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Everything posted by captnhoy

  1. Was she overheard to say "Thank You Buddha! I am NOT a foreigner!"
  2. When you see the hearse go by You know you'll be the next to die They'll wrap you up in a big white sheet And drop you down about 50 feet The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out The worms play pinochle on your snout
  3. Someone should compile a comprehensive list of just how many kinds of click bait there is.
  4. Damages the image? Oh. I thought it just confirmed it. Again. I have come to think of Pattaya as a shining example of The Power of The Pu$$y. Does anyone think that the biggest names in the hotel industry invested there because of the beach?
  5. Well I'm late to the discussion as usual and I've decide not to wade through 5 pages of comments. Did I miss the details of just exactly how the Thai son ended up in prison? That does seem to be a crucial piece to this story. I'm assuming there was just cause.
  6. What? No defamation charges? Extradite them and show the truth.
  7. Had the images depicted reality, OH BOY! THAT would be something!
  8. The taxi mafia is despicable. Otherwise I agree with cdemundo. I have had more good experiences with taxi drivers than bad and I'm sometimes amazed at their geographical knowledge and how far one can go for not a huge sum. I'll say again - sometimes.
  9. Having associated with "loso" types for my twenty-some years here, I believe it will take untold generations before the "Thaiglish" version dies out. For example for them to say "house" instead of "hou". Or temple instead of tempen. And on and on and on. Considering the complexities of grammar, English is not a simple language. As far as British accents go, I had a friend in the US who had been there more than 30 years. Sometimes I asked him to repeat as many as three times before I understood him.
  10. And exactly how do you know that he's old? That automatically makes him a hater? All things considered, especially since you are the usual unpleasant French person, I'm now on her side. Come ON Thai Trollop! Cause him some pain!
  11. I clicked on this HOPING it was the old story of taking the girl out of the bar, BUT . . .
  12. Hmmm, I was going to be supportive until you revealed that you are an ageist hater too
  13. My Gold Digger wife recently asked me if I would wear a gold chain. Umm, thanks Teerak but that's not my style. Somehow she has managed to wear her 1 baht necklace for some years now without getting robbed in some fashion. Also a 5 baht bracelet on occasion and that is truly obscene. But we really connect on many other levels.
  14. If you are able to tolerate the minibus experience you catch one at The Clock Tower about 07:45, change in Prachuap KK to the one that goes to Ranong. That leaves 10 AM or so. He will take you directly to the pier for Koh Payam. BUT the last boat leaves at 2PM. So this is a risky schedule. If you fly in you can arrange transport to the pier directly from the airport. There are 2 or 3 options there meeting you in the arrival hall. And a songtao likely sitting outside might be cheapest. Straight down from the pier just 2 or 3 minutes walk, on the LH side is Hells Bells Bar and Grill. He rents rooms and motorbikes. If you want a place on the beach you should do travel research.
  15. What was once a common material for building a family home, even in Isaan, is now a precious material. Not hard to imagine the numerous financial aspects of this, including the wealth to be reaped by selling cement.
  16. Yes, I do have a USA pp. And our plan is to visit with friends in Thailand for 2 weeks or so before returning to Vientiane. Thank you both for the input.
  17. I usually get a METV. This time I will rendezvous with my fiancé in Laos, marry, and be based there. When I booked my flight online a popup window asked if I had a visa and did I want to show it now. I declined. Will my onward ticket to Vientiane allow me to board? I am flying EVA out of the US if that matters.
  18. Reminds me of the time the woman cutting my hair said with sweet eyes and a big smile "you can have two".
  19. Great response. My input was as an interested observer on the sidelines. And there you were in the thick of it.
  20. Eucalyptus grows fast and after cut will grow again. I saw it make more money per rai than rice
  21. Have you looked at Multiple Entry Tourist Visas? Every 60 days (or 90 days if buying extension) you must leave then stamp back in for 60 more. This is a good way to see surrounding countries. Insurance not required nor 90 day reports. The visa is valid for 6 months so it is possible to squeeze 9 months out of it.
  22. I do not recall what floor but all the gold shops know of it. Just ask
  23. My GF took a bracelet to a goldsmith at MBK. We went for coffee and came back to get it same day.
  24. I'm nearly done applying for a METV on the e-visa site, https://www.thaievisa.go.th Item 8 says; 8 . Applicant is required to upload his/her passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 12 months (1 year) since the last international trip. I'm puzzled by the ending of the sentence. My last international trip was in September of this year. I have not travelled since. Do I upload pages from September to present? Do I upload beginning with my trip to Thailand in December of 2121? That was my first international travel after covid. Not uploading is not an option. As a side note, item 7 (I think) requires me to upload a residency document if am not a citizen of the location where I am applying. Well I am a citizen, but it is requiring a document anyway. So I uploaded my driving license again which I used as proof of residency on another line item.. 555, TIT, or it will be upon my return.
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