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Posts posted by GeorgeO

  1. A good idea in some respects. It also enables Big Brother to know where you are.

    – please consider enrolling with the US Embassy's Consular Section via the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program [sTEP].

    One stop service???? :jap:

    How the hell does this qualify as US citizens being asked to STEP UP?

    Is this a call to arms?

    Gimmee a break!!

  2. Surely don't you despise the farang pimps more, who come here and open bars and sell sex. They are the scum and beneath comtept. Any effort to get rid of them is appreciated by decent people.


    Pattayas finest undercover farangs strike again.

    Indeed. Beneath contempt. Maybe next they will go to the beach road and pretend to hire a jet ski, then when they are asked to pay 50,000 baht for non existent damage, the boys in brown will jump out and arrest the scammers!

    But i agree, the Aussie concerned was a bit naive, poaching girls from the bar across the road, which was probably owned by a policeman, selling beer and providing prostitutes for tourists! And after the hapless Aussie has parted with a nice wedge of dosh, the farang volunteer will get a little bit of it for his trouble. Wonder if they have a work permit! Wonder if they realise, or even care how much they are despised by the farang community here.

    An interesting point of view!. But the bottom line is this. Decent people don't like a snake in the grass. Are you a volunteer policeman by any chance? I think we should be told.

    All other points aside, doesn't this provide sufficient evidence that the Billabong Bar was also providing similar services, and that arrests should also be made there?

    Then, extrapolating that to every other bar throughout the whole of Pattaya, does this not mean that there should be a fleet of buses going around picking up every owner and bar girl in every other bar? What kind of excuse do these other bars offer for the string of girls sitting out front? Are they there to serve beer, mop one's brow on a warm day, and wish you well as you go on your way?

    I wouldn't mind any of this, that is, an attempt to clean up the image of Pattaya, if it were to be applied consistently across all bars, both foreign- and Thai-owned. To select one naive foreigner is ridiculous, and does nothing more than fuel the argument that there are two sets of rules.....

    As a separate point, I can't help but wonder what might happen to an undercover Thai who used entrapment to cause trouble for a fellow Thai bar owner ...... the consequences are such that it's just not going to happen. However, we can always rely upon a snake from the West to do their dirty work on their behalf.

  3. They don't remove your testicles in a vasectomy (sic). Neutering removes the gonads, making the animal sterile and significantly affecting its hormones.

    Vasectomy or not, you'll still have the same pizazz.;)

    I don't think there's any need for us to be concerned about Olaf's viewpoint, with 70-odd posts since signing up on 12th June, he is clearly the latest in the long line of trolls that we have had to endure.

    Hopefully, the mods will keep an eye on him and react accordingly.

  4. Good luck

    And I add a free English lesson until is not a preposition

    It is a conjunction

    I am sure you will enjoy your time here

    Bon Voyage give my fondest regards to My uncle Borat in Kargandy

    Just thought I would point out that our learned friend from Kazakhstan does not actually need an English lesson. He was correct in saying that the word 'until' is a preposition.

  5. Thanks for the informative post! I've had my motorbike ticketed there at approximately 3pm on a work day, a few months ago. I parked to get some take out from McDonalds and came out to find a ticket taped to my motorbike seat, along with several other motorbikes.


    I think it's fair enough for them to tape a ticket to your motorbike seat, but taping several other motorbikes to it is a bit much......

  6. I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

    Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

    Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

    Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

    Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

    There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

    If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

    KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

    wow ... impressively inhuman .... somewhere I PITY YOU FOR BEING SO COLD HEARTED.

    I agree.

    Are we really supposed to take Kuffki's remarks as serious comment?

    The attempted analogy between bus fares for KFC employees and a free car for Toyota employees just beggars belief. Let's say we're talking about a Camry at over THB1.2 million. It would a KFC employee 20 years to earn that sort of money on their current wage, ergo, if a Toyota employee were to similarly give 20 years faithful service to the company, yeah sure, why not reward them with a car.

    However, we digress, the issue is whether THB 27 per hour for KFC employees is morally acceptable, and I would suggest that it is not.

  7. Concerning the fire at CentralWorld and other places in the area, then at the time the Government had cut of all water and power for the whole area which eventually would hamper the functioning of the automatic fire extinguishing systems in place, no pumps to keep pressure off water...no fresh supply of water...this would lead to inefficient or non functioning of extinguishing systems and fires could spread easily...so maybe it is in place to blame at least some part of it at the Government ... who made the fire in the first place .. no idea that is for the Police and investigators to find out and prove ..;-)

    If I set fire to my house (accidentally or intentionally) and the fire service takes longer than usual to arrive, can I blame "some part of it" at the fire service?

    Can I <deleted>.

    Not same thing...at all..;-)

    Sorry, but within any jurisdiction with a credible legal system, the point made by Insight is very valid.

    According to the "but for" rule, there would have been no repercussions from the act of turning off the water supply in an attempt to disperse illegal trespassers and protestors. The lack of water supply would not have mattered, but for the arson attacks that started the blaze in the first place.

    This argument, that the government is partly to blame, would not stand up in any other jurisdiction in the world.

  8. Well isnt that SAD that all TAT can think of is themselves .

    I have no doubt that many of those with responsibility for tourism in government departments throughout the region are quitely considering the same problems, but only in Thailand would anyone ever think of voicing them.

    Once again, the insensitivity that exists here is so strongly highlighted.

  9. Postpone the rescue teams to Japan. Since Japananese authotities, want to sort out problems in their own country first.

    Sorry I don't understand.


    It wouldn't surprise me if this was more to do with a diplomatic row having broken out over the disgraceful caricature that was published by the Nation (and then quickly withdrawn with a very weak apology) yesterday morning.

    As soon as I saw that disgraceful editorial take on this horrific disaster, I suspected that the two countries' Prime Ministers might end up in a brief discussion.

  10. i chucked Truevisions over a year ago and use the internet to source my entertainment and news.

    Never has a better decision been made.

    Hi Nocturn,

    I agree, and would suggest that everyone else tells TrueVisions where to shove their "service", for want of a better description.

    I gave it up two years ago, and have found that my time is better filled with other activities. Also, like you, I get all my news and entertainment needs from the Internet.

    Thailand will never have a service culture under the current ways of thinking, so we should give up trying find it, especially in companies like True.

  11. Pieandmash,

    Google Earth/Google Maps has now been updated and shows the line and all stations.

    Lat Krabang station is located almost exactly at the intersection of Highway 7 and route 3119, Rom Klao Road.

    It is very easily accessible from Lat Krabang Road.



  12. I feel so sorry for those teachers , once again those bus drivers really need to receive proper training for road safety and how to use a bus. You cannot wake up in the morning and pretend to be a bus driver like this .

    RIP for those who died .

    There's 19 deaths in 2 seperate minivan accidents within 24 hours. How many did the hi so brat kill on the toll way,,,, 7-9?...for a total of 3 seperate minivan accidents and what 26+ deaths?

    Come on Bureau of Land Transportation,

    Come on traffic police,

    Come on politicians, clean it up;

    Or is this thai way of population control?

    This clearly was a full size tour bus, not a minivan, given the number of passengers on board.

    However, It still doesn't alter the fact that the drivers of these vehicles are grossly unqualified to take responsibility for the safety of their passengers, as the two incidents have shown today!

  13. UNESCO said Tuesday that it was planning a mission to the area "as soon as possible" to assess the state of the temple, the most celebrated example of ancient Khmer architecture outside of Cambodia's

    LOL -- kind of a funny way to put a quote because certainly UNESCO doesn't believe the temple is "outside Cambodia"

    You try to make your point by quoting only part of the full sentence.

    "outside of Cambodia's Ankor Wat" simply means located elsewhere.

  14. very sad news RIP

    But please, change the Title !! , who writes and proofs this stuff !!

    instead of

    Popular Phuket expat resident Mick Tonkin is dead

    should be

    Popular Phuket expat resident Mick Tonkin has Sadly Passed Away or Has Sadly Died, or Died.... not the wording Mick Tonkin is Dead !!!


    I agree entirely with your comment. That was also the first thing that came into my mind when I saw the title.

    Insensitive to say the least

  15. The island's complement of 16 honorary consuls do their best with the thankless task of helping compatriots who get into trouble here, but many are already at the breaking point – and the number of cases continues to rise.

    Surely it's the 'unfortunate' expat's home country embassy that should shoulder this sort of responsibility.

    I would agree in part; however, I would also ask how on earth the following extract can be used to support this proposal......

    "Allowing well-intentioned guests in Phuket to fall into a state of vagrancy through no fault of their own is reminiscent of the carnage on display in tourist places such as Goa, Miami, the Ibiza of the 1970s, and, most uncharacteristically, Thailand's own Koh Phang-ngan after a full moon party".....!!

    Visitors who engage in the debauchery that is the very essence of the full-mmon parties must surely shoulder full responsibility themselves for getting their <deleted> back home...!

  16. This article has no substance whatsoever, so it serves only to keep Thaksin in the limelight. Why doesn't everyone just ignore him?

    If we have a fugitive on the run from the UK, it is reported and then forgotten. The only time we ever hear of it again is when the miscreant is apprehended.

    Stop writing about this thug and allow everyone to forget him!

  17. Good grief, Thai News Alerts, are you serious......more like tedious news alerts. Some guy gets busted with a reefer....whooa ! Seems like you guys are making more of a hoohaa about this than the Thais are, and you'll probably be mumbling on about this long after the Thais have forgotten about it.......go find some real news.

    I wonder if it will be seen by you as real news if we subsequently hear that he is imprisoned for a year for such blatant flouting of a law in a country in which he is a visitor? The American 'take' on this 'trivial' offence is quite different from the view in many other Western countries, and indeed, in Thailand.

    He may find himself deeply regretting such ridiculous behaviour, as will his countryman who openly announced that he was in possession of a similar substance last week.

    The American view of this 'harmless' substance is about to be shaken, certainly for these two idiots.

  18. From experience, income generated from a super fund has been taxed on the way out in Australia (at 15% if I remember). It is therefore taxed income and cannot be double taxed as it is capital to be used, not income. There was a double tax treaty so suggest you can talk to the Aus Embassy and see if they can shed some light on it.

    Agreed. My view on this is that the "income" from foreign sources refers to a situation where "expats" are living and working in Thailand and receiving sizeable remuneration packages from their home country.

    It is well-known, even by the Thai authorities, that with the exception of the US, companies in most countries can exempt their overseas employees from home country tax since the remuneration is earned overseas. This is the type of income that the Thai authorities wish to focus on.

    Funds transferred into Thailand from your home country would not be regarded as income, otherwise I, and many others like me who stay here on retirment visas, would find that all of the money we are bringing in annually to support ourselves would be subject to taxation..

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