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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. The next step will be to place one or two of these "peace and order" officers in each province in Thailand to build up a network of control and power. An eventually scary situation. Will be interesting to watch how things develop, for sure that much power in one hand is dangerous


    And after that it could easily end up like Indonesia back in '65 with its mafia led anti-communist purge killings.. Giving power to thugs..

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

    The person was right. You speak in the ugly language of extreme, right-wing racism. And shame on you for it, too.

    Max its your phrase's that gives one the idea you are a 'right wing racism' tag.

    "And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility."


    "While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse."


    "In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is."

    Maybe the work as a janitor has soured your outlook on your social responsibility in life.

    Well, the Singapore government under the late statesman who favoured Thaksin, the better educated were induced to have more children to offset the growth created by a less 'integrated' part of the population.

    Never heard anyone talk about Singapore fascism though.

    Somehow it would seem being of a different opinion is sufficient for some posters to start using 'easy' labels.

    http://biglychee.com/Hemlock/mus-sin.html (point #7) biggrin.png

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  3. Thailand drifts along thinking they are the Superior race at everything, then are shock, surprised, upset and dismayed when countries slap them down place sanctions against them for incompetence, ineptitude, and outright stupidity. They simply can not understand why the rest of the world doesn't recognize their Thai superiority.

    It will be interesting if we are treated to anti Japanese articles in the Thai media.

    The USA was savaged for a lot less than a direct action like this.

    Just don't mention the occupation.....

    Reminded me of this :D


  4. A 20% wage increase? That seems a hell of a lot to be asking.

    I cannot see them getting it.

    I would raise that to a thousand. That should teach them that a thousand or ten thousand has no meaning to one who cannot get a job.

    Also it won't make any difference to those who have no idea about budgeting :D They will still burn it like paper on crappy purchases..

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  5. Most of you do not speak or understand a word in Thai.

    So, please cut the BS you are giving me about the Prime Minister and his speeches as you never understood anything he ever said.

    Just spilling nonsense on TVF doesn't make you look clever but quite the opposite.

    Last time I checked there were English subs.. A mistake though as it costed me a lot of burned brain cells :/

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