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Posts posted by KevinBloodyWilson

  1. Say what you will about our PM - he makes many of the past PM's attempts to speak English pale in comparison. I'm sure some of our TV posters would rather have Samak up there talking, or Thaksin, or best of all, Charlerm.

    Agreed. he outshines them in fluency, articulation, shinola and humbug. Most of what he says is arrant nonsense, probably most of it is just BS. I especially liked his comment about Thailand no longer being ruled by just a few people at the top. How he didn't choke on those words I will never know.

    Did he *really* say that stuff? F*cking amazing. Stupid foreigners who don't understand about Thailand eh?

  2. And please. Abhisit was not elected by the people of Thailand

    He was elected in parliamentary vote, it was on TV and I was watching it. It doesn't matter who brokered the deal (it was Suthep who persuaded Newin to switch camps, btw).

    As I said - he was not elected by the electorate, and in despite your wishing it were not true, it does remain true.

    He was elected as much as Samak or even Thaksin was for that matter...one day you will understand that. Hopefully.

    Thaksin got a huge mandate from actual elections. people voted for Thaksin, So did the government which then had Samak hoisted on them (moron though he was and is). Abhisit just does not have the same legitimacy. What's to understand? The electoral numbers are out there, it isn't exactly rocket science.

  3. The coup was welcomed with flowers for the soldiers and people posing with their children on the tanks.

    The poll 2 weeks ago showed an overwhelming percentage wanted the present government to carry on.

    Thaksin was removed because of his authoritarian rule, the army would not have dared intervene otherwise.

    Well, that is a viewpoint. Certainly the coup was supported by the vast majority of those whi came out with flowers and ribbons, but I didn't see anything like enough of those to support the assertion that 'the coup was welcomed' by the than a very small minority.

    Every Thai government since Adam was a lad has either been authoritarian or incompetent and too frightened to do anything. Most objective political observers say that deposing Thaksin was not because he was authoritarian, or even corrupt, but that he was becoming more popular among Thais than was acceptable to certain parts of the Thai ruling echelons. He was a threat to established interests (the same ones that fed out of his doggie bowl for so long) and he had to go. So the army got its orders. Pure and simple.

  4. Not just that, but farang's are a tiny fraction of the prostitution problem in Thailand.

    The VAST majority is Thai on Thai. All you need to is drive through the countryside and count the

    semi discrete mia noi auditioning hotels with hide your car garage screens,

    kariaoki/massage bars with barely legal girls who don't speak word one of English

    with tones of beat up or tricked up little bikes outside, and NO ONE SINGING...

    And here I always assumed it was those naughty Viet Nam era GIs that introduced prostitution to the LOS :)

    Cynicism aside, if all foreigners were suddenly banished from the Kingdom, the Thai sex industry would hardly skip a beat. Same goes for scams-the JJ crowd would adjust and figure out some relatively low risk ways to cheat their beloved fellow Thais.

    The tiger never changes his stripes :D

    I think you are wrong about the sex industry, because Thailand is a hub of prostitution - probably the only hub it will ever be if you discount incompetence and corruption - which are linked of course.

    I think you are spot on about the scams though, Thais who scam are unprincipled scammers and they would be just as happy to scam their own people as they are to scam foreigners - as I said before it carries a psychological reward for them.

    It is surely a great pity though that this otherwise wonderful place is marred by an unnecessary but pretty much ubiquitous lack of ethics and integrity. This will catch up with them in the end and they will not be able to join the dots together. Thais seem almost completely unable to play the 'what if' game.

    But, as I have said before, this is the house that Jack built and Jack likes it just fine.

  5. And please. Abhisit was not elected by the people of Thailand

    He was elected in parliamentary vote, it was on TV and I was watching it. It doesn't matter who brokered the deal (it was Suthep who persuaded Newin to switch camps, btw).

    As I said - he was not elected by the electorate, and in despite your wishing it were not true, it does remain true.

    I have snipped out most of your rubbishing because frankly, it is clear that if you do not agree with something you will not discuss it, but prefer to simply rubbish it. Your strategy seems to be to selectively rubbish parts of a post, hoping that it will cast doubt on the rest. It's a transparent and pretty unsophisticated ploy but I am sure you won't see why that is true either.

    It's OK of course, I am either right or I am wrong, and you are either right or you are wrong, but I honestly only hav the time to engage in sensible adult discussion, or amusing discussion and you make yours neither one, therefore a discussion with you is somewhat less than satisfying and a lot less than instructional. Perhaps we are both at the wrong level for it to be otherwise.

    On that note, I will wish you well and allow you to have the last word. be my guest...

  6. The only party with any ideology is the Democrat Party.

    Yes, as odious and abhorrent as the ideology is, you are right.

    Every other party would join the government at a moment's notice as to be in Opposition is to suffer from a dry throat, to quote Banharn- look at his interference in the TAT now by the way.

    They are all for sale as witnessed by Thaksin's wholesale buy up of New Aspiration Party, Chart Pattana, Pinit's faction, etc.

    The only party prepared to remain in opposition is the Democrats.

    If Peua Thai win the next election, Pumjaitai, etc will join at the drop of a hat and Newin's 'betrayal' will be forgotten.

    I agree they are all for sale and they are all corrupt, this is the nature of the Thai psyche, it is the house that Jack has built. But I very much doubt if Newin will ever be accepted back by an incoming Thaksin. More likely, those who joined Newin would jump ship and get to be cannon fodder in a Thaksin government. Among other things, Thaksin is a vindictive sonofabitch and he would kick Newin into touch very quick imo. Rightly.

  7. Caveat:as my previous posts show, I am no fan of Thaksin, but I do believe that properly constrained and kept honest, he would be the best thing for Thailand.

    So when you made a dog into a cat you consider it a pet for you. Cute, but not applicable to reality here.

    *shrug* maybe. But when you neuter an undisciplined dog, it calms down and becomes more compliant. I still think that properly disciplined, he would be the best thing for Thailand, the present shower are not good for anything, that's for sure. While Thailand wasn't perfect under Thaksin by any means, it was still a better place in my opinion.

  8. Come on! - Land can rise and fall and sea levels are not "level"

    Ah ha- thats true because actually the land is floating on the water so if the ice melts the land will float higher and still be above the water!

    If that's the case then I hope they don't build the proposed sodding great big canal down south. Some of the southern states and Malaysia might just... drift off somewhere.

  9. From their website, here it is. Make of it what you will. Temporary? Or is this their death spiral?

    Profmil Group - Official Statement

    September 22nd, 2009

    The Profmil Group has had a very hard time because of the severe impact by the economical crisis. We have in effect had no new sales in 2009 as many projects have been cancelled, stopped or delayed.

    The Profmil Group is discontinuing all work on the sites to assess the current economical situation and to see how we can help our customers the most.

    Please be informed that the company is not going bankrupt, but we are temporarily closing down our construction department to ensure that we can stabilize the situation.

    Our sales and rentals departments will continue their operations without change.

    If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at **email removed per forum rules*** and we will try to assist you in the best possible manner.

    When I read this I had a picture spring to mind of the building skeletons you can still see around Bangkok. 10+ years after the last crash, they are still just decaying eyesores. Hope this doesn't happen again but this company is clearly not having a good time.

  10. 15 pages of comments from people who don't know anything about science bashing someone who does :D Nobody even seemed to understand what he said, but it instantly became popular to start bashing about Thai education due to this.

    Any point in suggesting he should have been more careful with his words? :D

    Seriously, Thais say many completely moronic things, who's to blame a guy/gal for taking this one and thinking it is moronic?

    No wait! read again...

    Cancel that. It *is* completely moronic.

    What a blunder. I thought I had made a mistake but looking again, I can see I was right after all.

    Phew!, that's a relief. :):D

  11. Dilligaf

    Oh Jesus. I should have known. :D :D

    Well, to be fair, I probably deserved that. :D

    i'll still buy the prick a drink though ... :) But I'll probably piss in it. :D

    Nah, j/k. Kev likes everyone, Kev is a stand-up guy. Kev is a happy little bunny. FIGJAM

  12. I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

    I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

    OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :D


    This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


    Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

    Nearly right. Kev's a regular nice stand-up guy. He just kicked your ass so you feel you have to get back by using ad-hominem posts.

    It's OK, Kev can take it. Kev is used to sorting the wheat from the chaff. :D :D

    You are not from Australia are you?

    You are clueless to the meaning of "Kev's a f*cking pisser". You have no idea what it means. :D

    you're not a pom are you?

    Oh dear, did I get it wrong? Was it a compliment? Ooer. Sorry dude. I thought it was an insult so it got generic response number 5(a). Note to self: read idioms more widely.

    Actually I am half Aussie and half pom. I can draw on the wisdom of either and blame the other bit for any of life's inevitable blunders. Like this one probably, which I will cheerfully, and with a straight face, blame on the pommie genes. Never heard of "f*cking pisser though", I have to admit I assumed it to be less than comlimentary.

    Time for some emergency post-editing I fear. Got one. One out of two not bad is it?

    Buy you a beer? :)

    What's a dillgaf?

  13. Gulf of Thailand won't rise with global warming, expert claims

    Apr 23, 2007, 3:03 GMT

    Bangkok - Global warming is not likely to cause the sea level in the Gulf of Thailand to rise because the body of water is too far from melting glaciers, a leading Thai hydrologist claimed on Monday.

    Recent forecasts by the United Nations' Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which predict a 40 centimetre rise in sea levels by the end of the century will cause flooding for up to 94 million Asians living in coastal areas, may not apply to the Gulf of Thailand, according to Suphat Vongvisessomjai, a former professor in water resources engineering at Bangkok's Asia Institute of Technology.

    'The climate change panel's projection was wrongly accepted to apply to the Gulf of Thailand,' Suphat told The Nation newspaper. 'We are too far from melting glaciers or ice sheets.'

    Suphat added that, in fact, recent research shows that the average sea levels along some coastal provinces on the gulf have declined 0.3 to 0.6 centrimetres over the past eight years.

    The hydrologist, now an employee of Team Consulting Engineering, called on the public not to panic over the IPCC findings.

    'The climate change panel did not deceive us or exaggerate. Its scientific findings are just based on the environment of their scientists, most of whom live in Europe,' he told the English-language daily.

    Asia-Pacific news


    Leading Thai hydrologist. Smart man this one. What's he going to come up with next? You can't drown in the Chao Phraya river because it is full of silt? :)

    Yes, I have to admit I struggled to keep a straight face when I saw this. But then the guy is an output from the Thai education system as I understand it, so as a leading Thai hydrologist he probably only knows that water is wet - well 'wet-ish'. Except on *really* hot days. :D :D

  14. He has promised to start talking already, about a dozen times, even on the eve do or die Songkran assault.

    He's got nothing.

    Caveat:as my previous posts show, I am no fan of Thaksin, but I do believe that properly constrained and kept honest, he would be the best thing for Thailand.

    As to the proposal that 'He's got nothing', on the contrary, I believe he has got a lot, otherwise they wouldn't keep trying to chase him down. The snippet about Prem and the coup was hugely damaging, and everyone already knew about that. The good stuff is in his gunny bag waiting for the right time for a demolition job.

    Thats why they're so scared of him.

  15. .Livinlos

    .. I did the party scene, emptying entire gogos and bringing 10 or so girls up to pool parties, acting like a rockstar and throwing 40k plus a night bashes every other week..

    After reading this gem, and tying in with your multiple postings all over TV..we now see you as you are huh.There is a word but ..well i just can't think of it at the mo!! :) acting ???rockstar??? Most people who feel they have to brag about their excesses eg 20 mill for a house ..tend to think they are above all and can belittle other posters as you often do.

    You are truely a legend..lol

    You're right. For those of us that have lived here awhile, LoS IS a legend. This is a guy who started from humbler beginnings than most of us and had the brains and the balls to be able to retire in his twenties.

    Eat your heart out. LoS has more brains in his little finger than you have altogether.

    You're jealousy is sooooo transparent.

    PS. To some people I know that live on this island LoS is small potatoes. A million dollars is a months income. Get over yourself.

    PPS. You're the guy struggling on 30,000 Bt a month, right? (another thread you posted on).

    Outrageous and completely unnecessary response IMO.

  16. I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

    I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

    OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :)


    This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


    Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

    bang on. Kev's a regular nice stand-up guy. As (it is very clear) is your good self :D

    It's OK, Kev can take it. :D :D

  17. Ouch that hurt.

    if you must engage in solitary pursuits you really need to concentrate more on the task in hand. :D

    Sorry, didn't mean to lecture.

    Dilligaf :)

    Ad-hominem. Actual useful content as follows: " "

    tell methough. When you tyoe stuff on your computer, is it a 'solitary pursuit' for you too? Or do you get help? :D

  18. I bought my wife a small taser that she keeps in her bag at all times. Some cops that live in our area have commented on it and said it's no problem.

    Only problem is that I can see that she is dying to try it out on someone and I think it may be me...

    We used to get drunk and zap each other with the type that has the twin prongs and blue sparky thing...it's not that bad...makes you twitch a bit though! I saw a japanese SM movie where the chick used one on a guy's nuts...that looked to sting a bit! :D

    Buggered if I would do that, drunk or sober. looks very nasty to me when I press the red button. And it isn't getting anywhere near my nuts, even with the safety on. Nossir, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

    As a matter of interest, how dangerous are the little ones with the built-in flashlight? Horrible noise and smell of ozone but are they effective in an attack situation I wonder?

    Remind me to tell you about the mace tube and the taxi driver sometime... I still get embarrassed thinking about it, it took a week to get the smell out of my trousers :)

  19. OK thats the problem with transliteration.. ngoo can be rat snake depending on tone didnt think it was stupid but ??

    Also (in pedant mode :)) yet is more fuc_k.. Yet Mare etc being an easy way to make sure things kick off.

    Ahh. OK, perhaps the poster of the comment could clarify what he meant.

    Actually (and yes, the problem is with transliteration), Ngaw is stupid. Ngoo is snake and noo is mouse/rat.

    So far as I understand it, but hey, I have trouble making myself understood with most Thais.

    I imagine yet nongsaauw would also be a good party-starter. Followed by a swift exit to stage right...

  20. There was something written about the US justice system that said something to the effect that it was better for 100 guilty people to go free than for 1 innocent person to be convicted.

    Maybe in Thailand it's vice versa?

    On the basis of this case and their general reputation, it's a possible perhaps, reasonable conclusion.

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