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Everything posted by Emster23

  1. I want to know if he also had a cooking show... did in one PM before, why not again?
  2. As long as the US can keep CIA black sites and torture centers, US will be happy without standard military base here.
  3. The boxes were moved into the storage room: okay, got that. I want to know where the boxes were moved from
  4. Maybe he and Trump can do adaption of "Moon River".... "Two grifters.... off to fleece the world... there's such a lot of sheep.... to shear...."
  5. That would seem to be a "well, duh!" or "no brainer" conclusion. Putin already went after Georgia..... Who'll be the next in line?
  6. Wondered if unlit too... but seems to be a number of broken tube lights at sign in photo... were they on? Who knows.... I'd put my money on too fast with too little attention. He was driving a Honda CB300, which seems to be a favorite among suicide jockeys.....
  7. amen to that. I got that 90 days mixed up with regular 90 day report, so was dinged for 2k. I do wish that your 90 day report count down starts from the day you renew the retirement extension...
  8. Give the mind-numbing soul-crushing methods of Thai educational "system" I'm surprised the number isn't far higher
  9. the 100,000 who died were Asians... seem to recall 6 of them may have marked graves. Treatment of allied prisoners beyond horrible, no argument, but a drop in the bucket compared to numbers of Asians killed. "Railway Man", anyone?
  10. Make no sense. Do you expect the sub to surface and ask the ship what they are transporting? Really? I don't wonder at all, and neither would any serious student of history What is this about casual insult of "Nazi"? You do realise the Japanese weren't Nazis, I hope. Insane racists (see "Rape of Nanking" for particulars), but takes a bit more to make a true Nazi
  11. It's only humiliating if a person has a sense of right/wrong, shame, realisation "gee, I screwed up"
  12. Amen. And those ill informed who say "CNN is just the same, but for liberals"..... did CNN have to fork out 3/4's of a billion dollars for spreading lies? Fox doesn't have to pay that for spreading the truth
  13. OMG... how did you find out about my long buried secret? Took me forever! Felt like Roy Kent in latest episode of Ted Lasso....
  14. Hmmm if born a man and had his "junk" removed, then can't be arrested for exposing what isn't there.... if had a cosmetic vagina (actually exterior lady parts, can't really see vagina)... well, that's not the real deal either. Breasts... enhancement is fake... Jimi Hendrix is reported to have worried his were too big. Since when is it illegal for men to go topless? And how can you see something that isn't there? Life is a mystery
  15. How could this happen? Don't all jet ski renters give extensive instruction in safe operation of the craft? And must wear life preservers requirement? Seems like this "accident" took place around sunset: a terrible time to drive a car with impaired visibility... imagine the glare off the water into your eyes. Probably didn't see it coming.
  16. recovery rate would be much higher if Thailand had air that didn't already kill far more than Covid could ever hope to
  17. biggest exporter but not exporter of the biggest... er, ahem, yep
  18. Forget about "unconscious bias": there is plenty of bias among the semi conscious members of family that got fortune and fame due to accident of birth
  19. Could be the old "slippery slope" danger if cops start doing useful behaviors. No telling what that might lead to!
  20. Forget the textbooks: how about the barrage of junk food ads on television? That's what kids pay attention to...
  21. Plant trees, have green spaces: better air & lower temps Put temp at malls, offices, theaters, etc at "comfort levels", not "walk in freezer levels". That should help manage demand side and help environment.
  22. I suppose it is fair considering Charlie Chan and Amos and Andy were played by white men I didn't see it, but didn't musical Hamilton have a black guy playing Alex? Tut's sandals had black Nubians painted on insoles, so not like they couldn't tell black from white back when I'll take Mo Salah as Cleo....
  23. Thank goodness this moron has left my state (Oregon) and gone back to whacky Idaho....
  24. Even more to come: besides the Smartmatic law suit, let's pop some popcorn for suits against board of directors for not nipping this sort of major lying in the bud. Board includes former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. And if any morons still go on about election being "stolen" just remind them that Fox didn't pay all that money just because they were "reporting the facts and letting you decide"
  25. Alcohol doesn't need a stepping stone to something worse... alcoholism and all the health problems that stem from from abuse are enough in and of themselves. I don't smoke pot any more (quit around 1985) and rarely drink. People high on pot are far less dangerous than people drunk on their arses
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