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  1. This is just the tip of the iceberg. They are finally opening their eyes to what we've known all along. They should look at Aussies next considering their family legacies.
  2. This activity is not for me, But why should I be a busybody and report someone for it? Are rewards on offer?
  3. I too do not see the big victory for law enforcement. His known crimes date back to 1968 so it seems he managed 57 years of freedom to be himself.
  4. "potentially damages Thailand's reputation" I have to wonder what the Thai leadership believes Thailand's reputation IS.
  5. Stand by - next it will be a little "tightening job" if you know what I mean
  6. Moreover, it serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting local laws and customs, even on holiday. Thanks for that. I was just about to peel down to my skivvies for a re-enactment.
  7. Bitches or not, let's not overlook the fact that these FARANGS are criminals TOO 555 . . . . "underscoring the disregard for local laws"
  8. I previously lived in Ranong on my own liveaboard boat. The only time I ever saw 50 Thai fishing boats at one time was at the waterfront, The actual borderline at sea is non existent. Local lore said that Thai waters were depleted of fish and the Ranong fleet had bribed heavily to fish Burmese waters, It's hard to imagine Thai boats respecting a boundary. I remember a day years ago when a Thai fleet "fled Indonesian waters" and docked at the "Multipurpose Port" in Ranong. They were painting over the boat names on the stern and a convoy of refrigerated trucks arrived to unload the catch.
  9. It only took the first page here, not all 4, to be reminded why I usually don't waste my time here.
  10. This is a difficult way for the inexperienced tourists to learn that the rules of your home country are really just ideas in Thailand.
  11. Maybe YOU are the driver?
  12. What is tomorrow? Did you just wake up? This could be called Bashing Now.
  13. Tagging on, not hijacking I hope - is mai daeng what we call mahogany? That's my best guess anyway.
  14. When getting an e-visa to return to Thailand in Dec of 2021, this reminds me of the process of taking a selfie while holding my passport open to the photo page. And the website rejecting multiple versions until finally it accepted it.
  15. Don't worry about the money - they police will get it from the wealthy Mr. Singh
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