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Everything posted by Emster23

  1. Trying to get all of his crimes looked into is like trying to get to the end of a line forming for some concert... line grows faster than you can walk... there seems to be no end to the laws and standards that treasonous grifter broke
  2. Detective Marge on the case "looks like a fed operation trying to create racism, white supremacy, and racial division where none exist." Yep, "looks like" is about the best evidence ever. She is insane, and her apologists lack basic thinking skills
  3. "...strict gun laws or cities like New York City or Chicago which have very strict gun laws..." really? are you that lacking in imagination or critcal thinking skills? Let me help: people can carry guns across state lines... US has "open borders" between states and cities... many countries restrict who may have guns (yes, some laws broken, but shooting rates far, far below USA).... others strict laws on training, possession, storage etc with high ownership rates but negligible shootings (Swiss, for example). In US we have Republican governors loosening ownership laws, repealing law against those with mental illness from owning guns, for example
  4. The Republicans don't want anyone to have gov sponsored health care. Remember "repeal then replace" lie head of the party spouted? He had nothing to replace. Republicans will chip away anywhere and everywhere they can to cut health services in Florida. Woke up and smell the coffee
  5. suspend without bribes would really be painful.... pay is just chump change
  6. can't say the shoe is on the other foot with this case!
  7. This could be quite entertaining.... perhaps shop owner could have reason to keep computer but just who and how the contents got spread about is what I wanna know. A responsible business owner would have wiped the hard drive.....
  8. Trump is a classic massive narccissist. Their downfall is belief they are smarter than anyone and everyone else, that all they do is perfect, that they alone can fix things. When someone calls them on their behavior etc they become enraged and lose whatever sense they may have once had. Time to cash in the Donald's chips.
  9. Lots of people pray to Jesus, various saints and they aren't alive
  10. Other countries have 'nutters, poor parenting, drug abuse, pissed off people"... right? If not, then why is USA so insane and out of control? Easy access to guns for the poor parents (leading to poor children... shoot teachers, etc), drugs abusers, etc increases likelyhood that guns will be in the mix of outcomes. That is a "true issue". Many like to say it is a "mental health" issue, but mental health issues cross all countries and cultures. On top of that, the pro gun lobby also cuts funds for mental health. In Texas they repealed a law that banned mentally ill from owning a gun... It's very simple: if you don't have a gun, you can't shoot someone Gun deaths are number 1 cause of children's deaths in USA. Why there and no where else?
  11. If someone wants to pay 100k for a room, where is the problem? You can always pay too much for something, be it a coke or female companionship.... and if market forces help determine prices, the tab may be a bit low: "..However, reservations had to be made in advance due to the exclusivity of the VIP rooms".
  12. exactly. If it is just a reward for inefficiency, then it will make Thailand even less competitive..... no one in gov seems to ever have even a basic econ 101 understanding of market forces
  13. C'mon Trump lovers, we're waiting. How ya gonna explain away this latest admission of espionage by the great narcissist?
  14. drop the phrase "ethnic cleansing". Call it what it is: mass murder.
  15. all crypto is scam material. There is no "there" there, there is nothing of inherent value. It's a ponzi scheme without a central figure raking in the dough is the only difference.
  16. "illegal drug networks" one of those "protected professions"? Can someone check the list?
  17. I seem to recall Thai navy selling Rohingya who washed up on southern shores into slavery in Malaysia story some years back..... investigate them?
  18. Let's get down to the real core problem and stop beating around the bush! The core problem is Breathing!!! The air here is so often rotten that vaping must seem like some sort of respite. Just checked AQI site: Bangkok is (relatively) low today: 61 ("moderate") so what if far over UN guidelines The site extrapolates that 5,900 could die this year from this pollution level Put that in your pipe and smoke it Bangkok air quaity index site link
  19. All for accessibility for tourists, but the fact that powers that be are clueless about even considering their own citizens with mobility issues shows how unreality based those in power are here
  20. "...change its law so that it has the power to decide whether or not to arrest a leader..." I have a hunch they will choose not to bust Putin when he visits. Call it intuition...
  21. I seem to recall that once there were laws against profiting from convicted crimes; perhaps originally passed to prevent killers like Manson from getting rich off of killing people If these seditionists gain income because of their traitorous actions, that money should be taken from them, if for no other purpose than to pay for repairs to capitol: you break it, you pay for it
  22. Simple solution to "maintenance nightmare": do as they do in other areas, like lifts, etc: Don't perform maintenance.... just run (or fly) into the ground and buy some new ones. Kickbacks an added bonus! ????
  23. so what is the downside? Asking for a local planet....
  24. "In 2002, Haspel was in charge of a secret “black site” prison in Thailand where detainees were subject to abusive interrogation techniques. In a 6,700-page classified report on the CIA’s interrogation programs, the Senate Intelligence Committee documented among other things what agency contractors and personnel did at the site to Abu Zubaydah..." (she became head of the CIA, fwiw). https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/03/gina-haspel-black-site-torture-cia/555539/
  25. Here is a neat little video about evolving to overcome antibiotics.... you are aware that many antibiotics from years ago that were 100% effective now are not potent. Evolution.... not shelf life! Harvard med school demo of evolution of bacteria to overcome antibiotics
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