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Everything posted by Emster23

  1. whatever vital info they had to share in those 3 unusual countries could have been sent via a zoom call, one might think. Just because trips were approved by legislature hardly gives them the good housekeeping seal of approval
  2. my dementia is getting to point I can't type and remember what I want to type at the same time.....
  3. People can eat and chew gum at the same time. It's not an "either/or" situation
  4. Religion doesn't make you a moron, but can aid you if you are on that path
  5. And just how will they determine who gets how much? Not talking about right/wrong, but just administering it seems impossible... "direct payments"... for who? What if just moved to the state? If I'm 1/96th black, would I get 1/96 payment? All those find your roots DNA test kits would have a field day.... why just blacks? Argument could be made that native Americans had a worse experience... where is their pay? Same goes for Asian Americans, especially Chinese stock considering all the prohibitions, exclusions etc that were placed on them...
  6. It is a lot of signage, no argument there. Signage is part of ambiance "the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, etc., particularly of an environment or milieu" It's not a Santa Barbara ambiance.... thing is that with "improvements" the flavor, the chaos, the SE Asianess of it will be gone. I haven't been back to Singpore since 1985... the creeping malls and such ate the old colonial feel right up. Might as well have been in San Fernando valley
  7. "...she had been attacked by a man of mixed Indian and US heritage." "Indian" has certain racial traits that can be identified. "US heritage" can be any race/color/ethnicity. It is a political status, not a biological state.
  8. I agree that if born a guy, doesn't matter if your junk is taken out, you have to compete as a man. Period. Did bring to mind that African woman who was banned because her natural testosterone levels are 3 times that of average woman. She was born with "hyperandroganism"... somewhere inside she has some balls, but she also has a vagina and all that... she offered to show officials her "equipement" when they questioned her sex. https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/semenya-offered-show-her-body-officials-prove-she-was-female-2022-05-24/
  9. For her sake, hope she goes to decent clinic or regular hospital. She could have head injuries that aren't immeadiately apparent but can be deadly. "Natasha Richardson, who died after hitting her head during a skiing lesson at a resort in Québec, Canada in 2009. Richardson, who was 45 at the time, reportedly initially declined medical treatment following the fall."
  10. Signs are (or were) part of the ambiance, along with crowded masses, all sorts of questionable merch, etc. But the authorities are trying to turn it into some sort of sterile Singapore yawner.
  11. Thai women made it to the world cup, didn't they? I seem to recall they were privately sponsored.... Got slaughtered, but better than Thai men who've never been there, unless as spectators. But the money and adverts go to the men. Have any of them ever been on a reputable European team? Just curious...
  12. Did they ever produce any vaccine under that questionable deal? Any at all? I don't seem to recall.... As far as masks go, and the opinion that seems to reflect on guys manhood, you might consider wearing a mask for other than Covid reasons: just did AQI test and Bangkok level is 163 (15.6X the WHO safe level for 2.5...) covid or field burnings, neither good for your lungs ???? https://www.iqair.com/th-en/thailand/bangkok
  13. If he gets delays on top of delays, he will later complain no judgement can be made of him because he was denied a swift and fair trial.
  14. Economics is always about wealth and exploitation of resources. Applies to other primates, not just humans: read this https://www.biosphereonline.com/2019/01/07/wealth-currency-and-prostitution-in-primates/
  15. "Section 187 of the Constitution, a minister cannot hold a stake in or be involved in the management of a business" Wish we had a law like that in my home country, USA. Not only did 45th own business, he also personally sent profits his way by staying at his business properties and racking up huge profits.... $151 million spent on his little trips and golf outings...
  16. Bunch of darn religious fascists who don't give a damn about US Constitution. "“In accordance with the laws of nature and nature’s God,..." Separation of church and state, jerks. American Taliban. If they were conservatives, they would be quiet about the subject. For all my life they trumpeted "that which governs least governs best". Don't like gay marriage? marry outside your sex. no problem
  17. Flynn is a traitor, secret foreign agent that lied to FBI among other things, like being Putin's buddy. He should be rotting in jail except for the pardon Trump gave him, which is admission of his guilt.
  18. "The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook" Whoever writes these insipid headlines might take the time to read the news article first, to get a general idea what article is about. Some in FBI wanted him "off the hook, to take his word all documents turned over" is more like it.
  19. Correct me if I am wrong, but both THC and CBD come from cannabis sativa plant.... wondered if anyone knew the very old slang "giggle smoke". I don't use pot; quit in 1985 so I don't have a dog in this fight. Oh, and all life is pain, according to the noble truths, so get used to it
  20. Just spruce up the ones that were in operation by CIA under Ginny Haspell, who later became Trump's head of CIA https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-43496212
  21. Check out then 1983 Coppola film "Rumble Fish" (Siamese fighting fish). Great little film (little about the fish). Great cast too.... maybe free on youtube...
  22. I assume you get the CBD oils along with THC when imbibing in giggle smoke. Am I wrong?
  23. In a related story: man bites dog
  24. That's why it should be banned. same as decaffinated coffee: what's the point? ????
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