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Posts posted by mrhitchens

  1. ^ Fantastic shot MrH thumbsup.gif

    Actually shooting at that location was a real challenge, half way through the exposure some Chinese tourists arrived and would not wait for the extra 90 seconds for me to finish the exposure.

    See the original below!

    Fortunately I was able to save the image with Photoshop.

    Anyway thats the kinda thing you have to prepare for when shooting at these kinda locations, lol


  2. Nice to see your pics Cornish.... even though they are a bit wonky! tongue.png

    The end of yesterday.... on dry land! .... Samui


    I went to Samui thinking of getting some nice long exposures.

    Seems the sea was like a lake is it a seasonal thing?

    Or is the sea just like that all the time, found some investing places to shoot but the movement in the sea was a real disappointment.

    Was It that I planned to visit the wrong time of the year?

    Oh it can really vary, Mr H. from day to day, beach to beach,...

    Quite honestly it's hard to tell.... I must admit I not been to a beach since May 1st , but I would guess looking at sun in the west, that the west coast beaches on Samui might be nice these last few days.

    Not sure if you hit Nathon, while you were here, but that can be nice in the evenings with fish boats .... it's about a 12 kms drive for me, sometimes I am not up to it! facepalm.gif

    Last trip to a beach May 1st as the sun was going down.... Maenam beach...near me.

    Thanks, I spent my time riding around on a motorcycle looking for interesting places, I will visit the place again now I kinda know the right places.

    There is a nice bar near the big Buddha, a little bar on the corner, nice rock formations and shoots straight into the sunset.

    I did notice there were very long beaches in Samui with little more than Sand, Samui I guess you really need to work to find some shots.

    • Like 2
  3. Nice to see your pics Cornish.... even though they are a bit wonky! tongue.png

    The end of yesterday.... on dry land! .... Samui


    I went to Samui thinking of getting some nice long exposures.

    Seems the sea was like a lake is it a seasonal thing?

    Or is the sea just like that all the time, found some interesting places to shoot but the movement in the sea was a real disappointment.

    Was It that I planned to visit the wrong time of the year?

  4. OP, please don't try to put me off my new hobby.

    All these technical terms and settings, frighten me.

    Do I have to go back to university to learn how to take proper pictures?

    Too old for thatsad.png

    Keep it simple mate, don't get to bogged down thinking about settings to much, I find that having a image in your mind how you want the shot to look helps you plan a way to achieve the best image possible^^


    I'm a technical person, occupational hazard, and study all aspects and theories on photography but it certainly hasn't made me a better photographer. But there are a handful of the technicals that have made me look at a subject a lot differently then from before.

    Absolutely, there is a huge technical aspect to photography that will only improve your work, for me its planning a shot using your skills to get where you want to be, using this knowledge is what makes a great shot, thinking about the image you see in your mind is how I plan for a shot, though that also depends and whats in your bag.

    Also thinking about any post editing can change the way you shoot, sometimes it necessary to shoot for post, so then you need plan and shoot that way.

    All I would say is enjoy shooting as thats what its all about.

  5. OP, please don't try to put me off my new hobby.

    All these technical terms and settings, frighten me.

    Do I have to go back to university to learn how to take proper pictures?

    Too old for thatsad.png

    Keep it simple mate, don't get to bogged down thinking about settings to much, I find that having a image in your mind how you want the shot to look helps you plan a way to achieve the best image possible^^

  6. What version Photoshop are you folk using?

    I took some double exposure shots a couple of weeks ago and would like to have a go blending them together.

    Have searched on the net for some good tutorial videos but only could find ones with the newest PS,I'm only

    have PS7 and very rarely use it,any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Import both layers into Photoshop, select layer mask , change your foreground color to black and paint in the exposure with a soft brush with the opacity to around 30%.

    Or use the section tool or luminosity masks to refine the selection for a more precise balanced image.

  7. A superb shot. Can you give us all a guide how you managed to produce this?


    The image is made from two exposures

    Lens Nikon 14-24mm
    ISO 100

    Exposure 1
    I used a 3 stop Lee graduated filter to bring down the highlights from the sun hitting the trees.
    I added a 10 stop ND filter to get the long exposure to smooth out the water.
    Would of added a polarizing filter but unfortunately I lost it in the water and was unable to find it.
    Exposure 2
    Due to the very long exposure for the water the waterfall did not look correct, so i took another expose of 6 seconds just for the water.
    Post processing
    I imported both exposures into Photoshop and aligned the layers.
    The first exposure I edited in camera raw, adjusting the white balance to bring out the color of the water.
    I used nik software pro contrast.
    Duplicated the 2nd exposure and added the Ordon effect to that layer for the trees.
    used the 1st exposure as a base layer and masked in the trees and the waterfall.
  8. A superb shot. Can you give us all a guide how you managed to produce this?


    Looks like the work of a Big Stopper!

    Correct mate, I remember it being 13 stops, lost my polarizing filter just before I took the shot, was never able to find it, so sad another expensive filter at the gone again.

    Was surprised the water was so low at this location.

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