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Posts posted by thaimee

  1. There are plenty of newbie suckers who will pay them anything they desire and no taxes to pay on their earnings.

    So for an issan girl who has few opportunities it is a dream come true..

    The Question is can a bargirl forsake?

    I should imagine if she has been minimally sensitised to the bar scene then perhaps there is a brief possibility shall we say, which may or may not lead to some sorta trade off in her mind, that would in turn re-shape womanly attitude's.

    Perhaps even a new sensibility...

    Thaimee. [i've been drinking the tap water again :o ]

  2. Getting back to the topic...

    How can we understand the meaning of what Thakisn want's from the deal if it isn't supposed to be self monetary gain?

    Perhas the idea of establishing a Thai football academy for Thai people sounds to be on paper a welcome meal ticket for Thailand to be shuttled onto the world stage or is it laughing stock of the footballing world, i'm unsure...scratches his head?

    Thaimee. :o

  3. Oh i say, what have I done that has equalled me into the category of drug pusher...

    Seriously, yes not interested in, but for the purpose of generating bahts/ satangs!

    Thaimee. [Please no reference to a work permit as the clicking will be done by my troll slaves i have at knee height] :o

  4. Doe's anyone on the forum ever sing the praises of Garlic? :D

    Garlic has been used over many epoch and has been hailed as a wonder for improving the immune system, so let's see if it's get's a thumbs up at the forum, i'd be interested to see your replies...

    Phew, what a stench!! :D

    Thaimee... :o:D

  5. To be sure, thanx for clearing up much of my confusion.

    It appears there were limitation's and as for watching (not really) twenty four repeats of Pitch Black with Vin Diesel as the Star I say it's about time all the Cable System's were plugged into one comprehensive Service for all too enjoy without being ripped off.

    Again thanx for the responses. Not in the dark now, thanx to you guy's... :o

    Thaimee. :D

  6. Everytime I get the opportunity to do a good deed by introducing the internet world to my girlfriend I get the following response's: ''I don't know really'', ''I don't want to know'' or ''Where's the dirty men's picture's''...

    if she isn't verbally forthcoming then there will be a blank expression on her face...

    What am I doing wrong, or is it women are not practical minded with such matters?

    Thaimee. :o

  7. Thank you in advance for any replies...

    Is there an internet company which pays money for members or other to click on sponsor links?

    I'm always using the computer and would like to save on internet usage costs!

    Any help appreciated! This is not a promotion in any way. Thanx for time.

    Thaimee. :o


  8. I came to land of smiles for a family life and for cheap living standards and how do they say an easy comfortable recliner. Lot's of laughs...

    Can't say i've had the opportunity to play golf yet. I will see if can play in the early morning for say two or three hours period. Lot's of fun...

    Thaimee. :o

  9. Thaksin can speak Thai really well and even English too. He's light years ahead of Dubya.

    Yes, Thaksin is light years ahead of Bush. Dubya is an enigma in his own right.

    It's just a shame that Thaksin has approached the UK football scene in a way that is not disimilar from that of corner shop mafia and typical miss-conceptions that if pleasent tourist's are dumb with their hard earned loot, then likewise the citizens must be 2, sorry you naughty nut!!

    Does Thaksin really think that the 'Liverpool club' will put up with such crooked behaviour for long? Well perhaps for the sake of sacred cash, c-a-s-h, c-a-s-h drolling ...

    The short and curlies is PM want's an equal fifty-fifty seat on the board, yet he has put forward a thirty percent cash offer in for the market value. Please where is the calculator!!

    Generally Thaksin appears to be doing good, as anything would do, being raised from a nothing base. Time will tell if a crook can outwit and bring a slur to the club's name. What would Bill Shankly have said on his death bed?

    Thaimee. :o

  10. Welcome Camerata,

    poems looks interesting site. I don't advocate one site from another as all are very good in Thailand.

    In addition I praise all the attempts by Thai people offering us a barrage of information from which to base decisions. Of course there will be those that will say it's biased, but then that's another part of the hazy decision process.

    The only negative aspect is communicating with the brokers themselves in the kingdom. If you can trust one solitary broker from an expansive list of brokerages, then you should go with that person alone wholeheartedly. Why...

    Time must be spent finding the right person who you know will buy the stock you specify when communicating over the telephone. One has to leave the kingdom eventually, correct?

    Thankfully all the telephone communications are recorded for recourse, but as I say you don't want it to come down to liable action, correct?

    In any event Gent's wait until the buying volume increases considerably. If you are swayed by the returns from this entry point then i'd say it's very viable.

    Even though the people are citing 'clouds are looming', a strategic stop loss should cover for the short term, and since Thailand's first quarter grew at a rate of seven percent I would not overly worry about Thailand disappearing into the abyss, far from it!!

    Regards Thaimee. :o

  11. I would hope to see a compromise on the Thai-Liverpool debacle. If we cannot see Thaksin ruling the Premiership then likewise I don't see things getting better for us farangs! When Thaksin moves into Buckingham Palace, then and only then will we have a chance of forming a rights commision for all.

    When will it happen? In the next three months, over the next fifteen years, boiling down to education, commonly refered to as European Standards and Practices!

    Thaimee. :D:o

  12. "This is only a correlation and doesn't in any way indicate causality.

    "There are a whole variety of things that occur in modern society. Refrigerators are associated with cancer - but they don't cause it."

    He added that people who drink large amounts of carbonated drinks may have other lifestyle factors which lead to cancer, such as being overweight.

    May 18:  Obesity fears over US doughnut in the UK

    Fizzy drinks perhaps affect bone marrow, the good stuff which is in your bones, causing a weakening or leeching effect, and again perhaps because of the high content of Sodium-Sugar.

    As for fizzy drinks causing cancer of the Oesaphagous. Whatever next Doc? :o

    The quote about refrigerators is perhaps correct. I believe if you don't replace your refrigerator often, say every 6-8 years, then the workings in the back give off something that is bad for health. Sorry for the lack of technical garb, anyone?

    But it sounds like pure spin once again... :D

    Thaimee. :D

  13. Hi marc,

    if you are contemplating investing in the Thai Bourse, please consider:

    a buying opportunity exists's when the buying volume is 30 billion plus!!

    stocks i recommend can be played for intraday trading or long term,

    if long term please wait for further happenings regarding interest rates!!

    Perhaps one could say the market has been aggresively oversold : If you agree then perhaps this is the time to make a punt, if unsure, again please don't invest! All the Online Thai Brokers are credible and i'm not a broker myself, cheers.

    Regards Thaimee.

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