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Everything posted by captnhoy

  1. No, I don't wonder about it. I have a different idea as to why. Not that the bad behavior goes unnoticed. I think they are difficult as part of an intentional strategy to drive us to use agents. Because agents pay them a share of the fee. I've seen it often enough.
  2. I hereby invite Mr. Chai Watcharong to arrive at the very lowest level at Suvarnabhumi with a full bladder. Only to discover there are no toilet facilities on that entire floor. I wonder how he would rate the airport then.
  3. I read it as stopping minors from jumping each other in the comfort of a love motel. Now they'll have to continue like any other day with one perched on a motorbike set and the other with both feet firmly planted on the ground.
  4. No need for me to chime in about the hypocrisy of it all. I am assuming that there is no law on the books about these devices - correct me if I'm wrong. So, like many times before I am fascinated by the statement that it is ILLEGAL because the public is outraged and even more so by the amount of the fine. 10,000? I mean they are FOREIGNERS ffs! Someone is not thinking big enough.
  5. Well which was it? A longtail or a speedboat? Hard to imagine a longtail capsizing in the rough water depicted in the photo. Easy to imagine a Thai speedboat breaking up on a mirror pond and then reported as "capsizing". Good it was a happy ending.
  6. It used to happen to me with my replacement passport after mine had been stolen. One time I was also asked for the police report - like 18 months after the incident. As if I'd be carrying that forever.
  7. Demonstrating that one cannot actually own an elephant.
  8. And yet that is exactly my response. BWAAAAHAAAAHAAAA. You can't make this $ht up
  9. Until they escort you away. And you get your 15 minutes of fame and have to apologize to the Thai people for being lewd and despicable.
  10. Another tactic and it worked for me is for you to create a cover letter for your wife to present at the interview. I created a single page document about why we would return. She presented that and my passport and she was approved.
  11. Ours is a home in a group of 13, all neighbors except one are family. Lots of mothers, brothers, children, a few fathers and many cousins. Only 2 places take pride in their homes. Litter is a noticeable problem. The non-family house has some sort of business about processing and selling buffalo hide. This creates an unpleasant odor. One house is the self appointed DJ playing loud music from early until late and recently nonstop for 2 days. The house next door has 8 cows in the back yard. We are not bothered by flies so much because the cows give them and endless supply of fresh food. Being less than fluent I mostly keep to myself. Overall it's a noisy environment with children crying, people feuding, dogs barking and noisy chickens. My wife complains about the neighborhood and dreams of a new house with fewer neighbors. Maybe when I die her dream will come true.
  12. Every now and then you run into a rogue IO. It happened to me while in country on a METV. I needed one more out and in before my flight home 9 days in the future. He literally thumbed through my passport without taking in any details, got all huffy, declared I was living in Thailand and refused to stamp me out. The truth was I would always spend 6 months at home before returning for some winter months. That was in Ranong in 2018.
  13. Another metric involving passports. As if having one made you an expert. FYI, I frequently refer to the USA, my country, as The Evil Empire
  14. So that 'lil harem I had in my studly days was actually a cult?
  15. Ahhh, so they do. A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
  16. The US Embassy charges $100 per page. I've inquired 2 separate occasions with Thai law firms and they are overly concerned with the content of said documents. As if that is what notarizing is about. We never even got as far as what the cost is.
  17. "Women going to Gambia to find a much younger man" Only one? Not buffet style - all you can eat?
  18. Do they mean the accident was freak? Or the victim is freak? Just asking.
  19. There it IS! The secret to success. These 1000 baht notes that I've got laying around are just not working.
  20. Again? and again and again and again. Why do they STOP targeting bad foreigners?
  21. I opted to not read the article. I will say that I doubt that it beats the extension process on offer at Hua Hin's Blue Port Immigration office. That is very quick and similar to stamping in on arrival. My additional comment is that of course there is not one single process in place for what is a national requirement. TIT.
  22. What a stinkin' thing to do! If they catch up to him he'll certainly "be made aware of what he did" when they rub his nose in it.
  23. Here is the headline that brought me here NANA Video Uproar: Chinese Woman Faces Deportation
  24. Deporting her will certainly boost tourism. Good thinking
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