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Posts posted by GeorgeO

  1. I review medical research papers for a living.

    For any interested parties, a recent study on Glucosaine Sulphate concluded that it had only placebo effects, since a comparison between large numbers of participants revealed no differences between those taking the drug and those taking what was essentially nothing but slightly salted water.

    Gout is a form of arthritis and many sufferers find that it is strongly affected by shellfish, so anyone suffering from gout is strongly urged not to eat prawns, lobster, crabs, etc. It follows that since this has an effect on joints, it would be wise to give up seafood for a while to see if this had any effect on arthritis in the hands, etc.

    I personally stopped taking Glucosaime Sulphate for a month and found that my various pains were increasing, so I have decided to go back on the daily treatment.

    I have concluded that the recent study has only cast doubt on the efficacy of Glucosamine, but actually proven nothing.

    For those who suffer nagging aches in thumb joints, etc., Naproxyn, or any other good 'non-steroidal anti-inflammatroy drug' (NSAIDs) will help.

  2. and theyre both as corrupt as the day is long!!

    Well, let's see: Thaksin sees himself as Mandela or Aung San Suu Kyi. Jatuporn likes to wear Gandhi teeshirts. Arisman sees himself as "a very parfait gentle knight". Meanwhile the Reds equate Abhisit with Hitler.

    Is that comment an attempt to tar Abhisit with the same brush as Thaksin...?? If so, then you are talking absolute b...ocks!

    There is sufficient proof of Thaksin's misdeeds to put him away for life ... or even worse. No-one has succeeded in finding any evidence of corruption against Abhisit, and it isn't for the want of trying!

    I do wish people would post factual comments, as opposed to running off at the mouth before engaging their brain.

  3. Why don't the red shirt leaders come out and say "Red shirt people. We don't want you to do this."

    Instead all they do is say "They are going to do this and we can't stop them."

    They don't seem to care that innocent people will be killed.

    I'm sorry, but it takes a very selfless nature for a person to turn into a suicide bomber, and this is invariably based upon indoctrination from an early age (as in Al Qaeda teachings). I just do not see Thais being so selfless as to give their life for this cause. Indeed, the masses that came to Bangkok only did so on the promise of remuneration.

  4. Let's hope these teaching positions are not just for "retired Americans". There are many excellent ESL teachers from Canada, the UK, Australia and other places retired in Thailand who might enjoy the opportunity to teach English, but only if it is legal. On an "O" visa, one is not allowed to work. If you do work on the side so to speak, you are in violation of the law because you are not paying social insurance tax , not that you'd ever collect benefits, and face being expelled from the country. I have 15+ years esl teaching experience and could use a few classes for the fun and for the money, too, but I wouldn't work if it meant that I risked being expelled, or if I have to take expensive, lengthy courses as worthwhile as they may be to teach 12 to 20 hours a week.. The Thais have to figure out how to make it easy to get teachers, but keep out the backpackers. Chook dee.

    I agree entirely; how does one draw the conclusion that the target group is retired Americans?

    In my opinion, the "American" language still has "a ways to go" (sic) if it is to provide appropriate teaching overseas!

  5. When you have a country that claims to be Buddhist, which is a philosophy that teaches respect for all living things, but yet filled with people who have ZERO respect for human life, where laws are ignored and abused by those with power and influence, where the son of one rich man can execute, in cold blood, a police officer while two of his friends hold the victim's arms, and never spend a day in jail for it, where the son of another rich man drives his Mercedes into a crowded bus stop, killing people because he was "frustrated", but has yet to serve a day of his sentence, where "justice" is bought and sold to the highest bidder, where television censors digitally block cigarettes and alcohol, but have no problems showing beatings and rapes of women AND minor children, where your social status is based on the color of your skin and the size of your bank account, and where mothers sell their minor daughters as prostitutes, what do you expect?

    LOS - Land of Smiles? More like Land of Shame.

    I was considering responding to all of the above, and then saw your response, which completely negated the need for me to do so.

    I do wish that those in authority would read some of the comments on TV, particularly this one, as, in my opinion, your response hits the nail squarely on the head!

  6. Real consequences would be blackballing the person for a 3 or 5 year (or maybe longer) period of time from returning to Thailand. Does not make sense to prevent an overstay from leaving but from returning - get rid of the deadwood. Now if you catch them way overstaying as a result of on interaction with law enforcement and this is discovered (not by immigration sweeps to pocket baht) then this is the grey area where LE and immigration have to figure out and standardized (good luck with this in Thailand) a relatively equal and fair consequences.

    Bottom line for me is play by the rules = no worries.

    I must say that I have to agree with those who are astonished by the audacity of anyone who feels he/she can stay in a foreign country in total contravention of its immigration laws.

    How would the home country of these people deal with any similar counterparts? I suspect that there would be probes into finances/earnings/bank/savings accounts and action taken to recover unpaid taxes (whilst the culprit remained in detention)!

    The Thai authorities should make a very loud and clear announcement:

    "You have thirty days to show up and ship out, with sufficient funds to pay for your overstay, in order to avoid detention"...after that, the full weight of the law should be enforced in the form of a two-year prison sentence.

    With luck, those of us who are then left here, and who have consistently demonstrated our adherence to Thai immigration laws, may become better thought of!

  7. Chances are he is being serious and tired of his order not being followed. As often seem to be the case, the handling of a new directive is 'lost' somewhere mid-down in the tree of bureaucrats...or more likely in this case, completely ignored by those that are infact renting out the slots that cannot be rented out.

    But we all agree that something needs to be done. Perhaps bring in officers from another region to temporarily dismantle all the stall and arrest the vendors...just to shake things up.


    How refreshing ... a total of 21 posts on this topic, and yours is the first to actually consider that there may be some merit in the Deputy Governor's (DG) intentions. All of the other posts appear to have no other aim than to add another click to their post total.

    It is patently obvious that something needs to be done to make Bangkok's pavements even remotely passable. If the DG can have any impact at all, this may lead to further investigations into other areas; On Nut Road, for example. I'm pretty sure no-one could have possibly agreed to allow vendors to legally set up on both sides of the southbound pavement, such that there is about a two-foot gap for pedestrians to fight their way through.

    I believe the time is right to start such campaigns. Tourists will only put up with fighting their way down congested pavements as long as it has novelty appeal. After a while, they will also decide that there are better places to go.

    • Like 2
  8. A great hero who sacrifice for his country and people should be rewarded. Well done BiB, keep up the good work of upsetting the desert boys.

    Begone foolish troll begone! Ah fuc_k it, putting you on ignore so I dont have to read your deliberate provocative posts, you must be attention starved to post like this so regularly, and stop pretending you are some young girl and not some fat old falang!

    Nothing trollish about that. Read it again. I read it as sarcasm. Could be wrong.


    You need to be aware of this troll's previous posts to understand that there is no sarcasm whatsoever in what he/she says!

    • Like 1
  9. I am sure one would have to commend the PM for continually holding out an olive branch to these reds and has continued to display tolerance despite their arrogance and ignorance. But he is not giving it away fro free. Toe the line - prove it over time - and you can get a compromise from us. If only some of the red leaders could recognise the gesture and then control their rabble the country could move forward. But that is wishful thinking.

    I don't believe it is such wishful thinking.

    The longer PM Abhisit stays in office, the stronger he appears to get. I would not rule out the offer of early elections in 2011 subsequently being withdrawn as the red shirt leaders see their influence slipping away, and ultimately resort to further "incidents" as those that we are currently seeing.

    Given that these "leaders" have a distinct lack of common sense, they fail to recognise that such actions alienate them even more from the masses. They will, therefore, bring about their own demise, and the PM can get on with what's good for the country.

    If I might be permitted to offer him some advice, it would be that he should dismantle the police force and start again! They currently represent the most serious barrier to development in Thailand, as without fair and equitable law and order, anything that the PM does can be undermined by their desire for personal gains.

    • Like 1
  10. <br />Why give an amnesty - if you overstay then you have broken the law. You do not do it accidentally you set out to do it so take the punishment. I am all for the law being applied fairly and firmly. A period in the slammer would at least go some way to making sure these people do not do it again but I think it should be a day for day punishment overstay 50 days then 50 days inside. Blacklisting is pointless as it only ensures that the passport does not return to the kingdom it does nothing to stop the person getting a new passport and re-entering under a new name etc etc.<br /><br />As soon as Thailand does something positriver everyone thinks they do it for money - well I can asure you that most countries have strict immigration laws and they apply them - Thailand tolerates foreigners and we should never forget we are mere visitors in the kingdom and should act accordingly.<br /><br />Put them in the slammer day for day.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Wow! One more person out of touch with reality. "Thailand tolerates foreigners." It should read Thailand needs and benefits from foreigners.

    Thais actually are deeply xenophobic and if they allow foreigners into the country is because tourism alone represents between 6 and 10 % of the GNP.

    Why then after the rallies in May the economy in Bangkok and the rest of the country plummeted? Why then a new set of programs to stimulate Farang tourism such as the puny and childish one of "free tourist visas"? Thais firmly believe that all Farangs are a polluting element in their culture. They teach that in schools. From the time of the Japanese invasion (which happened without a single shot being fired to defend Thailand), to the declaration of war with the USA, all that is deleted from the history and not even the Amity treaty granting Americans the benefit of owning up to a Rai of land, is not even addressed. Why, because the greatness of Thainess is emphasized therefore with the implication that anything non Thai is to be distrusted and/or of a lesser nature and grade. In example, teachers in schools, Farangs have to go through an in depth background check of the Royal Thai Police to see if they have been involved in child molestation. Thai teachers do not. Why? Because Thainess presupposes that Thais would not do that, in spite of the graphic video broadcast widely on TV of a Thai monk groping a small boy in his genitals. Families in the provinces sell their small daughters to brothel owners, etc.

    This is yet another example of that Xenophobia. I do not discard the possibility of that rule being circumvented with the right amount of "Tea Money" which is another manifestation of the many devious Thai ways. Everything mentioned in this reply is a matter or record and history.

    Being emotional and gong-ho for the country without a broader scope of the world in which we live will send us back to the times when the Burmese Ransacked Sukhothai and later on Adyutayah. Understandably, that is the genesis of Thailand subconscious Xenophobia.

    I think your response signifies your ambivalence with regard to remaining in Thailand. My guess is that you love certain aspects of it, but hate others. However, your strength of feeling stops you from considering this move by the Thai authorities in a balanced way. Indeed, If you really do feel as strongly about everything here as your post suggests, then clearly, you should consider leaving.

    Those of us who choose to stay here and abide by the law, have to put up with certain issues, such as 90-day reporting, but really, that's not too onerous is it? We're not going to find that we're suddenly being harrassed because of a new law (or in fact, the strict adherence to an old law) affecting those who break the immigration laws.

    Thailand has been trying for many years to clean up its act by getting rid of undesirables, those who hide in the community never to come out again save for a few beers and whatever with some bar girl. Many of these people continue toi remain in Thailand on short-stay tourist visas without ever intending to legitimize their stay. The current intention of the Thai authorities appears to be to root out all of these people and get them to leave once and for all.

    That said, however, I believe they have missed an opportunity that might have had a better chance of success. If they had reported that periods of imprisonment (of up to two years, in line with existing laws) were to be imposed on all long-term overstayers (say 14 days+) with effect from 1 January 2011, then I believe that there may have been the chance of a mass exodus of many of these undesirables, so as to avoid such jail terms in the event that they were to get caught. There would of course be a need to temper the ruling to take into account those whose overstay was beyond their control (hospitalization, etc.).

    I feel that, as opposed to having the desired effect, this move is in fact likely to drive these long-term overstayers further underground!

  11. Not sure what your plant is, but your frangipani look ok to me. Mine have spots from time to time but it has never had a serious effect on them. Only thing is they like a well drained soil so don't overwater.

    I grow three different varieties (colours) of Leelawadee, and have always managed to keep them looking very strong and healthy. Your plants appear to be lacking in nutrients, which suggests that you only water them, but do not feed them.

    I suggest you buy a good quality soluble plant food and give your plants a good soaking with it once a month

  12. This truly beggars (our Western) beliefs, but here possibly, an olive branch ?

    I'm dizzy. lol

    IMHO an olive branch would be the government withdrawing the promotion.

    Having this Pol. Lt. Gen. Somkid Boonthanom say 'I do not accept this position' and 'I do not want this promotion to affect ties between Thailand and Saudi Arabia and don't want it to lead to religious conflict.' and denying being pressured, would make me even more angry. K. Suthep thanking the PLG Somkit for his "sacrifice" in deciding not to accept his promotion as assistant national police chief, is the top.

    'Bloody hypocrite' comes to mind, only wondering who of the many involved to aim this at.

    I would have to agree. I think the Saudis will be incensed by this as it smacks of the Gen being made a hero for the Thai cause. They will no doubt be of the opinion that he was provided with some incentive to step down from his proposed new post, and that he will be adequately rewarded once this has all died down.

    In my opinion, the Saudis would have preferred to see the Thai government withdraw the promotion; indeed, the Saudis will still be reeling at the fact that he was given the promotion in the first place. The damage has already been done, and Thailand (or indeed, anyone doing business or driving a vehicle around in Thailand) may still have to pay for it..!!

  13. This is one of those questions where "TIT" is the best answer. Thailand maintains a dual-pricing scheme in all but the best shops. If you go into a shop to buy, say, a new motorcycle, you will wind up paying far more than the average Thai. Why? Because sadly, most uneducated Thai believe that the average foreigner is far, far wealthier than they are. If the Euro exchange rate is 45 to 1, then the average Thai believes we are therefor 45 times wealthier than they are. Attend a national park and you will be asked to pay more for your admission ticket than a local. That is a well-established fact.

    As for golf, many--no, make that most--courses (I cannot speak for Hua Hin area courses) charge more for a foreigner. Ask your Thai wife to call and make a tee time for you and they will invariably ask "Farang or Thai?" It definitely makes a difference in how much you will pay. Do we charge a visiting Thai golfer extra fees to play our courses in the West? Absolutely no more than any other non-member would. Scratch the average Thai businessman and you will find a greedy person who wants to milk the deal for all he can...according to his perceived understanding of how much the buyer can afford. They also commiserate with their countrymen and offer discounted prices; after all it is the farang who have steadily vilified this great land and caused rising prices for just about everything.

    I love Thailand and intend to stay, but I plainly am able to see through the insincere smiles that adorn many faces here. We have to live with this, swallow our pride and accept the duality or choose to leave for a more justly locale. Even after paying these racially-biased farang greens fees, I believe I am still getting a much more inexpensive golf experience than I would in my home country.

    You can either choose to play golf on their greed-motivated terms, get out on the fairways and wait behind 6 and 7-balls of local players who could care less about the farangs behind them, or stay home and sulk about the unfairness of it all.

    Fore Man,

    You are clearly someone of many years experience here. For the first three or four years here, I would turn up for a Saturday game, rant about waiting behind three groups of five or six-balls on the tee, and then watch as they hacked their way through their third shot just enough to finally get it into the fairway...! It was often painful to watch ... and to wait.

    These days, I make a point of playing more weekday golf, where this isn't so much of a problem, with a growing group of golfers called the "Bangkok Midweekers". It is also a much cheaper way of getting around a golf course in four-and-a-half hours!

    In essence, I am beginning to believe that the sport is not that much cheaper than it is in the West these days, certainly on weekends.

  14. I had one fall out of a burger I was eating - after I had eaten three quarters of the burger!

    As you can imagine I was livid - called a guy over and asked to speak to the manager, who apologised profusely and did not hesitate to give me my money back.

    They had only just opened that day after being forced closed by the redshirts for 10 days, so I literally shudder to imagine how many of the little sods were scurrying around the kitchen.


    Yeah, still has that effect on me ...

    Q. You know what's worse than finding a cockroach in a burger that you've been eating?

    A. Finding half a cockroach in a burger that you've been eating!

  15. Worked for me http://www.bahtsold.com/ but I don't have a sign in, sites up.

    Still won't work for me. Takes forever to load, and then blank page (Firefox/Windows). even with your clickable link :(

    Works fine for me, also on Firefox/windows.

    I gained instantaneous access, and that was using IE! Not such a dinosaur after all.

    I also have to say that I agree that Baht&Sold is an excellent site for Classified. I got my current rental property through it, a three-storey townhouse (165 Sqm) for 20,000 a month!

  16. Give it a rest, its 20 years old :whistling:

    Are you serious? He has some very valid concerns. Actually, the Gov't of Thailand should be concerned as well. They are being taken to task, and coming out looking pretty stupid.......3rd worldish...you know, stuff that an "emerging" community wouldn't want the world to know about it....you know, the level of corruption that is becoming apparent,; and not only that, acceptable, defendable, justifiable.

    Yeah way to go Thailand.....mismanagement at it's finest display. Bunch of idiots running this country.....


    I'm glad someone else began with exactly the same thought that I had in my mind when I read your nonsensical remark!

    Do you have some knowledge of a statutue of limitations on murder than the rest of us are unaware of? I would suggest that you think before posting, or are you just another one of those who comments merely to boost his post count?!

  17. news2010091915053025530.jpg

    Pheu Thai exposes new power's coup bid

    BANGKOK, 19 September 2010 (NNT) – The opposition Pheu Thai Party has disclosed that a group of military leaders and politicians are trying to intervene in the Thai politics by inciting terror in order to orchestrate another coup d'état.

    Pheu Thai Party Spokesperson Prompong Nopparit revealed that a group of military leaders and politicians known as "the new power", is engineering a coup attempt. He said the group is trying to incite unrest incidents and chaos in a bid to seize the power and rule the country.

    Mr Prompong then called for their patriotism and asked them to stop instigating violence to harm the country for its own political gains.

    The spokesperson believed that if there was another coup, people would come out in opposition. He said Pheu Thai Party was of the opinion that anyone longing for power must obtain it through the democratic rules only.

    Upon the fourth anniversary of the 19 Sep coup d'état and four months after the military cordoning operation, Mr Prompong demanded that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva should investigate all related incidents and prevent repetition of such tragedies in Thailand.


    -- NNT 2010-09-19 footer_n.gif

    I just cannot believe the nonsense that some of these people come out with:

    "inciting terror to orchestrate a coup d'etat". If this person has proof of this, then let him come forward with the names of those involved. And, I would also suggest that he marks his own words, that all parties should "obtain power through democratic rules".

    Prime Minister Abhisit is still in place, despite vows and threats to bring his tenure to an end ... one way or another! If people would begin to recognize that Thailand has a future under his leadership, then perhaps he could on with his proposed plans for development without having to look over his shoulder all the time for the activities of the Red Shirt Terorists and the exiled villain Khun T.

  18. Personally, I'd say its been uninhabitable for quite some time already.

    As long as the airport isnt affected,Bangkok can drown in its own vermin for all i care.

    If there is any truth in what this "expert" is saying, then given the fact that Suvarnabhumi (the Ratchadewa swamp) is barely inches above sea level, I suspect that it will be the first to go!

  19. Indeed Rudi makes a good point, roses are cheap, however financial aid and legal services to the Red Shirt inmates in prison are indeed conspicuous by their absence.

    The Red Shirt inmates and those other folk who had their I.D. cards taken and who are still awaiting the financial rewards they were promised for joining the last lot of activities carried out by the Red Shirts

    Throw away little people, sacrificed on the altar of a power lust and unbridled greed movement for money in the quest by Thaksin and his acolytes pursuit of power so as to be able to expand their corrupt self enriching antics even further.

    Providing help to the pawns that they have used for their cause would be unseen by the masses. The "supportive" gesture of laying flowers makes headline news, and is also much cheaper.

    I would dearly like to see some degree of sanity washing over these red shirt pawns, and their wrath being brought to bear on these imbeciles who have guided them down this dangerous path over the years.

  20. Panithan confirms suspicious men take turn to live at condominium near PM's house

    Deputy PM's Secretary-General Panithan Wattanayakorn confirmed Thursday police were keeping a close watch on a group of suspicious-looking men living at condominium near the prime minister's house.

    Panithan said the men took turn to enter the condominium building but police have taken no action so far because they have done noting wrong yet.

    Panithan said the prime minister's residence has been watched by police for several months as part of security measures.

    Police did not check the condominium because it is a private property.


    -- The Nation 2010-09-16

    It is simply beyond belief that a government/police force would release such sensitive information on police operations and on a suspected plot against the country's Prime Minister. The first you would hear of such a situation in the UK would be an armed raid by police officers arresting the suspects once they had sufficient evidence of their intentions.

    And to say that you cannot enter a condo to undertake a check for weapons, plans, etc., purely because it is private property, suggests that we can all plan to carry out whatever act we choose to, as long as we are on private propoerty, and the police would be powerless to stop us! Total nonsense...

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