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Posts posted by roygsd

  1. I have a large world map on my wall and I've brought girls over and asked them to show me where Thailand is.

    About 50% can and it takes some of them a little bit to find the word Thailand (the map is written in Thai and English) before pointing to it. Asking to point out South America, France or almost anywhere else and they just don't know. It's not their fault, it the Thai education's fault.


    As you appear to ask the same question of each of these ladies you obviously enjoy be-littling them for ther lack of education, it must give you quit a thrill other wise you wouldt bother repeating the exercise with each female visitor you bring to your home.

    Most guys dont give a toss if the girl they have brought home doesnt know her way around the world, they are quite happy that she knows her way around the bedroom.

    Why would it be important for a lady from a poor family who's main priority in life is supporting herself and her family need to know where all the countries of the world are located on a map?

    The likelyhood of them ever getting a visa to visit these places is almost nil, so why do they need that information?

    If some of these ladies asked you what was involved in growing rice and other food its quite likely you and most other farangs wouldnt have a clue ( myself included), why would we need to know this?

    It s a fair bet that if you asked ladies visiting your home in your own country the same question they very likely would not know where Thailand and many other countries were on the map either, but unlike the thai ladies who would allow you to get away with taking the piss out of them western ladies would have no hesitation in telling you where to get off.

    I bet you were as popular as a fart in a space suit back home. :o:D

    roy gsd

  2. I see many reasons why this would not work but I will quickly only point out two:

    1) We have a saying in the USA about our guns: “I will not give up my gun until you can pry my cold dead fingers away from it.”

    (Then again we shoot a lot better than you Brits do, isn’t that what won our freedom in the first place?)

    :o:D:D:D [/size][/font]

    Sorry Dingdong, but it wasnt the dissatified colonialists who won the war of Independence, it was the lunatic german sitting on the throne of England at the time that took the decision that the USA was worth keeping.

    As for the Bull...t about " " I will not give up my gun until until you can pry it from my dead fingers", well that sounds like a nice line from a John Wayne film, but Waynes films were fiction, just like the man himself.

    I can well understand why a Guy with a girls name would want to change his name to a masculine name like John Wayne and present himself as a tough guy and Hero, what I dont understand is why this man with a girls name who never ever seved even one day in the armed forces of his country is regarded as the ultimate hero and patriot by millions of citizens across the USA.

    For me you can keep your independence, unfortunately the term "land of the free" is nothing but a catchy logo these days,

    apparently the USA government has stated that there are 15 milllion illlegal immigrants within it borders at this time, as the USA cannot maintain its own borders it is rediculious for it to act as the worlds policemen.

    Like many I supported the original reasons given for intervening in Iraq right up until the USA and the uk ( where I live) resored to kidnapping people from their homeland and taking them to countries around the world where they have been held and tortured without trial for years, Land of the Free ? Utter <deleted>.

    America was once respected as a world leader, unfortunately it has become little more than a massive PR company, driven by greed and political spin rather than the old fashioned values it was founded upon.

    Bush Junior is not a patch on his father who was a fine statesman, i fit wasnt for his father's achievements I doubt the son could have ever got into politics much less to the very top.

    Sad to say I dont know that the two current contenders are going to be much of an improvement, neither seem to have managed to come across with any policies of note, the sadest part of this coming election s that race appears to be the major issue rather than fought on the best policies, I am grateful that Mrs Clinton didnt get the ticket though.

    I am not anti american, or anti any other country for that matter, but I am critical of the leaders of quite a few Countries

    incuding my own.

    When leaders stop leading by example then the world is a much poorer place.

    Roy gsd

  3. :o hello,

    i start to type now in the real knowledge that no matter what i try to convey now through this forum, it will be disparaged,critised and passed over.

    i sit on a few occassions evry week and i read through the endless questions and worries of thai visa members looking for help and an understanding shoulder from his/her thai visa member. apart from the very few understanding and informative suggestions from senior members, all other replies are useless, cruel,judgemental and for the best part coming from people that couldnt care less about the members situation.

    thai visa ,which was once the only place for expats to get some solid advice and understanding,

    is now sadly a forum for sad,bitter old farts to take out their frustrations (sexual or otherwise) on other people.

    one recent post asked why expats did not acknowledge each other or say hello when in thailand.

    i suspect many of them read the various accounts and responses on this forum and come to the conclusion that most expats are assh*les.everyone has done something stupid or irresponsible in their lives that they regret and they dont need some i,ve been there and fought 2 world wars dick judging them when all they asked for was some dam_n advice.

    no doubt the same morons i speak about now will have their rant back at me when i submit this.needless to say the reason

    why these fountains of knowledge are here in thailand in the first place is that the people in their home countries dont like them or their irrational opinions, they dont have any friends and the only reason any lady would be with them is because of the financial stability they may offer.

    i will bet you that the people that give their judgemental opinions will not be able to resist posting a negative reply to this post.

    go on- surprise us all and keep your useless opinion to yourself. bet ya cant.

    shame on all of you(you know who you are). :D

    Hi JFK,

    Read you post and dont really understand why you are so agrrieved so I decided to have a lock at some of your previous postings to get some idea of whee you are coming from.

    Of the three most recent postings of yours in one you were complaining that on your return to Northern Ireland you found that the local Authority had obtained a warrant ( similar to a County Cout Judgement as you discribed it) for rent that you have owed them for over 5 years. In it you also confirmed that you held a Bank account withfunds in it in the uk but at a different address and were seeking advice from the members as to the posibility of the Local Authoity finding out about that oyur assets in that account and either freezing the money you had in the account until your debt to them had been repaid or perhaps the possibility of them having already persuaded the Courts to have your debt to the Local Authority settled by withdrawing the outstanding debt from your assets in that account.

    In your other two postings you indicated that you were living back in the uk for three months to build up some funds and intended to travel on a touist visa to Australia but you wanted advice from Australian members of this forum how easy it would be for you to work in the construction indusrty in Australia for cash in hand thus circumventing your visa requirements and the tax and National Insurance requirements of Australia.

    I have highlighted some of the contents of your posting above which confirm what a low opinion you have of the members of this forum.

    It would seem that the reason for your posting above is not quite clear as you have discribed above.

    However although you indicate that our above post is due to the responses from various members to many of the postings you have read over the years in view of the contents of your previous postings that you are being more than a little economical with the truth.

    Quite why you should think it unreasonable for the local authority having the temerity to take legal action against you to recover money you have owned them for over five years is beyond me.

    Whilst I have not read any of the repsonses you recieved in respect of that postings I can appreciate that whilst you feel that the Council has no right to take appropriate steps to recover the money you have owef them for the past five years I can appreciate that there are a great deal of people who take the view that you should not expect other Council Tax payers in Northern to supplement your lifestye in LOS.

    Equally I can appreciate that some members might also take the view that the Australian people to have enough economic migrants to deal with without another bludger from the uk.

    I note you say in your posting above, "thai visa is now sadly a forum for sad bitter old farts to take out their frustrations( sexual or otherwise) on other people", whilst I think that Thai Visa is often over censored on certain subjects

    I think your steriotyping of the other menbers spreaks more of your personal deficiencies and inadaquacies rather than theirs.

    Similarly when you refer to fellow members as Morons and go on to state" that the reason these "fountains of knowlege" are here in Thailand in the forst place is because people in their own countries dont like them or their illogical opinions, and the only reason any ladies are with them is for the financial stability they may offer" that also speaks volumes of the personal deficiencies and inadaquacies and from your previous postings it would also seem , your inability to generate and keep a decent income as those old farts of whom you are clearly so envious of have done .

    From what little information you have posted on this site that I have read to date it is clear that you couldnt or wouldnt pay your way in the uk, and as you have confirmed that you had to return to the uk for a few months to earn a crust and are now attempting to enter Australia to work illegally i would seem that you have also failed to earn sufficient income to live comfortably in Thailand.

    You are obviously jelous of those members whom you refer to as old farts that have managed to put away a few quid and able to support themselves in thailand, you appear to contribute nothing to society and expect others to pay your Council bills, if you dont pay your council bills other council tax payers have to pay it for you.

    It would seem you were a failure in Northern Ireland/uk, and it would seem you have continued to be a failure in LOS.

    You sneer at other members who are able to maintain a relationship with Thai nationals and claim that without their money thier parners would no even consider them, that may be true of some but please enighten the forum and let us know what a no mark like youself has to offer a thai partner or indeed thai society?

    If you dont like what you consider to be negative response's from members to your enquiries that are based on your illegal or imoral activities/ intentions then the simple aswere is to not provide members with the ammunition to fire back at you.

    You appear to be a "chancer" who is running out of chances, if you cannot pay your way in the uk its unlikely you can, or are willing to do so elsewhere. :D:D

    roy gsd

  4. Joncl that sounds like a terrific price, depending on the type of tractors you hired. That Komatsu Hydraulic Excavator cost me 6000 baht and it worked at our property for about 4 hours. This being Thailand it was here longer, but the operator of course took a lunch break. Perhaps other Thai Visa members in the Buriram area have hired similar machines for less. I frankly did not have the chance to check around and was discouraged as the first "Back Hoe" operator/owner who quoted 1500 baht never appeared the day before. Concrete Block driveway and sidewalks with a slope, but no drainage pipes underneath have taken some time. We obtained three bids to install the driveway and sidewalk with concrete and steel mesh under the blocks. Prices ranged from 110 baht to 360 baht per square meter for labor. The highest price did NOT include the CPAC sub contractor installing concrete under the compacted sand. We have been very happy with the construction crew sent from near Surin by Neo House in Korat. This staff did remove soil, install proper concrete forms, steel mesh, pour concrete and had a good selection of tools.


    Nice picture's the one in the top left hand of the screen one in particular!

    Next time have a word with Somchai and explain that it is better to push rather than pull a wheel barrow full of concrete

    along a plank....... :o:D

    roy gsd

  5. SOURCE: Pattaya One News: August 11th 2008

    Australian attacked and robbed at his South Pattaya Apartment.

    In the early hours of Monday Morning, Police Lieutenant Colonel Tanagrit from Pattaya Police Station was assigned to a case of assault and theft of a foreigner. The Officer began at the scene of the crime, a 2nd floor apartment at the Bayview Condominium located in Soi 4 off the Pratamnuk Road in South Pattaya.

    The owner of the apartment is Mr. Trevor Newton Small aged 60, a retired Judge from Australia. He was rushed to the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya following the attack during which he sustained 10 stab wounds to his upper body. In the victims room, the knife, thought to have been used in the attack was found on the floor and evidence of a struggle was found and it appeared that the attacker had searched the victims belongings before they left.

    The alarm was raised when the victim contacted Security Guards at the Complex who in-turn contacted the Police. According to the Guards, Mr. Small was known to have taken Thai Men back to his Condo on a regular basis. Police are unsure at this time what, if anything has been stolen and are unable to question the victim who is currently in a serious condition in Hospital. Police will follow up the case in the coming days.

    I hear this is a put up job.

    Apparently he judge doesnt want the offenderot go to jail. he said he wants to have the guy bound over. :o ...

    roy gsd

  6. I've retrieved this thread because I just returned from a week away to find my clothes (belts, bags, et al.) spoiled to varying degrees by this horror.

    Are the methods suggested above only good for prevention, or can I remedy the damage by for instance leaving the stuff in an air conditioned room long enough? (Everything is natural material - cotton, wool, linen, leather, suede).

    Would be grateful for any tips.


    Lack of ventilation is the root of the problem, rather than installing low level lighting which is bound to increase the potential of a fire breaking out, perhaps introducing a few air vents at low level to the wardrobes and a slightly larger extractor installed at the top of the wardrobes would resolve the problem.

    Inadiquate airflow is responsible for a great deal of the timber and damp problems in homes all ovr the uk.

    Roy gsd

  7. This bothers me. It bothered me the first time I heard it. Along with every single vendor interrupting my chill-out time on the beach every 60 seconds. Literally.

    This only pisses off tourists. And it will be publicized. Believe me. This in turn will only hurt the tourist industry.

    So... let's take it to a vote.

    How many in favor of legislation limiting noise pollution? How to limit it? Ban use of all mobile audio advertisements? Ban beach vendors in certain areas?

    What do you guys think?

    I'm planning to live here at least part time so this is why I take the issue seriously.


    Is there anything else you would like them to change before you arrive?

    It you dont like the noise then I suggest you dont spend 6 months of the year in Samui, or you could simply get some ear plugs and a sense of reality whilst you are at it?

    roy gsd

  8. Everytime I leave Samui I always have BIG FIE SUPER FIE stuck in my head, I walk the streets and those pickups with the big speakers are going past, even when I go to the beach a boat goes past with speakers with the same think about the kickboxing fight.

    I can just imagine the people who live there, does it get on your nerves? or does anyone love it that they have named one of there kids Super Fie

    Hi Donk,

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there is only one pickup with the big speakers to which you are refering and that only travels along that route once a day.

    I dont know if its because you have taken too many snap kicks to head or perhaps those loud speakers that is the caue of you hearing things?

    I feel sure that many members on this site will be happy to put your mind at rest and confirm you are must be hearing things that are simply not there. :o

    Maybe the cause is tinitus or just too may tinnies ? :D

    roy gsd

  9. Hi what's the cost of a rai of land outside Udon. My GFs mother has requested some $$ to purchase some land. I am little unsure about this request. :o

    Do rubber trees grow in Udon Thani?



    I also request you send me mony to buy some land jst outside udon, presumably you would not be foolish enough to send to to me?

    If you had received a similar request from a former G/Fs mother in your own country I have no sdoubt that oyu would tell her to get lost or perhaps worse?

    You are not married to the daughter and therfore you have no obligation to her family.

    Be sensible for a moment at least.

    Do you really think that the mother would dare ask one of your G/F former Thai boyfriends to give the mother money to buy land?

    If so,you are beyond help.

    With marriage comes reponsibilites, until that time keep your money safe in the bank.

    When you have paid for the land you can be sure that there will be many more similar requests, just how long have you been in a relationsship with your current G/F?

    If you fund this land purchase what kind of signal do you think you will be sending?

    FAr cheaper to find another G/F who isnt quite so grasping.

    Sorry if ths is not what yo want to hear but just my opinion, howeverthe fact that you are even raising this question suggests you have already accepted the princial of buyng her families favor, they will be pleased but dont think for a moment they will think any better of you, possibl ther reverse.

    After all would you want your daughter to be tangled up with a guy who parted with money so foolishly?

    Roy gsd

  10. My wife just told me that she saw on the news where a Pattaya taxi driver found a bag left in his taxi by a recent fare and inside was $300k USD in cash. She said that the news stated that the driver returned the found money to its owner. Is this true? Has anyone heard of this breaking news?

    Now I am wondering would all taxi drivers return the money. I'm about to ask my brother in law if he would since he is a taxi driver in BKK. I am also wondering what idiot is carrying around 300k in cash let alone forgetting it in a taxi. Also I wonder if the driver was given a reward.

    If the story is true I think the driver did the smart thing, quitely likely he thought that carrying such a large sum ofcash is usually the mark of drug dealers and the like rather than the common or garden passenger/ normal business person.

    He obviously knew that it is very easy to trace a licenced taxi driver, and also know his life and those of his family would mean nothing if this money was "mafia" money, better risk getting a reward than being the richest man if the graveyard.

    Roy gsd

  11. No….Please don’t ….expect too much

    Aim low …..so you won’t feel disappointed

    However if Thailand doesn’t challenge itself, then the country won’t improve…..no matter at what decade from now, then the external challenges and demands from the west may be helpful....that if we want to still be part of the global world.


    roy gsd

  12. I notice alot of people talk about Thailand like all there standards should be like the west or they complain about it and call them stupid etc. Thailand is just out of 3rd world status, not by much though.

    Thailand is an up and coming country and it will improve in all aspects. The customer sevice now compared to 20 years ago is 1000 times better, conditions of everthing is 1000 times better then 20 years ago etc.

    I notice we also tend to compare the whole of the west to Thailand. But I dont see the need to. I mean what do you really expect from a country barely out of 3rd world status? :o

    I dont know who you are speaking for when you say "WE", each persons expections, opinions and experiences should be measured on their own merits, rather than a blanket approach.

    I dont know why you are suprised that some people ( presumably westerners?) compare LOS to the western world, if they originate from the westrern world it is perectly natural for them to do so, if the originate from China, India, Japan, Iceland Argentina or just about any other country in the world quite likely their own country is all they have to compare LOS with.

    As for your other sweeping statement about calling " them" stupid, are you refering to the standards in LOS or Thai people?

    If you are referring to standards then I dont think many people will disagree that in some areas of thai administation or governance the lack of logic, practicallity or plain common sense might reasonably be called stupid.

    Similarly if you are refering to the lack of logic,or plain common sense by some thai people in their dealings with other people then whilst they may not actually be stupid their attitude could very well be discribed as such.

    For example, the need to leave LOS every 90 days to renew your visa, there is no practical reason why this service could not be provided from within LOS, is it that unreasonable that some might discribe that enormous waste of time, effort and money as "Stupid"?

    For example when I saw a thai man putting poisoned meat out for some dogs on the beach in Samui a few years ago and asked him if he was a buddhist (and he confirmed he was) enquired how he balanced killing these dogs with his buddhist beliefs his initial response was to deny killing the dogs.

    When I went on to explain I had seen him apply the poison to the meat and threw it to the dogs as he was less than 3 feet away from me when he did so, he beamed a smile of relief and said Quote " Ahh, I UNDERSTAND YOUR MISTAKE SIR, I DIDNT KILL THE DOGS, THEY CHOSE TO DIE, THEY DIDNT HAVE TO EAT THE MEAT"!

    I supect this type of thinking/ response is a typical eample of why some people could be excused for calling a person expressing such views as " stupid".

    By the way I didnt call the man stupid, instead I apologised for my error and told we destroy dogs in a slightly different way in the uk, when he asked how we did it I explaned that we loaded a revolver and place it on the groud and if the dog picked it up and held it against their head and pulled the trigger then we also consider the dog choose to die........ he got the point, ....eventually.

    I do not suggest that the majority of Thai people are stupid, but neither I would not argue with anyone who suggested that many Thai's do stupid things or hold views that defy logic and lack basic common sense.

    I think the point you were eluding to is the lack of respect for some thai ways by some farangs, inmy view respect ie earned rather than automatic, and try as I might, its hard if not impossible to respect practices, procedure's that are often at variance with natural justice or, if you prefer, may be lacking in respect for others and plain common sense.

    Stupid is as Stupid does, changes for the better dont just happen, if it were not for the many people who questioned the wisdom of practices that had existed for centuries Slavery and many other unsavoury practices would still exist today, it is healthy to question outdated thinking.

    A prime example of lack of natural justice is the case of Toxic's maid who will be the only one going to jail, if ever there was a case for a Royal Pardon that maid deseves one, bearing in mind Mr T's human rights record is it reasonalbe to expect the maid to refuse to comply with her employers instructions/requests?

    Perhaps you should be praising rather than admonishing those who you are so critical of?

    Roy gsd

  13. So, what do you think about Thaksin? Luxuriate in the UK or face "justice" back in Thailand where he is now a wanted criminal?

    Firstly Thaksin ( Mr) HAS NOT YET BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY CRIME, consequetly as yet he is not a wanted criminal.

    A more relevant question is " Will the Thai Authorities ever ask the uk for MR OR MRS T to be extradited back to Thailand"?

    I think that is very unlikely, sad to think that the only one going to jail is the poor servant T.I.T. for sure, a royal pardon would be in order fo rthe servant I think, would the king be prepared to intervene ? I would like to think so but I doubt it.

    roy gsd

  14. Breaking News:

    Thaksin announces his decision to seek asylum in England

    BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced his decision to seek a political asylum in England in a faxed statement to NBT Channel

    The station read Thaksin's statement at about 11:50 am.

    The former prime minister said he had to flee to England because he and his family did not receive justice in courts, which had been interfered by his political opponents.

    He said there were also attempts to assassinate him.

    The former prime minister said he could not trust in the current political system because the coup makers had retained their dictatorial grip through their proxies.

    --The Nation 2008-08-11

    Faithful to his old habits, he's about to go on a spin campaign with rumours of, yet again, an assassination attempt :o and persecution from the justice system even while his own government is in power.

    He's so predictable... :D time to update my avatar.

    May i suggest you leave it as it is but incude the Bart Simpson song, with the theme is "It wasnt me I wasnt there"?

    roy gsd

  15. I can't believe that the UK would ever grant them any sort of asylum.

    If they do.

    Will Thailand close the embassy/consulates in GB?

    I was always under the impression that 'asylum' was granted to persons fleeing their country of residence due to fear of being killed or persecuted due to their political beliefs.

    The Dalai Lama sought asylum in India and was granted such for good reason.

    Thaksin has not been persecuted and his wife is a convicted criminal on the run from a prison sentence.

    Surely any granting of 'asylum' to the Shinawatras would make the U.K. as guilty as Saudi Arabia was when it granted asylum to Idi Amin. :o


    The question of Policial aslum is a difficult one, dont forget the military takeover, undemocratic to say the least.

    THerefore it is quite reasonable for Mr Toxic to claim he will be persecuted in his own country, Idi Amin was granted Asylum by the Saudi Government on very similar grounds.

    You should forget the fact Mr T oreer the crackdown on drug takers/dealers which led to the murder of over 2000 people, the THai government will never place charges against him or anyone else for those killings, without a charge against him in LOS this matter is will be "irrelevent" when and if he applies for Asylum in the uk or any other country.

    For my money he will likely go to Hong Kong/China before he applies here in the uk.

    The THai Government will not be seeking to extredite him, he is now no longer a threat to them so why would they rock the boat?

    As the Thai GOvernment has seized a great deal of his assetts then those assets will either go to the government ( or elsewhere?) or remain frozen until he returns to LOS, a win win situation ofr the current thai government all round.

    Be Poetic justice if some drug gang managed to get a stash of heroin into Mr T's luggage which was then discovered on his arrival in London.

    Toxic by name and Toxic by nature.

    roy gsd

  16. The number 1 thing I miss is being able to legally carry my Ruger P94 9mm Auto everywhere I go. I feel naked here without any protection.

    Condoms are the only protection you need to carry, only insecure wimps feel the need to carry guns.......

    By the way John Wayne was a cissy too, never served a day in the military in his life but America considers him a national hero, but then so is Micky Mouse! :o

    roy gsd

  17. Hi Folks,

    I am posting this as both a potential warning, and as a question, since I am having to go through this ordeal myself.

    I have a Thai family and have been living and working here, full-time, for almost 5 years. I have been a teacher at a new international school for the last two years, having completed my second year at the school this last June. In January the school sent out questionnaires to some of the teachers saying that they were interested in having them back for next year, and were we planning on staying with the school. I was one of the ones who received the letter - I checked the YES box, signed the letter, and returned it to my coordinator. I would have a job next school year - HA!

    February came and went, March arrived, and people began asking at teacher meetings about when contracts would be drafted, etc. We were told that a new business and HR manager was hired, and we would have to wait while they were brought up to speed.

    March evaporated, and well into April, one or two people had been given contracts, but all the senior teachers, ready to begin our third year, had not been given any. When we would ask, again, we were told that the new HR dept. was working diligently to sort through our cases and et everyone taken care of, that we had nothing to worry about, and to please be patient.

    May 1st arrived and ALL senior teachers received a "Letter of Gratitude" from the school saying that our last day of work was the last day of school, and to have a nice life. WE WERE OUT OUR JOBS!

    We were given only 30 day notice, and notified long after all the job and teaching fairs had concluded in January and February - we were screwed, and many of us have families and kids! There was nothing wrong with our job performances - we all had glowing performance reviews. It was unprovoked.

    We approached the HR Director, asking what this meant about the summer pay. The Director responded that we would be dealt with on a case by case basis as to whether we would receive our summer pay or not - even if it was in our BILINGUAL, signed contracts. Many of us also had an air ticket as part of our contract, and we were informed then that that would not be honored.

    Searching job websites, it was clear that the school was recruiting new teachers to replace us, that were being offered a substantially lower salary - they sacrificed us to cut costs.

    The last day of school came and went. The following day we went to the Thai Ministry of Labor, who reviewed the situation and agreed that a serious tort had been committed, and sent us to the MOE - that it fell under their jurisdiction. They promptly reviewed the case and agreed that the school would have to honor the summer pay, as outlined in our contracts, were a little uncertain about the air tickets, but said that we would each receive THREE-FOUR MONTHS SALARY FOR EACH YEAR WE HAD WORKED THERE, since we had been wrongfully terminated. This was the policy of the Thai labor laws and the labor regulations for teachers, set by the MOE.

    I had heard of this before, and felt it made sense, to protect ALL teachers from schools that created these situations at the expense of dedicated educators. The case was sent to the labor court, and was first heard at the end of June.

    The first hearing went well, and the judge and all members of the court indicated that the law would be applied and that the school would have to pay the balance of each contract, and 3-4 months of salary, per year worked, to each teacher, due to wrongful termination. The second hearing was sent for the beginning of July.

    At the second hearing, the schools attorney produced a copy of a law that was enacted about 4 years ago that EXEMPTED FOREIGN WORKERS from the wrongful termination penalty set by the labor laws! The judge was shocked that such a thing existed, and immediately recessed to see if this was actually true. The Labor Court did not seem to even be aware of this law!

    Upon careful research, by myself and the labor court, the law IS TRUE, and there appears to be no way around it. Thus, there is NO LONGER A PENALTY FOR THE WRONGFUL TERMINATION OF FOREIGN WORKERS AND TEACHERS in the Thai courts - this makes us all very vulnerable, not to mention the very racist implications of such a law!

    I am wanting to make sure that people know of this issue and am asking if anyone else has experience with this issue or similar one, and if there is any knowledge out there pertaining to this. I have met with several lawyers, who all seemed surprised about the existence of this exclusion, and upon review, felt there was no way around it and no other protectionary provisions for foreign workers.

    Any insight, knowledge, etc. would be very appreciated!



    Having read other teachers postings relating to their similar experiences it seems to me that teachers need to get together and open their own school true it will cost money but if run properly with good quality teachers it should give provide job security.

    Alternatively get out of teaching into more lucrative employment so if this happens again then you should be able to weather the storm better.

    Roy gsd

  18. Both ThaiVisa and Ajarn.com (and ajarnforum.net) have rules against naming and shaming. Thai defamation law

    There have been forums that have named and shamed these institutions though without going into too much detail. If you tell the truth about a particular place and these events really happened then it is not defamation, is it. :o

    In law, defamation (also called calumny, libel, slander, and vilification) is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressively stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. Slander refers to a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts which arises where one person reveals information which is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[1] "Unlike libel or slander, truth is not a defence for invasion of privacy."[2]

    False light laws are "intended primarily to protect the plaintiff's mental or emotional well-being."[3] If a publication of information is false, then a tort of defamation might have occurred. If that communication is not technically false but is still misleading then a tort of false light might have occurred.[3]

    I am afraid that the laws and interpetation to which you are refering to are as much use as a hocolate teapot in LOS.

    I understand that it is illegal to impune a thai's character in LOS even when th matter to which you may be bringing to other peoples attention is proven to be true, only in LOS eh!

    roy gsd

  19. This thread is starting to get interesting.

    Dual pricing exists the world over and normally we just accept it. However when it seems to get mixed up with race, many people, quite rightly, find it offensive.

    For example when I lived in London I had a monthly travel card that made public transport affordable. However last time I was there, as a tourist, I observed I was having to pay insane amounts of money to go one stop on the underground ( 5GBP – about 320 THB).

    The point is that London Underground would not be insensitive or stupid enough to advertise lower prices for Caucasians or UK Nationals. Apart from anything else it would be illegal. But they are able to charge foreigners or tourists more for using the services.

    Thailand is not as multi-cultural as say the UK, France or the US and so is just starting to have to face these issues. They are at the start of the learning curve.


    You purchased a monthly ticket that made public transort affordable, ( but you fail to say what the daily ticket price was!) the same ticket was available to everyone irrespective of race.

    Later when you purchased a daily ticket you paid the same price for a daily ticket as anyone else, not sure what this has to do with dual pricing in LOS........

    roy gsd

  20. Hyperthetical: My fiancee's mother legally adopts me as her son, do I get Thai citizenship automatically? Can I then marry her daughter?

    I have heard of this in the US, but what about here or Australia? My parents adopt my fiance etc...

    thoughts anyone??


    As I understand it adoptiin is specifically for people under the age of 18 when you officially are classed as an adult in the uk, presumably an adult has other legal safeguards in place which makes the purpose of adoption redundent?

    roy gsd

  21. Thank goodness my extended family is not in Roi-et.

    I feel sorry for any Falang, with family in your village, who is doing his best and perhaps giving the odd £30 or so - now and again. Probably making a real difference by doing what he can on a regular basis.

    How will he feel when his girlfriend tells him he is a cheap Charlie because some big shot Falang, going out with Nok in the village, is throwing more than 30% of the families annual income at them for Mother's Day.

    God knows what you will give them if the buffalo dies !

    So whats your solution, other than taking the piss that is?

    Roy gsd

  22. I'm sending B14770 ($500) to my wife/fiancee to send to her mother as she sees fit (or keep some and share some). In my experience, they're not one's to waste money (at least my new extended family over there).

    Most important of all, I stayed at their house in Isaan (Roi Et- the poorest of Thailand) and they literally live in a BARN! Can I sacrifice a portion of a month's earnings to help some obviously poor people who have worked harder than I can imagine as means of survival (not wealth accumulation) for long hours, sick or not.... Yes, I can spare a few hundred quid!

    Not asking questions (and thanks to this thread), I discovered Mother's Day's coming and moved money over today (haven't told her yet). My not asking questions will also show respect while solidifying my commitment (which is always reciprocated). This is a different culture; completely foreign to the bird leaving the nest syndrome of westerners. Without support from children, these oldsters wouldn't survive. I do NOT want to gain the label of stingy (sticky sh** is the direct translation) when it comes to nam chai or kind/generous heartedness. My guess is she'll buy Urea for the rice in order to feed the family, maybe buy medicine (I insist she take as prescribed but she says it's too expensive).

    I want to be a good husband and a good human being and I don't care about setting a precedent (every year is different and most people understand, since all have good and bad years). It's NOT about the money...it's that I care and appreciate her mother enough to have raised someone I am honored to marry. They're poor, I'm loaded (by their standards) but not wealthy by USA standards. In a month, my finances will not have noticed it missing but they will never forget that I try my best. Same goes for my kids here and my ex wife here...hard times come and I shell out. There's more to life than the principal of things, setting precedents and greed. For me, it's about helping a family whose NET profit for working their asses off in the rice fields is a mere $1400 a year! Yes, my small token will make a difference and bring some smiles.

    For me, words and flowers are cheap and money is what changes lives (in their culture). When I'm married it will be our life, our business, our money. She wants to be sure my kids are taken care of, maintaining their standard while raising her family's standards *only as we can afford (she's smarter about money than my western mind). I spend far less than before I met her and have saved more than $500 by habit changes alone.

    If we (in my country) too were amidst poverty, we would also adapt the same values and understand the gesture and love behind the money. Everyone sacrifices for loved one's so it's my turn this month for a measly $500 for being a mother who still works her wrinkled, old little soul off for doorstep kids that weren't even her responsibility. She, also has shown the world nam chai (it's the least I can do for this round)! :D


    roy gsd

  23. Not trying to be puckish......

    Sorry but your earlier psychology was lost on me tonight, ever since the poetic metaphor of those pots of jasmine.

    Well I still miss home but not as much as I used to. I can't be there with them all my life and they know that I have my own life to run too. My main priority now is my own family, husband, and job. When possible I try to visit as often. Otherwise, for me I still be able to keep in touch and share contact with them without moving back home. There are plenty of ways with technology now you know?…..like a webcam, email, or the telephone etc …HELLO!!

    So no....I don't feel guilty not being with them.

    I'm told that one can't fully comprehend the pain parents go through when children move to distant lands until we have our own.

    Presumably by your parents?

    Some parent have a party to celebrate!

    Roy gsd :o

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