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Posts posted by mrhitchens

  1. I agree with what you're getting at Mr H....that would simplify things a lot,..... and having a discussion thread(s) would allow more interaction between users. Maybe if we could have had a hierarchical structure to the photo threads it would have been good to use your headings and then possibly have separate threads beneath them...but I don't think TV can be re-structured like that. Nevertheless, I hope it could be explored and considered by the powers that be.

    I have had a lot of experience with forums and its a simple task for a admin or moderator to rename and merge threads, keeping the board simple it the way to go in my option

  2. My other suggestions were the following

    I would say create a Flickr group or something similar for TV, as all photographers like to be published, maybe work it as a photo of the day, best image gets added to TV Flickr group.

    Threads where users are posting their images are kinda messy, renaming the threads like the following would give the forum a cleaner look and easier to navigate, especially for new users.



    Add the usual "Introduce yourself" Thread, also give users a place where they can get something from TV

    an example is a place where you can share presets etc

    The problem is that the forum is only being used to post images, seems everything else is being done via the PM

  3. I'm back again with another information request^^

    Pattaya turned out to be a bit of a disaster unfortunately so I am having to visit Rayong for a 3 day shoot not knowing anything about the place I'm looking for any information anyone has if anyone could suggest any interesting locations for shooting that would be great.

    Landscape,beach, rocks, jetties, piers, bridges,etc

    Thanks in advance^^

  4. ^^^ David...that should be good enough for you. If you have other Niks

    that are considered pro or semi-pro plus some 2.8 glass have a gander

    at Nikon Professional Services...https://www.nikonpro.com/...they have

    a list of bodies & lenses you need to own before they consider your

    membership...it's a huge help. Good luck.

    Yes mate, I wanted world wide warranty as I do a lot of traveling, but the Thailand warranty will be fine as I have other pro bodies, just means that if any issue I will have to be in Thailand to sort it out, but as I am due to be married later in the year thats not going to be a problem^^

    Checking the The Nikon Professional Services, very interesting, have enough Pro glass and bodies to fit the qualify.

    Thanks again mate

  5. Great shots Mr Hitchens ;thumbsup.gif

    Thanks for sharring .


    I go to Bangkok once a time every year, going to the french Ambassy ;

    Going there by train from Udon Thani and after walking to soi 36 Charoen Krung - about 40 minutes walking ;

    I like to shot photos in Bangkok ; especialy in Chinese district where is the french Ambassy .

    Maybe can have a meeting with u for a few hours after I finish what I have to do .

    PM for that if u want ...

    Hi mate, thanks for the kind words, PM the date you are coming to Bangkok and we can arrange something^^

    • Like 1
  6. If gray market sales in Thailand it would have none - only by seller. This is normally the inexpensive route. Can not answer for authorized sellers as there prices are much higher so not a good option for those living here full time (IMO). If you do not have an answer be sure to check it at shop before buying.

    Thanks mate, also some places are offering a shop warranty not a Nikon warranty, guess a shop warranty is no warranty right?

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