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Posts posted by jackdawson

  1. "one of the girls commented on the service of the restaurant...she told him that 'his business will suffer if he continues like this"

    so one of the "nice young girls" made 2 verbal swipes at the cook ?

    yeah , guess she never read that story about jesse jackson spitting on the hamburgers he served to white people when he was a waiter

  2. Oo <deleted>, I always played in the street back in the UK when I was a little nipper. You don`t think I`m low class, do you? Don`t answer that, please.

    If my children were playing in the street and I saw some maniac speeding towards them in a dangerous manner, I would shout at my kids to get off the road and then probably just give the speeding motorist a severe disapproving look. My children are growing up now, and when they were young I taught them to be wary, be careful and not to play on the road. It`s that simple.

    There are lots of nutters on the roads steering vehicles, could have confutations every day very easily. It is really up to the parents to show their children the way, how to be cautious, stay safe and avoid trouble.

    Personally I try and avoid farangs in Thailand I don't know. Some can be nasty, extremely unsociable and a bit screwed up in the head. If there is a new farang on the block in my area, I wait until he/she acknowledges me first; otherwise I intend to ignore them.

    It is not wise to get the police involved. The police have enough on their plates without having to become mediators for a couple of idiots, which is how they view the situation. All the OP and the scumbag will end up doing is pissing the police off and causing even more problems for themselves.

    Now that the OP has taken the matter this far to the point of no return, then he would be best advised to ignore the scumbag and after some time he may just go away.

    awesome stuff, particularly the parts about avoiding farang AND cops here

  3. Because I am a spaz , I tripped running and landed on my face , arm and leg .

    (Arm , leg minor bit I ended up with a) Nice big , deep gash right above my right eye .

    I am a child so thank god I had a friend who helped me through the ordeal .

    We ended up at the emergency room of a Rama IX hospital.

    All I can say is I was treated like I matter , you know (maybe ?) the way it used to be in the States.

    Very professional 40ish doctor spent over an hour sewing me up ; interestingly , he spent two years in Boston .

    I now look like Rocky after he lost the Apollo Creed fight.

    I went back today to have the bandages changed ; the doctor said all is progressing .

    So far I am out a little less than $300 US.

    Have no idea how much two emergency room visits would cost in LA , or whether I'd be in and out in 15 minutes like today , and have no desire to (ever) find out .

    Trying to be philosophical about the money .

    While at the same time embracing both my misfortune in hurting myself and fortune in that it happened here . Yin yang right?

    Not to mention baby steps.

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