of the job you might say, and he looked willing to promote a civilsed infrastructure. I was hopeful...

    You can imagine when I saw this latest debacle. This is embarassing for everyone concerned. I know these attitude's to be the one's I despise. Sorry, it's hard not to get emotional...

    For me the Liverpool debacle was the straw that broke the camels back!! :o

    Perhaps the eradication of guns was with good intent, but when they meant turning the guns in, they should have reiterated with bullets to correspond, and not literally into people per say, yah?

    Thaimee. :D

  12. why do they only show about 10 minutes of sailing,2 hours of rugby(world cup not included),and 1 hour of cricket???????

    Yes, could certainly do with more rugby, definetly!!

    I'd generalise and say it's football repeats which perhaps annoy other people outside of centralised Europe. Perhap's people from America have different taste's?

    I'd generalise and say American citizen's can't understand the ruling of European football too well and prefer to favor the World Series as is it's entertainment value is more appealing.

    My Prom Queen would be the ''World Rugby Cup all Year long'' if the injuries list could hold up for such a period...or perhaps an International Round Up of all things sporting!!


  13. Would any forum member wish to add comment on Thailand's favourite PM. Well...

    I'd like to go first, perhaps naughty nut, for repeatedly failing the Thai people.

    Sorry for the language...

    How on earth is the Liverpool Debacle going to rectify itself? :o Thaimee.

  14. Thaimee, if I were to go to a broker in Thailand, what is the minimum amount to buy shares? This is new to me, stocks shares, but I'd like to try it.

    For those interested:

    In opening a Broker Account, we are looking at a minimum Opening Account Deposit of some Four Hundred Thousand Baht. These are generally the new regulations for local investor's!!

    If you invested before these recent changes, you'd have been lucky opening an account for say half that amount, although I believe as you'd notice with Visa laws in Thailand, they too are not strictly enforced, so let's guesstimate and say anywhere between 200,000 and 400,000, this should suffice?

    There are no strict guidelines as all Cash is W-e-l-c-o-m-e!!

    Thaimee. :D:o

  15. Reminds me of earlier day's when i'd have a serious giggle over government official's corrupting the innocent people of the kingdom and business foreigner's to boot. :o

    The Nation Newspaper and Bangkok Post without such still make for a good read even though i'd say it was more interesting some three years back in Two Thousand and One. :D

    Back to old ways and attitude's again...Thaimee.

  16. What is the real epidemic of this country is a sex trade that has gone unregulated and uncontrolled for so long.

    So before you take that night on the town down at Patpong, realize that your contributing to the real demise of LOS.


    Have you ever been in sexual conference with any Thai women? Never?

    The sex industry is the real demise or part demise of the Kingdom, mmmm?

    Thaimee. [Need Specifics] :D

  17. A sad story. We are desparate to help him. Pat is like family of ours. Yesterday my Thai partner went to visit him in jail and told me he was chained and could not even lift up his face to look up. This is terrible!

    What sort of restraints do Thai police have on said criminals that the criminal element aren't able to move their heads freely? Sounds 2 bloody barbaric!!

    Is this part of the story true, if so, it's changed my already negative view of human right's in the Kingdom. Yes, this is a horrible story!! Sure?

    Thaimee. :o:D

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